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persons, he had a splendid triumph upon the occasion. He added also to the Roman empire certain islands lying in the ocean beyond Britain, which are called Orcades; and gave to his son the name of Britannicus. He himself attended upon Plautius as he triumphed; and walked on his left hand as he went up to the Capitol.


Vespasian (afterwards emperor) going into Britain, fought two and thirty times with the enemy; and added to the Roman empire two very powerful nations, twenty towns, and the Isle of Wight near Britain.

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A, Ab, Abs-prep. from, by, with.
Abdo, didi, ditum-3, hide.
Abeo, ivi and ii, itum-4, end.

Abies, etis—f. fir, silver fir.

Abitus-m. 4, place of egress.

Abjicio, jeci, ctum-3, throw away, add.

Abnuo, nui, nuitum or nutum—3, thwart, disdain, disobey.

Abscedo, cessi, cessum-3, depart.

Abscessus-m. 4, departure.

Absens, tis-absent.

Absisto, stiti, stitum—3, stand at a distance from.

Abstineo, ui, entum-2, refrain.

Abstraho, xi, ctum-3, draw away, carry off, extend.

Absum, fui, esse-be distant, be wanting, free from. Ab: ut

longius a continenti = according as they are distant farther from the continent, so are they more ignorant of other resources. Absumo, mpsi, mptum-3, destroy, pass, sink.

Abundantia-f. 1, plenty.

Abundè-adv. abundantly.

Abundo, avi, atum-1, have great plenty.

Ac-conj. and.

Accedo, essi, essum-3, approach, be added, enter.

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Accendo, di, sum-3, inflame, rouse, animate. Ac: huc to this was added.

Accessus-m. 4, approach. Accessus eorum vel recessus, etc. = and both their flow and ebb at fixed periods cannot take place without God.

Accido, idi-3, happen.

Accingo, inxi, inctum-3, employ.

Accio, ivi and ii, itum-4, call.
Accipio, epi, eptum-3, receive, suffer.
Acclivis, e-steep.

Accola-m. 1, one who lives near.
Accresco, crevi, cretum-3, swell, flow.

Accurro, cucurri and curri, cursum-3, hasten.

Accursus-m. 4, a hastening.

Acer, acris, acre-strong, violent, bitter.

Acerbus, a, um-harsh.

Acies—f. 5, battle array, fight, ranks. Aciem erexit=marched the host up to them.

Acme, es-a lady mentioned by Catullus.

Acquiro, sivi, situm-3, gain.

Acre-adv. bitterly, fiercely.

Acriter―adv. keenly, resolutely.

Acutus, a, um-sharp.

Ad-see Ac.

Ad-prep. to, for, at, in regard to.

Adæquo, avi, atum-1, equal.

Addo, idi, itum-3, add, occasion. Addit: qui pacem nostram, etc. and joining to himself those who feared peace with us, he tries the very last resource.

Adduco, xi, ctum-3, bring, lead on, join.

Adeo, ivi and ii, itum-4, visit, go to, approach.

Adeo-adv. to such a degree.

Adeps, ipis—c. fatness.

Adf-see Aff.

Adg-see Agg.

Adhuc-adv. yet, until now, further.

Adigo, egi, actum-3, bring near, seize.

Adipiscor, eptus sum-dep. attain.

Aditus-m. 4, approach.

Adjicio, jeci, jectum—3, throw up, add, raise.

Adjungo, nxi, netum-3, join.

Adjuvo, juvi, jutum, or avi, atum-1, help.

Adlego, egi, ectum-3, choose.

Adloquor, cutus or quutus sum-dep. 3, speak.

Administer, stri-m. assistant. Ad: Druidibus, etc. they use the

Druids as their ministers for these sacrifices.

Administratio, onis-f. employment.

Administro, avi, atum-1, execute, manage.
Adminius-2, son of Cinobellinus.

Admiratio, onis—f. wonder.


Admiror, atus sum-dep. 1, wonder at. Ne ad: quòd nullas, etc. = in order that I should not marvel at having had no letters from thee.

Admitto, isi, issum-3, allow, commit.

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