Finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks Sermons in ftones, and good in every thing. Ami. I would not change it; happy is your Grace, That can translate the slubbornness of fortune Into so quiet and so sweet a style. Duke. Sen. Come, shall we go and kill us venifon? 1 Lord. Indeed, my Lord, Duke Sen. But what faid Jaques? 1 Lord. O yes, into a thousand fimilies. First, for his weeping in the needless stream; Poor Deer, quoth he, thou mak'st a teftament As worldlings do, giving thy fum of more To that which had too much. Then being alone, Left and abandon'd of his velvet friends; 'Tis right, quoth he, thus mifery doth part The 10 The flux of company: anon a careless herd, Duke Sen. And did you leave him in this contem 2 Lord. We did, my lord, weeping and comment. ing Upon the fobbing deer. Duke Sen. Show me the place; I love to cope him in these sullen fits. For then he's full of matter. 2 Lord. I'll bring you to him straight, Duke. SCENE [Exeunt. II. Changes to the PALACE again. Enter Duke Frederick with Lords. CAN it be possible, that no man saw them? It cannot be; some villains of my Court Are of confent and fufferance in this. 1. Lord. I cannot hear of any that did fee her. 2 Lord. My Lord, the roynish Clown at whom fo oft Your grace was wont to laugh, is alfo missing: Confeffes Orla. Oh! good old man, how well in thee appears The conftant fervice of the antique world; When fervice sweat for duty, not for meed! Thou art not for the fashion of these times, Where none will sweat, but for promotion; And, having That, do choak their service up Even with the Having; it is not fo with thee; But, poor old man, thou prun'st a rotton tree, That cannot fo much as a blossom yield, In lieu of all thy pains and husbandry; But come thy ways, we'll go along together; And ere we have thy youthful wages spent, We'll light upon some fettled low Content. Adam. Mafter, go on; and I will follow thee To the last gasp with truth and loyalty. From seventeen years 'till now almost fourscore Here lived I, but now live here no more. At seventeen years Many their fortunes seek; But at fourscore, it is too late a week; Yet fortune cannot recompence me better Than to die well, and not my master's debtor. [Exe. Changes to the FOREST of Arden Enter Rofalind in Boy's clothes for Ganimed, Celia drest like a shepherdess for Aliena, and Clown. Rof. Jupiter! how weary are my fpirits? Clo. I care not for my spirits, if my legs were not weary. Ref. I could find in my heart to disgrace my man's apparel, and cry like a woman; but I must comfort the weaker veffel, as doublet and hofe ought to show itself courageous to petticoat; therefore, courage, good Aliena. Cel. I pray you, bear with me, I cannot go no further. Clo. |