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is an adverb; in other cases, it is a conjunction.

For, when it means the same as because, is a conjunction; in other cases, it is a preposi


Yet, when it corresponds to though, is a conjunction; in other cases, it is an adverb.

Both, when it corresponds to and, is a conjunction; in other cases, it is an adjective, and is often used as a noun.


When is that a relative pronoun ?-When a demonstrative adjective pronoun ?-When a conjunction?" I know that he is that man that committed the murder."-Which that is the relative in this sentence ?-Which the demonstrative ?-Which the conjunction? When is as a relative pronoun?-When is it an adverb?-When a conjunction?" This is such a sight as I never saw." "I did as well as I could."-The word as, in these sentences, is used three times.-Which is the relative?— Which the adverb ?-Which the conjunction? -When is either a conjunction?-When is it a distributive adjective pronoun?“ Either man of us can go either the one way or the other." -Which is the distributive, in this sentence? -Which is the conjunction?-When is but a preposition?-When is it an adverb?—When a conjunction?" All of us but two, were sick." "This is but doing what we ought." "He spake, but I heard not."-Which but is

the preposition in these sentences?-Which is the adverb?-Which the conjunction?-When is for a conjunction; and when a preposition ?"I did the work for him: For what less than this could I do?”—Which for is here the conjunction; and which the preposition?--When is yet a conjunction; and when an adverb?" Though I loved him, yet he forsook me." "Your work


is not yet done."-Which yet is the conjunction; and which the adverb, in these sentences? When is both a conjunction; and when an adjective?" Both men are guilty." is loved, both on his mother's account, and his own."-In these sentences, which both is the adjective; and which the conjunction?

The student, having made himself acquainted with the preceding Lessons, may commence parsing easy sentences.


The different parts of speech are used so promiscuously, that they cannot with certainty be determined but by particular attention to the connexion and the sense. The same word is used sometimes as one part of speech, and sometimes as another. 'The cold is extreme. The earth is covered with green.' Here cold and green, which are properly adjectives, are used as nouns.-'A summer day; a winter school; a morning prayer.' Here summer, winter, and morning, which are properly nouns, are used as adjectives.—' I love my Maker.' "God is love.' Here

love is used both as a noun and a verb. The summer is warm; fires warm the earth.' Here warm is used both as a verb and an adjective. Yesterday is past and gone; to-morrow may never come.' 'I was at Worcester yesterday; I shall go to Boston to-morrow.' In the former of these sentences, yesterday and to-morrow are

as a noun.


nouns; in the latter, they are adverbs.-'I love you much. Much good has been done. He has accomplished much in behalf of others.' In these sentences, much is used, first as an adverb; next as an adjective; and last - I went after him, after I had seen his father; and soon after I found him.' After is here, first a preposition, then a connective, and then an adverb.-There are various other words, too numerous to be particularized, which, used in different connexions, constitute different parts of speech. The object of these remarks is to show, not that distinctions in parts of speech are of no consequence, but that the only infallible criterion by which to judge of them, is their signification, and the connexion and manner in which they are used.

Questions on the Review.

Are adjectives ever used as nouns ?-Are nouns ever used as adjectives?-Mention some instances.-Mention an instance in which the same word is a noun and a verb.-A verb and an adjective.-Mention instances in which the same words are nouns and adverbs.-What is the only infallible criterion, by which to ascertain the different parts of speech?



In your whole behaviour, be humble and obliging.

Virtue is the universal charm.

True politeness has its seat in the heart. We should endeavour to please, rather than to shine and dazzle.

Opportunities occur daily for strengthening in ourselves the habits of virtue.

Compassion prompts us to relieve the wants

of others.

A good mind is unwilling to give pain to either man or beast.

Peevishness and passion often produce, from trifles, the most serious mischiefs.

Discontent often nourishes passions, equally malignant in the cottage and in the palace. A great proportion of human evils is created by ourselves.

A passion for revenge, has always been considered as the mark of a little and mean mind. If greatness flatters our vanity, it multiplies our dangers.

To our own failings we are commonly blind. The friendships of young persons are often founded on capricious likings.

In your youthful amusements let no unfairness be found.

Engrave on your minds this sacred rule: "Do unto others, as you wish that they should do unto you."

Truth and candor possess a powerful charm. they bespeak universal favor.

After the first departure from sincerity, it is seldom in our power to stop: one artifice generally leads on to another.

Temper the vivacity of youth with a proper mixture of serious thought.

The spirit of true religion is social, kind, and cheerful.

Let no compliance with the intemperate mirth of others, ever betray you into profane sallies.

In preparing for another world, we must not neglect the duties of this life.

The manner in which we employ our present time, may decide our future happiness or misery.

Happiness does not grow up of its own acoord: it is the fruit of long cultivation, and the acquisition of labor and care.

A plain understanding is often joined with great worth.

The brightest parts are sometimes found without virtue or honor.

How feeble are the attractions of the fairest form, when nothing within corresponds to them.

Piety and virtue are particularly graceful and becoming in youth.

Can we, untouched by gratitude, view that profusion of good, which the Divine Hand pours around us?

There is nothing in human life more amiable and respectable, than the character of a truly humble and benevolent man.

What feelings are more uneasy and painful, than the workings of sour and angry passions? No man can be active in disquieting others, who does not, at the same time, disquiet himself.

A life of pleasure and dissipation is an enemy to health, fortune, and character.

To correct the spirit of discontent, let us consider how little we deserve, and how much we enjoy.

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