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To the Secretary of the Antiquarian Society of Scotland.

I have duly confidered this petition; and, as the object of it is to obtain a Royal Charter, for enabling the petitioners to hold the property they have already acquired, or may hereafter acquire, upon the most advantageous terms, I fee no reason why the prayer of the petition fhould not be granted. I have been fo long prevented from making this Report, by certain caveats lodged with me by the Curators of the Advocate's Library, by the Profeffors of the University of Edinburgh, and by the members of a Philofophical Society long established there. But, after weighing maturely the reafons contained in those caveats, together with the obfervations made upon them by the Antiquarian Society, it does not occur to me that the objections stated are of fuch a nature as to juftify me in reporting against the application now made. The exiftence of the Society docs. not depend upon granting the Charter prayed for. There is nothing illegal in the objects of the Society. On the contrary, their views and intentions feem meritorious. And, under thefe circumstances, I must humbly submit it as my opinion that they fhould not be debarred the advantage of holding their property under a Royal Charter.

"I have hereunto annexed a draught of fuch a Charter as may be proper for his Majefty to grant, if he inclines to comply with the prayer of the petitioners. All which is moft humbly fubmitted to his Majesty by

March 28. 1783.


In confequence of this Report, the Royal Warrant, on the 29th of March, paffed the Privy Seal; and, as foon as it was received at Edinburgh, the charter was extended under the great feal. The gentlemen of this laft office, as well as thofe of the Chancery, fenfible of the many public advantages to be derived from the Society, generously refused to accept their accustomed fees.

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The Charter, of which the following is a copy, after paffing the feals, was read to a general meeting of the Society on the 6th day of May 1783.


"Georgius, Dei gratia, Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, et Hibernine Rex, fidei defenfor: Omnibus probis hominibus, ad quos praefentes literae noftrae pervenerint, falutem : Quandoquidem nos confiderantes, quod petitio humilis nobis oblata fuerit in nomine Sociorum Societatis Antiquariorum in Scotia, enarrans, quod, anno millefimo feptingentefimo et octogefimo, numerus primatum et generoforum, in illa parte regni noftri Magnae Britanniae Scotia vocata, in focietatem fefe formaverunt ad inveftigandas, tam res antiquas, quam hiftoriam naturalem et civilem in genere, eo propofito, ut hominum ingenia excolerentur, et ut ftudium naturalis et utilis fcientiae promoveretur, et quod eventus eorum conatuum fpes fummas longe excefferat; quod multi homines, aut loco aut literis infignes, non folum in noftro Magnae Britanniae Regno, fed in aliis regnis, per lucubrationes eruditas, et dona pretiofa erga focietatis res fecundas contribuerant; quod, praeter reliquiarum antiquitatis et rerum naturalium dona, diverfi primates et generon pecuniam contulerant, ut Societas fua propofita laudabilia exequi poffet; quod petitores Domum emerant in civitate Edinenfi, ut in ea continerent libros, chartas, aliafque res, fed quod, abfque nomine juris, perpetua poffeffio iftius domus, et aliarum rerum quae in praefentia poffident, aut quas poftea acquirere poffint, legaliter conftitui nequiret; petitores igitur fubmiffe orant, ut nobis, pro gratia noftra, placeat, literas noftras patentes, fub figillo infra fcript. concedere, conftituentes et erigentes praefentes focios dictae Societatis, et omnes qui poftea affumentur focii, in unum corpus politicum et corporatum, feu legalem incorporationem, fub titulo et nomine SOCIETATIS ANTIQUARIORUM SCOTIAE, utque talis et per talem titulum et nomen perpetuitatem


habeat et fucceffionem, atque ut potens et capax fit petere, caufas agere, defendere, et refpondere, et convenire, in judicium vocari, defendi, et refponderi, in omnibus feu ullis noftris curiis judicaturae, cum omnibus aliis claufulis neceffariis: Et Nos, confiderantes intentiones laudabiles petitorum, et cupientes promovere tam utilem inftitutionem; igitur ereximus, creavimus, et incorporavimus, ficuti nos, regia noftra praerogativa et gratia fpeciali, pro nobifmet ipfis noftrifque regiis fuccefforibus, per has praefentes literas patentes, erigimus, creamus, et incorporamus, propter propofita memorata in petitione, omnes et fingulos praefentes focios dictae focietatis, omnefque viros qui poftea affumentur focii ejufdem, in unum corpus corporatum et politicum, per titulum et nomen SOCIETATIS ANTIQUARIORUM SCOTIAE, inftitutae anno millefimo feptingentefimo et octogefimo, cujus Societatis nos declaramus NOS MET, Regiofque noftros fucceffores, effe PATRONOS: Quo fub nomine et titulo perpetuam fucceffionem habebit ; etiamque habebit et utetur figillo communi, in quod nos privilegium damus gerendi pro infignibus. gentilitiis, in campo caeruleo crucem Sancti Andreae, argenteam coronam imperialem in fummo, et carduum in imo, propriis coloribus; haec omnia intra limbum regalem aureum : Illique et eorum fucceffores fub eodem titulo et nomine legaliter poterunt et capaces erunt, petere et convenire et recipere, capere, tenere, et frui, in perpetuum, vel aliter ad feipfos et eorum fucceffores reliquiis antiquitatis, rerum naturalium vel artium fpeciminibus, libris, libris manufcriptis, bonis, rebus, aliifque facultatibus quibufcunque, quales jam poffident, vel poftea acquirant; et emere et frui terris, tenementis, aliifque hereditariis non excedentibus valorem mille 'ibrarum monetae Sterlinenfis, et commodare fummam vel fu umas pecuniae alicui perfonae aut perfonis, et pro tali fecuritate qualem idoneam putabunt: Et dicta Societas feipfam ejufque actionum feries et negotium adminiftrabit, fecundum ftatuta, ordinationes, juffi, et leges privatas, facta vel facienda ab ea, cum poteftate, de die in diem, ut ufu venit, mutandi et revocandi eadem, et novas ordinationes in co


rum loco faciendi, quales idoneas judicabunt, et convenientes, ita ut eaedem juftae bonae et aequae funt, et dummodo nequaquam contrariae fint legibus hujus regni. In cujus rei teftimonium, praefentibus figillum noftrum, per Unionis tractatum cuftodiend. et in Scotia vice et loco magni figilli ejufdem utendum ordinatum, appendi mandavimus. Apud aulam noftram apud St James's, vigefimo nono die menfis Martii, anno Domini millefimo Septingentefimo et octogefimo tertio, regnique noftri anno vigefimo tertio.

"Per fignaturam manu S. D. N. Regis fupra fcriptam."

The following is written on the back, viz.

" Written to the feal, and registered, the fifth day of May 1783.



"Sealed at Edinburgh the fixth day of May one thousand seven hundred and eighty three years.


L. 80 Scots Gratis."


LIST of the Members of the Society of the Antiquaries of Scot




1780. Nov. 14. Prefident the Right Honourable the Earl of Bute.

1781. Jan. 29.

ift Vice-President (and founder) the Right Honourable the Earl of Buchan.

2d Vice-Prefident, the Right Honourable James Burnet of Monboddo, Efq; one of the Senators of the College of Justice.

June 19. 3d Vice-President, the Right Honourable Francis Gairden of Gairdenfton, Efq; one of the Senators of the College of Justice.

1780. Nov. 14. 4th Vice-Prefident, Alexander Wight, Efq; Advocate.

1782. March 5.

1780. Nov. 14.

1781. Apr. 3.

May 1.

5th Vice-Prefident, William Tytler of Woodhoufelee, Efq; writer to the fignet.

Treasurer, Sir William Forbes of Pitfligo, Baronet, banker.

Cathier, John Gardner, Efq; banker.

Secretary, Mr James Cummyng.

Secretary for foreign correfpondence, john Callander of Craigforth, Efqz.
Latin Secretary, John Brown, M. D.

French Secretary, Mr Alexander Drummond.

1780. Nov. 14. Superintendant of Natural History, Mr William Smellie.

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1781. Oct. 2.

Mr Alexander Keith,


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Writers to the fignet, Auditors of Accompts. 1780. Nov. 14. Mr William Anderfon, S The Reverend Doctor Robert Henry. William Charles Little of Libberton, Efq; Advocate, Alexander Ferguson of Craigdarroch, Liq; Advocate, Mr John Dundas writer to the fignet Mr George Paton

1782. Sept. 3.

1781. May 1.

1780. Nov. 14.

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Of the Council.


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