Monkish chroniclers, 48, 391. Moses, cited or referred to, 29, Naples, author's visit to, 321. Nations, judgment of, 23-un- Nature imposes not kings, 265 Nicetas, 197. Numa, 32. Ocnus, 160. Odes and hymns, 49. Edipus, 41. Opinions, numerous, in active Opponent, author's, ridiculed, Origen, 49. Osiris, 122. Overton, 344. Palmerin, 203. Pandora, 153. Parliaments, Cromwell dissolves, 104. Paul, cited or mentioned, 25, 34, Peace, restored, dangers of, 348 People, civil idolatry by, 193 - Lord's, 236 - set forms of, 234 tyranny in prescribing, 235 - voluntary, 234-237. Preaching, itinerary, 369-372- public, 32-of Christ, 121. Predestination, 440. 92 Parliament against, of, to change their government, Prayer, to Christ, 73, 74- Peripatetics, 155. Petrarch, referred to, 80, 408. Philaras, Leonard, letter to, Philistine forges, 119. Phineas, 412. Piedmont, sufferings of Protes- Piety, necessary to a nation, 348. Pilate, 152, 156. Plantagenet, Thomas, 193. Plato cited, 28, 58, 82, 105, 113, Pliny, 97. Poetasters, libidinous and igno- Poetic abilities the gift of God, Poets, smooth elegiac, 79 - chief words to tyrants, 198. pious Policy, governmental, false teaching and corruption in, 9, 10-wisest, 349. Politician, the modern, 10. Pope's claim of political power, 402. Popery, how to remove and hin- Popilius, 158. Prelaty, does not prevent schism, 383. Priests, emulous of kingly pow- Princes disguised, 66. to, 41-zeal of ancient, 86. Proverbs, 77. Providence, unsearchable mys- Public faith, violated by Parlia- preaching, 32- of Christ, 121-teaching by Punic War, 156. Pure life necessary to a great poet, 80. Puritans, 286. Psyche, 111. Queen Elizabeth, 382. Praise to God, 14, 21, 70-to Queen of Sweden, 318. Christ, 72. Queen Truth, 329. Reason of Church Government, Reformation, 4, 69 - errors in, 458-465- God the author of, 458 - agents of, Relations of King and Parlia- ment, 212-216, 225-229, 230, Religion and liberty knit togeth- 401. Remonstrances to Charles I., 216. Rentius (Rienzi), Nicholas, 353. 60. Reproof, 58. Restraint, requires knowledge of 299. Rhé, Isle of, 222. 222. Romances, author's reading of, 81 - several mentioned, 202. 298, 353. Roman slaves, 66. Rome, 128, 321, 322, 408. Sabbath, abuse of, 13. - on Samson, King likened to, 61. Saul, 217, 220, 233. Savoy, sufferings of Protestants Scipio, 30, 70, 335. standing of, 371 - measure of truth, 68 plainness of, 8 - Soul, ministers care of the, 57 Spain, 35-king of, alluded to, tion, 109. Stoics, 153. Stories of the Church, use of, 26. Strafford (Thos. Wentworth, Earl Subjects, relations of, to king, Success, confirms a good cause, 254. of Sun ripens wits, 399. studies of youth in, 105 Scudamore, Thomas, 320. Sectaries, busy in times of com- ligion called, 194. Sects, try faith, 36 - hinder not reformation, 37 Seneca, 88, 180. Service, God's honor on, 55. Simon de Montfort, 193. Sin, always exists in excess, 167 Solomon, 37, 52, 64, 87, 105, 163. Song of Solomon, a pastoral dra- Songs in the Law and Prophets, 49. Son of God, eternal generation can- Tacitus, 414. Teaching, errors in, 101, 102 Temple, measured by God, 33 - Tertullian, 141. ment of Protestant divines con- Tyranny of custom and affec- - Tyrants, abject slaves, 304 Theodosius the younger 177. Theseus, 277. Time, the midwife of truth, 134 Timoleon, 307. Toleration of religious opinions, 484. Trade flourishes in common- wealths, 387 - interests of, in- 387. Trajan, 177. Treaties, craft in, 241. Truth causes dissension, 40 gains by contest, 129 184. "Truths Manifest," author of, Tuscan language, 408. Typhon, 122. Tyrannicide, right of, 180-ex- Ulysses, 106. Unchastity in man, deep dishon- United Provinces, 377, 385, 418 Universities, English, reference Vaudois, persecutions of, 420- 425. Vehemence of Christ, against Warriors, just, honor eloquence, 390. Wars, civil, men ready for at Wealth, in the Church, 365. Wootton, Henry, 320. amples of, 180, 181-judg- | Worship, corruptions in, 2. |