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Monkish chroniclers, 48, 391.
Montacute, 344.
Montfort, Simon de, 193.
Morus, (Alex. More, supposed
author of the anonymous libel,)
322, 329.

Moses, cited or referred to, 29,
32, 110, 126, 139, 146, 438
law of, 29, 138, 139, 141, 142,
145, 167, 176, 177, 178, 326.
Music, use of, in education, 105
- power of, 106.

Naples, author's visit to, 321.
Nation, a noble and puissant,
128 triumphs most honora-
ble to a, 349- happiness of,
in what consisting, 243.

Nations, judgment of, 23-un-
worthy of liberty, conduct of,

Nature imposes not kings, 265
- zodiac of, 169.
Necessity, Divine, in relation to
free agency, 441-444.
Nero, 224, 290.
New Jerusalem, 31, 69.
New Testament, idiom of the,

Nicetas, 197.
Nimrod, 253.
Nomentanus, 353.

Numa, 32.

Ocnus, 160.

Odes and hymns, 49.

Edipus, 41.

Opinions, numerous, in active
times, 125.

Opponent, author's, ridiculed,
260, 276, 306.
Opportunity in religion, 38.
Opposition to truth may be ex-
pected, 143.
Oratory, a vehement vein in, 83.
Ordination, right of, 5-a mere
symbol, 74.

Origen, 49.
Ormond, James, Earl of, 190.
Orpheus, 104, 266.

Osiris, 122.

Overton, 344.

Palmerin, 203.

Pandora, 153.
Papists, 190, 358, 359.
Pareus, 49.
Parliament, ancient laws con-
cerning, 210 - legislative pow-
er of, 227, 242 may limit
kingly power, 231 - peers of
king in, 280-relations of, to
king, 212-216, 225-229, 230
-231-triennial bill for, 209
- Long, praise of, 15, 88-
time of, the jubilee of the
state, 66- ancestry of, 89-
education of, 90-labors of,
for civil liberty, 91-against
ecclesiastical tyranny, 92-
gave liberty to the people, 92,
93-overawed king's armies,
93 permanent sitting of, 93,
94-affability of, 94-God
honors, 95-action of, without
precedent, justified, 186 - has
not countenanced popery, 190
defended true religion, 190
- why called by Charles I.,
203-did not repent judgment
against Strafford, 207-at-
tempt to arrest members of,
207, 224-king's trial by, 288
vigor of, 323 wisdom
wanting in, 392 - evil acts of,
393, 394-state of religion un-
der, 395-corrupted the peo-
ple, 397.

Parliaments, Cromwell dissolves,
337, 338.
"Parricide" of Charles I., 259.
Patriotism, rewards of, 23.
Patriots, training of children for,


Paul, cited or mentioned, 25, 34,
36, 38, 83, 110, 134, 145, 147,
190, 197, 199, 204, 267, 373, 404,
437, 440.

Peace, restored, dangers of, 348
- in Switzerland, 419.
Peers of the King in Parliament,

People, civil idolatry by, 193 -
competent to judge of a minis-
ter, 96-98 English, idolized.
Charles I., 193- may choose
or reject a king, 178 - may
slay a tyrant, 180 power

Lord's, 236 - set forms of, 234

tyranny in prescribing, 235

- voluntary, 234-237.

Preaching, itinerary, 369-372-

public, 32-of Christ, 121.

Predestination, 440.
Prelates, insolence and usurpa-
tion of, 6-abuse Sabbath, 13
flatter kings, 61 - acts of


Parliament against,
beasts of Amalec, 220.
Prelatical Episcopacy, author's
work on, 327.

of, to change their government, Prayer, to Christ, 73, 74-

Peripatetics, 155.
Perkin Warbeck, 260.
Persuasion to obedience, 28.
Petition, nature and right of,
230, 231.

Petrarch, referred to, 80, 408.
Pharaoh, 288.

Philaras, Leonard, letter to,

Philistine forges, 119.
Philo Judæus, 151.
Philosophy, author's studies in,

Phineas, 412.
Pickering, 344.

Piedmont, sufferings of Protes-
tants in, 420, 427.

Piety, necessary to a nation,


Pilate, 152, 156.
Pindar, 49, 266.
Pius IV., 239.

Plantagenet, Thomas, 193.

Plato cited, 28, 58, 82, 105, 113,
146, 153, 155, 266, 277, 278,

Pliny, 97.
Plutarch, 105.

Poetasters, libidinous and igno-
rant, 51.

Poetic abilities the gift of God,
50 use and abuse of, 50,

Poets, smooth elegiac, 79 - chief
glory of, 79- ascribe

words to tyrants, 198.


Policy, governmental,


teaching and corruption in, 9,

10-wisest, 349.

Politician, the modern, 10.
Pompey, 155, 275.

Pope's claim of political power,


Popery, how to remove and hin-
der, 403-idolatry of, to be re-
moved, 404- not tolerable,
402- Parliament has not
countenanced, 190-twofold
power of, 402.

Popilius, 158.

Prelaty, does not prevent schism,
35-palsy of, 36 wholly
evil, 62-defenders of, to be
rebuked sharply, 63.
Presbyterian Reformation, 382.
Presbyterians, correspond with
Royalists, 284 - jealous of In-
dependents, 327.
Presbyters in Scotland, 374.
Presbytery, Charles I. opposed,


Priests, emulous of kingly pow-
er, 14-not to minister, sor-
rowing, 149.

Princes disguised, 66.
Proairesis, 105.
Prometheus, 271.
Prophets, inspiration a burden

to, 41-zeal of ancient, 86.
Protestants, principles of, 356,
357, 381-tyranny and incon-
sistency in, 359 - war among,
deprecated, 426, 427.

Proverbs, 77.

Providence, unsearchable mys-
teries of, 247.

Public faith, violated by Parlia-
ment, 394

preaching, 32-

of Christ, 121-teaching by
books, 121.

Punic War, 156.

Pure life necessary to a great

poet, 80.

Puritans, 286.

Psyche, 111.
Pyrrhus, 125, 308.

Queen Elizabeth, 382.

Praise to God, 14, 21, 70-to Queen of Sweden, 318.

Christ, 72.

Queen Truth, 329.

Reason of Church Government,
author's, referred to, 324.
Recreations should be cared for
by magistrates, 51 - necessa-
ry, 162-how best attained,
163-of God, 162.

Reformation, 4, 69 - errors in,
soon amended, 38- morning
beam of, 71-in England, 70
- author's work on, 324.
Regal, different from paternal
power, 260.

458-465- God

the author of, 458 - agents of,
459, 460 object of, 460, 461
- in God's image, 460-ех-
ternal cause of, 464.
Regicides, wisdom of, 263.
Rehoboam, 179.

Relations of King and Parlia-

ment, 212-216, 225-229, 230,
231 of king and subject,

Religion and liberty knit togeth-
er, 90-author's training in
Christian, 82 by proxy de-
scribed, 19, 20-knowledge of
Christian, easy, 367 - matters
of, 355- opportunity in, 88
permits vehement oratory, 84
- real subverters of, 189
rule of, given in Scripture,


Remonstrances to Charles I.,


Rentius (Rienzi), Nicholas, 353.
Repentance the aim of discipline,


Reproof, 58.

Restraint, requires knowledge of
limits of liberty, 135.
Revolution, English, sobriety of,


Rhé, Isle of, 222.
Richard II., 211 - III., 198.
Riches, evil of, to ministers, 98.
Rienzi (Rentius), Tribune, 353-
Robert de Vere, 211 - Rochelle,


Romances, author's reading of,

81 - several mentioned, 202.
Romans, 48, 125, 127, 180, 275,

298, 353.

Roman slaves, 66.

Rome, 128, 321, 322, 408.
Rubbish from work, 38.
Rupert (Prince), 244.

Sabbath, abuse of, 13.
Salamis, sea fight of, 156.
Sallust, 414-416.
Salmasius, cited, 259, 265, 269,
270, 271, 272, 273, 276, 277, 283,
285, 291- Latin of, ridiculed,
260- arguments of, from law
of nations, 266 - from nature,
269 greater arguments of,
the Independents,
285, 286-on the King's trial,
286 work of, dictated by
Charles Stuart, 291 - author's
reply to, mentioned, 329-
success of, reply to, 297 - cha-
grin of, at defeat, 297, 313
disfavor of, with the Queen of
Sweden, 314.

- on

Samson, King likened to, 61.
Samuel, 179.
Sanctification, effected by the
Father and by the Son, 463 -
465- external cause of, 464
- attributed to faith, 465.

Saul, 217, 220, 233.
Saviour, our, 1, 84, 135, 137, 206,
308, 379.

Savoy, sufferings of Protestants
in, 420, 422, 427.
Schism, not prevented by pre-
laty, 35
terrors of, 125, 126.
Schools in a Commonwealth,

Scipio, 30, 70, 335.
Scotch war, 344.
Scotland, nobles and people of,
commended, 15 apostro-
phized, 15, 16- war with,
283, 323, 336, 344 - danger of
losing, 378.
Scots, 283, 290, 323, 336.
Scriptures, alleged difficulty of,
7-authority of, superior to
that of the Church, 357-dis-
cussions on, allowable, 358-
freedom of conscience in in-
terpreting, 358 ground of
faith, 356-helps to under-

standing of, 371 - measure of

truth, 68 plainness of, 8


Soul, ministers care of the, 57
61-distemper of, 59.

Spain, 35-king of, alluded to,
22, 428.
Spaniards, 302, 426, 427, 428.
Spanish Armada, 22-inquisi-

tion, 109.
Spenser, 112.
Sphinx, 215.
Sports and pastimes, fit subjects
of legislation, 51.
Statesmen, wise, worthy of high-
est praise, 406.

Stoics, 153.

Stories of the Church, use of,


Strafford (Thos. Wentworth, Earl
of), consent of Charles I. to his
death, 204.
Strickland, 344.

Subjects, relations of, to king,

Success, confirms a good cause,



Sun ripens wits, 399.
Superstition, guardian of tyran-
ny, 92-burden of, 135-of
the Papist, 136 - of imagina-
ry sins, 136, 159.
Sweden, queen of, eulogized, 313
Provinces with, 425.
Switzerland, king of, 428-let-
ters to Senators of, 417
tons of, 427.
Sydenham, 344.
Sydney, 344.

studies of youth in, 105
sufficiency of, 25.

Scudamore, Thomas, 320.
Sechemites, 15.

Sectaries, busy in times of com-
motion, 130 - men of true re-

ligion called, 194.

Sects, try faith, 36 - hinder not

reformation, 37
fear of, 125-129.
Seducement, how hindered, 360.
Selden, Hebrew Wife by, 326.
Self-preservation, 227.
Self-reverence, restraining pow-
er of, 56-author's, 80.

Seneca, 88, 180.

Service, God's honor on, 55.
Severity, allowable in defending
sound doctrine, 64.
Shakespeare, quoted, 198.
Sidney's (Sir Philip), Arcadia,

Simon de Montfort, 193.
Simon Magus, 19, 365.
Simplicity in God's great works,

Sin, always exists in excess, 167
an outlaw, 152 - expelled
only with virtue, 115 - not re-
moved with its occasion, 114-
not to be limited by law, 166-
169 punished with sin, 154.
Slavery a sacrilege, 266.
Smectymnuus, author's Apology
for, noticed, 325.
Societies, civil, object of, 260.
Socrates, 146.

Solomon, 37, 52, 64, 87, 105, 163.
Solon, 161.

Song of Solomon, a pastoral dra-
ma, 49-a figure of Christ and
the Church, 163.

Songs in the Law and Prophets,


Son of God, eternal generation
of, considered, 450-454- not
coessential with the Father,
454-testifies to the Father's
unity, 455- receives name
and attributes from the Fa-
ther, 457 - equality of, with
God, no robbery, 457- faith
of saints respecting, 458.
Sophocles, 41, 49.


Tacitus, 414.
Tasso, 48, 321.
Teachers, Christian, differ in na-
ture, 84.

Teaching, errors in, 101, 102
public, by books, 121.
Temperance, Spenser's allegory
of, 112.

Temple, measured by God, 33 -
of Ezekiel a type of the Chris-
tian Church, 34-rubbish in
building, 126 - of Janus, 129.
Tenure of kings and magistrates,
author's reference to, 327.

Tertullian, 141.
Themistocles, 156.

ment of Protestant divines con-
cerning, 188 - resisted by Par-
liament, 91, 92.

Tyranny of custom and affec-
tions, 170.


Tyrants, abject slaves, 304
bad men hate not, 171 - bish-
ops serviceable to, 239-de-
fined, 179, 289- deposing law-
ful, 261, 262-differ from
kings, 302 hypocrisy of,
197-justice to be inflicted
on, 172-mischiefs of, 180
punishment of, agreeable to
nature, 269.

Theodosius the younger 177.
Theology, Treatises of 430-de-
fects in, 432- freedom of dis-
cussion concerning, 434, 435.

Theseus, 277.
Thetis, son of, 310.
Tiber, 408.

Time, the midwife of truth, 134
- toiling shoulders of, 26.

Timoleon, 307.
Tiresias, 41, 307.
Tithes, law of, not binding under
the Gospel, 367.

Toleration of religious opinions,


Trade flourishes in


wealths, 387 - interests of, in-
ferior to religion and liberty,


Trajan, 177.
Travel, 414.

Treaties, craft in, 241.
Trent, 239- Council of, 109.
Trinity, invocation to, 20.
Triptolemus, 302.

Truth causes dissension, 40
colored by feelings, 55
daughter of Heaven, 26 - dan-
ger of prohibiting by licensing,
130 a flowing fountain, 119

gains by contest, 129
gem of, 67-given freely, 40-
given us to gain further truth,
123-heretics in, 119
possible to be soiled, 134 —
licensing shuts out, 122-lik-
ened to Osiris, 122 - never
fully attained, 123-nurses
of, doctrine and discipline, 26
opposition to, at first, 143
plainness of, 8-preciousness
of, 40, 122- Queen Truth, 329
the richest merchandise, 122
- robe of, 26 Scripture the
measure of, 68 should not
be bound, 129-strength of,
124, 250-time the midwife of,


"Truths Manifest," author of,
quoted, 224.

Tuscan language, 408.

Typhon, 122.

Tyrannicide, right of, 180-ex-

Ulysses, 106.

Unchastity in man, deep dishon-
or of, 83.

United Provinces, 377, 385, 418
- letter to, concerning perse-
cutions in Savoy, 422-con-
cerning their trouble with
Sweden, 425.

Universities, English, reference
to, 90.
Uzziah, 233.

Vaudois, persecutions of, 420-


Vehemence of Christ, against
opponents, 64 - in oratory, 83
- examples of, 84.
Venice, author's visit to, 322.
Virgil, 48.
Virtue, the charming cup of true
love, 82-a cloistered, 112
confirmed value of, 115- not
a drudgery, 158 strengthen-
ed by trial, 112 - to be taught,

Warriors, just, honor eloquence,


Wars, civil, men ready for at
first, 171-wasting and ruin-
ing, 389.

Wealth, in the Church, 365.
Whitlocke, 344.
Wickliffe, 71, 108.
Wisdom, call of, 52- the Eter-
nal, 162-of God, 162.

Wootton, Henry, 320.

amples of, 180, 181-judg- | Worship, corruptions in, 2.

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