The work now offered to the candid consideration of parents and teachers is divided into two parts:-the first consisting of miscellaneous poems and extracts; the second, of poems and extracts from the highest class of English poets, chronologically arranged, from Chaucer to Burns, showing the progress of the language, and accompanied by short biographical notices and remarks on the spirit and style of each author. The specimens given in the second part will be found ample and characteristic. Those from Chaucer and Spenser occupy nearly forty pages, and are printed in the original spelling, in order to give a genuine impression of their style. The appended notes will remove every difficulty arising from the obsoleteness of much of the diction. It is only necessary to add, that the extracts from the works of Campbell, Shelley, and Wordsworth, are inserted by the obliging permission of the proprietors of the respective copyrights. THE MANSION GRAMMAR SCHOOL, Letherhead, Surrey, JAN. 30TH., 1845. The present Edition has been carefully revised and corrected. A few pieces have been withdrawn, and others of a superior character substituted. DEC. 1855. J. P. |