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67. Tractatus de literarum compositione. fol. 64 b.

Ff. 68 to 91 (both inclusive) are wanting.

68. Summa de legibus Anglie que vocatur Brittone. fol. 92.

The phraseology of this manuscript varies very slightly from that of the edition printed by Robert Redman; but the printed book is only divided into chapters (126), and the MS. is partitioned into six books (containing altogether 139 chapters) as follows:

[blocks in formation]

69. Tractatus de modo placitandi. fol. 140 b. (See above, No. 47, which is a fuller and more perfect copy of this tract.) 70. Summa que dicitur Magnum Hengham.

fol. 143 b.

71. Alia Summa que dicitur Parvum Hingham. fol. 148. 72. Summa Bastardie. fol. 150.

73. Exceptiones contra Brevia. fol. 151 b.

74. Placita placitata. fol. 153.

75. Arbor consanguinitatis. fol. 157.

76. Figura Affinitatis. fol. 158 b.

77. Placita. fol. 159 b.

78. Extenta manerii; Articuli visus Franci Plegii; Dies communes in Banco; Dies dotis. fol. 177.

79. Henricus de Bracton de legibus et consuetudinibus Angliæ. fol. 178.

This MS. extends over 160 pages. It is imperfect. All is wanting after Lib. IV. Tract. 3, cap. 17.

On comparing it with Tottel's edition of 1569, some slight variations occur, and the MS. appears to contain some additional matter. It is frequently annotated in the margin.

This Collection of Statutes is described in the second report on the searches instituted by the Record Commission (1812) as 'not appearing to bear any character of accuracy or authenticity.'


Dd. vi. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.

Five folios, on vellum, in double columns, of 55 lines each in the first four volumes, and of about 70 lines each in the fifth volume, of the xiv th century.


The handwriting of the first four is apparently the same, that of the fifth is not so good, or so large as that of the others.

The first four, as they are marked on the fly-leaf contain the commentaries of De Lyra on the entire Scriptures, and were given in the year 1457 to the Monastery of St Albans, as appears from the document copied on the fly-leaf at the beginning of the first three.

Vol. I. of 319 leaves, contains the commentary on Genesis-Paralip", with part of the 1st chap. of Esther, ending on v. 10, 'nam virum etiam sobrie potatum.'

On the first page is :

Si Lyra non lyrasset

Totus mundus delirasset.

A leaf is lost after f. 82. The initial letters of the books are illuminated, and there are coloured pictures of the Tabernacle, Ark, &c. to illustrate the text, chiefly from f. 70-90. Two prologues are prefixed to the Postils.


This volume appears to be perfect; some leaves, however, between 212 and 239 inclusive, are misplaced; they should be read in the order: 236— 239, 216-235, 212-215. The pages containing the latter chapters of Canticles have a wrong title at the top.

Vol. III. of 266 leaves, contains the commentary on all the Prophets and the first two books of Maccabees.

Vol. IV. of 328 leaves, contains the commentary on the Books of the N. T.

At the foot of the last column, f. 328 b, 1, is added:

Explicit postilla super Apocalipsim

ffinito libro reddatur gloria Christo.

Scriptoris anime te Christe precor misereri.

The last volume (Dd. vII. 11) differs slightly in binding from the preceding four, and is also a little smaller.

It is paged throughout on each leaf, the last being marked 595.

[blocks in formation]

The 1st leaf has been mutilated by the removal of a vignette, which occupied the top of the first column. At the end of p. 595, col. 2, are the words:


Edita a fratre Nicolao de Lyra ordinis fratrum minorum.
Its contents are the same as those of Vol. IV.

Dd. VII. 12.

A large folio, on parchment, finely written, xvth century, with illuminated capitals, 167 leaves, about 90 lines in a page. 'SEXTUS LIBER DECRETALIUM, cum glossa JOHANNIS AN


The initial letter has been cut out. On the first page is the following shield:

'Or, a fleur de lis gules, in a bordure of France.'

Dd. vii. 13.

A folio, on parchment, handwriting of the end of the xvth century, 198 leaves.

Nine books of the PANDECTS of JUSTINIAN, viz. 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 48, 49, and 50. Cum apparatu.'

The initial illuminated letters are everywhere cut out and defaced; book 48 wants the first four chapters and part of the fifth.

Dd. vii. 14.

A folio, on parchment, written in the xvth century; comprised originally 420 written leaves and some blank leaves, much torn and defaced at both ends, and ff. 166-171 (inclusive) are wanting.

The titles are derived from the MS. itself.

1. La chartre des franchises et la chartre de la foret. fol. 1. 2. An alphabetical index to the contents of the book. fol. 2. 3. The Constitutiones Provinciales' of Stephen, Archbishop of Canterbury, published at Oxford in 1222, with the Constitutiones Legatinæ of Otho and Othobon, cardinal legates from Pope Greg. IX. in 1236. fol. 4.

4. Summa bona ad cassanda omnimoda brevia, sive exceptiones contra brevia. fol. 7.

5. Alia summa cassanda. fol. 8.

6. La commissione de le Rey Edward fiz le Rey Edward graunta a sun barnarge de Engleterre pour apesee le descord qe fust entre eus par Perres de Gavastone. e les ordenances fetes par meymes le barnarge e confermez par le rey: l'an de sun coronement quynt. fol. 12.

7. Bracton de legibus et consuetudinibus Angliæ. fol. 205. The leaves of this treatise appear to have been loose, and to have been bound up without arrangement.


Statutum contra clericos. fol. 205.

Statuta contra oppressiones curie Romane. fol. 205 b. 10. Statutum Edwardi regis de reaforestacione post absolucionem. fol. 206 b.

11. Transcriptum literarum Baronagii Anglie ad papam de regno Scotiæ. fol. 207.

12. Sententia lata super Petrum de Gavestone quondam comitem Cornubie et super ejus complices et fautores. fol. 207.

13. Hosbondrie. (By Walter de Henley.' See Dd. vII. 6.

§ 54.)



Summa que vocatur officium Justiciarium. fol. 208 b.

Summa que vocatur Placita Corone. fol. 211.

16. Narrationes placitorum. fol. 216.

17. Summa que vocatur Cadit assisa.' fol. 306.


Summa que vocatur Fet a saver de devysyon de checun play e de queul de primes est a dire. fol. 3086.


Summa judicandi essonia sive Hengham. fol. 315 6. 20. Summa que dicitur cum sit necessarium sive Parva Hengham. fol. 318.

21. Summa que dicitur Magnam Hincham sive Hingham de recto. fol. 320.

22. Summa que vocatur Parvum Hincham. fol. 328.

[blocks in formation]

24. Casus Placitorum. fol. 337.

25. La Nature coment len deyt counter en checun breue de suys nome. fol. 373.

26. Placita. fol. 375b.



Dd. vi. 15.

A folio, on parchment, of 162 leaves, double columns, of 36 lines each. Of the beginning of the x11th century.


v. Le

This is Wood, 8th Abbot of St Martin de Bello, who died 1175. land, Collect. and Fabric. Bibl. Latin. Vol. v. p. 155. Patav. 1754. The first leaf has been mutilated and the initial letter cut out; the commencement, however, can be made out to have been

'Incipit prologus Odonis super quinque libros Moysi. Operis subditi Materia Lex est quinque Voluminibus comprehensa.....'

The MS. seems to be complete as far as the end of Numbers, the last few lines being written on a fragment of a leaf at the end, concluding with 'que sunt super Jordanum e regione Jericho. Explicit.'

A copy exists in C. C. C. Library, No. LIV., but, like this, only extends over the first four Books, which seems to have been all that was finished.

Dd. VII. 16.

A folio, on parchment, of 148 leaves, in double columns, of 41 lines each. Of the same size and form as the preceding volume, which also it much resembles in the handwriting. Of the x11th or the beginning of the XIIIth century.

This volume contains various extracts from the Works of St Augustin.

1. ff. 1-114.

'Pars prima Florum in Epist. ad Rom.'


Apostolus qui cum Saulus prius vocaretur...


Sed sapiens immobilitate atque immutabilitate nature.

The passages are quoted with references to the various works of S. Aug. from which they are taken.

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