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A duodecimo, on paper; of the xvith century.

1. A printed book of 64 pages. Les diares et Almanach calculez par Claude Fabri, Docteur en Medicine et Astrophile: pour l'an intercalaire et bissextile, 1572.'

'Avec les presages, mutations de l'air. Et a la fin d'iceux une Apologie contenant sur la fin aucuns presages pour x ans.'

2. A MS. treatise 'de Medicina,' of 80 leaves. By J. B. B., or Johannes Bernardus Bassue.

Begins :

Duo potissimum res sunt quæ lumen in discendo pariter ac docendo afferunt, methodus et proprietas sermonis.

Ends with a table of symptoms.

On a fly-leaf the following is written anonymously:

'Mr Knatchbull if you desire a short methodical treatise in physick here is as much as in the best institutions of Sennert or Fernel or Riviere, but the definitions of disease are excellent. Pray read it sometimes at your leasure hours. I have profited much by it.'

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A 24mo, on parchment, of 218 leaves; written in the xvth century.

1. ff. 1-153. 'Libellus de Viciis et Virtutibus predicatori maxime utilis.'

The leaves are numbered throughout.


Verbum abbreviatum fecit Deus...


... et inexplicabile.

Prefixed is a table of contents, on paper, in 3 leaves.

2. ff. 153–161. 'Liber beati Methodi episcopi ecclesie Patheresis, et martiris Christi, quem de Hebreo et Greco in Latinum transferre curavit de principio seculi usque ad finem.'

Begins :

In principio creavit Deus...


nos eripere dignetur qui cum Patre &c.

See Oudin. T. 1. p. 299.

3. ff. 161-170. Written in a later hand

'Beatissimi Augustini Episcopi Ypponensis Regula."


Begins :

Ante omnia fratres karissimi diligatur deus...

Opp. Paris, 1836, i. p. 1271.

ff. 167-170 are supplied by a later hand, on paper.

4. ff. 171-201. Meditationes beati Bernardi.'

Begins after the prologue:

Multi multa sciunt...


amabilis appareas.

Opp. Paris, 1839. ii. 661-691. The last paragraph is that from Paulinus, 'Perfectissima atque plenissima...'


For another MS., see Dd. xiv. 20. § 3.

5. ff. 201-218. A treatise on the duties, &c. of monastick

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This is headed Bernardus ad nepotein suum a Clarevalle fugientem ad Cluniacum,' but it is not the letter contained in his works under this superscription.


Si salus magis in cultu vestium ...


qui mecum senciunt quod ego sencio.

In the cover are the lines

Ecce magistro quippe Richardo Wallour iste
Presbitero codex pertinet exiguus.

Dd. xv. 16.

A 24mo, on parchment, containing ff. 93 with 16 lines in each page. There are illuminated initials and a few borders. Date the xvth century.

A leaf is wanting after each of ff. 24, 36, and 61.

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ff. 13-21. Obsecro te domina and O Intemerata.

ff. 21-24. Oratio piissima sancti Gregorii, with a promise of 14,000

years of indulgence.

ff. 25-36. Horæ sanctæ crucis, the beginning being lost.

ff. 37-46.

'Confessio misse beatissime Virginis Marie.'

ff. 47-93. 'Hore b. M. V. secundum consuetudinem romane ecclesie.' The Hours have been misplaced by the binder, Vespers &c. coming before Matins.

On f. 1 is written ex libr. Edwin Berry.'



Dd. xv. 17.

An 18mo, on parchment, containing ff. 207, with 17 lines in each page. There are illuminated capitals, borders, and occasional vignettes. Date, the xvth century.


The first 7 leaves contain the kalendar, each month with an illustrative figure; between ff. 7 and 8, a leaf, containing probably an illumination with 'Beatus vir' is cut out, and the Psalter begins f. 8, with 'Qui non abiit in consilio,' &c. The Psalms end f. 198 b, and the canticles follow, ending with the Athanasian creed. The last leaf is cut in half, and ends in the middle of a litany with the words "Sancte bonifaci cum sociis tuis ora."

The psalms are numbered in the margin by a later hand, which has also occasionally written out in full some of the abbreviated words.

Dd. xv. 18.

A small quarto, on parchment, 226 leaves, of which some are blank; handwriting of the XIVth century.

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42. Statutum apud Westmon. anno
decimo factum.

43. Statutum Notyngham.

44. Statutum apud Westmon. anno
XI. factum.

45. Statutum anno decimo apud Westmon. factum.

46. Statutum apud Westmon. fac

tum anno XIV.

47. Quia emptores.

On a fly-leaf, at the beginning of the book, Salus mea Christi hostia Edward Henden.'

On a fly-leaf at the end, 'I Ansley nuper de Holborn' (?).

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A 24mo, on parchment containing ff. 154 with 15 lines in each page. It has illuminated initials; date, the xvth century.


The first leaf is blank; on the second is written

good mystrys in yo prayers
remember hyr that wrote thys.

Agnes Hykeley.


And on the third leaf

Signate signa temere me tangis et angis

Roma tibi subito motibus ibit amor.

The next 6 leaves contain the 'Kalendar, the name of S. Thomas of Canterbury being effaced. The Hours begin f. 10, the 1st leaf being lost, in the middle of the Venite, Quoniam ipsius est mare, &c.: afterwards follow the 7 penitential psalms, the 15 psalms and litany, exequie mortuorum and commendationes animarum as usual: f. 151 b, gives in red a curious legend of S. Bernard and the Devil, respecting certain verses of the Psalter. The volume, ends f. 154 b, with a short litany of the Passion in a different hand, preceded by a promise of 'many dayes of pardon to all who dayly saye yt,' ending O Dei amara mors.

Dd. xv. 20.

A 24mo, on paper, of 88 leaves, written from both ends, in the XVIIIth century.

'A Visitation Sermon' on Matt. v. 13.


Dd. xv. 21.

A small 12mo, on vellum, containing ff. 96, with 24 lines in each page. Date, the xvth century.



After a prologue of 44 lines, beginning:

Mente concipio laudes conscribere
Sacrate virginis que nos a carcere
Soluit per filium genus in genere

Mire mirificans effectus opere,

the poem follows in 161 quaternions, of which the first is

Ave virgo virginum parens absque pari

Sine viri semine digna fecundari

ffac nos legem domini crebro meditari

Et in regni gloria beatificari.

For another MS. of this, see Ff. vi. 14, § 5, whence the above title is taken. The present MS. contains a few more stanzas than the latter, but omits the verses of the Psalms before each stanza. It was written by John Peccham, Archbp of Canterbury from 1278 to 1294. See Tanner, Biblioth. in v. Peccham.

2. ff. 16-25. Orationes devote ad honorem domini nostri ihu xpi et laudem ipsius matris marie virginis gloriose."'

3. ff. 26-65. Confessiones ad Deum, Orationes ad sanctam Trinitatem, ad Spiritum sanctum, &c.

4. ff. 66-72. FORMULA HONESTE VITE' auctore Martino episcopo Dumiensi.


Gloriosissimo atque tranquillissimo regi mironi martinus humilis eps salutem.

This treatise is printed in the Magna Bibliotheca veterum patrum, Agrip. Col. 1618. T. vI. P. 2. p. 237 sqq. It was also published separately at Basle in 1545. Martinus afterwards became Bp of Braga, and presided at the councils held there in 563 and 572. Miro was king of Gallicia. For another MS. see Hh. IV. 13. § 11.

5. ff. 726-76. Incipit CONSTITUCIO Senece DE MORIBUS.' Beginning:

Omne peccatum actio est. Actio autem omnis quod voluntarium est... Ending:

nunc intergemiscit socios tue beatitudinis.

This, falsely ascribed to Seneca, was also written by Martinus Dumiensis : it is printed in the Mag. Bibl. vet. pat. T. vi. P. 2. pp. 240, 241. The last paragraph is not in the MS.

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Quoniam carissime dum in hujus via vite fugientis sumus...


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