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Our public debt should be held at home, and the bonds representing it ought to be of small denominations, in which the savings of the masses may be safely invested.

the Republican policy has been partially | moderate return for its use belong to capiavoided by the Democratic measures, passed tal. Violence or breaches of order in supat the late session of Congress, restoring the port of the real or supposed rights of either debt-paying power to silver dollars, mado should be promptly suppressed by the law in spite of a Presidential veto, and strong arm of the law. stopping the further destruction of green- The Republican party by its legislation in backs, we demand as further acts of justice, 1872, which reduced the tariff upon bitu. as well as measures of relief, the absolute minous coal from $1 25 to 75 cents per ton; repeal of the Resumption Act, and lawful and upon iron, steel, wool, metals, paper, liberation of the coin hoarded in the Treas-glass, feather, and all manufactures of each ury: the removal of all restrictions to the of them, 10 per cent, struck a fatal blow coinage of silver, and the reëstablishment of at the industries and labor of Pennsyl silver as a money metal, the same as gold- vama. the same as it was before its fraudulent demonetization; the gradual substitution of United States legal-tender paper for National bank notes, and its permanent estab. lishment as the sole paper money of the country, made receivable for all dues to the Government, and of equal tender with coin: the amount of such issues to be so regulated by legislation or organic law as to give the people assurance of stability in the volume of currency, and the consequent stability of the value: no further increase in the bonded debt, and no further sale of bonds for the purchase of coin for resumption purposes, but the gradual extinction of the public debt: rigid economy; the reduction of expenditures in all branches of the public service, and a tariff for revenue only.

Pennsylvania Republican.

[Adopted May 15.]

Tennessee Democratic.

[Adopted August 15.]

That it is uncompromisingly opposed to free trade, in whatever disguise presented, unchangingly devoted to home industry, and hereby avows its special and direct hos. tility to the Tariff bill now pending in Congress, the same being in the interest of im-non-interest-bearing Treasury notes; that porters and foreign manufacturers, and in opposition to American labor. ***

That the Southern Republicans, white and colored, have our earnest sympathy in the unequal contest to which they are subjected for civil liberty and the maintenance of their constitutional privileges, and that in the interest of their guaranteed rights we demand from the General Government for them an equal and fair ballot, and that equality before the law which should be the basis of every government. *

Pennsylvania Democratic.

[Adopted May 23.]

That further contraction of the volume of United States legal-tender notes is unwise and unnecessary. They should be received for customs duties and reissued as fast as received. Gold, silver, and United States legal-tender notes at par therewith are a Just basis for paper circulation. A close connection of the Federal Government with the business interests of the people through National banks tends to monopoly and cen. tralization, but in changing the system, uniformity of notes. security of the noteholders, and protection of the capital in vested, should be provided for. Treasury notes issued in exchange for bonds bearing a low rate of interest is the best form in which the credit of the Government can be given to paper currency. Labor and capital have equal demands upon and equal responsibilities to law. Commerce and manufactures should be encouraged so that steady employment and fair wages may be yielded to labor, while safety of investment and

We demand that the military shall be subordinate to the civil authority in fact as well as in theory: the repeal of laws which have destroyed our commerce; the repeal of the declaration that the currency bonds of the Government shall be paid in coin, and the payment in Treasury notes of so much of said bonds as may be found due after deducting the difference between the value of the gold paid and the currency due thereon according to contract; the unconditional repeal of the Resumption Act; that the odious National banking act be repealed, and greenbacks be substituted for the circulation of the National banks; that Treasury notes be made receivable for all Government dues; that no more interest-bearing bonds be issued; that all loans required by the Government be raised by the issuance of the coinage of silver be made unlimited, and while it is the cheaper metal, that it be paid to the public creditor exclusively upon a'l bonds justly payable in coin; that the value of all silver coins be regulated, and that they be made receivable for all Government dues and be recoined by the Government and paid out to its creditors; the repeal of the laws which deny the people of seve ral States the right to determine for themselves whether they will authorize banks or not; that capital in every form be required to bear the burdens of Government equally with labor and production; that the present financial policy of the Government to contract the circulation of Treasury notes, disparage silver, magnity gold and National bank notes, be reversed, and every legiti mate mode adopted to level the volume of our currency with silver and Treasury notes.

Texas Democratic.
[Adopted July -.]

We demand, as further acts of justice as well as measures of relief, the repeal of the Resumption Act, the lawful liberation of the coin hoarded in the Treasury, the removal of all restrictions to the coinage of silver, fraudulently demonetized, the substitution of United States legal-tender for National bank notes, and its permanent reëstablishment as the sole paper money of the country, made receivable for all dues to the Government and of equal tender with coin, the amount of such issue to be regulated by legislative or organic law, so as to give to the people an assurance of sufficiency and sta

bility in the volume of the currency and con- Government to coin and create money and sequent stability of value. No further in-regulate its value. All bank issues designed crease in the bonded debt; no further sale to circulate as money should be suppressed. of bonds for the purchase of coin for re- The circulating medium, whether of metal sumption purposes, but a gradual reduction or paper, shall be issued by the Government, of the public debt by payment according to and made a full legal-tender for all debts, the original contract by which it was cre- duties and taxes in the United States, at its ated: a rigid economy in all branches of the stamped value. public service, and a tariff for revenue only. There shall be no privileged class of creditWe favor one currency for the Governors. Official salaries. pensions, bonds, and ment and the people, the laborer and the all other debts and obligations, public and office holder, the pensioner and the soldier, private, shall be discharged in the legalthe producer and the bondholder. tender money of the United States, strictly according to the stipulations of the laws under which they were contracted.

We hold that the right of the States to tax property in the States is inviolable, and that United States bonds should bear the burden of Government equally with all other property, and any legislation that exempts said bonds from taxation is unjust and oppressive.

We declare that all bonds and obligations of the National Government ought to be paid in legal-tender notes of the United States, except where it is otherwise pro. vided by the original law under which they were issued; and all that can be called in and paid now should be paid at once, and the remainder as soon as it can be lawfully done.

Wisconsin Republican,

[Adopted August 1.]

We rejoice at the prospects of the resumption of specie payments by the close of the present year. A stable, non-fluctuating currency, possessing intrinsic value-coin, or gold, or silver, at the pleasure of the holder-18 the only secure foundation of permanent business prosperity. Such a currency will impart that steadiness to prices which is an essential condition for the successful prosecution of legitimate industry and enterprise, and is equally demanded by the true interests of the laborer and the business man and the capitalist.

That the coinage of silver be placed on the same footing as that of gold.

Congress shall provide said money adequate to the full employment of labor, the equitable distribution of its products, and the requirements of business, fixing a minimum amount per capita of the population as near as may be, and otherwise regulating its value by wise and equitable provisions of law, so that the rate of interest will secure to labor its just reward. * ** Government bonds and money should be taxed precisely as other property, and a graduated income tax should be levied for the susport of the Government and the payment of its debts. Public lands are the common property of the whole people, and should not be sold to speculators nor granted to railroads or other corporations, but should be donated to actual settlers in limited quanti ties. * ized.

No monopolies should be legal

* Such legislation should be had that the number of hours of daily toil will be reduced, giving to the working classes more leisure for mental improvement and their several enjoyments, and saving them from premature decay and death.

The adoption of an American monetary system, as proposed herein, will harmonize all differences in regard, to tariff and Federal The value of all paper currency, whether taxation, reduce and equalize the cost of issued by the Government or by the banks, transportation by land and water, distribute consists in the promise it bears of payment, equitably the joint earnings of capital and and in the degree of credit attached to that labor, secure to the producers of wealth promise. If it cannot be converted at pleas the results of their labor and skill, and mus. ure into currency of intrinsic value, it can-ter out of service the vast army of idlers, not remain at par, and its depreciation will who, under the existing system, grow rich be in proportion to the prospects of its being upon the earnings of others, that every man convertible within a longer or shorter and woman may, by their own efforts, seperiod. The printed bits of paper which cure a competency, so that overgrown forsome wild theorists propose to employ as tunes and extreme poverty will be seldom currency, and which they term "absolute found within thelimits of our Republic.*** money," containing no promise of payment and no intrinsic value, would soon become absolute in one respect only. They would be absolutely worthless. This and other chimerical projects by which it is proposed to find a cheap and worthless substitute for the measure of value accepted and employed by the civilized world are based upon delusion, if not dishonesty, and if adopted would result in disaster and shame. We hold it to be the duty of Republicans and all good citizens to oppose with uncompromising firm ness all those mischievous theories, as well as the cognate doctrines of Communism and Internationalism, which menace society, individual liberty and the accumulated sav. ings of industry. *

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That the contract system of employing labor in our prisons and reformatory institu tions works great injustice to our mechanics and artisans, and should be prohibited.

The importation of servile labor into the United States from China is a problem of the most serious importance, and we recommend legislation looking to its suppression.

That we believe in the supremacy of law over and above all perishable material, and in the necessity of a party of united people that will rise above old party lines and prej udices; we will not affiliate in any degree with any of the old parties, but in all cases and localities will organize anew, as united National men, nominate for office and official positions only such persons as are clearly believers in and identified with this

National Platform of the Greenback our sacred cause, and, irrespective of


[Adopted at Toledo, Ohio. February 22.] It is the exclusive function of the General

creed, color, place of birth, or past conditions of political or other servitude, vote only for men who entirely abandon old party lines and organizations.

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1878, September 17.-Hon. James H. Slater was elected to succeed Hon. John H. Mitchell, from March 4, 1879, to March 3, 1885. The vote was as follows: Senate Slater 18, N. B. Knight 3. James K. Kelly 2, W. D. Hare 2 J. N. Dolph 2, L. L. Rowland 2, Jesse Applegate 1. House-Slater 30, Boise 6, W. C. Johnson 4, Hare 3, John H. Mitchell 2, James W. Nesmith 2, Dolph 2, J. F. Watson 2, 4, blank 3, ab. sent 2.


1878. October 15.-Hon. Justin S. Morrill was reelected, from March 4, 1879, to March 3, 1885- The vote was: SenateMorrill 26, Frederick Billings 2, Dickey 1, Barrett 1. House-Morrill 161, Dickey 59, H. H. Powers 9, E. J. Phelps 4, C. C. Mar. tin 2, Billings 1.

Electoral Vote for President and Vice-President since 1864.

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Principal Executive and Diplomatic Officers of the United States.


RUTHERFORD B. HAYES, of Ohio, President of the United States.......Salary $50,000 WILLIAM A. WHEELER, of New-York, Vice-President......


WILLIAM M. EVARTS, of New-York, Secretary of State....
JOHN SHERMAN, of Ohio, Secretary of the Treasury.....
GEORGE W. MCCRARY, of Iowa, Secretary of War..
RICHARD W. THOMPSON, of Indiana, Secretary of the Navy.
CARL SCHURZ, of Missouri, Secretary of the interior..
DAVID M. KEY, of Tennessee, Postmaster-General..
CHARLES DEVENS, of Massachusetts, Attorney-General..


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Assistant Secretary-Frederick W. Seward (1877), N. Y.; salary, $3,500. Second Assistant Secretary-William Hunter (1866), R. I., $3,500. Third Assistant Secretary-Charles Payson (1878), Mass., $3,500.


Assistant Secretaries-John B. Hawley (1877), Ill., $4,500; Henry F. French (1876), Mass., $4,500.

Bureau of Engraving and Printing-Orsamus H. Irish (1878), Neb., $4,500.

Supervising Architect-J. G. Hill (1876), Mass., $4,500.

Bureau of Statistics-Joseph Nimmo, jr. (1878), N. Y., $2,400.

First Controller-Albert G. Porter (1878), Ind., $5,000.

Second Controlier-Wm. W. Upton (1877), Or.. $5,000.

Commissioner of Customs-Henry C. Johnson (1874), Penn, $4,000.

First Auditor-Robert M. Reynolds (1878), Ala.. $3.600,

Second Auditor-Ezra B. French (1861), Me.. $3,600.

Third Auditor-Horace

Minn., $3,600.

Austin (1876),

Fourth Auditor-Stephen J. W. Tabor (1863), Iowa, $3,600.

Fifth Auditor-Jacob H. Ela (1872), N. H., $3,600.

Sixth Auditor-Jacob M. McGrew (1875), Ohio, $3,600,

Treasurer-James Gilfillan (1877). Conn.,


Register-Glenni W.Scofield (1878), Penn.,


Controller of the Currency-John J. Knox (1872), N. Y.. $3,000.

Commissioner of Internal Revenuc-Green B. Raum (1876), Ill., $6,000.

Solicitor-Kenneth Rayner (1876), M183..


Superintendent Life-Saving Service-Sumner L. Kimball (1878), Maine, $1,000. WAR DEPARTMENT.

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Bureau of Yards and Docks-Richard L. Law (1878), Ind.

Bureau of Navigation-William D. Whiting (1878), Mass.* 1

Bureau of Ordnance-William N. Jeffers (1873), D. Č.* Bureau of Provisions and Clothing-Geo. F. Cutter (1877), Mass."t

Bureau of Medicine and Surgery-J. Winthrop Taylor (1878), N. J.

Bureau of Construction and Repair-John W. Easby (1877), D. C.*

Bureau of Equipment and Recruiting—Earl English (1878), M. J.*

Bureau of Steam Engineering-William II. Shock (1877), Md.

Solicitor-John A. Bolles (1865), Mass.,


Commander of Marine Corps-Charles G. McCawley (1876), Penn.*

POST-OFFICE DEPARTMENT. First Assistant Postmaster-General-James N. Tyner (1877), Ind., $3,500.

Second Assistant Postmaster - GeneralThos. J. Brady (1876), Ind., $3,500. Third Assistant Postmaster-General-Abraham D. Hazen (1877), Penn., $3,500. Assistant Attorney-General, Post-Office DeAdjutant-General-Edward D. Townsend partment-Alfred A. Freeman (1877), Tenn., $4,000.

(1859), Mass."

* Salary made up of pay and sundry allowances

Also Paymaster-General.

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