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1. What was the state of the world previous to and at the time of the appearance of our Saviour upon earth?

2. What was their belief and worship?

3. What was their conduct?

4. How has St. Paul described the ancient Pa gans?

5. Were there no wise and good men among the ancients?

6. Had they correct views of the nature and at tributes of the Deity and of religion?

7. Of what advantage was their knowledge to the towers orders of people?

8. To rescue mankind from this wretched state, what was necessary?

9. What was it to teach?

10. Did the ancients expeet à revelation from God?

11. Why?

12. Are these confessions important?

13. From whence do deists of the present day derive their ideas of God?

14. What should we infer from these considerations?


15. Was the coming of the Messiah expected? 16. Who among the ancients have informed us of this opinion of the people?

17. Was the appearance of Christ generally noticed by the heathen as well as sacred writers? 18. What say the Jews?


19. Were the books of the New-Testament written by the persons to whom they have been ascribed?

20. What evidence have you of this?

21. What grounds have you for believing that all the facts related by the apostles are true?

22. What says St. Luke?

23. What was the character of the apostles? 24. Could they have had any inducements to propagate a fiction?

25. And what was the religion they preached? 26. You say the facts related in the gospels must be true have you any confirmation of thisopinion? 27. But is it certain that the books of the New Testament have not been altered?

28. What circumstances tend to show that the scriptures have been transmitted entire to us, as they were originally written?


29. What is the Old Testament?

30. Are they the genuine writings of their reputed authors?

31. Have they been faithfully preserved ?


32. What evidences have you of this? 33. Did the Jews carefully preserve their sacred books?

34. And what evidence have you of their cor. rectness?

35. What is said of the historical books of the Old Testament?

36. Why do you suppose that a people in an ob⚫ scure corner of the world should have more enlightened views of God than the learned heathen na tions?

37. Have the prophecies of the Old Testament been accomplished?

38. What did Moses predict concerning the Jews?


39. What was the character of Jesus Christ; what his demeanor toward God and mankind? 40. What doctrines did he teach?

41. Were his discourses full of wisdom and dignity?

42. What do you infer from this?
43. Did he assert his divinity?
44. What follows?


45. What is said of the scriptures of the Nøre, Testament?

46. What do they teach?

47. What is said of these great and interesting truths?

48. What rules of conduct did our Divine Mas ter prescribe

49. What is our duty towards our Makes? 50. What to our neighbor?

51. And to ourselves?

52. What is the principal excellence of gospel morality?

53. What circumstances give weight and digni ty to the precepts of the bible?

54. What is said of the author of our religion? 55. Whence, then, had this man these things, and what wisdom is this that was given unto him? 66. Who were his fellow laborers?

57. How could such men produce such perfect rules of life?


58. What success had the frst teachers of the shristian religion?

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