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Activity, molecular, 34, 39

automatic, 38
functional, 46

Actual cautery in treatment of general
paresis, 523

Acute alcoholic insanity, 425
delirium, 528

morbid appearances of, 537
ætiology of, 530
diagnosis of, 539.

treatment of, 540

Adolescence, period of, 276
characteristics of, 277

Adolescent insanity, 273

reasons for infrequency of,

ætiology of, 274, 275
motor activity in, 276

symptoms of, 282

tendency to recurrence in,
285, 296

treatment of, 298

prophylaxis of, 299

Etiology of general paresis, 451

Age, influential in averting acute
dementia, 228

a factor in the aetiology of general

paresis, 452, 453

Alabama, laws of, in relation to the
care of the insane, 555
Alcohol a cause of insanity, 423
Alcoholic paresis, 439 et seq.
diagnosis of, 439 et seq.
characteristics of, 439
insanity, chronic, 431
peripheral neuritis, 441

Alimentation, importance of, in mania,


Alternating insanity, 248, 249

Ammonium, bromide of, in mania, 98
Anemia from insanity in lactation, 365
Appetite in general paresis, 501
Arizona, laws of, in relation to the
insane, 557

Arkansas, laws of, in relation to the
care of the insane, 558
Arrangement of mental diseases, 121
Arsenic in melancholia, 165
Artificial feeding in melancholia, 162
Ascher, Dr., on syphilis and general
paresis, 462, 463
Assimilation in general paresis, 501
Attention in mania, 186

impairment of, in general paresis,

Auditory nerve, anatomy of, 30
Aura epileptica, 396

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expansive or depressive, 96
subject matter of, 92
transient or enduring, 101
in general paresis, 480, 481
Dementia, 112, 126, 257
definition of, 258

in general paresis, 478
three forms of, 264 et seq.
in epilepsy, 407
delusions in, 263
primary, 265
secondary, 265
prognosis in, 269

symptoms of, 259 et seq.
treatment of, 270

Depression in folie circulaire, 247

Derangement of the functional activ-
ity of the brain an initial ele-
ment of insanity, 47

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[blocks in formation]

Identity, personal, 43

Illinois, laws relating to the care of
the insane, 572

Illusions, 48

definition of, 62
of sight, 63

of visceral sensibility, 64

Imperative concepts, 66

mode of origin, 67

forms of disease in, 68
prognosis and course of, 69

Impulse, homicidal, 72.
Incoördination in general paretics,
475, 496

Incubative stage in mania, 169
Indiana, laws of, relating to the insane,

Inhibitory centres in adolescent in-
sanity, 282.

Initial periods of general paresis, 464
"Insane foreigners," 529
Insanity of masturbation, 377
puerperal, 126
delusional, 52, 126
of puberty, 126
climacteric, 126

primary delusional, 202
masturbatic, 126
adolescent, 273

post-febrile, 541

alcoholic, 421

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