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27395 Critical dissertations on the origin, antiquities, language, etc. of the ancient Caledonians.... by J. MACPHERSON. Lond., 1768, in-4. 27396 J. SMITH's gallic antiquities. Edinb., 1780, in-4.

27397 Miscellanea scotica, a collection of tracts relating to the history, antiquities, topography, and literature of Scotland. Glasgow, 1818, 4 vol. in-12.

27397* Analecta scotica: collection illustrative of the civil, ecclesiastical, and literary history of Scotland. Edinb., 1834-37, 2 vol. in-8. 27398 Nugæ derelictæ quas collegerunt J. M. et R. P. (J. MAIDMENT et R. Pictarin). Edinburgi, 1822, in-8.

27399 A critical essay on the ancient inhabitants

of the northern parts of Britain or Scotland, by Th. Innes. London, 1729, 2 vol. in-8. 27400 Alex. GORDON, itinerarium septentrionale. Lond., 1727, in-fol.

27401 Picturesque antiquities of Scotland, by Ad. CARDONNEL. London, 1788, in-8. 27402 Scotia depicta, or the antiquities, castles, etc. of Scotland, by NATTES. London, 1804, gr. in-fol.

27403 Provincial antiquities, and picturesque scenery of Scotland, with descriptive illustrations by Walter SCOTT. Edinb., 1826, 2 27404 Antiquities and scenery of the north Scotland. London, 1780, in-4.-Voir le n° 20343. 27404* ILLUSTRATIONS of northern antiquities. Edinburgh, 1814, in-4.

27405 Joan. de FORDUN Scoti chronicon. Edinb., 1759, 2 vol. in-fol.

27406 The Wyntown's cronykle.-Voy. 15896. 27406* Hect. BOETHII historiæ Scotorum. Paris., 1574, in-fol.

27407 Geoг. BUCHANAN, rerum scoticarum historia. Edinb., 1582, in-fol.

27408 Annals of the Caledonians, Picts and Scots, etc., by RITSON. Edinburgh, 1828, 2 vol. pet. in-8.

27409 MAITLAND's history and antiquities of Scotland. London, 1757, 2 vol. in-fol. 27410 A general history of Scotland, by Will. Guthrie. London, 1767-8, 10 vol. in-8. 27411 Rob. HERON'S history of Scotland. Perth, 1794-99, 6 vol. in-8.

27412 History of Scotland, by Patrick Fraser Tytler. Edinb., 1828-40, 8 vol. in-8. 27413 Inscriptiones historicæ regum Scotorum....

Joh. Jonstono authore. Amstelodami, 1602, in-4. (Article JOHNSTON.)

27414 Lives of scottish worthies, by Patrick Fraser Tytler. London, 1832-33, 3 vol. in-12. 27415 Lives of illustrious and distinguished Scotsmen, by Rob. Chambers. Glascow, 1832, 2 vol. in-8.-Voir les no 30965 à 68. 27416 The martial atchievement of the scots nation......., by Patrick Abercromby. Edinb., 1711-15, 2 vol. in-fol. — Réimprimé en 1762, 4 vol. in-8.

27417 L'ESCOSSE françoise. Paris, 1608, in-8. 27418 The history of Scotland, during the reign

of Robert I, surnamed the Bruce, by Rob. Kerr. Lond., 1811, 2 vol. in-8.

27419 An enquiry into the history of Scotland, preceding the reign of Malcolm III, by J. PINKERTON. Edinb., 1814, 2 vol. in-8.


27420 Annals of Scotland, from Malcolm III to the accession of the house of Stuart, by Dav. DALRYMPLE. London, 1762-79, 2 vol. in-4., or 1797, 3 vol. in-8.

27421 The history of Scotland, from the accession of the house of Stuart to that of Mary, by J. PINKERTON. London, 1797, 2 vol. in-4.

27422 The chronicles of Scotland (1436 to 1565), by Rob. Lindsay of Pitscottie (continued to 1604). Edinb., 1728, in-fol., or 1814, 2 vol. in-8. 27423 The history of Scotland, from the establishment of the reformation to the death of queen Mary, by Gilb. Stuart. London, 1782, 2 vol. in-4.

27423* Histoire, vie et mort de Jacques V. Paris, 1621, pet. in-8.

27424 The expedition into Scotland of the prince Edward duke of Somerset, by Will. PATTEN. London, 1548, in-8.

27425 Récit de l'expédition d'Ecosse, en 1546..., par BERTEVILLE. Edimb., 1825, in-4. 27425* The COMPLAYNT of Scotland. 1548, in-16. 27426 Discours particulier d'Ecosse, escrit par Jaq. MACKGILL, et Jean Bellenden, en 1559. Edinb., 1824, in-4.

27427 Staggering state of the scots statesmen for one hundred years, viz. from 1550 to 1650, by John Scott, new first published from an original manuscrit (by Walter Goodall ). Edinb., 1754, pet. in-8.

27428 Memorials of George BANNATYNE, 1545-1608. Edinburgh, 1829, in-4.

27429 ROBERTSON's history of Scotland. London, 1771, 2 vol. in-4.

27430 Histoire de la guerre d'Ecosse, par J. de BEAUGUE. Paris, 1556, in-8.

27431 BANNATYNE miscellany. Edinb.,1824-27,in-4. 27432 Miscellany of the MAITLAND club. Edinb., 1832, in-4.

27433 Memoirs of James MELVILLE. Edinburgh, 1827, in-4.

27434 De vita Mariæ Scotorum reginæ authores XVI, recensuit Sam. JEBB. Lond., 1725, 2 vol. in-fol.

27435 James Anderson's collections relating to the history of Mary queen of Scotland. Edinb., 1727-8, 4 vol. in-4.

27436 Histoire de Marie, reine d'Écosse, trad. du lat. (de BUCHANAN). Edimb., 1572, in-8.-Voir le n° 27447.

27437 Historia de lo sucedido en Escocia, y Inglaterra, en 44 años que bivio Maria Estuarda, escrita por Ant. de HERRERA. Madr., 1589, in-8. 27437* The history of the life and death of Mary Stuart, by W. UDALL. 1636, in-12.

27438 Geor. CONEI vita Maria Stuartæ Scotia reginæ. Romæ, 1624, pet. in-8.

27439 Histoire de Marie Stuard, reine d'Écosse (par Fréron et de Marsy). Lond. (Paris), 1742, 2 vol. in-12.

27440 The life of Mary, queen of Scotland, by Geor. CHALMERS. Lond., 1818, 2 vol. in-4. fig. 27441 Mary queen of Scots vindicated, by John Whitaker, second edition. London, 1790, 3 vol. in-8. (La prem. édition, Lond., 1788, est aussi en 3 vol. in-8.; on la complète par les additions et corrections de la 2e édit. impr. séparément en 1790.)

27442 An enquiry, historical and critical, into the 38

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evidence against Mary queen of Scots, by Will. Tytler. Lond., 1790, 2 vol. in-8. (La 1re édition a paru en 1760.)

27443 Marie Stuart, reine d'Écosse, par Fr.-Jos. de LA SERRIE. 1809, in-18.

27444 Lettres inédites de Marie Stuart, accompagnées de diverses dépêches et instructions, 1558-87, publiées par le prince Alex. Labanoff. Paris, 1839, in-8.

27445 AFFAIRES du comte de Boduel, en 1568. Edimb., 1829, in-4.

27446 A defence of the honour of Marie quene of Scotland..... (by J. Lesley). London, 1569, in-8.

27447 Innocence de Marie, reine d'Écosse. (Paris) 1572, in-8. (à l'article BUCHANAN.) 27448 Copie d'une lettre de la royne d'Escosse, escripte de sa prison de Chiefeild. Paris, 1572, in-8. (Article MARIE Stuart.)

27449 Jo. LESLEI de titulo et jure Mariæ Scotorum reginæ,quo regni Angliæ successionem sibi juste vindicat, libellus. Rhemis, 1580, in-4.

27450 DISCOURS de la mort de Marie Stuard. 1587, pet. in-8.

27451 Lettera di Sart. LosCHO sopra la morte della reina di Scotia. Bergamo, 1587, in-8. 27452 La MORT de la reine d'Écosse. Paris, 1588,


27452* Summarium rationum, quibus cancellarius

Angliæ et prolocutor Puckingius Elizabethæ persuaserunt occidendam esse Mariam Stuartam..., opera Romoaldi Scori. 1588, in-4. 27453 Maria Stuarta regina Scotiæ, innocens a cæde darleana, vindice Oberto BARNESTAPOLIO, Ingolst., 1588, in-8.

27454 MARTYRE de la reine d'Écosse. Anvers, 1588, in-8.

27455 APOLOGIE ou défense de la sentence de Marie Stuard. 1588, in-8.

27455* Ragguaglio della nobil rotta data da' Scozzesi a gl' Inglesi. Bologna (1588), in-4. (Article LANZAVECHIA.)

27456 Report on the events and circonstances which produced the union of the kingdoms of England and Scotland...., by J. Bruce. Lond., 1799, 2 vol. in-8. (Privately printed.) 27457 The history of Scotland, from the union of the crowns on the accession of James VI to the union of the kingdoms in the reign of queen Anne, by Malcolm LAIG, the third edition...... London, 1819, 4 vol. in-8.

27458 The HISTORY and life of king James the sext (of Scotland). Edinburgh, 1825, in-4.— Voy. les nos 26939 et suivants.

27459 Rob. Chambers's history of the rebellions in Scotland, from 1638 to 1660. Edinb., 1828, 2 vol. in-12. in 1689 and 1715, ibid., 1829, in-12.-in 1745-46, ibid., 1828, 2 vol. in-12. 27460 The history of the house of Douglas and Angus, by Dav. Hume of Godscroft. Edinb., 1644 (also 1648), in-fol.—or 1743, 2 vol. in-12. 27461 The state papers and letters of sir Ralph SADLER. Edinb., 1809, 2 vol. gr. in-4. 27462 J. ANDERSON, diplomatum et numismatum Scotia thesaurus. Edinb., 1735, in-fol. 27463 Numismata Scotia or a series of the scottish coinage, from the reign of William the Lion to the union, by Adam de Cardonnel. Edinb., 1786, in-4. fig.

27464 The border history of England and Scotland, by Geor. Ridpath. London, 1776 (aussi 1808), in-4.-Voyez les nos 27268 et suivants. 27465 Border antiquities of England and Scotland ...., by Walter SCOTT. London, 1814-17, 2 vol. in-4.

27466 Sketches of the character, manners and present state of the Highlanders of Scotland, with details of the military service of the highland regiments, by Dav. Stewart; third edition. Edinb., 1825, 2 vol. in-8., avec une carte. 27467 A description of the western islands of Scotland, by J. MACCULLOCH. Edinb., 1819, 2 vol. in-8., et atlas in-4.

27468 The highland and western isles of Scotland, by the same. Lond., 1824, 4 vol. in-8. 27469 History of the Highlands and highland clans, by James Browne. Glascow, 1838, 4 vol. in-8. fig.

27470 The Scottish Gael, or celtic manners, as preserved among the Highlanders, by J. Logan. Lond., 1831, 2 vol. in-8.

27471 MAITLAND's history of Edinburgh. Edinb., 1753, in-fol.

27472 History of Edinburgh, by Hugo Arnot, sec. edition. Edinb., 1789, in-4.

27473 Annals of Aberdeen, by Will. Kennedy. Lond., 1818, 2 vol. in-4.

27474 History of the city of Glascow, by J. Denholms. Glascow, 1804, in-8. fig.

H. Histoire générale et particulière de l'Irlande, et des Petites Iles.

(Pour l'histoire de Jersey et de Guernesey, voyez les

n. 27188-90.

27475 An account of Ireland, statistical and political, by Edw. WAKEFIELD. London, 1812, 2 vol. in-4., avec une carte.

27476 Views of Ireland, moral, political and religious......., by John O'Driscol. London, 1823, 2 vol. in-8.

27477 L'Irlande sociale, politique et religieuse, par M. Gustave de Beaumont. Paris, 1839, 2 vol. in-8.

27478 Beauties of Ireland, by J.-N. BREWER. London, 1826, 2 vol. in-8.

27479 Ireland illustrated, from original drawings with descript. by G.-N. WRIGHT. London, 1832, gr. in-4.

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27480 Researches in the south of Ireland, illustrative of the scenery, architectural remains, manners and superstitions of the peasantry, by T. Crofton Croker. London, 1824, in-4., avec 16 planches.

27481 Views of society and manners in the north of Ireland, by J. Gamble. Lond., 1813, in-8. 27482 Rerum hibernicarum scriptores veteres, edente Car. O'CONNOR. Buckinghamiæ, 1814-20, 4 vol. in-4.

27483 Hiberniæ; or, ancient tracts relating to Ireland, collected by Walter Harris, Dublin, 1757, in-fol.- Réimpr. en 1770, in-8. 27484 Chronicles of Eri; being the history of Gael Sciot Iber, or the irish people, translated from the original mss. in the phoenician dialect

of the scythian language, by O'Connor. Lond., 1822, 2 vol. in-8. 27485 Cambrensis eversus: seu potius historica fides, in rebus hibernicis, Giraldo Cambrensi abrogata, etc. in quo... plerosque nævos inesse ostendit Gratianus Lucius [Joan. LYNCH]. 1662, in-fol.-Voir le no 27368.

27486 Lauthiana: or an introduction to the antiquities of Ireland...., by Th. WRIGHT. London, 1758, in-4.

27487 Dissertations on the history of Ireland, by Ch. O'Connor. Dublin, 1766, in-8. 27488 Ch. VALLANCEY, collectanea de rebus hibernicis. Dublini, 1770, 6 vol. in-8.

27489 A vindication of the ancient history of Ireland, by the same. Dublin, 1786, in-8. 27490 Antiquities of Ireland, by Edw. Ledwich. Dublin, 1793, in-4.

27491 Ireland in past times: an historical retrospect, ecclesiastical and civil, with illustrative notes. London, 1826, 2 vol. in-8.

27492 Irish antiquarian researches, by Will. BETHAM. Dublin, 1826, 2 vol. in-8. 27493 The Gael and Cymbri, or an inquiry on the Irish Scoti, Britons, etc., by Will. BETHAM. Dublin, 1834, in-8.

27494 Picturesque views of antiquities of Ireland,

by Th. NEWENHAM. London, 1826, 2 vol. in-4. 27495 Historical memoirs of the irish Bards, interspersed with anecdotes of and occasional observations on the music of Ireland, etc., by

J.-C. WALKER. Dublin, 1786, in-4. fig. 27496 Historical essay on the dress of the ancient and modern Irish, to which is subjoined a memoir on the armour and weapons of the Irish, by J.-C. WALKER. Dublin, 1788, in-4. fig. 27497 Historic memoirs of Ireland, by sir Jonah Barrington. London, 1833, 2 vol. in-4.

27498 Introduction to the study of the history and antiquities of Ireland; and a general history of Ireland, from the earliest accounts to the close of the twelfth century......., by Sylvester O'Halloran. Dublin, 1772-78, 3 vol: in-4.; aussi 1803, 3 vol. in-8.

27499 Ancient irish history. Dublin, 1809, 2 vol. in-8.

27500 R. STANIHURSTI de rebus in Hibernia gestis libri IV. Antuerpiæ, 1584, in-4.

27501 The history of Ireland, by Meredith Han

mer, Edm. Campion and Edm. Spenser, published by J. Ware. Dublin, 1633, in-fol. 27502 WARE's works concerning Ireland. Dublin, 1764, 2 vol. in-fol.

27503 Roderic O'Flaherty, Ogygia, sive rerum hibernicarum chronologia. Londini, 1685, in-4. -translated by James Hely. Dublin, 1793, 2 vol. in-8.

27504 Ogygia vindicated against the objections of George Mackenzie......, with notes by Ch. O'Connor. Dublin, 1775, in-8.

27505 Hibernia anglicana: or the history of Ireland......, with an introductory discourse touching the ancient state of that kingdom; by Rich. Cox. London, 1689-90, 2 vol. in-fol. 27506 G. KEATING'S general history of Ireland. Westminster, 1726, in-fol.

27507 Histoire de l'Irlande, par l'abbé Mac-Geoghegan. Paris, 1758-63, 3 vol. in-4.

London, 1763, in-4. (tome I.)-History of the rebellion and civil war in Ireland (1641-60), by the same. London, 1767 (or 1768), in-4. 27509 The history of Ireland, by J. O'Driscol. London, 1827, 2 vol. in-8.

27510 Histoire d'Irlande depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'à l'acte d'union avec la GrandeBretagne, trad. de l'anglais de M.-J. Gordon, par P. Lamontagne. Paris, 1808, 3 vol. in-8. [L'original anglais a paru à Londres, 1806, en 2 vol. in-8.]

27511 Th. LELAND'S history of Ireland from the invasion of Henry II. Dublin, 1773, 3 vol. in-4. 27512 An historical review of the state of Ireland, from the invasion of that country under Henry II to its union with Great-Britain, by Francis Plowden. London, 1803, 2 tom. en 3 vol. in-4.or London, 1809, 3 vol. in-8.-suite de 1801 à 1810, Dublin, 1811, 3 vol. in-8.

27513 Memoirs of the different rebellions in Ireland, from the arrival of the English to 1798, by Rich. Musgrave. Dublin, 1802, 2 vol. in-8. 27514 An historical and critical review of the civil wars in Ireland, from the reign of Queen Elizabeth to the settlement under king William....., by J. Curry. Dublin, 1775, in-4.-second edit., enlarged by C. O'Connor, 1786, 2 vol. in-8. 27515 Pacata Hibernia; by Th. STAFFORD. Lond., 1633, in-fol.

27516 The irish rebellion; or, an history of the

rebellion raised within the kingdom of Ireland upon 23 oct. 1641: together with the barbarous cruelties and bloody massacres which ensued there upon; by John Temple. Lond., 1646, in-4. the same, with a preface by F. Maseres. London, 1812, in-4.

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27517 Ant. PRODINI descriptio regni Hiberniæ, et de prima origine miseriarum... regnante Carolo 27518 A narrative of the settlement and sale of primo. Roma, 1721, in-4. Ireland..., by Nich. FRENCH. Lovain, 1668, in-4. 27519 The vnkinde desertor of loyall men and true friends, by Nich. FRENCH. 1676, in-12. 27520 Remonstrantia Hibernorum..... de incommutabili regum imperio, subditorumque fidelitate, etc., authore R. P. F. R. CARON. (Lond.), 1655, in-fol.

27521 A true and impartial history of the most material occurence in Ireland during the two last years, with a continuation from the time that duke Schonberg landed with his army; by George Story. London, 1691-93, 2 vol. in-4. fig.

et cartes.

27522 Histoire de la révolution d'Irlande, arrivée sous Guillaume III. Amsterdam, 1691, in-12. 27523 Relation de la campagne d'Irlande, en 1691, sous le commandement du général de Gingel. Amsterdam, 1693, pet. in-8.

27524 An essay towards an historical account of irish coins, and of the currency of foreign monies in Ireland......., by James Simon. Dublin, 1749, in-4.

27525 The history and antiquities of the city of Dublin, by Walter Harris. Lond., 1766, in-8. 27526 The history of the city of Dublin, by J. Warburton and J. Whitelaw, published by R. Walsh. Lond., 1818, 2 vol. in 4.

27508 The history of Ireland, by Ferd. Warner. 27527 Picturesque and descriptive views of the

city of Dublin, by J. Malton. Lond., 1794, in-fol. oblong.

27528 The ancient and present state of the county and city of Waterford, by Ch. Smith. Dublin, 1746 (aussi 1774), in-8.—of Cork, by the same, ibid., 1750 (aussi 1774), 2 vol. in-8.—of Kerry, by the same, ibid., 1756 (aussi 1774), in-8. 27529 The ancient and present state of the county of Down (attributed to Walter Harris). Dublin, 1744, in-8.

27536 A general and statistical survey of the county of Cork, by Horatio Townsend. Cork, 1815, 2 vol. in-8.

27531 Round Towers of Ireland, or the mysteries

of Freemasonry, Sabaism, and Budhism, for the first time unveiled. Dublin, 1834, in-8. fig. 27532 History of the Orkney islands, by G. BARRY. -Voyez le n° 27628.

27533 A view of the ancient and present state of the Zetland island, by Arthur Edmonston. London, 1809, 2 vol. in-8.

27534 Description of the Shetland islands, by Sam. HIBBERT. Edinburgh, 1823, in-4.

10. Histoire Scandinave.

A. Généralités.

(Pour l'histoire des Goths, voir les n. 23000 et suivants, et aussi 25259.)

27535 Ol. VereLII mauuductio ad runographiam scandicam antiquam intelligendam. Upsaliæ, 1675, in-fol.

27536 Ol. MAGNI hist. de gentibus septentrionalibus. Roma, 1555, in-fol.

27537 JO. MAGNI de Gothorum Sueonumque regibus historia. Romæ, 1554, in-fol.

27538 Ol. RUDBECKII Atlantica. Upsaliæ, 1675-98, 4 vol. in-fol.

27538* SNORRONIS Sturlonidis historia regum. Voyez le no 27615.

27539 Historia Wilkinensium, translata a J. PERINGSKIOLDO. Stockh., 1715, in-fol.

27540 Jo. MESSENII Scondia illustrata. Stockh., 1700, 2 vol. in-fol.

27541 J.-G. KEYSLER, antiquitates selectæ septentrionales et celticæ. Hanoveræ, 1720, in-8. 27542 JOHNSTONE, antiquitates celto-normanicæ. Hafniæ, 1786, in-4.

27543 Johnstone, antiquitates celto - scandicæ. Hafniæ, 1786, in-4.

27544 Skandinaviska fornalderns hjeltesagar (anciennes traditions héroïques des Scandinaves). Stockholm, 1819, 2 vol. in-8.

27545 Runakefli le runic Rim-Stok, ou calendrier runique, avec l'explication des divers caractères, fêtes, etc., qui sont gravés sur ces anciens bâtons, auquel est ajoutée une ode tirée de l'Edda Sæmunder....., traduit en français de la langue islandaise; suivi de quelques remarques sur la mythologie du Nord, etc., par Iens Wolff. Paris, 1820, in-8. fig. Voyez 30005 et suiv. 27546 Introduction à l'histoire critique du Danemarck, par P.-F. SUHм (en danois).Copenhague, 1769-75, 5 vol. in-4. Voir le n° 27592. 27547 Illustrations of northern antiquities.—Voir Je n° 27404*.

27547* Recueil pour les amateurs des antiquités du Nord, par N.-H. Sjöborg (en suédois). Stockholm, 1822, in-4.

27548 Nordisk Tidskrift for Oldkynighed, udgivet af det K. nordisk Oldskrift-Selskab. Copenh., 1832-40, 4 vol. in-8.

27549 Doutes et conjectures sur les Huns du Nord et sur les Huns franciques, par Graberg de Hemso. Florence, 1810, in-8.

27550 Alb. KRANTZ, chronica regnorum aquilonarium Daniæ, Sueciæ et Norvegiæ. Francofurti, 1575, in-fol.

27551 ejusdem Vandalia. Francofurti, 1575, in-fol.

27552 Handlingar rörande Skandinaviens historia. Stockholm, 1816-28, 14 vol. in-8.

27553 Abrégé chronologique de l'histoire du Nord, par Lacombe. Paris, 1762, 2 vol. pet. in-8. 27554 Anecdotes du Nord (par de La Porte et La Croix). Paris, 1770, pet. in-8. 27555 Mémoires de Hambourg, de Lubeck, de Holstein, de Danemarck, de Suède et de Pologne, par Aubery du Maurier. Blois, ou La Haye, 1737, in-12.

27556 WILLIAMS's rise, progress and present state of northern governments. Lond., 1777, 2 vol. in-4. 27557 Les cours du Nord, ou mémoires originaux sur les souverains de la Suède et du Danemarck, depuis 1766, trad. de l'anglais de John Brown, par J. Cohen. Paris, 1820, 3 vol. in-8. fig. 27558 Tableau de la mer Baltique, considérée sous les rapports physiques, géographiques, historiques et commerciaux, par J.-P. CatteauCalleville. Paris, 1812, 2 vol. in-8.

B. Danemark et Norwége; Orcades.

27559 Eric PONTOPPIDAN, den Danske Atlas. Copenh., 1763-81, 7 tom. en 8 vol. in-4. 27560 Etat présent du Danemarck (par Molesworth), traduit de l'anglois. Lond., 1694, in-12. 27561 Lettres sur le Danemarck, par Roger et Re

verdil. Genève, 1762 (2o édit. 1767), 2 vol. in-8. 27562 Tableau des états danois, par J.-P. Catteau. Paris, 1802, 3 vol. in-8.

27563 Scriptores rerum danicarum medii ævi, collegit LANGEBECK. Hafniæ, 1772, 9 vol. in-fol. 27564 Diplomatarium arna-magnæanum exhibens monumenta diplomatica quæ collegit Arnas Magnæus; edente G.-J. THORKELIN. Hafniæ, 1786, 2 vol. in-4.

27565 DANSKE magasin. Copenhague, 1776-84, 6 vol. in-4.- Nye danske magasin. Ibid., 180527, 5 vol. in-4.

27566 GESTA et vestigia Danorum extra Daniam. Lipsia, 1740, 3 vol. in-4.

27567 Th. BARTHOLINI antiquitatum danicarum libri III. Hafniæ, 1689, in-4.

27568 Kil. STOBEI opuscula. Dantisci, 1753, in-â. 27569 Joh.-Petri Anchersen lemmata et observationes. Hauniæ, 1734-40, in-4. (particulæ XII); y joindre Indices observationum......... Hala Magd., in-4.

27570 Ejusdem Vallis Hortha-Deæ et origines danicæ, ex gr. et lat. autoribus descriptæ et illustratæ. Hafniæ, 1747, iu-4.

27571 Christ.-Lud. Schedii schediasma de regis

Vandalorum, tituli Daniæ regibus familiaris, origine et causis. Hauniæ, 1743, in-4. 27572 Inscriptiones hafnienses et varia opuscula, colligente RESENIO. Hafniæ, 1668, in-4. 27573 Er. PONTOPPIDAN, marmora danica selectiora. Hauniæ, 1739-41, 2 vol. in-fol.

27574 Johan.-Jani Svagningii chronologia danica. Hafniæ, 1650, in-fol.

27575 SUENONIS opuscula. Soræ, 1642, in-8. 27576 Regum aliquot Daniæ genealogia et series anonymi, cum notis Henr. Ernstii, una cum epistola ad Christoph. Urne de fructu e lectione historiarum petendo. Soræ, 1646, in-8. 27577 SAXONIS grammatici historia danica. Soræ, 1644, in-fol.

27578 P.-E. Muller, cristik und ersögelse af Saxos histories syv sidste Böger. Kopenh., 1830, in-4. 27579 Jo. Meursii historia danica, cujus sex libri postremi nunc primum prodeunt, universa vero scholiis perpetuis Jo. Grammii illustrata. Florentiæ, 1746, in-fol. fig. (partie du no 19023.) - L'édition d'Amsterd., 1638, in-fol., est moins complète.

27580 Den danske Riimkronike: Chronique de Danemarck, en vers danois, publiée (d'après l'édition donnée par G. Ghemens en 1495), avec une introduction et un glossaire par C. Molbech. Copenhague, 1825, in-8. - Voir le n° 15671. 27581 Des Lübeckischen dreyjährigen Knabens Christian Henrich Heinekens Vorschmak der alten mitlern und neuen danischen Geschichte. Lübeck, 1724, in-fol. fig.

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27582 Arrild. Hvitfeld, Danmarckir rigis krönnicke. Kbhvn., 1650-52, 2 vol. in-fol. 27583 OL. WORMII fasti danici. Hafniæ, 1643, in-fol.

27584 Ol. WORMII danicorum monumentorum lib. Hafniæ, 1643, in-fol.

27585 TORFÆI series dynastiarum et regum Daniæ. Hafnia, 1720, in-4.

27586 TORFÆI trifolium historicum. Hafniæ, 1707, in-4.

27587 Torfæana, sive Torfæi notæ posteriores in seriem regum Daniæ. Hafniæ, 1777, in-4. 27588 Joh.-Is. Pontani rerum danicarum libri X, accedit chorographia Daniæ tractatusque universi borealis. Amstelodami et Hardervici, 1631, in-fol.

27589 Alb. Haelwegh icones regum Daniæ accurate expressæ: epigrammata latina (Jonæ Venusini), germanica (Ad.-Frid. Werneri), danica (Sev. Thorchilli) res gestas eorumdem regum compendio exhibentia. Hauniæ (1646), in-fol. 27590 Viti Beringii Florus danicus. Othiniæ, 1698 (iterum Hauniæ, 1709), in-fol. 27591 Lud. Holberg, Dannemarkes Riges historie. Kopenh., 1732-34, 3 vol. in-4. (Trad. en allem. Flensburg, 1757, 3 vol. in-4.)

27592 Introduction à l'histoire de Danemarck, par P.-H. MALLET. Copenhague, 1755, in-4. 27593 Histoire de Danemarck, par le même. Copenhague, 1758, 3 vol. in-4.


27594 Histoire critique du Danemarck pendant les siècles palens, par P.-F. SUHM (en danois). Copenhague, 1774-81, 4 vol. in-4., et un recueil de tableaux in-fol., sous la date de 1779. Je no 27544. 27595 Histoire de Danemark, par P.-Fred. de SUHм (en danois), Copenh., 1782-1828, 14 vol. in-4.


27596 Mélanges sur l'histoire de Danemarck, par le même. Copenhague, 1781-84, 3 vol. in-4. Nouveaux mélanges. 1792-95, 4 vol. in-4. (en danois.)

27597 G.-L. Baden, Danmarke Riges Historie (Fra Gamle Gorm til Christian VI. dod). Kjob., 1829-32, 5 vol. in-8.

27598 Recueil de traits mémorables tirés de l'histoire de Danemarck, de Norwége et de Holstein, par Ove Malling, trad. du danois par F.-M. Mourier. Copenhague, 1794, in-8. fig.

27599 La vie, mœurs, gestes et faits d'Ogier, le danois, duc de Danemarck; extraits des chartes de l'abbaye de S. Pharon de Meaux; plus l'épitaphe gravée sur le tombeau dudit S. Pharon. Paris, de Face, 1613, pet. in-8.

27600 Th. Bartholini filii, de Holgero dano, qui Caroli Magni tempore floruit, dissertatio historica. Hafnia, 1677, in-8.-Voir le n° 17040. 27601 Incerti auctoris chronica Danorum et præcipue Siælandiæ, sive chronologia rerum danicar. ab anno Chr. 1028 ad 1282, cum appendice ad ann. 1307: Arnas Magnæus ex membrana veteri eruit et edidit. Lipsiæ, 1695, in-8.

27602 Thormodi TORFEI historia Hrolfi Krakii, regis Daniæ, secundum monumenta islandica. Hafniæ, 1705, in-8.

27603 Ælnontus, monachus cantuariensis, de vita et passione S. Canuti regis Daniæ, item Anonymus de passione Caroli comit. Flandriæ, ex recens. Joh. Meursii. Hafnia, 1631, in-4. (imprimé d'abord à Copenhague, 1602, in-8.) 27604 Raetilli Haengi et Grimonis Hirsutigenæ historia, ex antiqua lingua norvegica in lat. translata per Islefum THORLEFIUM, Upsaliæ, 1697, in-fol.

27605 J.-Henr. Schlegel, Geschischte der Könige von Dännemark, aus dem Oldenburgischen Stamme mit ihren Bildnisse nach original gestochen von J.-M. Preisler. Kopenh., 1769-77, 2 part. in-fol.

27606 Vita Christiani III, etc., per J.-Is. Pontanum, edita a Joh. Hübnero. Hanov., 1729, in-4. 27607 Vita Friderici II, per J.-Is. Pontanum, a Georg. Krysingio edita. Flensb., 1735, in-4. 27608 Nic. CRAGII annales seu res danicæ..... Hafniæ, 1737, in-fol.

27609 Kong Christian den IV historic, sammeskreven af Niels Slange, og forbedert af Hans Gram. Kopenh., 1749, 4 part., 2 vol. in-fol. portr. (impr. de 1734-38.) - Trad. en allem., avec des notes et une introduction par J.-H. Schelgeln. Copenhague et Leipsic, 1757-71, 3 vol. in-4.

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