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30774 Biblioteca valenciana, por Pastor FUSTER. Valencia, 1827-30, 2 vol. in-fol. 30775 Biblioteca de los escritores aragoneses, por Felix de LATASSA y Ortin. Zaragoza, 1796-1802, 8 vol. in-4. 30776 Bosquejo historico de la vida de Hern. Perez de Pulgar..., por D. Martinez de la Rosa. Madrid, 1834, in-8. (Article PULGAR.) 30777 Henr. ab Allwoerden, historia Mich. Serveti. Helmest., 1727, in-4.

30778 Some account of the lives and writings of Lope Felix de Vega and Guillen de Castro, by Henry Richard, lord Holland. London, 1817, 2 vol. in-8.

30779 Vida de Mig. Cervantes, por M. - Fern. de

Navarrete. Madrid, 1819, in-8.(Art.CERVANTES.) 30780 Noticias de la vida y escritos de Fr.- Henr. Florez, por Fr. Mendez. Madrid, 1780, in-4. 30781 Vida literaria de D. Joaq.-Lor. VILLANUEVA, escrita por el mismo. Londres, 1825, 2 vol. in-8. 30782 Bibliotheca lusitana, por MACHADO. Lisboa, 1741-52, 4 vol. in-fol. Voyez le n° 31663. 30783 Memoirs of the life and writings of Luis de Camoens, by John Adamson. London, 1820, 2 vol. in-8. portr.

d. Suisses, Allemands, Hollandais et Flamands.

30784 Eloge historique d'Alb. Haller, avec un catalogue de ses ouvrages (par Senebier). Genève, 1788, in-8.

30784* Confessions de J.-J. Rousseau. Voyez le n° 30636.

30785 Eloge de Leon. Euler, par N. Fuss. SaintPétersbourg, 1783, in-4.

30786 J.-Casp. Lavater's Lebensbeschreib, von G. Gessner. Winterthur, 1803, 3 vol. in-8. 30787 Mémoires histor. sur la vie d'Hor.-Bénéd. de Saussure, pour servir d'introduction à la lecture de ses ouvrages, par J. Senebier. Genève, an XI (1801), in-8.

30788 Notice sur la vie et les écrits de (GeorgeLouis) Lesage, de Genève, rédigée d'après ses notes, par P. Prevost... Genève, 1805, in-8. 30789 Illustrium Germaniæ catalogus, Corn. CALLIDIO auctore. Mogunt., 1581, in-8. 30790 Vitæ theologorum, jure-consultorum, et politicorum, medicorum atque philosophorum, maximam partem Germanorum, nonnullam quoque exterorum, a Melch. Adamo plurimis tomis congestæ concinnatæque, nunc in unum collectæ. Francof.-ad-Man., 1705, 2 vol. in-fol. (La ire édit. de cet ouvrage, publiée sous les yeux de l'auteur, à Heidelberg et à Francfort, de 1615 à 1620 (réimpr. de 1653-63), en 5 vol. in-8., est moins incorrecte que celle de 1705.) 30791 Lexicon deutscher Dichter und Prosaisten,

von C.-H. JOERDENS. Leipz., 1806-11, 6 vol. in-8. 30792 Denkwürdigkk., Anekdoten und Charakter

züge aus dem Leben der vorzüglichstens deutsch. Dichter und Prosaisten; von C.-H. Joerdens. Leipzig, 1812, 2 vol. in-8.

30793 Encyclopædie der deutschen national-Literatur, oder biogr. critisches Lexicon der deutschen Dichter und Prosaisten;... nebst proben aus ihren Werken. Bearbeitet von O.-L.-B. Wolf. Leipzig, 1835 et ann. suiv., în-4. (publ. par cahiers.)


30794 G. Lizel, historia poetarum græcorum germanorum. Francof. et Lips., 1730, in-8. 30795 Vies des principaux savants d'Allemagne qui ont été les restaurateurs du goût et des belles-lettres, par L. Meister. Berne, 1796, in-8. portraits.

30796 Lexicon der jetzt lebenden deutschen Schrifsteller und Schrifstellerinnen; von H. Böring. Heidelb., 1837, 4 vol. in-8.

30797 Bibliotheca coloniensis in qua vitæ et libri recensentur omnium archidioceseos coloniensis indigenarum et incolarum scriptorum, auctore Jos. Hartzheim. Coloniæ Agrip., 1747, in-fol. 30798 Bibliotheca augustana, complectens notitias varias de vita et scriptis eruditorum quos Augusta Vindelica orbi litterario dedit. AugustæVindelicorum, 1785, 12 part. en 4 vol. in-8. 30799 G.-Ant. Will's Nürnbergisches GelehertenLexicon. Nurnb., 1755-78, 4 vol. in-8. (Berichte und Nachristen, A.-B., 104 pp.).—Fortgesetzt, our suppl. von Ch. - Kr. Nopitsch. Altdorf., 1802-8, 4 vol. in-8.

30800 J.-Jac. Gradmann: das gelehrte Schwaben, oder Lexicon d. jetztebenden Schwabische Schriftsteller... Ravensb., 1803, in-8.

30801 Das gelehrte Würtemberg; von Bths. Haug. Stuttgart, 1790, in-8.

30802 Ant.-Mar. Kobolt's Baier. Gelehrten-Lexicon... bis auf d. 18e Jahrn. Landshut, 1795 (und nebst Beittr. von M. G. Gandershofer, 1795), in-8.

30803 Jos. Baader's Lexicon verstorbener Baier. Schriftsteller d. 18n und 19" Jahrn. Augsb., 1824-25, 2 vol. in-8.

30804 Centuria scriptorum insignium, qui in lipsiensi, wittenbergensi, francfordiana ad Odearam academiis usque ad ann. 1515 floruerunt edente Jo.-J. Mader. Helmst., 1660, in-4. 30805 J.-W. Strieder's Grundlage zu einer Hessischen Gelehrten und Schriftsteller-Geschichte; seit d. Reformation bis auf gegenwärt. Zeiten, Bd. 1-15. Cassel, 1781-1806, Bd. 16, von L. Wachler, 1811; Bd. 17 und 18, von K.-W. Justi, 1819. (en tout 18 vol. in-8., dont le dernier renferme la table générale de l'ouvrage.) 30806 G.-F. Otto's Lexicon der seit dem 15" Jahrh. verstorbenen und jetztlebenden Oberlausitz. Screiftsteller und Künstler. Görlitz, 1800-03, 3 vol.en 6 part., avec un supplément.— Supplementband bearbeitet von J.-Dn. Schulze, 1821, in-8.

30807 H.-W. Rotermund, die gelehrte Hannover. Bremen, 1824, in-8., tom. I—III. 30808 H.-W. Rotermund's Lexikon aller Gelehrten, die seit der reformation in Bremen gelebt haben. Bremen, 1819, 2 vol. in-8.

30809 C.-J. Fogel, bibliotheca hamburgensium eruditione et scriptis clarorum, qui per tria secula ad nostram ætatem claruerunt, etc. Hamb., 1733, in-4.

30810 Joan. MOLLERI Cimbria literata, sive scriptorum ducatus utriusque slevicensis et holsatici, etc. historia literaria, cum præfatione Jo. Grammii. Hauniæ, 174h, 3 vol. in-fol. 30810* De vita et scriptis Conradi Celtis opus posth. E. Klüpfelii. Friburgi, 1828, in-4. 30811 C.-M. Engelhardt: Herade von Landsperg, Aebtissin zu St. Odilien in Elsass im 12 Jahrh.


und ihr Werk: Hortus deliciarum, etc. Stuttg., 1818, in-8., et 12 pl. gr. in-fol. 30812 Jo.-Henr. Maii vita Joh. Reuchlini. Durlaci, seu Francofurti, 1687, in-8.

30813 F.-J. Reuchlin's Leben und Denkwurdigkk..., von Sgm.-F. Gehres. Carlsr., 1815, in-8. 30814 Vita equitis Ulrici de Hutten, per Jac. Burkhard. Wolfenbuteli, 1717-23, 3 tom. en 1 vol. pet. in-8.

30815 Ulrich von Hutten (von L. Schubart), 2o unveränd. Ausg. Leipzig, 1817, in-8. 30816 Ulrich von Hutten in litterar. Hinsicht, von G.-W. Panzer. Nürnb., 1798, in-8. 30817 Ulrich von Hutten nach sm. Leben, sm. Charakter und sn. Schriften geschildert, von Ch.-Jac. Wagenseil. Nürnb., 1823, 2 part. in-8. 30818 Heinrich Bebel,nach sn. Leben und Scriften..., von G.-W. Zapf. Augsb., 1802, in-8. 30819 Jacob Locher, genannt Philomusus, in biograph. und litterar. Hinsicht....., von G.-W. Zapf. Nürnb., 1803, in-8.

30820 Ud. ZASII vita et epistolæ. Ulmæ, 1774, in-8. 30821 Phil. MELANCHTHONIS vita Mart. Lutheri. Gottingæ, 1741, in-4.

30822 Vita Mart. Lutheri nummis illustrata, stu

dio Christ. Juncker. Francofurti, 1699, pet. in-8. 30823 Jo.-Alb. FABRICII centifolium lutheranum.

Hamburgi, 1728, 2 vol. in-8.-Voir le no 30117. 30823* Mémoires de Luther. Voir le n° 22482. 30824 J. Agricola's aus eisleben Schriften, möglichst vollständ. verzeichnet, von Bt. Kordes. Altona, 1817, in-8.

30825 J.Camerarii vita Phil. Melanchthonis. HagaComitum, 1655, in-12, seu Lipsiæ, 1696, in-8. (imprimé d'abord à Leipzig, en 1566, in-8., et deux fois sous la même date. La meilleure édit. est celle qu'a donnée G.-Théod. Strobel, à Halle, 1777, in-8.)

30826 Hans Sacks, in 2 Abth. von F. Furchau. Leipzig, 1819, in-8.

30827 Petri Gassendi vitæ Tychonis Brahei, Nic. Copernici, Georgii Peurbachii, et Jo. Regiomontani. Paris., 1654, seu editio auctior, HagaComitum, 1655, in-4.

30828 Leben, Studien und Schriften der Astronomen J. Hevelius, von J.-H. Westphal. Kænigsb., 1820, in-8.

30829 Chr. Juncker commentarius de vita, scriptisque ac meritis Jobi Ludolfi, cum appendice aliquot epistolarum, et specimine linguæ hottentoticæ. Lipsiæ, 1710, in-8.

30830 J.-A. Eberhard's Charakteristik der Frhn. von Leibnitz. Leipzig, 1818, in-8. 30831 Herm.-Sam. Reimarus, de vita et scriptis Jo.-Alb. Fabricii. Hamburgi, 1737, in-8. 30832 Vita, facta et scripta Christ. Wolfii (auctore Jo.-Christ. Gottsched). Lipsia, 1739, in-8. 30833 Winckelmann und sein Jahrhundert; in Briefen und Aufsätzen, von J. Wlg. von Göthe. Tubing., 1805, in-8.

30834 J.-Jac. Reiske's von ihm selbst aufgesetzte Lebensbescreibung. Leipzig, 1783, in-8. (continué et publié par la veuve de l'auteur.) 30835 Sam.-Fr. Nat. Mori vita J.-J. Reiskil. Lipsiæ, 1777, in-8.

30836 Ghld.-Ephr. Lessing's Leben, neu bearb. von J.-F. Schink. Berlin, 1825, in-8.

30837 J.-D. Michaelis Lebensbeschr. von ihm

selbst abgef. mit Anmerkk. von Hassencamp, etc. Leipzig, 1793, in-8.

30838 Klopstock's Leben, von H. Döring. Weimar, 1825, in-16.

30839 J.-G. Herder's Leben, von H. Döring. Weimar, 1824, in-8. (une autre vie d'Herder forme les tom. 16 et 17 de ses œuvres.) 30840 Im. Kant's Biographie. Dresden, 1811, 2 vol. in-8.

30841 F. von Schiller's Leben, von H. Döring. Weimar, 1822, in-8.;-von G. Schwab. Stuttg., 1841, in-8.

30842 C.-G. Heyne, biographisch dargestellt, von Arn.-H.-L. Heeren. Götting., 1813, in-8. 30843 Cp.-M. Wieland geschildert von J.-G. Gruber. Leipzig, 1815-16, 2 vol. in-8.

30844 Gabr.-G. Bredow's nachgelassen Schriften, mit d. Bildn. und Leben der Verfass. herausgeg. von J.-G. Kunisch. Breslau, 1816, in-8. 30845 J.-G. Rosenmüller's Leben und Wirken, von J.-Ch. Dolz. Leipzig, 1816, in-8. 30846 A. von Kotzebue's Leben (von F. Cramer). Leipzig, 1820, in-8.- autre, par Döring. Weimar, 1830, in-8.

30847 Mémoires de Goethe, trad. de l'allem., par M. Aubert de Vitry. Paris, 1823, 2 vol. in-8. 30848 Leben und studd. Fr.-A. Wolf's, von W. Körte. 1833, 2 part. en 1 vol. in-8.

30849 Illustrium Galliæ belgicæ scriptorum icones et elogia, ex musæo Aub. MIREI. Antuerpiæ, 1608, in-4.

30850 J.-Fr. FOPPENS, biblioth. belgica. Bruxellis, 1739, 2 vol. in-4.

30851 Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire littéraire

des Pays-Bas, par J.-N. PAQUOT. Louvain, 1763, 3 vol. in-fol., ou 18 vol. pet. in-8. 30852 Trajectum eruditum, virorum doctrina illustrium vitas exhibens, auct. Gasp. Burmanno. Traj.-ad-Rhen., 1750, in-4.

30853 P. Hofmanni Peerlkamp, vitæ aliquot excellentium Batavorum. Harnemiæ, 1806, in-8. 30854 Erasmi vita, partim ab ipsomet Erasmo, partim ab amicis descripta; accedunt epistolæ illustres. Lugd.-Batavor., 1642, seu 1649, pet. in-12.

30855 Sam. KNIGHT, life of Erasmus. Lond., 1726, in-8.

30856 Vie d'Erasme, par de Burigny. Paris, 1757,

2 vol. in-12.

30857 Life of Erasmus, by J. JORTIN. Lond., 1758, 2 vol. in-4.

30858 Life of Erasmus, by Ch. Butler. London, 1825, in-8.

30859 Leben des Erasmus von Rotterdam, mit einleitenden Betrachtungen über die analoge Entwickelung der Menschheid und des einzelnen Menschen, von Adolf Müller. Hamb., 1828, in-8. 30860 De Justi Lipsii vita et scriptis commentarius, auctore Fr.-Aug. de Reiffenberg. Bruxellis, 1823, in-4. fig.

30861 Hug. Grotii Belgarum Phoenicis manes, ab iniquis obtrectatoribus vindicati; accedit scriptorum ejus conspectus triplex. DelphisBatavor., 1727, 2 vol. in-8.

30862 Vie de Grotius, avec l'histoire de ses ouvrages, par de Burigny. Paris, 1752, 2 vol. in-12.

30863 Life of H. Grotius, by Ch. Butler. London, 1826, in-8.

30864 Historia vitæ Sim. Episcopii, scripta a Phil. a Limborch. Amstelod., 1701, in-8.

30865 La VIE et l'esprit de B. de Spinosa. 1719, pet. in-8.

30866 VIE de Spinosa, par Colerus. Amsterdam, 1706, pet. in-8.

30866* Histoire de la vie et des ouvrages de Spinosa, par Amand Saintes. Paris, 1842, in-8. 30867 Jo. Clerici vita et opera. Amstelodami, 1711, in-12.

30868 Dav. RUHNKENII elogium Tiberii Hemster

husii. Lugd.-Batav., 1789, in-8.

30869 Dan. WYTTENBACHII vita Dav. Ruhnkenii. Lugd.-Batav., 1799, in-8.

30870 G.-L. Mahne, vita Dan. Wyttenbachii. Gandavi, 1823, in-8.

e. Anglais, Écossais et Irlandais.

30871 Scriptorum illustrium Majoris Britanniæ catalogus, authore Joan. BALEO. Basilea, 1557, 2 tom. en 1 vol. in-fol. (Article BALE.) 30872 Jo. Pitseus, de illustribus Angliæ scriptoribus. Paris., 1619, in-4.

30873 Th. TANNERI bibliotheca britannico-hibernica. Lond., 1748, in-fol.

30874 Catalogue of the royal and noble authors of England, by Hor. WALPOLE. London, 1806,

5 vol. in-8.

30875 JOHNSON's lives of english poets. London, 1810, 3 vol. in-8.

30876 The biographical mirrour, by S. and E. HARDING. Lond., 1795, 3 vol. in-4. 30877 Memoirs of several ladies of Great Britain who have been celebrated for their writings or skill in the learned languages, arts or sciences, by George Ballard. Oxford, 1752, in-4., or 1775, in-8.

30878 The life of William of Wykeham, bishop of

Winchester, by Rob. Lowth. London, 1758, or third edit, corrected, Oxford, 1777, in-8. 30879 The life of Will. Waynflete, bishop of Winchester...., founder of Magdalen college, by R. Chandler. Lond., 1811, in-8. fig.

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30880 The history of the life and sufferings of J. Wickliffe, by J. LEWIS. London, 1720, in-8.réimpr. à Oxford, 1820, in-8. 30881 The life and opinion of J. Wickliffe, by Rob. Vaughan. Lond., 1828, 2 vol. in-8. 30882 The life of Reynold Pecock, bishop of St. Asaph and Chichester, by J. Lewis. Lond., 1744 (aussi Oxford, 1820), in-8.

30883 Illustrations of the lives and writings of Gower and Chaucer, by H.-J. TODD. London, 1810, in-8.

30884 W. GODWIN'S life of Geor. Chaucer. Lond., 1803, 2 vol. in-4.

30885 The life of dean Colet, by Sam. KNIGHT. Lond., 1724, in-8.

30886 EXPOSITIO fidelis de morte Th. Mori, etc. Antuerpiæ, 1536, in-8.

30887 ROPERI vita Th. Mori. 1716, in-8.

30888 The life of Th. More, by Cresacre More, edited by the rev. Jos. Hunter. London, 1828, in-8.

30889 The life of archbishop Cranmer, by H.-J. TODD. London, 1831, 2 vol. in-8.

30890 The life of Will. Smyth, bishop of Lincoln,

and sir Rich. Sutton, founders of Brazen Nose college, by Ralph Churton. Oxford, 1800, in-8. 30891 Life of Alexander Nowell, dean of St. Pauls, by R. Churton. Oxford, 1809, in-8.

30892 Memoirs of the life and writings of sir Philip Sidney, by Th. Zouch. York, 1808, in-4. 30893 Lives of topographers and antiquaries who have written concerning the antiquities of England, by J. Peller MALCOLM. Lond., 1815, in-4. 30894 Lives of John Leland, Th. Hearne and Ant. Wood. Oxford, 1772, 2 vol. in-8.

30895 The lives of Dr John Donne, sir H. Wotton, R. Hooker, Geor. Herbert, and Dr R. Sanderson, by Iz. WALTON, with notes by Th. Zouch. York, 1796, in-4., or 1817, 2 vol. in-8. 30896 Remarks on the life and writings of Shakspeare, by J. BRITTON. London, 1814, in-8. 30897 Cayley's life of sir Walter Raleigh. London, 1805, 2 vol. in-8. et in-4.

30898 Vie du chancelier Fr. Bacon, traduite de l'anglais de D. Mallet (par Pouillot). Amsterd., 1755, in-12.

30899 Histoire de la vie et des ouvrages de Fr. Bacon, suivie de quelques uns de ses écrits, trad. par J.-B. de Vauzelles. Strasbourg, 1833, 2 vol. in-8.

30899* The life of HERBERT of Cherbury, by himself. Strawberry-Hill, 1764, in-4.

30900 The life of John Selden......., by J. Aikin. London, 1812, in-8.

30900* Memoirs of the life and writings of Brian Walton, by H.-J. TODD. Lond., 1821, 2 vol. in-8. 30901 The memoirs of sir Hugh CHOLMLEY. Lond., 1787, in-4.

30902 The life of Milton, by HAYLEY. London, 1796, in-4.

30903 GODWIN's lives of Edward and Phillips, nephews and pupils of Milton, including various particulars of the literary and political history of their times. London, 1815, in-4.

30904 Th. Hobbes vita (anglice scripta per Joh. Aubrey, lat. versa a Rich. Blackbourn). Carolopoli, 1681, pet. in-8., ou 1682, in-4.

30905 The life, diary and correspondence of Will. DUGDALE. London, 1827, in-4.

30906 The lives of Edw. Pocock, the orientalist, by Twells, of Zach. Pearce and of Th. Newton by themselves, and of Phil. Skelton, by Bardy. London, 1816, 2 vol. in-8.

30907 Scott's life of Dryden. London, 1808, In-4. 30908 Life of Joh. Locke..........., by lord King. London, 1830, 2 vol. in-8. (Article LockE.) 30909 The life of H. Dodwell, by Fr. Brokes. London, 1815, 2 vol. in-8.

30909* Memoirs of J. EVELYN. London, 1819, 2 vol. in-4.

30910 An historical account of the life and writings of J. Toland. London, 1722, in-8. 30911 Memoirs of the life and times of Dan. De Foe, by W. Wilson. London, 1830, 3 vol. in-8. 30912 An account of the life and writings of Edm. DICKENSON. London, 1739, in-8.

30913 The life of R. Bentley, by J.-H. MONK. London, 1830, in-4.

30914 (WARTON's) essay on Pope. London, 1782, 2 vol. in-8.

30915 The life of Jonath. Swift, by Th. Sheridan. Dublin, 1785, in-8.

30916 Memoirs of ***, commonly known by the name of G. PSALMANAZAR. London, 1765, in-8. 30917 The literary life and select works of Benj. STILLINGFLEET, by the rev. Will. Coxe. London, 1811, 3 vol. in-8.

30918 Vie de Dav. Hume, écrite par lui-même, traduite de l'anglais (par Suard). Paris, 1777, pet. in-8.

30919 Account of the life, writings and character of Warburton, by Hurd. London, 1794, in-4. 30920 The life of Oliv. Goldsmith, by James Prior. London, 1837, 2 vol. in-8. portr.

30921 The life of Dav. Garrick, by Arth. Murphy. London, 1801, 2 vol. in-8.

30922 Memoirs of the life of Dav. Garrick, by Th. Davies. London, 1808, 2 vol. in-8.

30923 Memoirs of the life of H. Home, lord Kames, by lord Woodhouslee. Lond., 1807, 2 vol. in-4. 30924 The life of Sam. Johnson, by Sam. Boswell. 4 vol. in-8. (Article JOHNSON.)

30925 Memoirs by a celebrated literary and political character (R. Glover), from 1742 to 1757, a new edit. London, 1814, gr. in-8. 30926 The life of Edw. Gibbon, with selection from his correspondence and illustrations, by the rev.H.-H. Milman, to which is added an essay on the study of literature, by Edw. Gibbon. Paris, Baudry, 1840, in-8.

30927 Biographical memoirs of Jos. Warton, by J. Wooll. Lond., 1806, in-4. (Article WARTON.) 30928 Hayley's life of Will. Cowper. London,

1803-6, 3 vol. in-4. (y compris le supplément.) 30929 Memoirs of the life of Gilb. Wakefield, by himself, with notes. London, 1804, 2 vol. in-8. 30930 Forbes's account of the life and writings of Dr James Beattie. Edinb., 1806, 2 vol. in-4. 30931 The life of Wesley, and the rise and progress of Methodism, by Rob. Southey, second edit. London (aussi New-York), 1820, 2 vol. in-8. portr.

30932 TEIGNMOUTH's memoirs of the life of Will. Jones. London, 1804, in-4.

30g33 The life of Edm. Burke, by Rob. Bisset. London, 1800, 2 vol. in-8.

30934 Remarkable occurence on the life of J. Hanway......, by J. Pugh. London, 1787, in-8. (Article HANWAY.)

30935 Memoirs of the life of J. Howard, by J. Baldwin Brown. London, 1818, in-4. (Article HOWARD.)

30936 Biographical memoirs of Dr Adam Smith, Will. Robertson, and Th. Reid, by Dugald STEWART. Edinb., 1811, in-4.

30937 Life and correspondence of Jos. Priestley, by John Towill Rutt. Lond., 1832, 2 vol. in-8. 30937* PENNANT's literary life. Lond., 1793, in-4. 30938 Memoirs of Rich. Cumberland, by himself. London, 1807, in-4., ou 2 vol. in-8.

30939 An account of the life and writings of Jam. Bruce, by Alex. Murray. Edinb., 1808, in-4. 30940 The life of lord Macartney, by BARROW. London, 1806, 2 vol. in-4.

30941 Memoirs on the life and writings of Percival Stockdale. London, 1809, 2 vol. in-8. 30942 The life of Arth. Murphy, by Foot. London, 1811, in-4.

30943 Memoirs of Dr Burney, arranged by his daughter, Mad. Darblay. Lond., 1832,3 vol. in-8. 30944 The professional life of Ch. Dibdin, written

by himself, with the words of six hundred songs. London, 1803, 4 vol. in-8.

30945 The sexagenarian; or recollections of a literary life, by Will. Beloe. London, 1817, ` 2 vol. in-8.

30946 Memoirs of the life and writings of Claud. Buchanan, vice-prevost of the college of Fort William in Bengal, by Hugh Pearson. Oxford, 1817, 2 vol. in-8.

30948 Memoirs of the life of R.-B. Sheridan, by Th. Moore. London, 1825, in-4.

30949 Memoirs of the Margravine of Anspach (lady Craven), written by herself. London, 1826, 2 vol. in-8.

30950 S.-T. Coleridge's biographia literaria; or biographical sketches of my literary life aud opinions. London, 1817, 2 vol. in-8.

30951 Memoirs of the life and writings of Will. HAYLEY, written by himself. London, 1825, 2 vol. in-4.

30952 Letters and journal of lord BYRON, with notices of his life by Th. Moore. Paris, 1833, 2 vol. in-8.

30953 The life of Reg. Heber, by his widow. London, 1830, 2 vol. in-4. (Article HEBER.) 30954 Memoirs of the life and public services of Th.-B. Stamford RAFFLES................, by his widow. London, 1830, in-4.

30955 Memoirs of the life of sir Humphry Davy, by J. Ayrton Paris. London, 1830, in-4. 30956 The autobiography, times, opinions, and contemporaries of sir Egerton Brydges. Lond., 1834, 2 vol. in-8.

30957 The life of Will. Roscoe, by his son Henry Roscoe. London, 1833, 2 vol. in-8. 30958 Memoirs and correspondence of the late sir James-Edw. SMITH. London, 1832, 2 vol. in-8. 30959 An account of the infancy, religious and literary life of Adam Clarke; edited by J.-B.-B. Clarke. London, 1833, 3 vol. in-8.

30960 The life and correspondence of H. Salt, by J.-J. Halls. London, 1834, 2 vol. in-8. (Article SALT.)

30960* Brief memoir of the life and writings of the late Will. MARSDEN. London, 1838, in-4. 30961 Reminiscences of a literary life by Th.-F. DIBDIN. London, 1836, 2 vol. in-8. 30962 Th. DEMPSTER, nomenclatura scriptorum scotorum. Bononiæ, 1619, in-4. (et autres ouvrages auxquels celui-ci a donné naissance.) 30963 George Mackenzie's lives and characters of the most eminent writers of the scots nation, with an abstract and catalogue of their works. Edinburgh, 1708-11-22, 3 vol. in-fol. 30964 The lives of scotish poets, with preliminary dissertations on the literary history of Scotland, and the early scotish drama, by David Irvine. Edinburgh, 1810, 2 vol. in-8.

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30965 Biographia scotica, by D. DALRYMPLE, lord Hailes. 1790, in-4. - Voir les nos 27414-15. 30966 Lives of illustrious and distinguished Scotsmen, with an account of their works, by J. Chambers. Glascow, 1833-35, 4 vol. in-8. portr. 30967 Iconographia scotica; by J. PINKERTON. London, 1794-97, in-8.

30968 The scotish gallery, by the same. London, 1799, in-8.

30970 The life of sir Walter SCOTT, by M, Lockhart. London, 1837-38, 7 vol. pet. in-8.

30971 Memoirs of the life and writings of the late Ch. O'Conor, by the Dr O'CONOR. Dublin, 1796, in-8.

f. Danois, Suédois, Polonais, Bobémiens, Hongrois.

30972 Dictionnaire des auteurs danois et norvégiens, par Nyerup et Krafft (en danois). Copenh., 1818-20, et supplément, 1827, in-4. 30973 Gynæceum Daniæ litteratum, feminis Danorum eruditione vel scriptis claris conspicuum, auctore Alb. Thura. Altona, 1732, in-8. 30973* Petri Gassendi vita Tychonis Brahei, Nic. Copernici, etc.- Voyez le no 30827. 30974 E. Nyerup, Uebersicht des Lebens und der Schriften des Dänischen Historiographen P.-F. von Suhm. Kopenh., 1799, in-8.

30974* Carst. Niebuhr's Leben, von B.-G. NIEBUHR. Kiel, 1817, in-8.

30975 Zoega's Leben und Briefe, von Welker. Stuttgard, 1819, 2 vol. in-8. 30976 Ol.-Gerh. TYCHSEN, oder Wanderungen durch die mannigfaltigsten Gerbiete der biblisch-ariatischen Litteratur, von A.-Theod. Hartmann. Brème, 1813-23, 2 tom. en 5 vol. in-8. (peut aussi se placer dans la Philologie, n° 18287.)

30977 Merckwürdige Beylagen zu dem O.-G. Tychsen's Verdiensten gewidmeten litterarischbiographischen Werke. Brème, 1818, in-8. (Art. TYCHSEN.)

30978 G. Gezel, Försök tell ett biographiskt Lexi.kon öfver namn-kunuiga och lärda Svenska Män. Stockh., 1778-87, 4 vol. in-8.

30979 Rich. PULTENEY's view of Linneus' writings.

London, 1805, in-4.

30980 The life of Linneus, by Stoever. London, 1794, in-4.

30981 Vie de Linné, rédigée sur les documents autographes, par M. Fée. Lille, 1832, in-8. 30982 Sagan af Gunnlaugi Ormstunga ok SkalledRafni, sive Gunlaugi vermilinguis et Rafnis poetæ vita, ex mss. Legati Magnænani cum interpr.latina., notis, tabulis (edentibus Lundorph, Suhm, Kall, etc.). Hafniæ, 1775, in-4. 30983 Allgemines Schriftsteller- und GelehrtenLexikon der Provinzen Livland, Esthland und Kurland, von J.-Fr. von Recke und K.-E. Napiersky. Mittau, 1827-32, 4 vol. in-8.

30984 JANOCIANA, sive clarorum Poloniæ auctorum mæcenatorumque memoriæ miscellæ. Varsoviæ, 1819, 4 vol. in-8.

30985 Effigies virorum eruditorum atque artificum Bohemiæ et Moraviæ, una cum brevi vitæ operumque ipsor.enarratione (ab Ad. Voigt, Ign. a Born et Fr.-M. Pelzel). Pragæ, 1773-75, 2 vol. in-8. (Trad. en allemand, avec une continuation par Fr.-M. Pelzel. Prague, 1773-82, 4 vol. in-8. fig.)

30986 Bohemia docta, opus posth. Bohusl. Balbini, illustr. a Raph. Ungar. Pragæ, 1777-80, 3 vol. in-8. 30987 Memoria Hungarorum et provincialium Iscriptis editis notorum, quam excitat Alexius Horanyi. Viennæ et Posoni, 1770-77, 3 vol. in-8. - Ejusdem nova memoria. Pestini, 1791, in-8.

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30988 B.-F. Tydeman conspectus operis Ibn-Chalikani de vitis illustrium virorum. Lugd.-Batav., 1809, in-4.

30989 IBN-CHALLIKANI vitæ illustrium viror., arabice. Gottinga, 1835-38, in-4. avec la trad. française. Paris, 1838, in-4.

30990 Mémoire sur la vie et les ouvrages de Meidani, par M. Etienne Quatremère. Paris, 1828, in-8.

30991 Mémoire historique sur la vie d'Abd-Allah Ben-Zobair, par M. Etienne Quatremère. Paris, 1832, in-8.

30991* The improvement of human reason exhibited in the life of Hai Ebn Yokdhan, written in arabick by Abu Jaafar Ebn Tophail, translated by Sim. Ockley. London, 1708, in-8. 30992 Biographical sketches of Dekan poets..., by Cavelly Ventaka RAMASOUMI. Calcutta, 1829, in-8. 30993 The life of Sheikh Mohamed Ali Hazın, written by himself. London, 1830, 2 vol. in-8, 30994 The american biographical and historical dictionary: by Will. Allen, 2d edition. Boston, 1833, in-8.

30995 Memoirs of the private and public life of Will. Penn, by Th. Clarkson. London, 1820, 2 vol. in-8.

30996 Vie de Benj. Franklin, écrite par lui-même, suivie de ses œuvres morales, politiques et littéraires, traduites de l'angl. par J. Castéra. Paris, 1798, 2 vol. in-8.

30997 Memoirs of Benj. FRANKLIN, comprising his posthumous writtings. London, 1818, 3 vol. in-4., ou 6 vol. in-8.

30998 Jos. EGUIARA, bibliotheca mexicana. Mexici,

1755, in fol.

D. Vies et Éloges des artistes célèbres.

a. Artistes de différents genres.

30999 Dictionnaire des artistes, par l'abbé de Fontenai. Paris, 1776, 2 vol. pet. in-8.

31000 Allgemeines Künstler Lexicon, von J.Rod. FUESSLY. Zurich, 1771-79, in-fol.-2o Bd.. oder Ergänzungsb. (von Hs.-H. Fuessly). Ibid., 1806-21, in-fol.

31001 Dizionario degli architetti, scultori, pittori, intagliatori, ec., composto da Stef. Ticozzi. Milano, 1830-33, 4 vol. in-8.

31002 Neues allgemeines Künstler Lexicon, oder Nachrichten von dem Leben und den Werken der Maler, Bildhauer, Baumeister, Zeichner, etc., von G.-K. NAGLER. München, 1835-43, in-8., vol. I-XIII, avec les monogrammes. 31003 Vite de' più eccellenti pittori, scultori ed architetti, da G. VASARI. Firenze, 1568, 3 vol. in-4. 31004 Le vite de' pittori, scultori et architetti,'dal 1572 sino al 1642 da Gio. Baglione. Roma, 1642, ovvero 1649, in-4. Le medesime, con la vita di Salvator Rosa scritta da Giov.-Bat. Passeri. Napoli, 1733, in-4.


31005 Vite de' pittori, scultori et architetti di G.B. Passeri, dall' anno 1641 sino all' anno 1672. Roma, 1772, in-4.

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