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Business communications addressed to D. W. HOLLY, Publisher, Whig Review Office, 120 Nassau St. John Gray, Printer, 79 Fulton, cor. Gold Street.

M. A. & S. ROOT'S




Awarded at the Great Fairs in Boston, New-York, and Philadelphia,



363 Broadway, cor. Franklin st., N. Y., & 140 Chestnut st., Phila.


THE MESSRS. Roor having yielded to the many urgent solicitations of their numerous friends to establish a branch of their


in this city, have been engaged for some time past in fitting up an



363 BROADWAY, COR. FRANKLIN ST., where they shall be most happy to see all their numerous friends, as also strangers and citizens generally. The acknowledged high character this celebrated establishment has acquired for its pictures, and the progressive improvements made in the art, we trust, will be fully sustained, as each department at this branch is conducted by some of the same experienced and skilful artists that have been connected with it from the commencement.

The pictures taken at this establishment are pronounced by artists and scientific men unrivalled for depth of tone and softness of light and shade, while they display all the artistic arrangement of the highest effort of the Painter.

Citizens and strangers visiting the Gallery can have their miniatures or portraits taken in this unique style, and neatly set in Morocco Cases, Gold Lockets or Breastpins, Rings, &c., in a few minutes.

Heretofore an almost insurmountable obstacle has presented itself to the production of family likenesses, in regard to children. The Messrs. Root are happy to state that through an entirely new discovery of theirs, this difficulty has been overcome, as the time of sitting will not exceed two or three seconds in fair, or ten to fifteen seconds in cloudy weather.

N.B.-LADIES are recommended to dress in figured or dark materials, avoiding whites or light blues. A shawl or scarf gives a pleasing effect to the picture.

FOR GENTLEMEN.-A black or figured vest; also figured scarf or cravat, so that the bosom be not too much exposed.

FOR CHILDREN.-Plaid, striped or figured dresses, lace work. Ringlets add much to the beauty of the picture.

The best hour for Children is from 11 A. M. to 2 P. M. All others from 8 A. M. to 6 P. M.

Jan., 151, 12t.

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OWING to the fact of the last Whig Convention of the State of New-York occurring so soon after the passage of the great compromise measures of the last session of Congress, that the heats engendered by the debate on those measures had not had time to cool, there occurred a division in that body touching the compromise, which led to the appointment of two Whig State Central Committees holding hostile opinions on the policy in question. Since that time it has been obvious to all reflecting politicians that the smoke of the conflict has been gradually clearing away, and the landmarks of duty and principle have become more or less distinct to the minds of all but those who are constitutionally incapable of seeing. The steady light of the Constitution that beacon of all true American statesmen-is again being recognized as the guide through the difficulties that surrounded us. Under the

influence of these facts, the Whig Committee of the State Legislature invited the two Committees above mentioned to meet in Albany, "with a view to harmonize the Whig party in this State." They accepted the invitation, and met about the first of the present month; and after a conference of three days, agreed to a call of a Convention for September next, to be held at Syracuse ; and also agreed to a statement of the principles and


measures of the party, on which all could reunite and harmonize.

We congratulate the country on this result. The following is the statement of principles which they have agreed, after discussion, to set forth:

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Believing that an expression of the views and principles of the Whigs of this State, as they are understood by us, in relation particularly to questions which now agitate the country, should be made, in order to induce an intelligent, honest, and

cordial co-operation among ourselves and with the Whigs of the other States of the Union, the State Committees, appointed at the respective Conventions held in 1850 at Syracuse and at Utica, and the Committee appointed by the Whigs of the Legislature at its recent session, have agreed upon the following, as presenting what they believe to be the sentiments of the great body of the Whigs of the State of New-York:

"An Economical Administration of the Govern


"The strict accountability of public officers, and their rigid adherence to the limitations of power prescribed by the Constitution and the laws; an honest and faithful performance of all obligations made with foreign nations, with a scrupulous regard for their rights, and a firm and steady defense of our own:

"The Improvement of the important Rivers and Harbors of the country, so as to render them navigable and accessible, by prudent and systematic appropriations, founded upon examinations made by competent and disinterested public officers:

"Such a discrimination in the Duties necessarily laid upon Imports for the support of Government, 13

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