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matter is then reduced to this one point, viz., Jenue.
whether the increase of demand at home is
equivalent to the decrease of foreign demand;
and who can show that it is not? Say the
check on our importation is an evil, and that
the stimulus which it communicates to home
industry and the price of home productions
is, on the other hand, an advantage: do not
the evil and the good appear upon mere
inspection to be correspondent? Do they
not appear, so far as things so indefinite in
their nature can be scanned, to be proxi-
mately, if not exactly equal? Such is very
strongly the appearance; and if true, then all
the other advantages before enumerated are
so much clear gain-the ill effect of the
system on home production in one way,
being counteracted by a corresponding ad-
vantage in another.

He has not ordinary perception who cannot see this. Now the Federal Legisla ture in 1842 did--what? For the purpose of raising revenue, they, in their discretion as to both the subjects and the rates of duty, laid a tariff on foreign merchandise. Did they not then act in most implicit obedience to the Constitution? The Constitution did not require that the Legislature should or should not have other objects associated with that of revenue; but if it legalized an object by the execution of which another might be attained, (no other law prohibiting,) then it legalized the latter also: and this conclusion is inevitable; for the Constitution, leaving the Legislature at large as to both rates and dutiable articles, gave them power to establish any: the Legislature choosing the protective rates, &c., are therefore within the Constitutional power. Take an illustration: Suppose the Federal Government should determine to enlarge our navy by the addition of twelve ships of the line, and should authorize its agents to employ mechanics to build them: now suppose these agents who have this authority (the sole assigned object of which is the building of the ships) should, in contracting with builders, associate with the leading object (the building of the ships) the additional and humane object of letting the work to certain applicants, who, while equally

extremely poor; and suppose they should act under this motive: will any man say that this would be transcending authority? Surely not; and still this is a parallel case with the other. Suppose also (as we reason

But the feature of this system which, in its present modification, is most odious to its opponents, is the protective policy which it embodies. While on the one hand it is admitted that the Government may constitutionally levy such duties on foreign commerce as may be necessary for its support, it is wholly denied on the other that such duties may be so laid as to afford protection to our own domestic manufactures. Let us fairly consider this objection, and see whether it is founded in wisdom or in sophistry. Upon what is it based? Upon the assumption that the Federal Constitution author-as skilful as others, had the misfortune to be izes a tariff for revenue, and for revenue only; and that the present tariff, being as certainly a protective as it is a revenue tariff, (protection and revenue both being objects of the measure,) it is therefore, quoad the protective feature, without constitution-ably may) that the tariff of 1842 was laid al authority. It would be unreasonable to suppose that an objection so popular would fail to be specious; and specious this is; but it is only specious. It is certain that the Legislature can lay duties for revenue. All admit it. And is it not certain that the Constitution does not impose upon it a single restriction, making any article of commerce more or less dutiable than another, or limitany manner the rates of duties? All this is certain. And what does this grant of power, thus unrestricted as to both the subjects and the rates of duty, amount to? Why, most palpably to a discretionary power to lay any duties on any articles of foreign It has been objected that a protective commerce whatever, in order to raise rev-tariff is of unequal operation; that it fills

ing in

precisely as it was, but that the object of protection was not in the mind of the Legislature when it was laid; or that it was laid with an eye to revenue only, and otherwise wholly at random: would not the effects have been precisely as they were? and would it not be constitutional on the very ground of its opponents? Most unquestionably; and if so, what should we think of the Constitution in reprobating a cause without any reference to its practical effects? This may not be political abstraction in the eyes of some; but that it is a distinction practically immaterial, no man can doubt.

and defense; and these articles are ever varying with times and circumstances. The enlightened wisdom of the Federal Legislature, then, is probably a sufficient guarantee that such modifications of the tariff will be successively adopted as the condition of the country shall from time to time indicate to

the pockets of the Northern manufacturer,
and empties those of the planter of the
South. But though it must in candor be
admitted to be unequal in its indirect effects,
yet who would have the temerity to con-
demn a measure for an imperfection no
greater than this, when compared with the
great extent and variety of its advantages? | be proper.
It protects the agriculturist and the manu-
facturer, the whole country over; and these
are the principal departments of industry.
That its protection should be precisely equal
to all, could not be expected; it is not in the
nature of things that it should be so. Nor
would the operation of a tariff, however
modified, be precisely and universally equal.
And why is it that the common experience
of men does not teach them this? If a
bridge is to be built, or a road to be opened
in one of the counties of Virginia, (a matter
of familiar occurrence,) though the bridge
or the road may be of use to only a small
portion of that county, yet do all the tax-
paying citizens contribute alike to its con-
struction. Now, what is this inequality in
the operation of the tariff but a complete
analogy to that manifested in the case of
the bridge or the road? Yet men speak of
the one as iniquitous, and the other goes

It has been alleged in objection to the tariff, that in encouraging the establishment of large manufacturing communities, its effect is demoralizing and mobocratic. But how can that be? The answer would probably be this. That the laborers in such establishments are collected from the lowest walks of life, and are, therefore, the most ignorant and the most vicious members of society; that, being brought into contact in large bodies, their vicious propensities by union (like alloyed metals) acquire a power greater than the sum of their individual powers when separate; and that riots, mobs, and gross immoralities are the consequences.

There is certainly an apparent force in the objection, for it must be acknowledged that (cæteris paribus) vice concentrated is mightier and more mischievous than when generally diffused. But is it just to denounce such associations, simply because they are found to be connected with an evil Touching the attention that should be tendency? or would it be the wiser way to paid to the description of foreign goods in inquire whether or not such tendency is adjusting the duties upon them, it is proper rebutted by equivalent or greater advanto observe generally, that the higher the tages from the same source? The answer comparative necessity of an article to the is obvious. The laborers that yesterday public security, the higher comparatively lounged in idleness along the streets, withshould be the duty upon it, if the manufuc-out the means of life, or strolled over the ture of the article is practicable at home. Anti-restrictive writers on political economy agree that the necessity of an article to the public security is, as to that article, good ground of exception to the anti-restrictive rule. To define exactly what is meant by articles necessary to public security would be extremely difficult. Perhaps a definition which would be true at one time would not be so at another. The condition, habits, and manners of a people are ever varying, and with them vary their necessities. Now, the necessities of a nation being changed, the articles which supply these necessities are changed also; and these articles are necessary to the public security: for the public security consists, in part, in the possession of the necessary articles of ordinary comfort

country to procure by plunder the bread of subsistence, are to-day sent to a factory where they are put to regular employment, under the superintendence of men eminent for their integrity and business capacity. Here they are paid for their services, and are at the same time incidentally restrained from the thousand misdeeds of which idleness and want are the certain progenitors. Yesterday they were without the restraint which rational control imposes; to-day they are under its influences: yesterday they were in want, under temptations to falsehood, robbery and murder; to-day their wants are removed, and they are delivered from their temptations. They cannot indulge vicious propensities during the day, because they are employed, and at night

fatigue inclines them to sleep. Now, in gradually falls, and it falls under the operacandor and sound reason, is not the evil tion of a continually accumulating cause. tendency, which has been suggested, far At this juncture appears the manufacturing more than rebutted? That mobs may some- system: the laboring population is divided; times occur in such establishments, is not some go to the factories, some to the fields. denied; but the history of nations (and even The supply of agricultural labor of course of England and our own country) shows diminishes, and the demand remaining the that a factory laborer is not a necessary same, the price must rise. Again, the facconstituent of a mob. And even if it were tory laborer must get as high wages as the so, still the good seems to preponderate agricultural, or he will naturally seek emover the evil in the moral effect of the in-ployment elsewhere. Thus the condition of stitution. Nor does there appear any good reason to suppose that manufacturing institutions impoverish their operatives. Men will naturally take employment where they can obtain the highest wages. Now, if the laborer (who has no land of his own) procures higher wages from the manufacturer than the farmer, do the higher wages make him poor? The poverty of the civilized world has diminished with the extension of manufacturing institutions. Without such institutions, what would be the poverty and the suffering of Great Britain, with her millions of population? The wretchedness of her people is great now, but if these institutions should be suppressed, it would be immeasurable. Suppose her population annually increasing, while the extent of her soil is fixed: the demand for agricultural labor thus remains stationary, while the supply continually increases. In this way the price of labor

both classes is improved, and the indefinite expansibility of the manufacturing system enables the country by successive enlargements to keep pace with the growth of her wants, resulting from the growth of her population. In this point of view, the system appears to be actually necessary to the well-being, if not to the very existence of the nation. Her people remain at home, and, within the small compass of her factory walls, indirectly cultivate millions of acres of every soil and climate on the globe.

Such, briefly, are the nature and effects of the tariff system; and it would be difficult to believe that a measure fraught with so many advantages can fail to command the earnest attention of the country at large, that we may be saved by it from the disasters to which we are so evidently hastening under the present over-importation of foreign goods.


WE beg to say to our friends, with the commencement of a new volume, that we have made, and are making, arrangements for great improvements in the various departments of the Review. Without varying from the well-established principles which have guided the past years of its existence, greater care shall be exercised in the supervision of the articles admitted. We have made arrangements for a monthly article on European events and politics, to be written in Paris, by a gentleman who will possess peculiar facilities for information. We hope to make this a very acceptable feature in the Review. We will take the liberty of sending to each of our subscribers during the present month a circular, defining more particularly our position and intentions, which we will take as a great favor if all will read, and communicate to us any suggestions that may occur. In view of the coming Presidential contest we wish to have all our armor ready, and to feel the sustaining countenance of our friends. The calm at present in the political atmosphere allows us to nearly suspend the subject for the present, but our friends will be, we think, amply compensated by the rich historical and literary matter we present in the present number. We trust next month to be able to take a survey of the field of the coming fight.

[blocks in formation]

Eastbury: A Tale. By ANNA HARRIET DRURY, | executes his task, is increased by each addition to authoress of "Friends and Fortune." NewYork: Harper & Brothers.

We dipped into the first chapter of this delightful volume as we were borne along the Hudson by the rushing engine that has invaded the solitudes of its highlands. As the book opens in a rail-car, the appropriateness of the place to the reading of said chapter will be apparent; but when the scenery outside, and the short time which the "arrowy flight" through it you are taking allows the pent-up mind to expand to its grandeurs, are considered, it will not be surprising that our investigations into the merits of the book proceeded no further than the railroad chapter in question.

Some books, however, there are, whose quality one has no more hesitation in judging of by a bite than one would have in deciding about a peach in the same way; or to be more seasonable in our illustration, than we had when, after reaching our destination, we hesitated not, from the first spoonful, to express an emphatic approbation touching the wild strawberries and pure cream put before us by our friend-gathered from his own hills and fields. Reader, you will find this to be such a book, or our theory, so pleasantly illustrated, is false.

Cosmos: A Sketch of a Physical Description of the Universe. By ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT. Translated from the German by E. C. OTTE. Vol. III. Harper & Brothers.

In a mere notice we can only announce the fact of the appearance of this third volume of the great work of Humboldt. We shall endeavor to recur to it more particularly in an extended review. It will undoubtedly be referred to hereafter as one of the enduring works of this age, a prominent landmark in its progress.

The Heir of Wast-Wayland: A Tale. By MARY HOWITT. New-York: D. Appleton & Co.

This is one of those charming stories of Mrs. Howitt that it is only necessary to announce, so well known are the purposes of all her works, and so admirable her method of executing them.

History of Cleopatra, Queen af Egypt. By JACOB ABBOTT. With Engravings. New-York: Harper & Brothers,

This is another of the series of admirable historico-biographical books, to which we have so often called the attention of our readers. Our admiration for the manner in which Mr. Abbott |

the series. We are glad to learn that no works of the kind have ever been more highly appreciated, as evinced by the extent of the sales.

Caleb Field: A Tale of the Puritans. By the Author of "Passages in the Life of Mrs. Margaret Maitland," &c. New-York: Harper & Brothers.

A quaintly but exquisitely written story, which we can heartily commend to the lovers of the pure and good."

Fresh Gleanings; or, a New Sheaf from the Old Fields of Continental Europe. By IK. MARVEL. New-York: Charles Scribner.

It may be that our opinions are influenced by the fact of the appearance originally of some portions of this book in our own columns, (which our readers will pleasantly remember under the title of "Notes by the Road,") but it is with us the favorite book of this elegant writer. There has been no book among the multitude of travels, that, to our taste, approaches this in certain qualities. Its freshness of feeling, its quiet observation and characteristic touches of pathos and humor, make altogether the most charming of all recent books.

The more popular subject which Mr. Mitchell hit in his last most successful work, "The Reveries," suddenly awakened the public to the existence of a rare genius that they had neglected, and now these new editions of former works are demanded. Nor will they, we venture to say, disappoint the appreciative.

Land and Lee in the Bosphorus and Egean; or Views of Athens and Constantinople. By Rev. WALTER COLTON, late of the United States Navy. Edited, from the Notes and Manuscripts of the Author, by Rev. HENRY T. CHEEVER. New York: A. S. Barnes & Co., 51 John street

Another delightful volume by the author of "Ship and Shore." It is full of the peculiar grace, wit, and spirit that characterize all the writings of the lamented chaplain. We know of no more joyous and pleasant companion into the regions he describes, and we shall contribute to the enjoyment of all whom our notice may attract to the book should they conclude to put it among their collection for their summer vacation.

Para; or Scenes and Adventures on the Banks of
the Amazon. By JOHN ESAIAS WARREN. New-
York: G. P. Putnam, 155 Broadway.
The style of this book is too ambitious and

florid; obscuring by too great a verbiage rather | than increasing to the mind of the reader the vividness of the scenes described. Amid scenes of such natural grandeur and such luxuriance of tropical verdure, it is to be sure hardly possible to restrain the pen within the limits of strict taste; and it may therefore be that our readers will not agree with our criticism. The intrinsic interest of the subject of the volume is so great that we can safely commend it.


The Religion of Geology and its connected Sci-
President of Amherst College, and Professor of
Natural Theology and Geology. Boston. Phillips,
Sampson & Co.

After the various works which have been published of late upon the subject of Geology and kindred sciences, one was particularly required directly to the point aimed at in the above work. It required also that a professed theologian and a profound naturalist, combined in the one individual, should undertake the task. As this work answers in all respects this desideratum, we may congratulate the public, both theological and lay, on its opportune appearance.

The Book of Oratory: A new collection of extracts in Prose, Poetry, and Dialogue, containing selections from distinguished American and English Orators, Divines, and Poets; of which many are specimens of the Eloquence of Statesmen of the present day. For the use of Colleges, Academies and Schools. By EDWARD C. MARSHALL, M.A., late Instructor in the Military School at West Point, in Geneva College, and in the New-York University. New-York: D. Appleton & Co.

In giving the above title-page in full, we need only add, that the names of the compiler and publishers are a sufficient guarantee for the manner in which the work is executed.

Guide to the White Mountains and Lakes of New-
Hampshire. Concord, N. H.: Tripp & Osgood.
New-York: C. H. Tripp, 262 Greenwich street.
An admirable pocket-guide to those favorite
places of summer resort.

The American Cotton Spinner, and Manager's and
Carder's Guide. A Treatise on Cotton Spinning,
&c., &c.

The Moulder's and Founder's Pocket Guide. A
Treatise on Moulding and Founding, &c., &c.
Philadelphia: A. Hart & Co.

Practical Mercantile Correspondence. A collection of Modern Letters of Business, with Notes critical and explanatory, an Analytical Index, and These two volumes will be found of great value an Appendix, containing pro forma invoices, to all those engaged in the two extensive and imaccount sales, bills of lading, and bills of exportant branches of art to which they refer. They change. Also, an explanation of the German are an evidence of the progress of artistic and scienchain rule, as applicable to the calculation of tific skill among us, notwithstanding its struggle exchanges. BY WILLIAM ANDERSON. New-York: with foreign competition. D. Appleton & Co., 200 Broadway.

It is only necessary for us to give the title of this book, as every one interested in the subject will perceive from it, that if properly executed, a great desideratum has been supplied for the wants of the rising mercantile generation. And as to the merits of the book itself, what they are may be inferred from the fact that it has received the compliment of translation into several of the European languages.

A School Dictionary of the Latin Language. By Dr. J. KALTSCHMIDT. Philadelphia: Blanchard & Lea.

This volume is one of the celebrated classical series of Schmitz & Zumpt, so highly recommended by the various professors and teachers throughout the country.

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