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call upon the absentees twice every Sunday, and are actively engaged in increasing the number of scholars.

"The scholars are instructed in the alphabet, spelling, and reading. To those who read, tasks are given every Sunday from the Testament and Church Catechism. In July last, a library was formed for the use of the Teachers and scholars. A handsome case, capable of containing two or three thousand volumes, was built by individual contributions for the reception of books, and, through the munificence of the congregation and others, the library now contains about two hundred and fifty volumes of theological and historical works. The librarian, with a committee of three of the Teachers, meet occasionally, and inspect such books as have been presented to the library, in order that none but those of a religious and moral description may be placed upon its shelves.

"In the early part of our superintendence, the school was much embarrassed for the want of teachers. But, through the blessing of God, it is now in as flourishing a condition as its patrons could possibly desire or expect." "The Superintendents of the Female School, in Zion Church, report, that the school, which was organized in January, 1819, has, under the blessing of Divine Providence, continued to prosper.

"Since the commencement, 580 scholars have been admitted, and many that entered the first year are still pressing forward to receive that instruction which maketh wise unto salvation. The number of scholars is 180; many of them do credit to themselves and their instructresses. There are 10 not exceeding nine years of age, who recite, on an average, 40 verses from the Testament in a week, and several others who committed to memory the short Catechism in the space of four weeks, and one that has been in the school about three years, has recited the Collects, Hymns, and a number of the Psalms contained in the Prayer Book, together with the four first, and a part of the fifth book of the New Testament, and the Catechism of our Church. She, a short time since, presented herself

for baptism, and has since received the rite of confirmation, and we hope she will be a partaker of the holy communion.

"The school is divided into 13 classes, 11 white, and two of coloured scholars.

"The number that regularly attends is 135; they are in the care of two Superintendents and 13 Teachers."

Of the schools of St. Paul's Chapel, the following notices have been received:

"It is with pleasure the Superintendent is enabled to lay before your Board the fifth annual report of the Male Sunday School attached to St. Paul's Chapel.

"The school at present consists of about 100 scholars, of this number from 40 to about 45 regularly attend. Through the exertions of the Board of Directors and Teachers, a very considerable addition is now making to the number of scholars. The local situation, however, together with the numerous schools in the same vicinity, render it rather disadvantageous for a large one; but, in every other respect, we believe, it may be ranked as not inferior to any in this union. The children manifest improvement in their conduct both during school hours and divine service. Much attention is paid in imparting to their youthful minds religious instruction and advice, which has in a degree been crowned with success. Quarterly examinations have been held by the Superintendent, at which time a very rapid improvement in many instances has been clearly evinced."

"The Secretary of the Female Sunday School attached to St. Paul's Chapel, respectfully submits the fifth annual report of the school.

"Since the last anniversary 135 scholars have been added to the school -116 white, and 19 coloured females. The number of scholars during the past year has fluctuated between 50 and 70.

"The Superintendent, in December last, to induce a greater attention on the part of the children, than perhaps otherwise might have been, offered premiums to those who would correctly repeat the texts.

"Fifteen little girls succeeded not only in naming the book, chapter, and verse, but in reciting the words. The eldest of these children is not 13 years, and the whole number of texts amount to 179.

"The average number of pupils for each month has been about 60.

"From the reports of the Teachers, there is every reason to conclude the school is in a flourishing condition. It is not deemed necessary to detail the particulars of each report-a few of the most prominent are submitted.

"Four little girls, under 12 years, have committed to memory, since the first of April last, all the short Catechism, the greater part of the lessons in the large one, most of the Hymns in the Prayer Book, and several chapters in the New Testament.

"Another child, under 11 years, entered in May last, and has not attended the whole time regularly. She has, however, been through the spelling book four times, once through the short Catechism, has committed 10 Hymns, and 12 pages in the Scripture Instruction.

"In the coloured school, a child nine years old, who has been but four months at school, has improved much beyond expectation. She, every Sunday, commits to memory seven or eight verses of the Psalms or Hymns, three or four pages of the Catechism, and a page of the Seripture Instruction. Another, of five years, reads and spells extremely well, and has committed a great part of the short Catechism to memory. This school consists of 37; 17 of whom are adults.

"Upon a review of the transactions of the last year, the increasing usefulness of the institution may be confidently inferred.”

We have all sympathized with the congregation of St. Philip's Church, which is composed of coloured persons, on the loss, by fire, of their house of prayer. Being, however, accommodated with a suitable apartment for worship, they, also, directed their attention to the preservation of their Sunday School, and, as will appear by the folTowing reports, successfully.

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Philip's Church consists of 50 scholars; of which, about 29 attend regularly. The most of them can read in the Bible, and all who can read have been carefully instructed in the Catechism. Since the last anniversary, some who could not repeat the alphabet have improved so much as to be able to read the Scriptures; and though their rapid advance cannot be wholly attributed to the instruction of the Sunday school, yet it is certain that they have been much benefitted thereby. The destruction of the church, by fire, proved at first a very great inconvenience in depriving us of a place to teach in, but the attachment of the scholars to the school was such, that after a place was provided, they, with a very few exceptions, returned to it. The school is at present under the care of one Superintendent and four Teache ers; and, it is hoped, that as soon as the church is rebuilt, it will be increased both in teachers and scholars. The work is at present somewhat heavy, but we feel encouraged to go on, trusting that he, in whose name we have undertaken it, will crown us with his blessing."


"The Female School of St. Philip's Church consists at present of 53 scholars, a Superintendent, and five Teach. ers-four of the scholars are adults, One of these adults has been baptized since she joined the school, and is now a communicant of the church. children are catechized every Wednesday afternoon. They are generally orderly and attentive, and their improvement is such as affords us great satisfaction. Four of the children have died since our last report. Two of them, not nine years old, were baptized at their own request during their illness. We feel great cause of thankfulness to God, that notwithstanding the difficulties under which we have laboured, in consequence of the loss of our church, that our school is in a thriving condition. Could we be occasionally honoured with the presence of the visiting committee, we think it would be serviceable."

From the Female School of Grace Church, the following report has been

"The Male Sunday school of St. received:

"The Superintendent of Grace Church Female Sunday School reports, that the number of scholars now on the books amount to 101-57 of that number have been added since the last anniversary; and, in the course of the year, 17 have left the school from various causes-10 white children, two being boys, were sent to the male school, two coloured children, and five coloured women. Remaining, 84 scholars-40 white children, 20 coloured children, and 24 coloured women-many of whom attend constantly, but the greater part are irregular, and very indifferent as regards their improvement.” The following is the report of the Female School of Trinity Church :"The young ladies belonging to the school of Trinity Church report the state of the charge under their direction to be such as cannot fail in gra tifying all who have the interest of religion and morality at heart. Although the school has declined in numbers, it has probably been owing to the loss of our indefatigable Superintendent of last year. The place was supplied for a short time, but, from unavoidable circumstances, we have been now four months without the fostering hand of a principal to guide us,* and at a time when, from the inclemency of the weather, and various causes, the pupils have been less regular, and required more attention than would have been necessary during a milder season.

"There are belonging to the school 70 scholars-43 of whom are coloured. They form eight classes; four of which read well in the Bible, have gone several times through the Catechism broken into short questions and answers, and have committed to memory different portions of Scripture allotted them by their respective Teachers. Four have left the school in consequence of being so well advanced as no longer to require the instruction of a Sunday school, and two of them were presented to the Bishop for confirma

The Board are informed, that the Teachers of this school were less solicitous to choose a new Superintendent, from an expectation of the return of a former one to the city, and of her willingness again to accept the appointment.

tion. There are at present 10 Teachers engaged in this interesting occupation, who have been amply rewarded by the industry and attention of those under their charge. The scholars generally evince a strong desire of improvement, and, in two or three instances, (when, from peculiar circumstances, they were obliged to leave school) have expressed a deep feeling of gratitude particularly gratifying to the young persons who had opened to them the book of knowledge. It has been our object to instil into the minds of those committed to our care the holy truths of the Bible-the necessity and happiness of a religious life, both as res gards their well-being here, and the hope of a glorious immortality. The scholars are generally well behaved and attentive. No acts of misconduct (unless from those who have been so short a time in the school as not to respect its laws) disturb the sanctity of the place. Those young children who are not advanced to reading are taught the Lord's Prayer and Belief, and repeat them in their proper places during service."

Of the Male School of Trinity and Grace Churches, the following account has been received :

"The present number of scholars is about 58, of whom 47 are white, and 11 coloured. The average attendance from 25 to 30. There are five Teachers attached to as many classes, and one Superintendent. From this it will be seen that the average number of regularly attending scholars is considerably decreased since the last report. This may, in a great degree, be ascribed to the want of Teachers, under which the school has laboured during the past year. We would, therefore, take this means of requesting the assistance of some of the young men of Trinity Church; without it the school can never prosper. And we would fain ascribe our present need not to want of inclination and zeal, but to ignorance on their part that their services would be so acceptable. However, the Teachers trust, that although their sphere of action has been so limited, by the divine blessing, some of the good seed which they have laboured to sow will bring forth its pro

per fruit, and that the next anniversary may find their school in a more flourish, ing state."

From St. Mark's Church, the following reports have been received :— The Superintendent of the Male School of St. Mark's Church, reports, that, "since the re-opening of the school in December last, 41 boys have been admitted, 15 of whom, from various causes, have withdrawn. Of the remainder, from 16 to 20 attend very regularly, and I have the pleasure of adding, that their general behaviour is much better than formerly, and that they pay considerable attention to the service of the Church."

The Superintendent of the Female, School of St. Mark's Church, reports, that, "since the establishment of this school, 308 scholars have been admitted, and 36 since the last annual report: the number now on the register is 105, the regular attendants 32.

"We are cheered and encouraged to persevere in our "labour of love," by the rapid growth of many of our little flock in the knowledge of those things "which belong to their everlasting peace." The first class, among which is one child who did not know the alphabet when she came to the school, and another who could not spell in one syllable, have gone through the New Testament, with the Bible questions; the short, and most of the larger Catechism, and learned the whole of the Gospels of St. Matthew and Mark, and a part of St. Luke's, besides a great number of Psalms and Hymns. Serious impressions have been made upon the hearts of several of them; which we have every reason to hope, by the blessing. of God, will be rendered effectual unto eternal salvation. The school is now divided into four classes, in consequence of the resignation of two of the Teachers, which, I am happy to say, has rather increased than damped the zeal and perseverance of the remaining four."

Such is the present state, and such has been, through the past year, the progress, of the several schools connected with our union. We doubt not that the recital has produced in the minds of our fellow members of the

Church, feelings of pleasure and gratitude congenial with those experienced in rendering this report.

In the account of one of the largest and most flourishing schools in our union, the Superintendent laments the complaints which have been sometimes made of misbehaviour on the part of the scholars during divine service. It would be a miracle to secure perfect order in so large a body of children, many of whom have never had the advantage of salutary discipline, and never before been in a place of public worship. The Board cannot but think that unnecessary and improper complaints have been made on this subject. They cherish the fullest confidence in the anxiety and efforts of the Superintendents and Teachers to remove all just cause of complaint; and regret, therefore, to be obliged to attribute a disposition to find fault, to an insensibility to the great importance of Sunday school tuition. They would refer those who are either parents themselves, or have otherwise an opportunity of making observation, to the difficulty with which the children even of those in the higher walks of life, are often kept within the bounds of proper deportment during public worship; and then ask whether great allowance is not to be made when such a number of children who have had little or no previous pains taken to form their principles and conduct, are to be regulated. They would ask if the wonder is not, that so little disturbance is occasioned, and if the natural feeling on the subject is not admiration of the discipline and method by which so many hitherto untutored children are brought to behave so well? They would ask what alternative the complainants would require?

The Board can conceive of none other than the abandonment altogether of Sunday school instruction. And is it in a Christian heart that the remotest tendency to such an idea can find a place? There is no good in this world without its attendant inconveniences. If we would not that the multitudes of children-and the greater multitudes through them---who enjoy the inestimable blessing of

Sunday school tuition, should be deprived of its sanctifying and saving efficacy, we must submit to the occasional inconvenience arising out of subjecting to the necessity of preserving attention and good order, those who never before have known what they were. And the Board repose such full confidence in the Superintendents, Teachers, and Directors of the several schools, as to give the assurance that no inconvenience of this kind shall be sustained, which their care and assiduity can prevent. They ask, therefore, that these faithful auxiliaries to the Church, in training up the children of the poor, may be spared the pain of having their efforts treated in a way so far removed from the gratitude and confidence which are their well merited portion.

The extensive influence of Sunday school instruction is a subject to which, on an occasion like the present, the attention of the members of the Church may well be called. The Board are happy to avail themselves of some excellent remarks on this head by the Superintendent of the Male School of St. John's Chapel.

"It is right that every cavil against the institution of Sunday schools should be met and answered, and that the zeal of those who are engaged in the same cause may be increased, by showing the influence which one school alone holds, over a needy and extended population. With this view the Superintendent has lately visited the parents of each boy in the school, to ascertain the number of persons who either directly or indirectly come under the influence of the institution; the particulars of which will be seen in the subjoined statement and view of the school.*

*This statement is a very interesting document which was laid before the Board. It contains a numerical classifica.

tion of the scholars according to their ages; a notice of the average attendance every month since the last anniversary; a statement of the various occupations of the parents of the children, with the number under each head; and a notice of the number of families from which scholars come to the school, and the number of

individuals in those families.


"It appears from actual survey, that there are 153 families under the influ ence of our school, which embrace a population of 883 souls. From the estimate that there are in this city about 9,000 children connected with Sunday schools; and taking the state of our school as data, we find, that there is a population of 27,760 persons influenced by these institutions. Now, the Sunday schools are peculiarly adapted to con vey to them those lessons of morality and virtue, of which they stand most in need, and of which there is reason to fear they would ever have remained ignorant, but for this method of application. Many of them are precluded from attending the worship of the Church, and it should seem that they of all others, most need the guidance of the word, to preserve them from the random exposures that beset their daily walk. And if there be a power and a subduing influence in the great truths of the Bible, it must be a source of the highest gratulation among us, that the terms of acceptance with God are thus made known to these suffering children of penury and want.

"But it is delightful to know that there are many among this class of our brethren who are rich in the faith that is in Jesus, who are keeping an anxious eye to the future destiny of their children, and whose gratitude is excited by the interest we take in their welfare, and from among their lonely habitations there ascend the aspirations of praise and thanksgiving to God, for having in these latter days blessed" them and their's with the inestimable institution of Sunday schools. even amid the poverty that surrounds them, and the desolation of their worldly prospects, is the stated visit of the Teacher hailed with all the feeling of liveliest gratitude, and the little ones are seen to crowd around, and parents to feel the softening influence when telling them of the great things that God hath prepared for them that love him."


With this view of the extensive bene ficial influence of Sunday school instruction, the Board cherish, and hope that their fellow members of the Church will feel with them, sentiments of highest respect and gratitude tow


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