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Accompanied with Biographical Notices of Eminent and Learned Men
to whom this County has given Birth.

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THIS Volume forms part of that elegant and interesting Work lately COMPLETED in Twenty-Five Volumes, entitled "THE BEAUTIES OF ENGLAND AND WALES;" the Contents of which furnish the most complete Library of COUNTY HISTORY, TOPOGRAPHY, and BIOGRAPHY, ever offered to the Public.

Each County has been written after an actual perambulation, by Gentlemen engaged expressly for the purpose, aided by persons resident in the County ; and the Illustrations, containing upwards of Seven Hundred Copper-plate Engravings of Public Edifices, Castles, Cathedrals, Parochint Churches eminent for Beauty, or Antiquity of Architecture, Monuments, Ruins, Picturesque Scenery, Seats of the Nobility and Gentry, &c. &c. have been executed by the most eminent Artists, from original Drawings, at an Expence far exceeding


The present Proprietors, who have recently purchased the whole remaining Stock and Copy-Right of this Valuable Work, offer it to the Public in SEPARATE COUNTIES. By this mode of publication, Persons desirous of possessing a complete History of their NATIVE County, may effect it on easy and advantageous terms; for heretofore, though the Letter-Press could have been purchased separately, yet the PLATES designed to illustrate each County were scattered throughout the Work, and have not, till now, been published with the Counties to which they respectively belong.

Godmanchester Church

All Saint's Church

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The Map, to face the Title-page.

Agricultural Reports,

Published by SHERWOOD, NEELY, and Jones, Paternoster
Row, London, Booksellers to the Board of Agriculture.

In Two Volumes, 8vo. Price 9s. Boards,

A GENERAL VIEW OF THE AGRICULTURE of the COUNTY of HUNTINGDON, drawn up for the Consideration of the Board of Agriculture, and Internal Improvement, by Mr. PARKINSON, with a Map and Plate.

Also, The Agricultural Reports of the adjoining Counties: viz. LEICESTERSHIRE and RUTLAND, by Pirt and PARKINSON, with a Map and Plates, Price 15s. Boards.

BEDFORDSHIRE, by Mr. BATCHELOR, with a Map and Plates, Price 15s.


CAMBRIDGESHIRE, by the Rev. Mr. GeoCH, with a Map, Price 9s. Bds.
NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, by W. PITT, Esq. with a Map and Plates,
Price 8s. Boards.

SHERWOOD, NEELY, and JONES, most respectfully inform the Nobility, Clergy, Gentry, and Farmers, the above form Part of that truly national and important Work, entitled, "THE AGRICULTURAL REPORTS OF GREAT BRITAIN." These Reports were drawn up by Men of established Reputation, under the immediate Sanction of Parliament, and published by authority of the Board of Agriculture. They unite every Species of Information relative to the Statistical, Economical, Agricultural, and Commercial State of each County, illustrated with Maps and Plates, and by means of them, (all of which are of acknowledged Accuracy) the Nature of the Soil, the Productions, Improvements, and peculiar Practices of each County, are fully developed.

The whole of the Reports are now published, and may be had either collectively, or separately.

**Complete Sets of the REPORTS are recommended to the various AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES, and Book CLUBS, as forming an aggregate of General Information, and Point of Reference on all Occasions.

Published by J.Robins &C.Albion Press, London, Januar

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