Book I-II of the Faery Queene, Volume 1Clarendon Press, 1867 |
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Common terms and phrases
adventure Archimago Ariosto armes armour beast bloud brest canto Chaucer College cruell Dame deadly deare death doth Dragon dread dreadfull Elfin knight English eternall eyes Faery Queene faire false Duessa fast fcap feare fell fierce fight gentle Gloss goodly Goth grace Greek griefe groning hand hart hast hath heaven heavenly hight house of Pride king Lady Latin Lord Lord Leicester mighty never nigh nought Old Engl Oriel College Oxford P. G. TAIT paine Paynim phrase Piers Ploughman poets powre pret pride pron proud quoth rage Red Cross Knight Sansfoy seemd seems selfe sense Shepheards Calender shew shield shyning sight sonne sore sorrow Spenser spide stanza Tale thee thence thou tree Truth unto vaine verb viii wandring weary weene whenas whence wondrous wont word wound wyde yron
Popular passages
Page 166 - Abhorred Styx, the flood of deadly hate; Sad Acheron, of sorrow, black and deep; Cocytus, named of lamentation loud Heard on the rueful stream; fierce Phlegethon, Whose waves of torrent fire inflame with rage.
Page xxvii - I conceive the most excellent and glorious person of our soveraine the Queene, and her kingdome in Faery land. And yet, in some places els, I doe otherwise shadow her. For considering she beareth two persons, the one of a most royall Queene or Empresse, the other of a most vertuous and beautifull Lady, this latter part in some places I doe expresse in Belphcebe, fashioning her name according to your owne excellent conceipt of Cynthia, (Phoebe and Cynthia being both names of Diana...
Page xxvi - Poets, I labour to pourtraict in Arthure, before he was king, the image of a brave knight, perfected in the twelve private morall vertues, as Aristotle hath devised...
Page 179 - Now the bright morning star, day's harbinger, Comes dancing from the east, and leads with her The flowery May, who from her green lap throws The yellow cowslip, and the pale primrose. Hail, bounteous May, that dost inspire Mirth, and youth, and warm desire ; Woods and groves are of thy dressing, Hill and dale doth boast thy blessing. Thus we salute thee with our early song...
Page 5 - And foorth they passe, with pleasure forward led, Joying to heare the birdes sweete harmony, Which therein shrouded from the tempest dred, Seemd in their song to scorne the cruell sky. Much can they praise the trees so straight and hy, The sayling pine...
Page 161 - In that Faery Queene I meane glory in my generall intention, but in my particular I conceive the most excellent and glorious person of our soveraine the Queene, and her kingdome in Faery Land.
Page 40 - High above all a cloth of State was spred, And a rich throne, as bright as sunny day, On which there sate most brave embellished With royall robes and gorgeous array, A mayden Queene, that shone as Titans ray, In glistring gold, and peerelesse pretious stone : Yet her bright blazing beautie did assay To dim the brightnesse of her glorious throne, As envying her selfe, that too exceeding shone. Exceeding shone, like Phoebus...
Page 26 - Yet she, most faithfull Ladie, all this while Forsaken,- wofull, solitarie mayd, Far from all peoples preace, as in exile, In wildernesse and wastfull deserts strayd, To seeke her knight ; who, subtily betrayd Through that late vision which th' Enchaunter wrought, Had her abandond.
Page 162 - The lofty looks of man shall be humbled, and the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down, and the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day : for the day of the Lord of hosts shall be upon every one that is proud and lofty, and upon every one that is lifted up ; and he shall be brought low ; and upon all the cedars of Lebanon, that are high and lifted up...
Page 114 - Come, come away, fraile, feeble, fleshly wight, Ne let vaine words bewitch thy manly hart, Ne divelish thoughts dismay thy constant spright. In heavenly mercies hast thou not a part ? Why shouldst thou then despeire, that chosen art?