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There can however be no doubt that some of the peculiarities of the language are due to the fact that it is a translation. Thus in 108. 27, we read 'Because that in whom they (i.e. certain pleasures) have ones taken place, all his mynde they possesse with a false opinion of pleasure,' where the inversion of order in the sentence is owing to the author's attempt to range his English words in the same fashion as the Latin.

In the same way the broken construction in 94. 4 is intelligible when we read the original. 'If they tarry in a place longer then one daye, than there every one of them falleth to his owne occupation, and be very gentilly enterteined of the workemen.'

In the printing of the text, the punctuation and orthography of the original edition have been exactly followed, as well as the division of the text into paragraphs. But the reader will see that the punctuation had not the same value then as it has now and must often be neglected altogether. Thus in 96. 10, we have 'The mooste parte of it they never aske. For that thynge whiche is to them no profite to take it from other, to whom it is profitable: they thinke it no righte nor conscience.' Which is meant to be read as if it were pointed with a stop at profite and little or none at profitable and none at all after other.


In hoc

signo vinces.

FORASMUCH as Sir Thomas Moore Knight sometyme Lord Chauncelor of England, a man of singular vertue and of a cleare unspotted conscience, (as wittnesseth Erasmus,) more pure and white then the whitest snow, and of such an angelicall witt, as England, he sayth, never had the like before, nor 5 never shall againe, universally, as well in the lawes of our Realme (a studie in effect able to occupie the whole lif of a man) as in all other sciences, right well studied, was in his dayes accounted a man worthie famous memory; I William Roper (though most unworthie) his sonne in law by marriage 10 of his eldest daughter, knowinge no one man that of hime and of his doinges understood so much as my self for that I was continually resident in his house by the space of 16 yeares and more, thought it therfore my parte to sett forth such matters touchinge his lyfe as I could at this present call to remem- 15 braunce. Amonge which very many notable thinges not meet to have beene forgotten, through negligence and longe continuance of tyme, are slipped out of my mynd. Yeat to th' entente the same shall not all utterly perish, I have at the desire of diverse worshipfull frendes of myne, though very farr 20 from the grace and worthines of them, nevertheles as far fourth as my meane witt, memory and learninge would serve me, declared so much thereof as in my poore judgment seemed worthie to be remembred.

This Sir Thomas Moore after he had beene brought up in 25 the Latine tonge at St. Anthonie's in London, he was, by his

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Father's procurement receaved into the house of the right reverend, wise and learned prelat Cardinall Mourton, where (thoughe hee was yonge of yeares, yet) would he at Christmas tyd sodenly sometymes stepp in among the players, and never 5 stud[y]inge for the matter, make a parte of his owne there presently amonge them, which made the lookers on more sport then all the players besid. In whose witt and tówardnesse the Cardinall much delightinge, would often say of him unto the nobles that divers tymes dyned with him, "This child here 10 wayting at the table, whosoever shall live to see it, will prove a marvellous man." Wheruppon for his learninge he placed him. at Oxford, where when he was both in the Greeke and Latine tonge sufficiently instructed, he was then for the studie of the law of the Realme put to an Inne of the Chauncerie, called 15 New Inne, where for his tyme, he very well prospered. And from thence was committed to Lincolne's Inne with very smale allowaunce, continuing there his studie untill he was made and accounted a worthie utter barrister. After this, to his great commendation, he read for a good space a publicke lecture 20 of St. Augustine de Civitate Dei in the church of St. Laurence in the ould Jurye, wherunto there resorted Doctor Grosyn an excelent cunning man, and all the cheif learned of the cittie of London. Then was he made Reader of Furnifalle's Inne, so remayning by the space of three yeåres and more. After which 25 tyme he gave himselfe to devotion and prayer in the Charterhouse of London, religiously living there without vow about 4 yeares, untill he resorted to the house of one Mr Colte a gentleman of Essex that had oft invited him thither, havinge three daughters whose honest conversation and verteous education 30 provoked him there especially to sett his affection. And albeit his mynd most served him to the second daughter, for that he thought her the fayrest and best favored, yet when he considered that it would be both great greif and some shame also to the eldest to see her younger sister in marriage preferred 35 before her, he then of a certyne pittie framed his fancie towardes her, and soone after married her, never the lesse not discontinuing his studie of the law at Lincolne's Inne, but applyinge

still the same untill he was called to the Bench, and had read twise, which is as often as any Judge of the law doth read.

Before which tyme he had placed himself and his wif at Bucklesburie in London, where he had by her three daughters, in vertue and learning brought up from there youth, whom he 5 would often exhort to take vertue and learning for there meate, and play but for there sauce.

Who ere ever he had beene reader in Court was in the latter tyme of Kinge Henry the seaventh made a Burgesse in the Parliament, wherein ther were by the King demaunded (as I 10 have hard it reported) about three fifteenes for the marriag of his eldest daughter, that then should be the Scottish Queene. At the last debatinge wherof he mad such argumentes and reasons thereagainst, that the King's demaunds were thereby overthrowne. So that one of the King's privie chamber, named 15 Mr Tyler, being present thereat, brought word to the Kinge out of the Parliament house, that a beardles boy had disapoynted all his pourposes. Whereupon the King conceiving grete indignation towardes him could not be satisfied untill he had some way revenged it. And forasmuch as he nothing 20 havinge, nothinge could loose, his grace devised a causeles quarrell against his Father, keepinge him in the Tower untill he had payed him an hundred pownds fyne. Schortly hereupon it fortuned that this Sir Thomas Moore comminge in a suite to Dr Fox bishopp of Winchester, one of the 25 King's privie councell, they called him aside, and pretendinge great favour towardes him, promised him that if he would be ruled by him, he would not faile but into the Kinge's favour againe to restore him, meaninge, as it was after conjectured, to cause him therby to confesse his offence against the Kinge, 30 whereby his heighnes might with better coulour have occasion to revenge his displeasure against him. But when he came from the Bishopp, he fell in communication with one Mr Whitforde his familiar frend, then Chaplen to that Bishopp and after a Father of Sion, and shewed him what the Bishopp had 35 sayd unto him, desiringe to have his advise therein, who for the passion of God pray'd him in no wise to follow his counsell,

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