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and the pursuit of some mechanical art or useful calling, the exercise of the one would materially tend to excellence in the other; and we might expect to see a vigorous mind and healthy body the accompanying adornment of England's woman.

We are aware that in suggesting the propriety of young females pursuing some mechanical art or useful manual employment, we are running counter to the views of society; but this alone should not deter us from pressing the subject upon their attention. The question is, would the female portion of society be benefited, and rendered happier by the general adoption of such a course? If so, whoever urges it upon the notice of society, however feeble the attempt, and how little soever it may be heeded, is performing an honourable duty, because labouring to effect a good end.

From "the Scholastic Journal.”


ELIZA Bolworth kept her resolution, and kept it prayerfully; but she asked only for aid to assist her endeavours, not for wisdom to direct them; and while Mrs. Bolworth rejoiced over the sincerity of her daughter's attempt to judge less harshly of others, she was grieved to find her gradually adopting that false charity, which, by treating crime too leniently, creates a low standard of moral rectitude.

One day the following dialogue occurred between Eliza Bolworth, and Miss Jane Wells, who, accompanied by her mother, had made a morning call upon the Bolworth's.

Miss Jane.-Do you often see Fanny
Eliza.-No. Do you?

- ?

Miss Jane.--Seldom ; for mamma says that though she is so clever and amiable, her habit of lying makes her an improper companion.

Eliza.-Poor thing. I think she would not tell a lie wilfully. She only exaggerates: her imagination is so vivid.

Mrs. Wells took leave. Other visitors came. One of them, in the course of conversation, mentioned an unhappy family quarrel which had lately taken place in the neighbourhood; and expressed his opinion that it had been fomented by the injudicious repetition of each party's remarks to the other, by a lady whom he named. He added, "she was warned of its probable bad effects in the irritated state of mind of both parties; 66 'for at times," he continued, "we often say things which an hour after we vainly wish unsaid; and we are too apt to allow the expression of anger in another to produce the same emotion in ourselves."

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I am sure, said Eliza, who was present when the above remarks were made, I am sure Mrs. doing as she did meant well.

That evening, when they were alone, Mrs. Bolworth took the opportunity of saying, I am glad, dear Eliza, to see you striving against your habit of evil speaking; but fear you are falling in the opposite error.

What! can we speak too well of others?
Do you think Fanny and Mrs.

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you so promptly tried to exculpate this morning, can be justly defended?

But, mamma, is it not right to impute the best motives to the conduct of others?

Not unless we can do so consistently with truth. You know, love, it is one attribute of Christian

charity that it "rejoiceth in the truth as well as thinketh no evil;" and no wonder, for its foundation is love to the God of truth, and on that it builds every work, word and thought of self-denying love to man.

I never thought the word so comprehensive before.


Perhaps not, for the use of it seems now as much confined to mere verbal charity as it once was to almsgiving both however are branches of that real charity which is greater and more enduring than even faith and hope; and like them divine in its origin and its nature.

Then, mamma, what do you call false charity?

Any thought, word, or deed which, though it may seem kind, is inconsistent with any of the characteristics of true charity. Read very carefully St. Paul's description of charity, in 1 Cor. 13th chapter, and you will see it is a summary of the social duties of Christianity, differing from that contained in the 12th chapter of his epistle to the Romans in this only, that it traces each action to its motive, each virtue to its source: the state of a renewed heart filled with sincerity and love.

But, mamma, does it not seem very uncharitable to speak ill of others?

Where it may be avoided it is so; but, my dear girl, the world, to whose opinion you are now referring, judges by false, though varying standards: I have as often heard that man called a timeserver who spoke ill of none, as I have heard him called uncharitable who sorrowfully condemned the errors of a friend. The world values truth as it does gold, not for its intrinsic worth, but because it passes current at all times.

Then, mamma, I am not to regard the opinion of the world.

Not where it is opposed to truth, as it is in this instance. The world would have called our compassionate Saviour uncharitable had it heard him uttering his just indignation in thrilling woes against the hypocrites of that day; even as it now censures his ministers for telling the sick their disease; and his people for exposing those who though with them, are not of them.

Do you think false charity can do harm?

Can you doubt it, my love? Merely in the instance of this morning you gave Miss Jane Wells encouragement to think her mother harsh; or else, to consider lying, unless wilful, no sin, and exaggeration no crime; and in your defence of Mrs. -, you strove to excuse a bad action by a good


But people will not think much of my opinions, I am so young.

Every person, whatever their age or station, is responsible for some degree of influence over those with whom they associate; and especially those who like you have made a profession of Christianity. The world looks on those who profess to be its lights, not that it may kindle its lamp with the same heavenly fire; but that it may find an excuse in the dullness of their flame for preferring its earthborn and unpurified light. You might, dear Eliza, have done good this morning, by encouraging Miss Wells, who is a weak girl, to confide in the judgment of her excellent mother.

Charity is not so easy as I thought, said Eliza, despondingly.


our own strength it is unattainable, her

mother replied, but seek of God in believing prayer that "Spirit of power, of love, and of a sound mind," which "will guide you into all truth and charity. MARY P. B.


THE object of these visits was to distribute a Tract, entitled, "The last days of Martha," a young woman of an abandoned character, whose dying hours bore painful testimony to the truth of inspiration, that "the wages of sin is death." The visitors were the agents of the Norwich City Mission, who recorded in their journals the result of their visits: but we hardly need observe, that painful as the record is, the half is not told.


"In our visits to females of bad character, we were civilly treated by all, and in several houses were permitted to read and converse with the inmates.

Most of these degraded women acknowledged themselves to be unhappy, and said that they would gladly abandon their evil course, if they had any means of obtaining a livelihood. One of them said, we dare not think, it gives us the horrors, so we drive away our thoughts.'

At one house we had a deeply interesting conversation. There were two girls, an old woman, and an old man 80 years of age, who, when I told him that he must be born again, said, he did not know what it meant. I warned him of his danger, and after reading the tract, I spoke to the girls, of their sin and danger; one of them cried very much. I then addressed the old woman, and told her she was

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