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fynd your lordship our honorable and carefull chauncellour. From the Kinges College in Cambridge, the xxijth of December, 1595.

Your lordships humble and bounden to bee

ROGER GOADE, procan.


[From MS. Lansd. no. 79, p. 66.]

To the right honorable our very good lord, the lord of Burghley, lord highe treasurer of England, and chauncellour of the Universitie of Cambridge.

RIGHT honorable, with humble remembrance of our bounden dutyes: the mastershippe of Magdalene Colledge being now voide, by Dr. Claytons preferment to St. Johns College (who was yesterday chosen and admitted), wee are bould (knowing your lordships honorable loving care both of the whole Universitye and also of every particuler college, as partes and members of the same) to put your lordship in mynd that as, by your honors late speciall care, St. Johns College is now well provyded of a meete head, so it would please your good lordship to be a meane, that there may be a good supply of this other roome, now consequently voide. Your lordship being pleased of late to use our opinions and commendacions for a meete master of St. Johns College, wee are the boulder in this other vacancye to commend unto your lordship Mr. Neale, brought up in St. Johns College, a batchellour in divinity, a man partly knowen to your lordship, and in our opinions not onely religious, learned, and of sober and honest conversacion, but also of that temperate moderacion and discreet cariage of himself, as wee thinke him in that respect also the meeter for this small preferrement, and for the good and

quiet governement of that house. Wee doubt not but a more number of the heades would willingly have joyned herin, but that (against this feast) they are gone from home. Thus, sparing further to trouble your lordship, and leaving the consideracion herof to your lordships wisdome, wee commend the same to th'almightie, this xxiijth of Decembre, 1595.

Your lordships humble and bounden to commaund,
ROGER GOADE, procan.




[From MS. Lansd. no. 79, art. 67.]

To the right honorable our verie singuler good lord, the lord Burghley, lord high treasorer of England.

CUM alias (honoratissime patrone) multa et eximia singularis tuæ erga nos benevolentiæ documenta dedisti, tum recenti hoc facto imprimis, quam esses erga nos paterno animo confirmasti. Cum enim de surrogando in μakaρíτov Whitakeri locum novo magistro vehementer (ut fit) dissentiremus, parumque abesset quin mutuis certaminibus collisi, pudendum de nobis spectaculum præberemus, tua tandem salutarine dicamus an divina prudentia factum est, ut talis vir nobis commendaretur, qui nemini invisus, omnibus carus et jucundus esset. Is est Cleitonus, vir summa integritate, eruditione, morum facilitate præditus, quo, si libera nobis vota fuissent, vix optassemus quidem meliorem. In eo itaque eligendo communibus studiis atque suffragiis consensimus; neque dubitamus fore, quin felicibus auspiciis inchoata concordia in perpetuum permansura sit. Te autem (honoratissime Mecænas) tanti beneficii auctorem merito suspicimus, veneramur, prædicamus. Si enim eth

nici, post periculosos quibus perfuncti essent fluctus, Neptuno vota solverent; si coronam iis decernerent, quorum virtute incolumitatem consequerentur; si σωτῆρας καὶ εὐepyéτas viros de repub. præclare meritos appellarent; quæ nos tibi vota solvere, quas coronas decernere debemus? et ni Christianis nobis religio esset, præter unum illum, alium quempiam owτnpa appellare, tibi utique haud gravate nomen istud tam splendidum, tam magnificum, tam incomparabile tribueremus.

Deus opt. max. honorem tuum ecclesiæ pariter ac reipub. diutissime servet incolumem. E Coll. D. Johannis evangelistæ, octavo Kal. Januarii, 1595.

Honori tuo devotissimi,

Henricus Alveus.

Simon Robson.

Daniel Mousey.
Otthowell Hyll.
Arthurus Johnson.

Joannes Bois.

Joannes Harrison.

Jo. Allenson.

Willm. Hollande.

Guilielmus Billingsley.

Abdias Assheton.

Gulielmus Pratt.

Thomas Bends.

Henricus Hudson.
Henricus Briggs.
Guil. Nelson.
Oenus Gwyn.
W. Mottershedd.

Johannes Hook.

Robartus Spaldinge.

Petrus Bindless.
Valentinus Carey.
Edwardus Abney.

Johannes Gardinge.

Hugo Baguley.

Georgius Gowldman.

Richardus Horde.

Gregorius Newton.

Reginaldus Braithwaite.
Georgius Buddle.
Jacobus Crouther.

Valentinus Wood.

Thomas Turner.
Step. Thomson.
Christoph. Foster.
Randolphus Woodcock.
Johannes Goodwin.



[From MS. Lansd. no. 80, art. 53.]

To the right honorable my very good lord, the lord of Burghley, lord highe treasurer of England, and chauncellour of the Universitye of Cambridge.

RIGHTE honorable, myne humble dutie remembred: in my firste lettre to your lordship since I was chosen (thoughe very unworthie) to be your lordships vice-chancellour, I promised to be as sparing as might bee to trouble your lordship for ayde in Universitie causes; and so doe still purpose, considering your lordships great and waighty affayres; yet eftsoones (as occasion may require) I thinke it my part and dutye to acquaint your lordship. And at this present, having so fitte oportunitye by this bearer, I thought meete in breef to signifye to your lordship that since this feast of Christes nativitye, one Mr. Covell, fellowe of Queenes Colledge, preaching at St. Maryes upon the text, Domus mea, etc. vos autem fecistis speluncam latronum, in applyeing and inveyghing against those that did facere speluncam latronum in our church, did offensyvely and extraordinarily soe charge the noble men of this land specially, and in some sorte also the bisshops, as, being present, I thought it my part not onely to call him to aunswere (which I have done), but also by so fitte an occasion (for my better discharge), to give some significacion herof to your lordship, the rather for that for want of sufficient assistance of heades of colledges now from home, I can doe little in theis cases, and also because I cannot as yet, by way of counsaill and perswasion, induce the said partie to make voluntary convenient satisfaction, which I will yet further endevor, in the meane tyme, untill I may have necessary assistance required in theis cases. And so, being loth further to trouble your good lordship, I com

mend the same, in my hartie prayers, unto almightie God. From the Kinges Colledge in Cambridge, the 2 of January, 1595.

Your lordships humble and bounden
to be commaunded,

ROGER GOADE, procan.



[From MS. Lansd. no. 80, art. 56.]

To the right honorable the lord of Burghley, lord high treasurer of England, and chauncellour of the University of Cambrige. RIGHT honorable, my bounden duty humbly remembred: where upon late commission and lettres from my lords of the counsaill unto this shire, for the provision of graine and other victualls for her majesties shippes, the justices, toward the proporcion of graine requyred, being 150 quarters of wheate and 400 quarters malte, did allotte, without the liberties of fyve myles, in wheat 60 quarters, and in malt 200; I did thinke it my part in this so speciall a service to take order that there should be helpe also within the said liberties; the rather, for that the Isle of Eeley hath small store of graine, and is like to beare the chief burden of the beeves and bacon; and those within the fyve myles for the most part have abused the grant, by parliament intended to the benefit of the University, to their owne particuler commoditye, not bringing their graine and other victualls to this markett, as they ought to have done. And therfore, according to the act of parliament, I gave lycense to the purveyour, under my seale of office, to take to the said use in wheate iiijxx ten quarters, and in malt 200 quarters, to make up the full quantity of graine required. And because I thought meete to spare the common and poorer

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