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146. Keep a watchful and jealous cye Proverbs. 1. It is easier to praise poverty, over common opinions, prejudices and bad than to bear it. 2. Prevention-is better than eure. 3. Learn wisdom by the follies of others. school instruction, until the influence of reason, nature and truth, is so far established. Knowledge, without practice, makes but half over the ear and taste, as to obviate the dan-an artist. 5. When you want any thing, always ask the price of it. 6. To cure idleness, count the ger of adopting or following, unquestionable errors, and vicious habits of reading and speaking: extended views, a narrow mind extend. To judge righteously of all things, preserve the mind in a state of perfect equilibrium, and let a love of truth and goodness govern all its decisions and actions.

tickings of a clock. 7. It costs more to revenge injuries, than to endure them. 8. Conceited men think nothing can be done without them. 9. He, that kills a man, when he is drunk, must be hung when he is sober. 10. An idle man's head, is the devil's work-shop. 11. God makes, and apparil shapes. 12. Good watch prevents harm.

147. W, has but one consonant The Difference. Two teachers apply sound, and one vowel sound; for a school; one is ignorant, but offers to WOO; a wan-ton wag, with woteach for twelve dollars a month; the other ful words, be-wail-ed the well -is well qualified for the station, and asks wish-er of the wig-wam; the twenty-five dollars a month. The fathersdwarf dwells in the wea-ry west, [Win WOO.] weigh the souls of their children against where wom-en weave well the warp of life, money, and the twelve dollar teacher is emand win-ter winds wan-der in the wild ployed. A man in search of work asks a swamps, that wail and weep: the wa-ter-farmer, if he does not want to hire a hand? witch, al-ways war-worn in the wax-works," If I can find one to suit me,"-the farmer war-bles her watch-word to the weath-er-replies: and then he puts a variety of queswise, and re-wards the wick-ed with weep-reap? chop? cradle? hoe? dress flux? &c." ing, wail-ing and worm-wood.

148. By separating these elements of language, and practicing on them, each by itself, the exact posilim and effort of the vocal organs, may be distinctly observed; and in this way, the true means of increasing and improving the force and quality of every one ascertained. Be not discouraged at the apparent mechanical, artificial and construined modes of giving the sounds, and pronouncing the words: acquire accuracy, and ease and gracefulness will inevitably follow.

tions to him; such as.-"Can you mow?

Soon after, another s'ranger calls, and aska whether they wish to hire a teacher in their district? But the principal question in this case, is-"How much do you ask a month?” Now, just observe the difference in the catechising of the two applicants. Again, the father-will superintend the hired man, and have things so arranged-as not to lose a moment's time. -and see that nothing will employ a teacher, and put him into goes to waste; but the same watchful parent the school, and never go near him.

149. Irregulars. U has this sound in is not obliged to persevere. 2. Ought cirVarieties. 1 If a man begin a fool, he certain words: the an-guish of the an-ti-qua- cumstantial evidence to be admitted in criry is as-sua-ged with lan-zuid man-sue-tude, minal cases? 3. Suspicion—is always worse for the con-quest over his dis-tin-guish-ed than fact. 4. No duty, imposed by necesper-sa-sion: the guide dis-gui-ses his assity, should be considered a burthen. 5. To sue-tude of per-sua-ding the dis-sua-der.

Notes. . To produce this sound, shape the mouth and lips as for whistling, and make a voice sound; or, pronounce the word

do, and when the o is about to vanish, comnience this vocal conso

pant, thus, do—was, 2. When we is initial, i. e. begins a word or

syllable, it is a consonant ; but when it ends one, it is equivalent to 210 in onze: new, how, now, pow-er, etc. 3. In sword, two, anwer, it is silent: w also before r, trap, track, wreath, wrist, wrong, etc. blow, who, knowledge, whom, whose, whole, whoop. 4. Practice changes on we and e, as found under 21 f. 5. He who a watch would wear, two things must do, pocket his watch,


and watch his pocket too.

Anecdote. A Scold. Foote, a celebrated comic actor, being scolded by a woman, said, in reply. "I have heard of tartar-and brimstone; you are the CREAM of the one, and the FLOWER of the OTHER."

"Ask for what end--the heavenly Lodies shine?
Earth-for whwe uwe ?- Man answers. "Tis for mine;
For m-kind nature wakes her genial power,
Suckles each herli, and spreads out every flower;
Annual for me-the grape, the rose renew
The nice nectareous, and the balmy den:
For me-health-gushes from a thousand springs;
For me--the mine-a thousal treasures brings,
Rear mill--to wall me, was-in light me rise,
My foot fool-earth, my canopy-the skire."

act from order. is to act from heaven. 6. Truth, however little. does the mind good., 7. True love always gives forth true light; false light agrees not with the truth, but lightly esteems it; and also, seems to itself,

to be better than truth.

Great were the hearts, and strong the minds,
Of those, who framed, in high debate,
The immortal league of love, that binds
Our fair, broad Empire, State with State
And deep the gladness of the hour,
When, as the auspicious task was done,
In solemn trust, the sword of power,
Was giv'n to glory's unspoil'd son.
That noble race is gone; the suns
Of fifty wears-have risen, and set;
But the bright links, those chosen ones
So strongly forged, are brighter yet.
Wide-as our own free race increase-
Wide shall extend the elastic chain,
And bind, in everlasting peace,

State after State, a mighty train.

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151. Two of the three sounds of X; first, name sound; or ks, when at the end of accented syllables, and often when it precedes them; if followed by an abrupt consonant. AXE: the cox-comb ex- [X in AXE.] pe-ri-en-ces the lux-u-ry of ex-pa-ti-a-ting on the ex-plo-sion of his ex-ces-sive ex-al-ta-tion of the bux-om fair sex; being anx-ious to

ex-plain the or-tho-dox-y and het-o-dox-y of Ex-ag-o-nus, the ex-pos-i-ter ex-po-ses the ex-ploit, of ex-pect-ing to ex-plain how to ex-crete ex-cel-lent texts by ex-cru-ci-a-ting the wax of the ex-cheq-uer.

152. A good articulation--consists in giving to every letter in a syllable, its due proportion of sound, according to the best pronunciation; and, in making such a distinction between the syllables, of which words are composed, as that the ear, without difficulty, shall acknowledge their number, and perceive, at once, to which syllable each letter belongs. When these things are not observed, the articulation is in that proportion, defective: the great object is--to articulate so well, that the hearer can perfectly understand what is read or spoken, without being obliged to have recourse to a painful attention. A good articulation is the foundation of good delivery: as the sounding of the musical notes with exactness, is the foundation of

good singing.

Proverbs. 1. If better were within, better would come out. 2. Jests, like sweetmeats, have often sour sauce. 3. Keep aloof from quarrels: be neither a witness, nor a party. 4. Least said. 5 Little boats should keep the soonest mended. near shore; greater ones may venture more. C Some-are more nice than wise. 7. Make a wrong

step, and down you go. S. We all live and learn. 9. Riches, (like manure,) do no good, till they are spread. 19. Silks and satins often put out the kitchen fire. 11. Some-would go to the devil, if they had authority for it. 12. Love virtue, and

abhor vice. 13. Good counsel has no price.

Anecdote. Matrimony. A father, wishing to dissuade his daughter from all thoughts of matrimony, quoted the words: "She who marries, doeth well; but she who marries not, doeth better." The daughter, meekly replied, "Father, I am content to do well; let those do better, who can."

Boundaries of Knowledge. Human reason-very properly refuses to give its assent to any thing, but in proportion as it sees how that thing is, or is done. Now, which are attended with their difficulties. there are three directions-in natural science, The astronomer-sees-and feels a difficulty-in getting from the solar system--xo the universe; the chemist, in proceeding from matter to its mysterious essence; and the physiologist, in advancing from the body-to the soul; three kingdoms of knowledge-bordering on kingdoms-unknown to natural science. Without reason, man could never become elevated above his senses, and, consequently, could not become a rational and intellectual being, and, of course, not MAN, in the true sense of the term. But our minds are so constituted, that after having traversed the material creation, and perceived, scientifically, the very boundaries of matter, where it is adjoined by spirit, it can elevate itself, by a power, constantly given by God, to the lower boundaries of spirit, where it touches upon matter, and then, by its derived powers, ascend step by step, to the great I AM; whom to know aright, and whom to love supremely, is the chief good of man.

153. Play upom Xes. Charles X. x-king of France, was xtravagantly xtolled, but is Varieties. 1. When man sins, angels xceedingly xecrated. He xperienced xtraWEEP, and devils REJOICE. 2. True polite. ordinary xcellence in rigencies; he was xcel-ness, springs from the heart. 3. What is lent in xternals, but xtrinsic in xtacy; he was xtatic in xpression, xtreme in xcitement, and xtraordinary in xtempore xpression. He was xpatriated for his xcesses, and, to xpiate his xtravagance, was xcluded, and xpired in xpulsion.

Notes. 1. To produce this diphthongal aspirate sound, whisper the word kuss, and then repeat it, and leave out the i; k's Sue of the most unpleasant sounds in our language. 2. Since the word diphthong merely signifies a double sound, there is no impropriety in calling double consonants, diphthongs, as we do certain rands, 3. All critical skill in the sound of language, has its foundation in the practical knowledge of the nature and properties of tiese elements: remember this and apply yourself accordingly. In all cases, get the proper sounds of letters, as given in the ry-ords, or first examples.

To err-is human, to forgive-divine.

that, which makes every body sick, except those who swallow it? Flattery. 4. Science has no enemy, but ignorance. 5. Be not too brief in conversation, lest you be not understood; nor too diffuse, lest you be trouble some. 6. Simplicity, and modesty, are among the most engaging qualities of every superior mind. 7. We live in two worlds, a natural and a spiritual one.

I would never kneel at a gilded shrine,
To worship the idol-gold;

I would never fetter this heart of mine,

As a thing-for fortune sold:

But I'd bow-to the light th❜t God hath given,
The nobler light-of mind;

The only light, save that of Heaven,

That should free-will homage find

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6. He that

Proverbs. 1. If you would lend a maa money, and make him your enemy, ask him for x again. 2. He that goes a borrowing, goes a sorrowing. 3. The innocent-often suffer through the indolence and negligence of others. 4. Two of a trade seldom agree. 5. When the Lord revives his work, the Devil revives hiz. swells in prosperity, will shrink in adversity. 7. It is human to err; but diabolical to persevere in yard, and read the gravestones. 9. Better get in error. 8. For a cure of ambition, go in the churchthe right path late, than never. 10. A real friend -is discerned in a trying case. 11. Every one can acquire a right character. 12. Two wrongsdon't make a right.

Anecdote. Zeno-was told, that it was disreputable for a philosopher to be in love. "If that were true," said the wise man.

155. The second sound of X is that of gz; generally, when it immediately precedes the accent, and is followed by a vowel sound, or the letter h, in words of two or more syllables; EXIST; the ex- [X in EXIST.} hor-ter is ex-haust-ed by his ex-u-ber-ant exor-di-um, and desires to be ex-on-er-a-ted from ex-am-in-ing the ux-o-ri-ous ex-ec-utive; an ex-act ex-am-in-a-tion into the ex-ag-tends to discompose or agitate the mind, Mental Violence. Everything which ger-a-tions of the aux-il-li-a-ries ex-hib-its a whether it be excessive sorrow, rage or fear,

lux-u-ri-ant ex-ile, who ex-ist-ed an ex-of-ic in ex-em-pla-ry ex-al-fa-tion.

156. The letters o, and e, in to and the, are long, before vowels, but abbreviated before consonants, (unless emphatic,) to prevent a hiatus. Th' man took the instrument and began t' play th' tune, when th' guests were ready to eat. I have written to Obadiah t' send me some of th' wheat, that was brought in th' ship Omar, and which grew on th' land belonging t' th' family of the Ashlands. Are you going from town? No I am going to town. Th' vessel is insured to, at and from


Notes. 1. To make this diphthongal vocal sound, close the teeth as if to give the sound of C, and then bring into contact the posteriors, or the roots of the tongue, and back parts of the throat, and pronounce the imaginary word guz, several times; then omit the u, and pronounce the g, 2, by themselves: g-z. 2. For the 34

sound of X, see the third sound of C. 3. These elemental sounds was the favorite study among the ancients, of the greatest ability. 157. Sight Reading. To become a good reader, and a reader at sight, one must always let the eyes precede the voice a number of words; so that the mind shall have time, clearly, and distinctly, to conceive the ideas to be communicated; and also feel their influence this will give full play to the thoughts, as well as impart power from the affectumus part of the mind, to the body, for producing the action, and co-operation, of the right muscles and organs to manufacture the sounds and words. In walking, it is always best to see where we are about to step; it is equally so in reading, when the voice walks. Indeed, by practice, a person will be able to take in a line or two, in anticipation of the vocal effort: always look before you leap.

The high, the mountain-majesty-of worth-
Should be, and shall, survive its woe;
And, from its immortality,-look forth-
In the sun's face,-like yonder Alpine snow,
Imperishably pure-beyond all things below.


the fair sex are indeed to be pitied; for they would then receive the attention of fools alone."

envy, or revenge, love or despair-in short, whatever acts violently on our mental faculties-tends to injure the health.

Varieties. 1. Washington-was born Feb. 22d, 1732, and died Dec. 14th, 1799; how old was he? 2. We cannot love those, whom we do not respect. 3. Order-is the same in the world, in man, and in the church; and man is an epitome of all the principles of order. 4. In factions, the most The good man has God in his heart, when ignorant are always the most violent. 5. he is not in his mouth: but the hypocrite-has God in his mouth, without having him in his heart. 6. It is some hope of goodness, not to grow worse; but it is a part of badness, not to grow better. 7. Why should we seek that love, that cannot profit us, or fear that malice, that cannot hurt us?


STAND! the ground's your own, my braver
Will ye give it up to slaves?
Will ye look for greener graves?

Hope ye mercy still?
What's the mercy despots feel!
Hear it-in that battle peal!
Read it-on yon bristling steel!

Ask it-ye who will.
Fear ye foes who kill for hire?
Will ye to your homes retire?
Look behind you! they're afire!

And before you, see
Who have done it!-From the vale-
On they come-and will ye quail?
Leaden rain and iron hail

Let their welcome be!

In the God of battles trust!
Die we may-and die we must:-
But, O! where-can dust-to dust
Be consigned so well,

As where heaven-its dews shall shea
On the martyr'd patriot's bed,
And the rocks shall raise their head,

Of his deeds to tell!


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138. An accurate knowledge of these elementary sounds, which constitute our rocal alphabet, and the exact co-operation of the appropriate organs to give them truly, are essential to the attainment of a good and ef- | ficient elocution. Therefore, be resolved to understand them thoroughly; and, in your various efforts to accomplish this important object, give precision and full force to every sound, and practice faithfully, and often, the difficult and rapil changes of the vocal pow ers, required by the enunciation of a quick succession of the muscle-breakers.

Proverbs. 1. The shorter answer-is doing the thing. 2. You cannot quench fire with tow. 3. There is no general rule without exceptions. 4. Happiness-is not in a cottage, nor in a palace, nor in rickes, nor in poverty, nor in learning, nor in ignorance, nor in active, nor in passire life; but in doing right, from right motives. 5. Good intention-is not reformation. 6. It is self-conceit, that makes a man obstinate. 7. To cure a fit of passion, walk out in the open air. 8. Idle men are dead, all their lives long. 9. If you would know the value of money, earn it. 10. Hearts may agree, tho' heads-differ. flirting and coquetry. 12. There is no place like conso-home. 13. He that is warm, thinks others so.

11. Beware of

Anecdote. A Vain Mother. As a lady -was viewing herself in a looking-glass, she said to her daughter : "What would you give to be as handsome as I am?" Just as much, (replied the daughter,) as you would, to be as young as I am." The Poor. How few, even of professing

159. The sound of Y, when a nant; YE: the year-ling youngster, yelled for the yel-low yolk, yes-ter-night, and yearn-ed in the yard over the year-book till he yex'd: the yoke yields to your [Y in YE.] yeur-ling, which yearns for the yar-row in the yawls; you yerk'd your yeast from the yawn-ing yeo-man yes-ter-day, and yet your-christians, are aware of the pleasure, arising self, of yore, yea, tho' young, yearn-ed o-ver the yes-ty yawn: Mr. Yew, did you say, or did you not say, what I said you said? because Mr. Yewyaw said you never said what I suit you said: now, if you say that you did not say, what I said you said, then pray what did you say?

from contributing to the support of the poor! Is it not more blessed to give-than to receive? But there are alins for the mind-as well as for the body. If we duly considered our relations, and our destinies, instead of giving grudgingly, or wanting to be called upon, we should go out in search of the deɛtitute and ignorant, and feel that we were per

while sharing the gifts of his providence with our fellow-beings, who are as precious in his sight-as we fancy ourselves to be: for he does not regard any from their external situation, but altogether from their internal state.

160. The first step to improvement is, to awaken the desire of improverzent: whatev-forming the most acceptable service to God, er interests the heart, and excites the imagination, will do this. The second is a clear and distinct classification of the principles, on which an art is based, and an exact expression of them. in accordance with this Varieties. 1. American independenceclassification; indeed, all the arts and sciences should be seen in definite delineations, was acknowledged by Great Britain, Jan. thro' a language which cannot well be mis-19, 1783; and the treaty of Ghent signed, understool.

Dec. 24, 1814. 2. Never do an act, of 161. Irregulars. E, I, J, and U, occa- which you doubt the justice. 3. Nothing sionally have this sound; Eu-rope alien-ates can be a real blessing, or curse, to the soul, the con-spic-u-ous cult-ure of her na-ads, that is not made its own by appropriation. 4. Let every man be the champion of right. and, like a dis-guised creat-ure, eu-lo-gi-ses 5. How sharper-than a serpent's tooth it is her junior court-iers for their brilliant gen- to have a thankless child. 6. All science has ius: the url-u-ous christ-an sold-ier, in spirits foundation in experience. 7. Happy are it-u-al un-ion with the millions of Nal-ure, the miseries that end in joy; and blessed are shouts with eu-cha-ris-tic grand-cur, eu-pho-the joys, that have no end.

ni-ous hal-le-lu-jahs, which are fa-mit-iar-ly Ay, I have planned full many a sanguine scheme read, throughout the volume of the U-ni- of earthly happiness;


Notes. To give this vocal sound, nearly close the teeth, t. the lips turned out as in making huge, see engraving,) and drawlingly pronunce the word yet, protracting the sound of the y thus, y yo. 2. For the two other sun is of y, see the two sundenfi: hyme, humn: isle, ile. 3. Visa coussant at the beginning of a word or syllat le, except in y-clad, ve-clad y cept, (e-ch-4) yt-ri-a, (it-ri-a,) Ypsi-lan-ti, (1p-st-lan-ti,) the name of a town in Michigan. 4. to produce, has its name sound; and in polvane, it has this consonant sound of y preceding it; in the first, it is preceded by an abrupt element: in the second, by

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And it is hard

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Proverbs. 1. Humility—gains more than pride 2. Never be weary in well-doing. 3. Expect nothing of those who promise a great deal.

162. Many consider elocution merely as an accomplishment, and that a desultory, instead of a systematic attention, is all that is necessary. A regular, scientific and progres-k. Grieving for misfortunes, is adding gall to swe course, in this as well as every thing else, mormwood. 5. He, who would catch fisk, must is the only correct, effectual, and rapid mode not mind getting wet. 6 He that by the plow of proceeding. If improvement be the object, would thrive, must either hold, himself, or drive. whether we devote little, or much attention, 7. Idleness is the greatest prodigality in the to a pursuit, be it mental or manual, system world. 8. If the counsel be good, no matter who and method are absolutely essential: order-ave it. 9. Occupation-cures one half of life's is heaven's first, and last law.

troubles, and mitigates the other. 10. We bear no afflictions so patiently as those of others. 11.

hands, and soft brains, generally go together.

163. One of the three sounds of Ch; Let Naturs have her perfect work. 12. Soft which may be represented by fch: CHANGE; the cheat choked a child for choosing to chop a chump of chives for the arch-deacon of Green-wich: a chap chased a [CH in CHIP.] chick-en into the church, and the churl-ish chap-lain check'd it for char-i-ty; the Sachem of Wool-wich, chuck-led over the ur

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To speak of Howard, the philanthropist, without calling to mind the eloquent eulo gium, in which Burke has embalmed his memory, would be as impossible-as it would be to read that eulogium without owning that human virtue never received a more illustrious manifestation. Howard," said the chin's chit-chat, and snatched his rich peach-orator, was a man, who traversed foreign es, and pinch'd them to chow-der; the chief countries, not to survey the sumptuousness of palaces, or the stateliness of temples; not of Nor-wich, charm'd by the chaunt-ing of to make accurate measurements of the rethe chirping chouzh, chafed his chil-ly chinmains of ancient grandeur, nor to form a by touch-ing it on the chal-ky chim-ney: three chu-by children, in Richfield, were each choked with choice chunks or cheese, much of which Sancho Panza purchased of Charles Chickering on Chimborazo.

scale of the curiosity of modern art; not to collect medals, or manuscripts; but, to dive into the depths of dungeons; to plunge in the infection of hospitals; to survey the mansions of sorrow and pain; to take the guage and dimensions of misery, depression, 164. In all cases of producing sounds, ob- and contempt; to remember the forsaken; serve the different positions of the organs, and to compare and collate the distresses of and remember, that the running through with all men, under all climes." In the prosethe forty-four sounds of our language, is cution of this god-like work, Howard made like running up the keys of an instrument," a voyage of discovery, a circumnavigation to see if all is right: be satisfied with nothing, of charity," and at last-fell a victim to his short of a complete mastery over the whole humanity; for, in administering medicine to subject. Be very particular in converting all some poor wretches in the hospital at Cherthe breath that escapes into sound, when reason, in the Crimea, he caught a malignant ding or singing; and remember, that the fever, and died in the glorious work of bene purer the sound, the easier it may be made; volence. Thus fell the man whothe less will be the injury to the vocal organs, the farther it will be heard, and with the more pleasure will it be listened to. Do not forget the end, the cause, and the effect.

"Girding creation-in one warm embrace,
Outstretch'd his savior-arm-trom pole to pole,
And felt akin-to all the human race."

Varieties. 1. To promote an unworthy Notes. 1. To produce this most unpleasant triphthong person-disgraces humanity. 2. Read not sound in our language, close the teeth, and, as you suddenly separ-books alone, but men; and, especially, thyate them, whisper chu, (u short,) and you will accomplish the ob- self. 3. The human mind is a mirror-of ject. 2. In drachm, the ch, are silent. 3. Always try to improve the incomprehensible Divinity. 4. No one the sounds as well as your voice. 4. Quinetilian says, in recom- need despair of being happy. 5. The reamending a close attention to the study of the simple elements, "whoever will enter into the inmost recesses of this sacred elifice,is-because their desires want reason. son. that many persons want their desires, will find many things, not only proper to sharpen the ingenuity of

ebiliren, but able to exercise the most profound erudition, and the deepest science:" indeed, they are the fountains in the science of

wound and vocal modulation,

Anecdote. Principal Interest. A debtor, when asked to pay his creditor, observed to him: that it was not his interest to pay the principal, nor his principle to pay the interest." What do you think of such

a man?

Unhappy he, who lets a tender heart,
Bound to him-by the ties of earliest love,
Fau from nim, by his own neglect, and die,
Because it met no kindness.


Passions-act as wind, to propel our vessel;
and our reason-is the pilot that steers her:
without the wind, we could not move, and
without the pilot, we should be lost.
The more genuine-the truths are, which
we receive, the purer will be the good, that
is found in the life; if the truths are applied
to their real and proper uses.

What, then, remains, but well our power to use,
Ankerp good humor still, whate'er we hae?
And trust me, dear, good humor can prevail,
When airs, and flights, and screams, and scolding-fail:
Beauties-in vain, their pretty eyes may roll;
Charms strike the sight; but merit-wins the soul

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