| Vicesimus Knox - English prose literature - 1790 - 1058 pages
...inviolable barriers between the Jews and the idolatrous nations, by whom they were furrounded— or, to be the civil law by which the community was to be governed. To conduit this feries of events, and to eftablifli thefe laws with his people, God raifcd up that great... | |
| Conduct of life - 1792 - 494 pages
...inviolable barriers between the Jews and the idolatrous nations by whom they were furrounded — or, to be the civil law by which the community was to be governed. To condu« this feries of events, and to «ftablifli thcfc laws with his people, God raifcd up that great... | |
| Mrs. Chapone (Hester) - Conduct of life - 1806 - 240 pages
...inviolable barriers between the Jews and the idolatrous nations, by whom they were surrounded — or, to be the civil law, by which the community was to...governed. To conduct this series of events, and to esta-- blish these laws with his people, God raised up that great prophet Moses, whose faith and piety... | |
| Mrs. Chapone (Hester), John Gregory - Ethics - 1808 - 210 pages
...law, hy which the community was to he governed. To couduct this series of events, and to estahlish these laws with his people, God raised up that great prophet Moses, whose faith and piety enahled him to undertake and execute the most arduous enterprises, and to pursne, with unahated zeal,... | |
| Mrs. Chapone (Hester) - Conduct of life - 1810 - 202 pages
...inviolable barriers between the Jews and the idolatrous nations, by whom they were surrounded, — or, to be the civil law, by which the community was to be governed. l*o conduct this series of events, and Lo establish these taws with his people, God raised up that... | |
| J A. Stewart - 1814 - 798 pages
...inviolable barriers between the Jews and the idolatrous nations, by whom they were surrounded— or to be the civil law, by which the community was to...most arduous enterprises, and to pursue with unabated zeat the welfare of his countrymen ; even in the hoar of h>s death, this generous ardour still prevailed... | |
| Daniel Staniford - Elocution - 1814 - 254 pages
...place inviolable barriers between the Jews and the idolatrous nations by whom they were furrounded, or, to be the civil law by which the community •was to be governed. 4. To conduct this series of events, and to efublifh thefe laws with his peop'.e, GOD raiftd up that... | |
| J A. Stewart - 1814 - 792 pages
...inviolable barriers between the Jews and tbe idolatrous nations, by whom they were surrounded — or to be the civil law, by which the community was to be governedTo conduct this series of events, and to establish these laws with his people, God raised up... | |
| Elegant extracts - 1816 - 1082 pages
...inviolable barriers between the Jews and the idolatrous nations, by whom they were surrounded — or, to be the civil law by which the community was to be goTemed. To conduct this series of events, and to establish these laws with his people, God raised... | |
| Daniel Staniford - Elocution - 1817 - 256 pages
...place inviolable barriers between the Jews and the idolatrous nations by whom they were surrounded, or to be the civil law by which the community was to be governed. 4. To conduct this series 'of events, and to establish these laws with his people, GOD raised up that... | |
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