Cor. Your honour's pardon: I had rather have my wounds to heal again, Than hear say how I got them. Bru. Sir, I hope My words dif-bench'd you not? Cor. No, Sir; yet oft, When blows have made me stay, I fled from words. Men. Pray now, fit down. Cor. I had rather have one scratch my head i'th' fun, Men. Masters of the people, [Exit Coriolanus. Your multiplying spawn how can he flatter, Com. I fhall lack voice: the deeds of Coriolanus The man I speak of cannot in the world He He prov'd best man i’th' field, and for his meed f And in the brunt of seventeen battels fince I cannot speak him home: he stopt the fliers, And fell below his & ftern: his fword (death's stamp) And to the battel came he; where he did To ease his breaft with panting. Men. Worthy man! I Sen. He cannot but with measure fit the honours Which we devife him. Com. Our fpoils he kick'd at, And look'd upon things precious, as they were Than mifery it self would give, rewards f waited. & ftem h trim'd i defamy: His deeds with doing them, and is content Sen. Call Coriolanus. Off. He doth appear. Enter Coriolanus. Men. The Senate, Coriolanus, are well pleas'd To make thee Conful. Cor. I do owe them still My life, and fervices. Men. It then remains That you do fpeak to th' people. Cor. I beseech you, Let me o'er-leap that cuftom; for I cannot For my wounds fake, to give their suffrages : Sic. Sir, the people must have their voices, Nor will they bate one jot of ceremony. Men. Put them not to't: pray fit you to the custom, And take t'ye, as your predeceffors have, Your honour with your Cor. It is a part form. That I fhall blush in acting, and might well Be taken from the people. Bru. Mark you that? Cor. To brag unto them, thus I did, and thus, Shew them th' unaking scars, which I would hide, Of their breath only. Men. Do not stand upon't: We We recommend t'ye, Tribunes of the people, Sic. To Coriolanus come all joy and honour! [Flourish Cornets. Then Exeunt. Manent Sicinius and Brutus. Bru. You fee how he intends to use the people. Sic. May they perceive's intent: he will require them, As if he did contemn what he requested Should be in them to give. Bru. Come, we'll inform them Of our proceedings here on th' market-place, SCENE VII. Enter feven or eight Citizens. [Exeunt. 1 Cit. Oons! if he do require our voices, we ought not to deny him. 2 Cit. We may, Sir, if we will. In 3 Cit. We have power in our felves to do it, but it is a power that we have no power to do; for, if he shew us his wounds, and tell us his deeds, we are to put our tongues into those wounds, and speak for them: so, if he tells us his noble deeds, we must also tell him of our noble acceptance of them. gratitude is monstrous, and for the multitude to be ingrateful, were to make a monfter of the multitude; of the which, we being members, should bring our felves to be monstrous members. ■ Cit. And to make us no better thought of, a little help will ferve: for once when we stood up about the corn, he himself stuck not to call us the many-headed multitude. 3 Cit. We have been call'd fo of many, not that our heads are fome fome brown, fome black, fome auburn, fome bald; but that our wits are fo diverfly colour'd; and truly, I think, if all our wits were to iffue out of one fcull, they would fly East, Weft, North, South, and their consent of one direct way, would be at once to all points o'th' compass. 2 Cit. Think you fo? which way do you judge my wit would fly. 3 Cit. Nay, your wit will not fo foon out as another man's will, 'tis ftrongly wedg'd up in a blockhead: but if it were at liberty, 'twould fure fouthward. 2 Cit. Why that way? 3 Cit. To lose it self in a fog, where being three parts melted away with rotten dews, the fourth would return for conscience fake, to help to get thee a wife. 2 Cit. You are never without your tricks ---- you may, you may--- 3 Cit. Are you all refolved to give your voices? but that's no matter, the greater part carries it, I fay. If he would incline to the people, there was never a worthier man. Enter Coriolanus in a gown, with Menenius. He's to Here he comes, and in the gown of humility, mark his behaviour: we are not to stay all together, but to come by him where he ftands, by one's, by two's, and by threes. make his requests by particulars, where every one of us has a fingle honour, in giving him our own voices with our own tongues: therefore follow me, and I'll direct fhall go by him. All. Content, content. you how you Men. Oh Sir, you are not right; have you not known The worthieft men have done't? Cor. What must I say, I pray, Sir? plague upon't, I cannot bring My |