Caf. Do you confels fo much? give me your hand. ᎠᎴ 200 Bru. And my heart too lo dos 2014 [Embracing. Caf. O Brutus on elem wy ydqöbolliq woy 10' and. 100. Bru. What's the matter pliva nisbrook of ganly bug Loy H Caf. Have not you not you love enough to bear with me, ara When that rash humour which my mother ga Makes me forgetful? Bru. Yes, Caffius, and from henceforth When you are over-earnest with your Bratus, gave He'll think your mother chides, and leave you fo.dwinoqu SCENE Enter Lucilius and Titinius.. Bru. Lucilius and Titinius, bid the commanders wil) baА. Prepare to lodge their companies to-night by LeAMO Caf. And come your selves, and bring Meffala with you! Immediately to us. [Exeunt Lucilius and Titinius. Bru. Lucius, a bowl of wine. Enter Lucius and Titinius, and a Poet. Poet. Let me go in to fee the Generals, There is fome grudge between 'em, 'tis not meet.e They be alone. ១. Luc. You fhall not come to them. Poet. For fhame you Generals; what do you mean? Caf. Ha, ha how vilely doth this Cynick rhime! Bru. I'll know his humour, when he knows his time; Caf. Away, away, be gone. Bru. Lucilius and Titinius, &c. [Exit Poet. Caf. Cas. I did not think you could have been so angr Bru. Caf. Ha! Portia dwar yon doldw womad dlar jadi noɔdW Bru. She is dead! Caf. How fcap'd I killing, when I croft croit, st you for yd O infupportable and touching lofs!-19ve sis poy nɔd W Upon what sickness? Lanta odvon 107 daida Wail Bru. Impatient of my absence; And grief, that young Octavius with Mark Antony Have made themselves so strong: for with her death That tydings came. diftract, And (her-attendants absent) fwallow'd fire.bas miliona Caf. And dy'd forgot to go dioda ogbol of sunqui¶ Bru. Even fo. prind bus vlot to smo baA No50 auin Caye immortal Gods! I Enter Boy with Wine and Tapersion w Bru. Speak no more of her: give me a bowl of wine. [Drinks. In this I bury all unkindness, Caffius.I THKA. Caf. My heart is thirty for that noble pledge.mot zi sver Fill, Lucius, 'till the wine o'er-fwell the cup; ind of smo, con llami neY KI I cannot drink too much of Brutus love ob ud gatto S I, 130 Enter Titinius, and Meffala. Bru. Come in, Titinius; welcome, good Mellala! And call in question our neceffities. Brü. Bru. No more, I pray you. boog si anids son ob I Meffala, I have here received letters, Mef. My felf have letters of the felf-fame tenure. Mes. That by profcriptions, and bills of outlawry Have put to death an hundred Senators. Bru. Therein our letters do not well agree; Mine speak of fev❜nty Senators, that dy'd By their profcriptions, Cicero being one. Caf. Cicero one ?----- Mef. Cicero is dead; and by that order of profcription. Had you your letters from your wife, my lord? Bru. No, Meffala. Mef. Nor nothing in your letters writ of her ? Mef. That, methinks, is strange. Bru. Why ask you hear you ought of her, in yours? Bru. Now, as you are a Roman, tell me true. I have the patience to endure it now. Mef. Ev'n so great men great loffes fhould endure. But yet my nature could not bear it fo. Bru. Well, to our work alive. What do you think ha Of marching to Philippi prefently? Caf Caf. I do not think it good. Bru. Your reason? Caf. This it is: 1dT "Tis better that the enemy feek us,& diw au noqu nwob smoƆ So shall we waste his means, weary his foldiers de gribasā Doing himself offence; whilft we lying stillydyM 1M Are full of reft, defence and trio Wed Bru. Good reasons mult of force give place to better. M The people 'twixt Philippi and this ground, Do ftand but in a forc'd affection;baloud or duobora The enemy, marching along by them, as won vilko dreqt sail •*] Mod Caf. Hear me, good brotheroy ni gaidson to Bru. Under your pardon. You must note befidejo That we have try'd the utmost of our friends Our legions are brim-full, our caufe is ripe,uoy day encreaseth every day, The enemy We at the height, are ready to decline There is a tide in the affairs of men, IT AM M H& M " • Which taken at the flood, leads on to fortunet niste) 10T ← Omitted, all the voyage of their life bowers? dW ma "Is bound in shallows, and in miseries. amb quinaribam diff 'On fuch a full fea are we now a-float, song adi oved E And we must take the current when it ferves, r) 'Or lose our ventures. \M Caf. Then with your will, go on; we will along Our selves, and meet them at Philippi. Bru. The deep of night is crept upon our talk, And And nature muft obey necessity, Which we will niggard with a little rest. Caf. No more; good-night;----- Early to-morrow we will rife, and hence. Enter Lucius. Bru. Lucius, my gown; farewel, good Meffala, Caf. O my dear brother! This was an ill begnning of the night: Enter Lucius with the Gown. Bru. Ev'ry thing is well. Tit. Meffa. Good-night, lord Brutus! Bru. Farewel, every one. Give me the gown. Where is thy inftrument? Bru. What, thou speak'ft drowfily? Poor knave I blame thee not, thou art o'er-watch'd. Call Claudius, and fome other of my men ; I'll have them fleep on cufhions in my tent. SCENE VI. Enter Varro and Claudius. Var. Calls my lord? Bru. I pray you, Sirs, lye in my tent, and fleep; It may be, I shall raise you by and by, [Exeunt. On |