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Bru. Lucilius, hark a word with hark a word with you wishes son) and Halod yo [Lucilius and Meffala fand forth. Brutus fpeaks apart to Lucilius,

Luc. My lord.

Caf. Meffala.

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Mef. What fays my General?

Caf. Meffala,

This is my birth-day; as this very day

Was Caffius born.


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Be thou my witness, that against my will, • ob 1 m&

As Pompey was, am I compell'd to fet
Upon one battel all our liberties.
You know that I held Epicurus ftrong,
And his opinion; now I change my mind,

And partly credit things that do prefsage.


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Coming from Sardis, on our foremost enfignent

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Two mighty eagles fell, and there they perch'd,ft of prolA Gorging and feeding from our foldiers hands,

Who to Philippi here conforted us:

away and
away gone,

This morning are they fled
And in their fteads do ravens, crows and kites

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ds do ravens, crows and kites as fluM »

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Fly o'er our heads, and downward look on us
As we were fickly prey; their fhadows feem
A canopy most fatal, under which
Our army lies ready to give the ghoft.
Mef. Believe not fo. How FDW
Caf. I but believe it partly;
For I am fresh of fpirit, and refolv'd
To meet all peril, very constantly.
Bru. Even fo, Lucilius.....

Caf. Now most noble Brutus,

The Gods to-day ftand friendly; that we may

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Lovers in peace, lead on our days to age, bao la

bak But



hereft incertain,

But fince th' affairs of men reft still indeed anilion. I und Let's reafon with the worst that may befall.

is this

brol yM .

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If we do lofe this battel, then
The very last time we fhall fpeak together.
What are you then determined to do? yun ayol sod 7
Bru. Ev'n by the rule of that philofophy,
By which I did blame Cato, for the death
Which he did give himself; I know not how,
But I do find it cowardly, and vile,

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For fear of what might fall, fo to prevent
The time of life, arming my felf with patience and wond Bo
We bound no noqu
To stay the providence of fome high powers,
That govern us below.

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won noiniqo aid baA Caf. Then if we lose this battel, is clow phing boa You are contented to be led in triumphs? mort grimo Along the streets of Rome. obe" llot 25lyes yadgim owŢ wont gribest Bru. No, Caffius, no; think not, thou noble Roman,2:0Ɔ • That ever Brutus will go bound to Rome, He bears too great a mind. But this fame day 'Must end that work the Ides of March begun. And whether we fhall meet again, 1 know not; Therefore our everläfting farewel take you out row 'For ever, and for ever, farewel, Caffiussist from your r "If we do meet again, why we fhall fimile ho il ya 20 jon availed If not, why then this parting was well made.

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Caf. For ever, and for ever, farewel, Brutused and I

If we do meet again, we'll fmile indeed;


If not, 'tis true, this parting was well made. he is an of

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Bru. Why then lead on. O that a man might know

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'The end of this day's business ere it come!

'But it fufficeth, that the day will end,

And then the end is known. Come ho, away,





Alarum. Enter Brutus and Meffala.

Bru. Ride, ride, Messala, ride and give these bills
Unto the legions, on the other fide.

Let them set on at once; for I perceive
But cold demeanor in Octavius' wing;
And sudden push gives them the overthrow.
Ride, ride, Meffala, let them all come down.

Alarum. Enter Caffius and Titinius.

Caf. O look, Titinius, look, the villains fly!
My felf have to mine own turn'd enemy;
This enfign here of mine was turning back,
I flew the coward, and did take it from him.
Tit. O Caffius, Brutus gave the word too early,
Who having some advantage on Octavius
Took it too eagerly; his foldiers fell to spoil,
Whilst we by Antony were all inclos'd.

Enter Pindarus.

Pin. Fly further off my lord, fly further off, Mark Antony is in your tents, my lord;

Fly therefore, noble Caffius, fly far off.

[Loud alarum.

Caf. This hill is far enough. Look, look, Titinius,

Are those my tents where I perceive the fire?

Tit. They are, my lord.

Caf. Titinius, if thou lov'st me,

Mount thou my horse, and hide thy fpurs in him,
'Till he have brought thee up to yonder troops,

And here again; that I may rest assur'd,
Whether yond troops are friend or enemy.


Tit. I will be here again, ev'n with a thought.


Caf. Go, Pindarus, get higher on that hill,
My fight was ever thick; regard Titinius,
And tell me what thou not'ft about the field.
This day I breathed firft; time is come round,
And where I did begin, there fhall I end,
My life is run its compass. Now what news?
Pind. above. Oh, my lord!

Caf. What news?

Pind. Titinius is enclosed round about
With horsemen, that make to him on the fpur,
Yet he spurs on. Now they are almost on him;
Titinius! now fome light ---- oh he lights too-
He's ta'en and hark, they fhout for joy.
Caf. Come down, behold no more;
Oh coward that I am, to live fo long,

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In Parthia did I take thee prisoner,

And then I swore thee, faving of thy life,

That whatsoever I did bid thee do,

Thou shouldst attempt it. Come now, keep thine oath,

Now be a freeman, and with this good fword

That ran though Cafar's bowels, fearch this bofom.
Stand not to answer; here take thou the bilt,
And when my face is cover'd, as 'tis now,
Guide thou the sword ---Cæfar thou art reveng'd,
Ev'n with the sword that kill'd thee.

Pind. So, I am free, yet would not fo have been,
Durst I have done my will. Oh Caffius,

VO L. V.


[Kills himself.


Far from this country Pindarus fhall run, Las left quiorsiq 107 Where never Roman shall take note of him. triona vas odi[Exit. jiga ada sɔ agaibis ¿A


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Enter Titinius, and Meffalay IbaA

Mef. It is but change, Titinius; for Octavius Is overthrown by Noble Brutus' power,

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As Caffius' legions are by Antony.

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Tit. These tidings will well comfort ¿LIA

Mef. Where did you leave him?

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Mef. Is not that he, that lyes upon the ground? w
Tit. He lyes not like the living. Oh my heart!
Mef. Is not that he?!

Tit. No, this was he, Meffala,

But Caffius is no more! Oh fetting fun!
As in thy red rays thou doft fink to night,
So in his red blood Caffius day is fet;
The fun of Rome is fet! our day is gone,

Clouds, dews, and dangers come; our deeds are done;/
Mistrust of my fuccefs hath done this deed.


Mef. Miftruft of good fuccefs hath done this deed.
Oh hateful Error, Melancholy's child!

Why dost thou shew to the apt thoughts of men
The things that are not? Error, foon conceiv'd;
Thou never com'st unto a happy birth,

But kill'st the mother that engender'd thee.

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Tit. What Pindarus? where art thou, Pindarus? i bol Mef. Seek him, Titinius; whilst I go to meet

The noble Brutus, thrusting this report

Into his ears; I may say, thrufting it; maaa


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