Scorn'dft our brains flow, and those our droplets which Hereafter more ------ Bring me into your city, Make war breed [Exeunt. Dramatis Perfonæ. CAIUS Martius Coriolanus, a noble Roman, hated by the common people. Titus Lartius, Cominius, Generals against the Volfcians, and friends to Co riolanus. Menenius Agrippa, friend to Coriolanus. Sicinius Velutus, Junius Brutus, Tribunes of the people, and enemies to Coriolanus. Tullus Aufidius, General of the Volfcians. Lieutenant to Aufidius, Young Martius, fon to Coriolanus. Volumnia, mother to Coriolanus. Virgilia, wife to Coriolanus. Valeria, friend to Virgilia. Roman and Volfcian Senators, Ediles, Lictors, Soldiers, Common People, Servants to Aufidius, and other Attendants. The SCENE is partly in Rome and partly in the Territory of the Volfcians. The whole History exactly follow'd, and many of the principal Speeches copy'd from the life of Coriolanus in Plutarch. CORIOLANUS ACT I. SCENE I. A Street in Rome. Enter a company of mutinous Citizens with faves, clubs, and other weapons. B I CITIZ E N. EFORE we proceed any further, hear me speak. 1 Cit. You are all refolv'd rather to die than Al. Refolv'd, refolv❜d. 1 Cit. First, you know, Caius Martius is the chief enemy to the people. All. We know't. 1 Cit. Let us kill him, and we'll have corn at our own price. Ist a verdict? All. No more talking on't, let't be done, away, away. 2 Cit. One word, good citizens. 1 Cit. We are accounted poor citizens; the Patricians good: what authority farfeits on would relieve us: if they would yield us but the fuperfluity, while it were wholsome, we might M 2 guefs |