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him, as nothing, & he does according to his will both in heaven & in earth. His wisdom is equal to his power, & all his ways are full of justice. Those that walk in pride he is able to abase, & he raises again those whom he had humbled. O Princes & people, learn to render homage to his greatness!

At these words the assembly sent up shouts of joy, & fill'd the air with acclamations, in honour of the God of Israel. Nabuchodonosor was conducted back with pomp to his capital, & resum'd the government of his kingdom. Soon after, he rais'd Daniel to the highest dignities, & the Jews were honour'd with the first posts troughout his vast empire.

Some days after, Amytis presented Cyrus to Nabuchodonosor, who receiv'd the young Prince in a most

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friendly manner, and gave him a favourable hearing.

However, the Nobles of Babylon, who sat in the King's council, represented to him in very strong terms, that it might be dangerous to provoke the Median court, at the present juncture, when the forces of the kingdom were much lessen'd, & its treasure exhausted by the late troubles during the King's illness; and that it would be better policy to foment the divisions between the Medes & Persians, in order to make them mutually weaken each other's strength, & so give the King of Babylon a fair occa sion of extending his conquests.

But Nabuchodonosor, who by the misfortunes he had suffer'd, was cur'd of all such false maxims, did not hearken to the ambitious projects of his Ministers. And Cyrus observing

afabilidad, y le oyó favorablemente.

No obstante, los Grandes de Babilonia que entraban en el consejo del Rey representáron vivamente que seria peligroso irritar la corte de Ecbatana en un tiempo en que las fuerzas del estado se hallaban muy disminuidas por las turbaciones sobrevenidas durante la enfermedad del Rey: que la buena política pedia se fomentasen las discordias de los Medas y los Persas, á fin de que aquellos dos enemigos pudiesen enflaquecerse mutualmente; y que en fin el Rey podia aprovecharse de su division para extender sus conquistas.

Nabucodonosor vuelto en sí de sus falsas máximas por las desdichas que habia experimentado, no se dexó llevar de los proyectos ambiciosos de sus Ministros. Ciro aprovechó estas disposi

ciones para hacer conocer al Rey las ventajas que hallaria en una alianza con Cambises: hizo ver á Nabucodonosor como solos los Medas eran los opositores de su poder en el Oriente: que era interes suyo no dexar oprimir á los Persas, y antes si hacerlos sus amigos: que servirian de barrera á su imperio contra las interpresas de Ciaxares; y que en fin la Persia por su situacion era un pais muy propio para hacer pasar los Babilonios á la Media, en caso que aquel Príncipe ambicioso quisiese atacarlos.

El Príncipe de Persia habló en las asambleas públicas y particulares con mucha eloqüencia y fuerza: mostró durante el curso de esta negociacion, que duró muchos meses, todo candor y bue

his good dispositions, took that opportunity to lay before him the advantages he might find by an alliance with Cambyses. He represented to him, that the Medes were the only rivals of his power in the East: that it could not be for the interest of the King of Babylon, to let them grow more considerable; by subjecting & oppressing the Persians; but that he should rather make the latter his friends, who might serve as a barrier to his empire against the enterprizes of the Median Prince; and in fine, that Persia lay very convenient for the Babylonian troops to march trough it into Media, in case Cyaxares should resolve upon a rupture.

The Prince of Persia spoke both in publick & private assemblies, with so much eloquence & strength of reason; he shew'd during the course of

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