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second ball acquires a velocity nearly equal to that which the first had before striking it. But it is to be expected that unequal balls of the same substance coming into collision will, by impact, convert a very sensible proportion of the kinetic energy of their previous motions into energy of vibrations; and generally, that the same will be the case when equal or unequal masses of different substances come into collision; although for one particular proportion of their diameters, depending on their densities and elastic qualities, this effect will be a minimum, and possibly not much more sensible than it is when the substances are the same and the diameters equal.

271. It need scarcely be said that in such cases of impact as that of the tongue of a bell, or of a clock-hammer striking its bell (or spiral spring as in the American clocks), or of pianoforte-hammers striking the strings, or of the drum struck with the proper implement, a large part of the kinetic energy of the blow is spent in generating vibrations.

272. The Moment of an Impact about any axis is derived from the line and amount of the impact in the same way as the moment of a velocity or force is determined from the line and amount of the velocity or force, § 46. If a body is struck, the change of its moment of momentum about any axis is equal to the moment of the impact round that axis. But, without considering the measure of the impact, we see (§ 233) that the moment of momentum round any axis, lost by one body in striking another, is, as in every case of mutual action, equal to that gained by the other.

Thus, to recur to the ballistic pendulum-the line of motion of the bullet at impact may be in any direction whatever, but the only part which is effective is the component in a plane perpendicular to the axis. We may therefore, for simplicity, consider the motion to be in a line perpendicular to the axis, though not necessarily horizontal. Let m be the mass of the bullet, v its velocity, and p the distance of its line of motion from the axis. Let M be the mass of the pendulum with the bullet lodged in it, and k its radius of gyration. Then if w be the angular velocity of the pendulum when the impact is complete, mvp=Mk2w,

from which the solution of the question is easily determined.

For the kinetic energy after impact is changed (§ 207) into its equivalent in potential energy when the pendulum reaches its position of greatest deflection. Let this be given by the angle : then the height to which the centre of inertia is raised is h(1—cos 0) if h be its distance from the axis. Thus

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

an expression for the

chord of the angle of deflection. In practice

the chord of the angle is measured by means of a light tape or

cord attached to a point of the pendulum, and slipping with small friction through a clip fixed close to the position occupied by that point when the pendulum hangs at rest.

273. Work done by an impact is, in general, the product of the impact into half the sum of the initial and final velocities of the point at which it is applied, resolved in the direction of the impact. In the case of direct impact, such as that treated in § 265, the initial kinetic energy of the body is MV, the final MU2, and therefore the gain, by the impact is

or, which is the same,

{M(U2 — V2),

M(U− V). {(U+V).

But M(U-V) is (§ 260) equal to the amount of the impact. Hence the proposition: the extension of which to the most general circumstances is not difficult, but requires somewhat higher analysis than can be admitted here.

274. It is worthy of remark, that if any number of impacts be applied to a body, their whole effect will be the same whether they be applied together or successively (provided that the whole time occupied by them be infinitely short), although the work done by each particular impact is, in general, different according to the order in which the several impacts are applied. The whole amount of work is the sum of the products obtained by multiplying each impact by half the sum of the components of the initial and final velocities of the point to which it is applied.

275. The effect of any stated impulses, applied to a rigid body, or to a system of material points or rigid bodies connected in any way, is to be found most readily by the aid of D'Alembert's principle; according to which the given impulses, and the impulsive reaction against the generation of motion, measured in amount by the momenta generated, are in equilibrium; and are, therefore, to be dealt with mathematically by applying to them the equations of equilibrium of the system.

276. [A material system of any kind, given at rest, and subjected to an impulse in any specified direction, and of any given magnitude, moves off so as to take the greatest amount of kinetic energy which the specified impulse can give it.

277. If the system is guided to take, under the action of a given impulse, any motion different from the natural motion, it will have less kinetic energy than that of the natural motion, by a difference equal to the kinetic energy of the motion represented by the resultant (67) of those two motions, one of them reversed.

COR. If a set of material points are struck independently by impulses each given in amount, more kinetic energy is generated if the points are perfectly free to move each independently of all the others, than if they are connected in any way. And the deficiency of energy in the latter case is equal to the amount of the kinetic energy of the motion which geometrically compounded with the motion of either case would give that of the other.

278. Given any material system at rest. Let any parts of it be set in motion suddenly with any specified velocities, possible according to the conditions of the system; and let its other parts be influenced only by its connections with those. It is required to find the motion. The solution of the problem is-The motion actually taken by the system is that which has less kinetic energy than any other motion fulfilling the prescribed velocity conditions. And the excess of the energy of any other such motion, above that of the actual motion, is equal to the energy of the motion that would be generated by the action alone of the impulse which, if compounded with the impulse producing the actual motion, would produce this other supposed motion.]

279. Maupertuis' celebrated principle of Least Action has been, even up to the present time, regarded rather as a curious and somewhat perplexing property of motion, than as a useful guide in kinetic investigations. We are strongly impressed with the conviction that a much more profound importance will be attached to it, not only in abstract dynamics, but in the theory of the several branches of physical science now beginning to receive dynamic explanations. As an extension of it, Sir W. R. Hamilton1 has evolved his method of Varying Action, which undoubtedly must become a most valuable aid in future generalizations.

What is meant by Action' in these expressions is, unfortunately, something very different from the Actio Agentis defined by Newton, and, it must be admitted, is a much less judiciously chosen word. Taking it, however, as we find it, now universally used by writers on dynamics, we define the Action of a Moving System as proportional to the average kinetic energy, which it has possessed during the time from any convenient epoch of reckoning, multiplied by the time. According to the unit generally adopted, the action of a system which has not varied in its kinetic energy, is twice the amount of the energy multiplied by the time from the epoch. Or if the energy has been sometimes greater and sometimes less, the action at time t is the double of what we may call the time-integral of the energy; that is to say, the action of a system is equal to the sum of the average momenta for the spaces described by the particles from any era each multiplied by the length of its path.

280. The principle of Least Action is this:-Of all the different sets of paths along which a conservative system may be guided to move from one configuration to another, with the sum of its potential and kinetic energies equal to a given constant, that one for which the action is the least is such that the system will require only to be started with the proper velocities, to move along it unguided.

281. [In any unguided motion whatever, of a conservative system, the Action from any one stated position to any other, though not necessarily a minimum, fulfils the stationary condition, that is to say,

1 Phil. Trans., 1834-1835.

the condition that the variation vanishes, which secures either a minimum or maximum, or maximum-minimum.]

282. From this principle of stationary action, founded, as we have seen, on a comparison between a natural motion, and any other motion, arbitrarily guided and subject only to the law of energy, the initial and final configurations of the system being the same in each case; Hamilton passes to the consideration of the variation of the action in a natural or unguided motion of the system produced by varying the initial and final configurations, and the sum of the potential and kinetic energies. The result is, that—

283. The rate of decrease of the action per unit of increase of any one of the free (generalized) co-ordinates specifying the initial configuration, is equal to the corresponding (generalized) component momentum of the actual motion from that configuration : the rate of increase of the action per unit increase of any one of the free co-ordinates specifying the final configuration, is equal to the corresponding component momentum of the actual motion towards this second configuration: and the rate of increase of the action per unit increase of the constant sum of the potential and kinetic energies, is equal to the time occupied by the motion of which the action is reckoned.

284. The determination of the motion of any conservative system from one to another of any two configurations, when the sum of its potential and kinetic energies is given, depends on the determination of a single function of the co-ordinates specifying those configurations by means of two quadratic, partial differential equations of the first order, with reference to those two sets of co-ordinates respectively, with the condition that the corresponding terms of the two differential equations become separately equal when the values of the two sets of co-ordinates agree. The function thus determined and employed to express the solution of the kinetic problem was called the Characteristic Function, by Sir W. R. Hamilton, to whom the method is due. It is, as we have seen, the 'action' from one of the configurations to the other; but its peculiarity in Hamilton's system is, that it is to be expressed as a function of the co-ordinates and a constant, the whole energy, as explained above. It is evidently symmetrical with respect to the two configurations, changing only in sign if their co-ordinates are interchanged.

285. The most general possible solution of the quadratic, partial differential equation of the first order, satisfied by Hamilton's Characteristic Function (either terminal configuration alone varying), when interpreted for the case of a single free particle, expresses the action up to any point from some point of a certain arbitrarily given surface, from which the particle has been projected, in the direction of the normal, and with the proper velocity to make the sum of the potential and actual energies have a given value. In other words, the physical problem solved by the most general solution of that partial differential equation, for a single free particle, is this::-

Let free particles, not mutually influencing one another, be projected normally from all points of a certain arbitrarily given surface, each with the proper velocity to make the sum of its potential and kinetic energies have a given value. To find, for that one of the particles which passes through a given point, the 'action' in its course from the surface of projection to this point. The Hamiltonian principles stated above, show that the surfaces of equal action cut the paths of the particles at right angles; and give also the following remarkable properties of the motion:

If, from all points of an arbitrary surface, particles not mutually influencing one another be projected with the proper velocities in the directions of the normals; points which they reach with equal actions lie on a surface cutting the paths at right angles. The infinitely small thickness of the space between any two such surfaces corresponding to amounts of action differing by any infinitely small quantity, is inversely proportional to the velocity of the particle traversing it; being equal to the infinitely small difference of action divided by the whole momentum of the particle.


286. Irrespectively of methods for finding the 'characteristic function' in kinetic problems, the fact that any case of motion whatever can be represented by means of a single function in the manner explained in § 284, is most remarkable, and, when geometrically interpreted, leads to highly important and interesting properties of motion, which have valuable applications in various branches of Natural Philosophy; one of which, explained below, led Hamilton 1 to a general theory of optical instruments, comprehending the whole in one expression. Some of the most direct applications of the general principle to the motions of planets, comets, etc., considered as free points, and to the celebrated problem of perturbations, known as the Problem of Three Bodies, are worked out in considerable detail by Hamilton (Phil. Trans., 1834-5), and in various memoirs by Jacobi, Liouville, Bour, Donkin, Cayley, Boole, etc.

The now abandoned, but still interesting, corpuscular theory of light furnishes the most convenient language for expressing the optical application. In this theory light is supposed to consist of material particles not mutually influencing one another; but subject to molecular forces from the particles of bodies, not sensible at sensible distances, and therefore not causing any deviation from uniform rectilinear motion in a homogeneous medium, except within an indefinitely small distance from its boundary. The laws of reflection and of single refraction follow correctly from this hypothesis, which therefore suffices for what is called geometrical optics.

We hope to return to this subject, with sufficient detail, in treating of Optics. At present we limit ourselves to state a theorem comprehending the known rule for measuring the magnifying power of a telescope or microscope (by comparing the diameter of the object

1 On the Theory of Systems of Rays. Trans. R. I. A., 1824, 1830, 1832.

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