No. CXCIII.—Principal Lee's Inaugural Addresses in the Edin-
burgh University, 1.-Memorable Women of the Puritan Times,
15.-Church of the Future, 24.-"Nil Durpan," translated from
the Bengali, continued, 33.-Translation of the Hebrew Scriptures,
54.-The Principal Songs of Robert Burns, translated into Latin,
58." Theodore and Maria," 61.-Poems,-Serious and Comic,
63. Ecclesiastical Intelligence, 64.
No. CXCIV.-Patterson's "Essays in History and Art," 65.-
Wardlaw's Lectures on the Proverbs, 75.-J. Noel Paton's Poems,
84.-The Bible-its Printers and Readers, 97.-"Nil Durpan,"
translated from the Bengali, continued, 106.-The "Star in the
East," 117.-History of Dr Boyd's Fourth High School Class, 122.
-Pryde's Biographical Outlines of English Literature, 126.-
Ecclesiastical Intelligence, 128.
No. CXCV.-Principal Tulloch's New Work: "Beginning Life,"
129.-The Church of the Middle Age, 137.-Public Health, 144.
-Primeval Symbols, 151.-The Words of the Angels, 162.-
"Nil Durpan," translated from the Bengali, concluded, 168.-
"Heart Religion, or Living Belief in the Truth," 181.-Thirty-
Sixth Exhibition of the Royal Scottish Academy, 185.
No. CXCVII.-The Interpretation of Scripture, and the "Essays
and Reviews" Conflict, 257.-Memorable Women of the Puritan
Times," (Second Notice), 274.-Mrs Browning's Last Poems, 281.
-By the Sad Sea Waves, 289.-Indo-British Christianity: the
Religious Neutrality of Government (again), 293.-Scottish Field
Sports, 297.-The Magloskie: or the Biography of £300,000
Sterling, 305.-A Handy Book of Homoeopathic Practice, 319.-
Ecclesiastical Intelligence, 320.
No. CXCVIII.-Memoir of the Rev. R. Story of Roseneath, 321.-
Dr Hill's Counsels respecting the Pastoral Office, 335.-Poets and
Preachers, 340.-The Heavenward Path, 343.-The Magloskie :
or the Biography of £300,000 Sterling, continued, 350.-Dean
Ramsay on the Christian Life, 366.-Poems from New South
Wales, 376.-Presbyterian Union, and the Moderator's Address,
378.-Marshall on Sanctification, 383.-Ecclesiastical Intelligence,
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