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The word "corporate" is here applied to the organic behaviour of cells when they are not independent and free, but are incorporated in the animal body, and act in relation to each other. If the behaviour of the individual cell during division impresses us with the subtle intricacy of organic processes, the behaviour of the growing cell-republic during the early stages of organic development must impress us no less forcibly. We place the fertilized egg of a hen in an incubator, and supply the requisite conditions of warmth, moisture, and fresh air. Before the egg is laid cell-division has begun. A small patch of closely similar cells has formed on the surface of the yolk. Further subdivision is then arrested until the warmth of incubation quickens again the patch into life. But when once thus quickened no subsequent temporary arrest is possible-life will not again lie dormant. If arrest there be it is that of death. And from that little patch of cells, which spreads further and further over the yolk, a chick is developed. Into the intricate technicalities of embryology this is not the place to enter. But it is a matter of common knowledge that, whereas we have to-day an egg such as we eat for breakfast, three weeks hence we shall have a bright active bird, a cunningly wrought piece of mechanism, and, more than that, a going machine. During this wonderful process the cellular constituents take on new forms and perform new functions, all in relationship to each other, all as part of one organic whole. Here bones are developed to form a skeletal framework, there muscles are constituted which shall render orderly movements possible; feathers, beak, and claws take shape as products of the skin; gut and glands prepare for future modes of nutrition; heart and blood-vessels undergo many changes, some reminiscent of bygone and ancestral gill-respiration, some in relation to the provisional respiration of the embryo by means of a temporary organ that spreads out beneath the shell, some preparatory to the future use of the lungs,—some, again, related to the absorption of food from the yolk, others

to subsequent means of digestion; nerve, brain, and senseorgans differentiate. A going machine in the egg, the chick is hatched, and forthwith enters on a wider field of behaviour. Few would think of attributing to the consciousness of the embryo chick any guiding influence on the development of its bodily structure, any control over the subtle changes and dispositions of its constituent cells. But no sooner does the chick, when it is hatched, begin to show wider modes of instinctive behaviour, than we invoke conscious intelligence for their explanation, seemingly forgetful of the fact that there is no logical ground for affirming that, while the marvellous delicacies of structure are of unconscious organic origin, the early modes of instinctive behaviour are due to the guidance of consciousness. Such modes of behaviour will, however, be considered in another chapter. Here we have to notice that the unquestionably organic behaviour of the incorporated republic of cells may attain to a high degree of complexity, and may serve a distinctly biological end.

There is, perhaps, no more striking instance of rapid and vigorous growth than is afforded by the antlers of deer," which are shed and renewed every year. In the early summer, when growing, they are covered over with a dark hairy skin, and are said to be "in velvet." If you lay your hand on the growing antler, you will feel that it is hot with the nutrient blood that is coursing beneath it. It is, too, exceedingly sensitive and tender. An army of tens of thousands of busy living cells is at work beneath that velvet surface, building the bony antlers, preparing for the battles of autumn. Each minute cell, working for the general good, takes up from the nutrient blood the special materials it requires; elaborates the crude bone-stuff, at first soft as wax, but ere long to become hard as stone; and then, having done its work, having added its special morsel to the fabric of the antler, remains embedded and immured, buried beneath the bone-products of its successors or descendants. No hive of bees is busier or more replete with active life than

* This paragraph is taken from "Animal Life and Intelligence,"

p. 28.

the antler of a stag as it grows beneath the soft, warm velvet. And thus are built up in the course of a few weeks those splendid "beams," with their "tynes" and "snags," which, in the case of the wapiti, even in the confinement of our Zoological

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Gardens, may reach a weight of thirty-two pounds, and which, in the freedom of the Rocky Mountains, may reach such a size that a man may walk, without stooping, beneath the archway made by setting up upon their points the shed antlers. When the antler has reached its full size, a circular ridge makes its

appearance at a short distance from the base. This is the "burr," which divides the antler into a short "pedicel" next the skull, and the "beam" with its branches above. The circulation in the blood-vessels of the beam now begins to languish, and the velvet dies and peels off, leaving the hard,


FIG. 5.-Wapiti with velvet shredding ofl.

bony substance exposed. Then is the time for fighting, when the stags challenge each other to single combat, while the hinds stand timidly by. But when the period of battle is over, and the wars and loves of the year are past, the bone beneath the burr begins to be eaten away, through the activity of certain large bone-absorbing cells, and, the base of attachment

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being thus weakened, the antlers are shed; the scarred surface skins over and heals, and only the hair-covered pedicel of the antler is left.

We have no reason to suppose that this corporate cellular behaviour, involving the nicely adjusted co-operation of so vast an army of organic units, is under the conscious guidance of the stag. And yet how orderly the procedure ! how admirable the result! Nor is there an organ or structural part of the stag or any other animal that does not tell the same tale. This is but one paragraph of the volume in which is inscribed the varied and wonderful history of organic behaviour in its corporate aspect. Is it a matter for wonder that the cause of such phenomena has been regarded as "a mystery transcending naturalistic conception; as an alien influx into nature, baffling scientific interpretation"? And yet, though not surprising, this attitude of mind, in face of organic phenomena, is illogical, and is due partly to a misconception of the function of scientific interpretation, partly to influences arising from the course pursued by the historical development of scientific knowledge. The function of biological science is to formulate and to express in generalized terms the related antecedences and sequences which are observed to occur in animals and plants. This can already be done with some approach to precision. But the underlying cause of the observed phenomena does not fall within the purview of natural science; it involves metaphysical conceptions. It is no more (and no less) a "mystery" than all causation in its last resort-as the raison d'être of observed phenomena is a mystery. Gravitation, chemical affinity, crystalline force,-these are all "mysteries."

If the mystery of life, lying beneath and behind organic behaviour, be said to baffle scientific interpretation, this is because it suggests ultimate problems with which science as such should not attempt to deal. The final causes of vital phenomena (as of other phenomena) lie deeper than the probe of science can reach. But why is this especially evoked in some minds by the organic behaviour, by the study of life?

sense of mystery contemplation of Partly, no doubt,

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