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Just Published, By Prof. Macalister, M.D., F.R.S.



Systematic and Topographical (a Text-Book of),



BY ALEXANDER MACALISTER, M.A., M.D., F.R.S., F.S.A Professor of Anatomy in the University of Cambridge, and Fellow of St. John's College.

Medium 8vo, with 816 Illustrations. 36s.

To meet the actual requirements of Students, Prof. MACALISTER'S TEXT-BOOK OF ANATOMY is issued in ONE PORTABL VOLUME, printed on specially-prepared paper.

A Complete Prospectus Post free on application.

London: CHARLES GRIFFIN & COMPANY, Exeter Street, Strand.

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October 10, 1888.

I am very much pleased with it, and
DEAR SIR,-The Watkin Aneroid only reached me
have given it a pretty severe trial with very satisfactory
three weeks ago.

Amongst several unsolicited Testimonials the two
following have been received by the maker :-

EDINBURGH, May 31, 1889.
DEAR SIR,-I have just returned from a six weeks'
stay at the Ben Nevis Observatory, and while there
had an opportunity of testing the admirable qualities of
your new "Watkin" Aneroid. The result has been
most satisfactory, the extreme error noted being only
about the one-hundredth of an inch. During my stay
at the Observatory the Aneroid was frequently tested
by taking it down a couple of thousand feet and then
comparing it with the standard on my return. The
Observer, Scott. Met. Soc.
results obtained speak volumes for the high-class work
manship and great accuracy you have attained in the
manufacture of this instrument.


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Now Ready, in Two Vols. Crown 8vo.


An Elementary Text-book for the Higher Classes of Secondary
Schools and for Colleges.

Honorary Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge; Professor of
Mathematics in the University of Edinburgh.

PART I., Second Edition, Crown 8vo, pp. 559, Price 10s. 6d.
PART II., Crown 8vo, pp. 588, Price 12s. 6d.

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1 Contribution to the Physical History and Zoology of the Somers Archipelago. With an Examination of the Structure of Coral Reefs. By Angelo Heilprin, Curatorn-Charge and Professor of Invertebrate Palæontology the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, &c. With additions by Prof. J. P. McMurrich, Mr. HA. Pilsbry, Dr. George Marx, Dr. P. R. Uhler, and Mr. C. H. Bollman. (Philadelphia: Published by the Author, 1889.)


HIS work is mainly the outcome of researches concerning the physical history, geology, and zoology of the Bermudas, which were accomplished under the spices of the Academy of Natural Sciences of PhilaJelphia in the summer of 1888. The author's principal object was to satisfy his own mind on certain points connected with the structure of coral reefs, and but little zoological work was contemplated. Fortunately, however, the collection of zoological material proved more extensive than was expected, and in this respect Prof. Heilprin was greatly assisted by the students who accompanied him.

After a pleasant chapter of "general impressions," the thor gives the results of his examination of these slands, and then proceeds to make such a vigorous attack on the views advanced by Agassiz, Murray, and their Ollowers, concerning the origin of coral islands, that those attacked may be pardoned if they regard him as apostle of the old belief.

Coming from the pen of Prof. Heilprin, this volume il, however, be welcomed by both sides in the conoversy, but he must expect from his opponents an energetic reply to some of his criticisms, and an unmisakable dissent from some of his conclusions. Thus vhen the author asserts that the existence of an atoll in The present position of the Bermudas is not demonstrable, and that we have yet to learn to what form of coral structure these islands belong, he is at variance with aust other authorities on the subject; and it becomes at the same time a little difficult to follow him in his concluon that the results of his researches go to sustain the toll-theory of Darwin. However, laying this difficulty ade, and accepting the fact, fairly established in this volume, that these islands have undergone recent moveTitats, first of upheaval and then of subsidence, we may k." of what use is this double testimony to any theory, hether of upheaval or of subsidence, unless a direct Connection is first established between the form of a reef and the character of the movement?" The direct testimony of a single atoll that can be proved to have grown a stationary area will, unless this connection be estabished, far outweigh the presumptive evidence derived from a slight subsidence of every atoll in the Indian and

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Pacific Oceans.

Dr. Rein, in the instance of the Bermudas, was the leader of one of the early skirmishes in this controversy, And it was to his description of these islands that the oponents of the atoll-theory of Darwin pointed in supVOL. XLI.-No. 1053.

port of their views. They miss, therefore, in this book, any special exposition on the author's part of the relation of his own views to those of Dr. Rein. They also will fail to see how Murray's explanation of the origin of the inner basins of the Bermudas by solution can be met merely by a statement of contrary conviction unsupported by experimental proof. Nor will they agree with Prof. Heilprin's assertion that the recent memoir of Agassiz on the Hawaiian Islands can scarcely be said to contribute materially towards the solving of the problem.

The author in this volume treats as absurd my attempt to show that a true conception of the relative dimensions of an atoll is necessary to understand the nature of the problem. I was aware that, if my meaning was not understood, I should lay myself open to some curious reflections, and therefore the point is further elucidated in my description of the Keeling Islands, in the Scottish Geographical Magazine. To Prof. Heilprin's inquiry as to how near are we brought to an understanding of the character of an atoll by a true conception of its relative dimensions, I would answer with the query, "How far are we misled from the truth by the woefully-distorted sections of atolls that are employed by lecturers and by the authors of text-books?" Let me cite a single instance—that of Darwin's section of the Great Chagos Bank, which gives that atoll (which is 76 miles in width and 40 to 50 fathoms deep) the relative dimensions of a soup-plate. Some go further, and draw, with a free hand, a deep, saucer-shaped section of such reefs. Illustrations of this kind practically beg the question at the start, if we are arguing in favour of the theory of subsidence. The mind is at once informed by the eye that there is a deep basin to be accounted for, whereas a section on a true scale would exhibit no appreciable depression. In the exaggeration of the relative depth of an atoll is concerned the very essence of the problem, and a side-note cannot remove the impression made by a false section on the mind. Our conception of the problem can scarcely be assisted by a section of an atoll representing in the lagoon greater oceanic depths than the Challenger ever plumbed.

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Passing from these controversial matters to the zoological section of this volume, we find a very interesting chapter on the relationship of the Bermudian fauna. The number of known species of marine Mollusca has been increased from 80 to about 170, none of the eleven species peculiar to Bermuda having been described before this exploration. Strangely enough, though whelmingly Antillean in character," the marine Mollusca include a Pacific element. The land mollusks have been increased from about twenty to thirty species, of which eight appear to be confined to these islands; but, in explaining the mode of transport of the non-peculiar species, the author scarcely seems to have laid sufficient importance on the transporting agencies of commerce. remarkable fact noted in connection with the Bermudian crustaceans is the occurrence of three macrurans


Palamonella tenuipes, Palamon affinis, and Penæus velutinus-hitherto only recorded from the Pacific. Prof. Heilprin arrives at some interesting conclusions in this chapter, and perhaps the most important one is connected with the large proportion of peculiar forms amongst the land-shells, a circumstance which is pointed to as evidence not only of the antiquity of a portion of


the fauna, but also of its derivation from some pre-existing fauna in those islands. Much other zoological matter is to be found in this volume, though only a portion of the collections are here described. We are informed, however, that a great deal of systematic work still remains for the naturalist in the Bermudas, and Dr. Uhler, in respect of the insects, avers that much arduous collecting, particularly of the less conspicuous kinds, is still needed. I do not know whether any argument for the considerable antiquity of the Bermudas from the character of the fauna has been advanced before. At all events, Prof. Heilprin's valuable suggestion opens up a line of inquiry in the case of coral islands generally, which might be pursued with profit. From investigations of the coral phenomena alone, I arrived at the conclusion that Keeling Atoll has a life-history of from 15,000 to 20,000 years, and that it is now in the last quarter of its existence. If this coral island is a type, then atolls must possess a high antiquity; and, taking our cue from Prof. Heilprin, we may ask whether, in the fauna and flora of a typical Pacific or Indian Ocean atoll, there is anything to suggest that they are derived from a pre-existing order of things. Confining ourselves to the flora, we find that oceanic atolls are mostly characterized by Hemsley as possessing no endemic element amongst their plants. Yet some of these large atolls must have once engirt, according to the theory of subsidence, a mountainous island possessing an upland flora, and, as in the case of the Fijis, not a few peculiar species. The islands formed on the encircling reef, just like the coral islands that often front the shore of a mountainous island in the Western Pacific, would possess, in addition to the common littoral plants, a number of plants derived from the slopes of the adjacent island. How comes it, then, that, if these large groups of oceanic atolls mark the disappearance of mountain-ranges, we find no sign of the vanished upland flora amongst the common littoral plants that are now brought by currents, winds, and sea-birds to every atoll? The Island of Tahiti could hardly disappear beneath the ocean without leaving a Tahitian impress on the flora of the surviving atoll. A similar reflection often occurred to me whilst on the Keeling Islands.

In conclusion, I would remark that partisanship in matters of scientific dispute cannot affect the value of this work by an American naturalist on one of the oldest of British possessions. The book is illustrated with several beautiful phototypes of general views in the islands, as well as of the æolian formations and of the coast scenery; and seventeen lithographic plates accompany the zoological descriptions. H. B. GUPPY.

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The literature of Australian economic botany may be said to date from the Great Exhibition of 1851. Owing however, to the unsettled nomenclature of Australiar plants previous to the publication of the great "Flor Australiensis," by Bentham and Mueller, the properties of the same plant were often found described under numeros botanical names. The publication of the "Flora," and the subsequent issue of Baron Mueller's "Census of Aus tralian Plants" (with annual supplements), have now rendered species names easily accessible to workers in all parts of Australia, and the ground is well prepared for such a publication as that which lies before us. a bulky volume of 700 pages, well arranged, well got up and furnished with an excellent index of botanical names. and also one of vernacular names. As Mr. Maiden reminds us, this is the first attempt made to grapple with the economical botany of Australia. He has wisely followed Baron Mueller in all essential details of clas fication, and due credit is given throughout the book to this learned and indefatigable worker, now, the greates living authority on all that relates to Australian vegetabl life. The arrangement of subjects has been adopted as that found most convenient in the Museum. This .. not, perhaps, the best arrangement for a text-book, as involves considerable repetition of names and synonym under each section; but on that point we are not dis posed to quarrel with the author. It opens, with huma foods, and food adjuncts; and these are succeeded b forage plants, drugs, gums, resins and kinos, oils, per fumes, dyes, tans, timbers, fibres, and it closes with plants having miscellaneous uses not previously enumerated A glance at the book shows very clearly, that if we except timbers, a description of which occupies about one hall the contents, the economic products of Australia are not of extraordinary importance. It is noticeable that the northern parts, where the flora is reinforced by representatives from the Malayan Archipelago and Southern Ası, yield most of the plants possessing medicinal properties The genus Eucalyptus, comprising more than 130 species, yields excellent timber, kinos, and essential oils, and probably the chief economic products of Australia derived from native plants. Mr. Maiden has brought together practcally all that is known about the industrial application of gum "-trees, but we cannot now attempt to follow him. Eucalyptus Gunnii (a large plant of which grows in the open air at Kew) yields a sweetish sap converted by settlers into an excellent cider. This, and manna. from E. viminalis and E. dumosa are probably the only food products derived from Eucalyptus trees In the production of Eucalyptus oil (from E. amygdala and E. globulus), Australia, it appears, has powerful competitors in Algeria and California, where gum-trees have been largely planted during the last twenty years In the latter country, a large quantity is available as 4 by-product in the manufacture of anti-calcaire preparations for boilers.

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The widely-spread Acacias of Australia, locally known as wattles, are hardly less useful than the gum-trees. Owing to the immense number destroyed for the sake of the bark used in tanning, the wattles in some districts are said to be threatened with extinction. Some whose leaves are eaten by stock are also becoming scarce. To counteract these influences, systematic attempts have bec

made to plant wattles on a large scale. It is doubtful, however, whether, except in South Australia, such plantazons will be ultimately successful. Gum arabic, of good quality, is yielded by various species of Acacia, but owing *to the great cost of unskilled labour in Australia, and the impossibility of utilizing the services of the aborigimals, it will never find its way into the world's market to any very great extent." Australian indigenous edible fruits, roots and leaves and stems, are apparently wisely left to the appreciation of "school-boys and aboriginals." Almost more important than food in a dry country is a constant supply of water. The aboriginal method of obtaining water from the fleshy roots of certain trees such as Hakea leucoptera, and from the stem of Vitis ay paglauca, is similar to that adopted in other countries, uut Mr. Maiden has wisely given prominence to the fact, is the knowledge of it may be the means of saving the lives of many lost in the bush. Very few native Australian plants yield valuable fibres. The aboriginals appear to prepare their fishing-nets by chewing fibrous plants, and this practice causes their teeth to be worn down to a dead level." In the same manner, we may add, the natives of Formosa prepare certain fibres for making clothes.

The best fodder grass of Australia is said to be Anthistiría ciliata, known as the "common kangaroo grass." There are several poison bushes (species of Gastroloham, Swainsonia, and Sarcostemma) dangerous to stock n widely distributed as to render extensive tracts of antry unoccupiable. These of late years have been reinforced by noxious weeds from other countries.

It is not to be supposed, however, that our knowledge of the economic uses of Australian plants is yet complete, and we are glad to learn that the author is actively gaged in observations that no doubt will be incorporated in a later edition. In the meantime, however, we cannot do better than commend this work as a most trustworthy guide in a handy form to the useful plants of Australia. D. M.


Mount Vesuvius. A Descriptive, Historical, and Geological Account of the Volcano and its Surroundings. By ! Logan Lobley, F.G.S., &c. (London: Roper and Drowley, 1889.)


ANY people have been puzzled by the fact that there are so few English books on Vesuvius, especially of the descriptive type. The appearance of his work was looked forward to with ardent expectabons, but it is doubtful whether it will fulfil them. rof. Phillip's work was a remarkable one considering he short stay he made in Naples, but possessed those defects that all books must have which are written from little experience. Prof. Phillips wrote immediately after his visit. The first book of Prof. Lobley was preared under similar circumstances, but apparently he has rust re-examined the district for twenty years. Nearly every geologist on his visit to the type volcano of the world 19 attacked by a fever to write something about it --witness the 1300 or more books and articles in all anguages referring to it--but a few months bring him Liely through his complaint, and leave him satisfied that

years of careful study on the spot will hardly qualify him to produce even a short description. This leads us to the main defects of the work, which spring from the author's want of personal observation, and the necessity of his obtaining information second-hand. Many recent authorities do not seem to have been consulted by Prof. Lobley. In consequence, he constantly makes statements that are incorrect or only partially accurate. Another fault to be found is the very incorrect and old-fashioned illustrations which would much bother a new-comer to the district with this work as a guide. Many of the crystal forms are incorrectly drawn, and in Plate xiv. dykes should not be represented as pipes branching out from the main chimney, but principally as radial sheets. The accounts of the Phlegrean Fields, so far as they go, are very attractive, but lack that accuracy that a recent visit would have conferred. In describing Vesuvius, he mentions the library of vulcanology collected in the Naples section of the Italian Alpine Club, stating that 25,000 volumes are there preserved, which is more than three times the number. Neither will most people have had such a favourable experience of Vesuvian guides as Prof. Lobley. Yet altogether, the chapters on Vesuvius are the best part of the work, and are quite as much as a visitor with a couple of days to give to the mountain can comfortably absorb. The chapter on the geology of the volcano is clear and well written.

Unfortunately the book is spoiled-more perhaps than by anything else-by the author's views as to the causes of volcanic action. In the first place, the class of readers to whom the rest of the book appeals are not likely to possess sufficient physical and geological knowledge to be able to enter into the question, and to them chapter viii. is likely to prove a bore, and should they begin to peruse the book at this point, the effect will probably be that they will read no more. Even if it be supposed that the questions regarding the mechanics of the extrusion of igneous matter on the earth's surface are an easy matter of comprehension, the method of putting the subject into numbered paragraphs is much to be deprecated when the reader is not a specialist.

In the same way it is doubtful whether a description of rocks not occurring in the district is likely to be of use. Why mention the rare local rocks, "analcimite," 39 66 hauynophyre," "tholeite," &c., while "gabbro," "diorite,' "syenite," are neglected?

The chapter on the minerals of Vesuvius is little more than a catalogue of every one that can possibly be raised to a species; some being obtained by dissolving saline crust in water, and allowing the solution to crystallize—a method that is hardly justifiable. Of far greater interest would have been a chapter on the general mode of occurrence, origin, &c., of the principal species, their characters being left to the systematic treatises on mineralogy.

The book is neatly got up and well-divided into separate chapters, so that the traveller, who will make most use of it, can easily turn up to a short account of any particular locality or subject. The language is clear, and not overburdened by petrological or other very learned words. Altogether, putting aside the above-mentioned blemishes, the work is likely to be of much use in leading travellers to observe for themselves one of the most interesting of geological phenomena.


Index of British Plants, arranged according to the London Catalogue (Eighth Edition), including the Synonyms used by the Principal Authors, &c. By Robert Turnbull. Pp. 98. (London: George Bell and Son, 1889.)

THIS alphabetical synonymic list of British floweringplants and vascular Cryptogamia is similar in general plan to that which was published about a year ago by Mr. Egerton-Warburton, which we noticed at the time of its issue (NATURE, vol. xl. p. 306). The author uses as a basis the last edition of the London Catalogue, and gives the synonyms of all the species that are described under different names in "English Botany," Bentham's "Handbook," Babington's "Manual," Hooker's "Student's Flora," "British Wild Flowers," Lindley's "Synopsis," Hooker and Arnott's "British Flora," Withering's "Arrangement," Notcutt's "Hand-book," and Hayward's "Pocket-book." The author has carried out his task very carefully, and has added an English name for each species, and given at the end a list of English names in alphabetical order. Two things lately have combined to cause considerable change in plant-names, the revision and redescription of the genera by Bentham and Hooker, and the increased attention which has been paid in tracing out priority by Mr. Daydon Jackson and Mr. Britten in England, and by Ascherson, Nyman, and many other writers on the Continent. We have noted a few slips in turning over the pages. For instance, there are only two native species of Achillea, not five-decolorans, serrata, and tanacetifolia, being manifest introductions. No wonder the author has not been able to refer some

of the older bramble names to their London Catalogue synonyms. Guntheri, Bab., and saltnum, Foche, are both synonyms of the plant called flexuosus in the London Catalogue. The book will be found useful to many collecting botanists scattered up and down the country who have been puzzled to understand what was intended by many of the newly-introduced names.

J. G. B.

Practical Observations on Agricultural Grasses and other Pasture Plants. By William Wilson, Jun. (London: Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., 1889.)

MR. WILSON tells us that "agriculturists have allowed themselves to run too much after a channel of indoor investigations." We do not know that this has been a fault in agriculturists, and are not convinced of the fact. Mr. Wilson appears to have omitted to acquire one important accomplishment in a writer on any subject-namely, the power of writing intelligibly. He tells us that "soil may be described as earthy matter on the surface of the globe"; that "climate has been described as a very complex matter, depending on a great variety of conditions"; but he does not say by whom it has been so lucidly "described." We are told that "sweet-scented vernal grass is one which most writers on grasses give a place as a useful grass, but not very definite as to what place it belongs, as it is not very readily eaten in some parts where there is a considerable quantity of it." Speaking of rough-stalked meadow-grass, he says:"The Rev. J. Farquharson, F.R.S., mentions in his paper, which I have previously spoken of, as having cultivated it successfully on such soil, testifies as to the fondness of animals-both cattle and horses-for it, both as pasture and hay." Again, he informs us that "the fact has been pretty well borne out that a great fault has been to look at cultivation too much in the light of a matter which has been thoroughly investigated, when in reality it has little more than reached its infancy." Now, with all respect to Mr. Wilson, it appears to us to be mere cant to talk of the most ancient of all arts as having only reached its infancy. The style in which this little eighteen-penny book is written


is poor and obscure, and the above quotations may beco sidered as fair samples of it. For instance, the eye falls chance on the following passage (p. 70):-" The results o my observations have led me to the same conclusion Mr. Sinclair-am of opinion that a mixture of it is dry soil would prove satisfactory, but should not be ser on clay moist soil." That this work should have reaches a second edition is certainly strange, and appears to in fresh. It must require a good deal of open-air exercise cate that the agricultural palate is, as yet, particularl to enable a reader to digest Mr. Wilson's crudities.

The State. Elements of Historical and Practical Pott By Woodrow Wilson, Ph.D., LL.D. (Boston, U S.A Heath and Co., 1889.)

THIS work may be regarded partly as a text-book o political science adapted to the education of the your partly as a repertory of what the writer calls "gover mental facts," useful to readers of all ages. In the fret part of his task Mr. Wilson has encountered great de culties. He has no predecessors in whose steps to foll Also the loose mass of facts and opinions which make what is called political science does not admit of her compressed with safety. Again the class to whom V Wilson offers a highly concentrated intellectual pabul • are little able to assimilate this species of nutrimer even in its most digestible form. The young man. F... Aristotle is not fit to be a student of political science These difficulties appear to have been surmounted by V Wilson better than might have been expected. He ave the dogmatism to which short catechisms are liable. Fo instance in his section on the probable origin of gover ment he does not rule that the earliest constitution of the family was patriarchal, or "matriarchal," as we believe is now the fashion to say. While inclining to the former view he presents also the latter; and gives refer ences by the aid of which the enquiry can be purate. He stimulates curiosity and affords the means of gratify ing it. The "evolution of government" is traced from the origin of the Aryan family through the changing types of Greek and Roman governments. This "institutiona history" is somewhat dry; but the writer expects that the topical skeleton furnished by him will be clothed upon by the lessons of the intelligent teacher. Coming to modera times, we find a description of the principal pieces c political machinery which are now in use in the civile world. This compilation seems to serve the purpose of. sort of magnified "Whittaker." If anyone who has not exhausted the subject of Home Rule wishes to refresh h memory as to the relations between Austria and Hungary or Sweden and Norway, he can here look out, as in a political dictionary, the main facts. We come nearest to the "practical politics" announced in the title in the chapter which discusses what are the proper objects government. "This," says Mr. Wilson with much good sense, is one of those difficult problems upon which it is possible for many sharply opposed views to be he apparently with almost equal weight of reason.. " is a question which can be answered, if answered at 1. only by aid of a broad and careful wisdom whose cone's sions are based upon the widest possible inductions from the facts of political experience in all its phases." Mr. Wilson's solution of what Burke has called the "finest problem in legislation "is thus stated :-"It should be the end of government to accomplish the objects of organi: · society.... Not licence of interference on the part of gover ment, only strength and adaptation of regulation. The regulation which I mean is not interference, it is the equa ization of conditions, so far as is possible, in all branches of endeavour." Perhaps this teaching would have be more impressive if the writer, condescending to particulars had discussed pretty fully any one question such as whethe in any assigned country, the railways ought to be managed

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