PULVERMACHER'S BELTS are very effective in neuralgia and rheumatic affections, and I have prescribed them largely in my practice for other similar maladies, paralysis, &.C." For full Price List and Particulars see new Pamphlet, " GALVANISM : Nature's... Nature - Page 72edited by - 1890Full view - About this book
 | Science - 1885 - 520 pages
...Pulvermacher ft Co." SIR CHARLES LOCOCK, Bart., MD, Phytidan to Her Majesty, says :—" Pntvermacher's Bills are very effective in Neuralgia and Rheumatic Affections,...my practice for other similar maladies, paralysis, Ac." RC HANDFIELD JONES, PRCP, FRS,Phrsician toSt. Mary's Hospital says • "lamsatisuodthatMr. PÜLVBRMACHEK... | |
 | Madame Tussaud and Sons' Exhibition - Wax figures - 1886 - 102 pages
...science, and I think he deserves to meet with every encouragement from the profession and scientific men.' For full Price List and Particulars, see new Pamphlet,...Post Free from PULVERMACHER'S GALVANIC ESTABLISHMENT. /lNVALlDS i yoa value your life do not trust to " Cnre-A.Ua." Purgative and violent НэтэсПез... | |
 | England - 1886 - 876 pages
...hardly recommend Mr Pulvermacher's "invention too strongly to the notice of luy medical brethren." For full Price List and Particulars, see new Pamphlet, "GALVANISM: NATURE'S CHIEF BKSTOKER OF IMPAIRED VITAL ENERGY.'' Post Free from PULVERMACHER'S GALVANIC ESTABLISHMENT. 194 Regent... | |
 | Bibliography - 1887 - 224 pages
...can hardly recommend Mr. Pulvennacher's invention too strongly to the notice of my medical brethren." For full Price List and Particulars see New Pamphlet,...RESTORER OF IMPAIRED VITAL ENERGY. Post free from HT •• *'.-*• •• -* *• j * BJ.'.bERS V.*' ,' * **'/ V •* •'/•*»*«' *•-«*• -•-e•'*... | |
 | Bibliography - 1887 - 232 pages
...brethren." For full Price List and Particulars see New Pamphlet, "GALOANISM : NATURE'S CHIEF RESTORER or IMPAIRED VITAL ENERGY." Post free from Pulvermacher's...Galvanic Establishment, 194, Regent Street, London, "W. Ftb 12 1687 J • . • S THE VAGARIES OF BOOK-BUYERS. III. |ORD LYTTON, in that curious and mysterious... | |
 | Edgar Saltus - American fiction - 1889 - 208 pages
...the profession and scientific men." SIB CHARLES LOCOCK, Bart., MD, Physician to Her Majesty, savs: " PULVERMACHER'S BELTS are very effective in Neuralgia...RESTORER OF IMPAIRED VITAL ENERGY." Post free from A PULVERMACHER'S GALVANIC DEPOT, REGENT STREET, LONDON, W. (ESTABLISHED OVER 40 YEARS). DCDDCD'OQ^... | |
 | 1889 - 772 pages
...can hardly recommend Mr. PULVERMACHEB'S INVENTION too strongly to the notice of my medical brethren." rheumatic affections, and I have prescribed them largely...my practice for other similar maladies, paralysis, etc." St« Ctr.ni.R4 Ьососк, Bart., MD, eays :—" PULVER' ВЕЪТЗ are very effective in neuralgia... | |
 | Bibliography - 1890 - 444 pages
...speedily arresting all symptoms of waste and decay. Sir CHARLES LOCOCK, Bart., MD, says:—"PULVERMACHER'S BELTS are very effective in neuralgia and rheumatic...my practice for other similar maladies, paralysis, etc." Dr. VINES, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, writes, i9th September, 1885 : "Having... | |
 | 1890 - 780 pages
...notice of my medical brethren." Si« CHAHIES Тл>согж, Bart., MD, saye :—" PDLVERMAOHER'S BKLT3 are very effective in neuralgia and rheumatic affections,...largely In my practice for other similar maladies, paralysl;-, For full Price List ana Particulars see new Pamphlet, " GitvjjiisM : NATCKB'S CHIII RESTOBSK... | |
 | Medicine - 1892 - 872 pages
...:a restoring lost nerve power." SIB CHARLES LOCOCK, Bart., MD, says—" PULVEBMACHKR'S BELTS are nrr effective in neuralgia and rheumatic affections, and I have prescribed them largely ia my practice for other similar maladies, paralysis," &c. For full Price List and Particulars see... | |
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