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Appendix. Lat. acer = keen, Fr. aigre. Lat. macer


lean, Fr. maigre, Eng. meagre. Lat. facimus = we do, Fr. faisons. Lat. licere to be free, Fr. loisir, Engl. leisure. Lat. crux, genitive crucis a cross, Fr. croisade, Eng. crusade.


C is often omitted before r or t; as, Lat. auctor = a maker, Fr. auteur, Eng. author. Lat. jactare = to throw, Fr. jeter, Eng. jet. Lat. pectus=the breast, Fr. poitrine. Lat. planctus a striking of the breast as a sign of grief, Fr. plainte, Eng. plaint. Lat. fructus =profit, Fr. fruit, Eng. fruit. Lat. punctum : =a small hole, Fr. point, Eng. point. Lat. sanctus = sacred, Fr. saint, Eng. saint. Lat. lacrima = =a tear, Fr. larme.

C is also often omitted between two vowels; as, Lat. locus = a place, Fr. lieu. Lat. nocere = to injure, Fr. nuire, Eng. nuisance.



D is often changed into j; as, Lat. diurnus daily, Fr. journal, journée, Eng. journey.

D is often omitted between two vowels; as, Lat. gaudium = gladness, Fr. joie, Eng. joy. Lat. gladius=a sword, Fr. glaive. Lat. fides faith, Fr. foi, Eng. fealty. Lat. prædicare to proclaim, Fr. precher, Eng. preach. Lat. radius=a rod, Fr. rayon, Eng. ray. Lat. videre= to see, Fr. voir, Eng. view.


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Long e is often changed into ei, oi, and i; as, Lat. vena a vein, Fr. veine, Eng. vein. Lat. avena oats, Fr. avoine. Lat. credere to believe, Fr. croire. Lat. ecclesia an assembly (really a Greek word), Fr. église. Lat. cera wax, Fr. cire.


Short e is often changed into ie; as, Lat. fel the gall, Fr. fiel. Lat. hedera ivy, Fr. lierre, corrupted from



F is often changed into b in English; as, Lat. frater, Eng. brother. Lat. ferre, Eng. to bear. Lat. frangere, Eng. to break.


G is sometimes changed into j and v; as, Lat. galbanus yellow, Fr. jaune, Eng. jaundice. Lat. gyrare= to wheel round, Fr. virer, Eng. veer.

It is sometimes changed into y or i; as, rex, genitive regis a king, Fr. roi, royal, Eng. royalty. Lat. lex, genitive legis a law, Fr. loi, loyal, Eng. loyalty.


G is often omitted before d and between two vowels; as, Lat. Magdalena (really a Greek word), Fr. Madeleine, Eng. Maudlin. Lat. Augustus, Fr. Août. Lat. ligare= to bind, Fr. lier, Eng. lien. Lat. pagus a village, Fr. pays, paysan, Eng. peasant.


H is generally omitted in French; as, Lat. habere=to have, Fr. avoir. Lat. homo

=a man, Fr. on.




to drink, Lat. frigi

I is often changed into oi; as, Lat. bibere Fr. boire. Lat. digitus a finger, Fr. doigt. dus cold, Fr. froid. Lat. minus = less, Fr. moins. I long by position is often changed into e; as, Lat. imperatora commander, Fr. empereur, Eng. emperor. Lat. insigne = =a mark, Fr. enseigne, Eng. ensign. Lat. littera, Fr. lettre, Eng. letter. Lat. virga=a rod, Fr. verge, Eng. verger.

I followed by gn or ng is often changed into ei, ai, or a; as, Lat. dignarito deem worthy, Fr. daigner, Eng. deign. Lat. constringere to bind together, Fr. contraindre, Eng. constrain. Lat. fingere to fashion, Fr. feindre, Eng. feint. Lat. lingua=the tongue, Fr. langue, Eng. language. Lat. pingere, Fr. peindre, Eng. to paint.


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J is sometimes changed into i and y; as, Lat. major= greater, Fr. maire, Eng. mayor. It is sometimes omitted; as, Lat. adjutare=to help, Fr. aider, Eng. aid.


The letter k is not found in Latin, its place being supplied by c.



L is often omitted or changed into ll, r, or u; as, Lat. pulvis dust, Fr. poudre, Eng. powder. Lat. pilare= to pluck off the hair, Fr. piller, Eng. pillage. Lat. delphinus, Fr. dauphin, Eng. dolphin.


M is often changed into n; as, Lat. semita: =a path, Fr. sentier. Lat. columna a column, Fr. colonne, Eng. colonnade.


N is often omitted in French; as, Lat. hiberum= wintry, Fr. hiver. Lat. infernum=infernal, Fr. enfer.


O long is often changed into eu and ou; as, Lat. copula =a bond, Fr. couple, Eng. couple. Lat. hora, Fr. heure, Eng. hour. Lat. honor, Fr. honneur, Eng. honour. Lat. favor, Fr. faveur, Eng. favour.

O short is sometimes changed into eu and ou, and eo and ee; as, Lat. populus, Fr. peuple, Eng. people. Lat. bos, genitive bovis= =an ox, Fr. bœuf, Eng. beef.

O long by position is sometimes changed into ou, ui, or u; as, Lat. cohors, Fr. cour, Eng. court. Lat. post, Fr. puis, Eng. puny.


P is often changed into p, v, or f; as, Lat. apotheca = a storehouse (really a Greek work), Fr. boutique. Lat. cooperire, Fr. couvrir, Eng. to cover. Lat. sapor, Fr. saveur, Eng. savour. Lat. caput = head, Fr. chef, Eng. chief.


Qu is sometimes changed into g in the middle of a word; as, Lat. aquila, Fr. aigle, Eng. eagle.

Q is sometimes omitted; as, Lat. coquere, Fr. cuire, Eng. biscuit. Lat. sequito follow, Fr. suivre, Eng. pursuivant, pursue.


R sometimes changes its place in French; as, Lat. temperare, Fr. tremper, Eng. to temper.


Initial S with p, c, and t, often has e prefixed, or is omitted; as, Lat. species a kind, Fr. espèce, Eng. especial. Lat. scribere to write, Fr. écrire. Lat. status =a standing, Fr. état, Eng. estate.


Medial s is generally omitted in modern French, and a circumflex is substituted; as, Lat. festum a feast, Fr. fête. Lat. apostolus an apostle (really a Greek word), Fr. apôtre. Lat. asinus an ass, Fr. âne.


T is often omitted; as, Lat. frater a brother, Fr. frère, Eng. friar. Lat. ruta=a herb, Fr. rue, Eng. rue. Lat. gluten, Fr. glu, Eng. glue.

T is often changed into c; as, Lat justitium, Fr. justice, Eng. justice. Lat. notitia, Fr. notice, Eng. notice. Lat. pretium a price, Fr. précieux, Eng. precious.



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U short is sometimes changed into ou and eu; as, Lat. dubitare, Fr. douter, Eng. to doubt. Lat. lupus =a wolf, Fr. loup. Lat. gutta a drop, Fr. goutte, Eng. gout.



V initial and medial is sometimes changed into bor g; as, Lat. vervexa wether sheep, Fr. brebis. Lat. serviens serving, Fr. sergent, Eng. sergeant.

V medial is sometimes omitted; as, Lat. civitas, Fr. cité, Eng. city.

V final is often changed into f; as, Lat. brevis = short, Fr. bref, Eng. brief. Lat. novus=new, Fr. neuf.


X is sometimes omitted; as, Lat. extraneus, Fr. étranger, Eng. stranger.

W, y, and z are not found in Latin proper, though some Greek derivatives with an initial z are found in the Latin dictionaries.


The following is the example of utility of punctuation, and the ludicrous effect of the misapplication of stops. It is taken from the prologue in the Pyramus and Thisbe Farce in "A Midsummer Night's Dream," Act V., Scene 1.

Prologue loquitur :

"If we offend, it is with our good will.

That you should think we come not to offend,
But with good will. To show our simple skill,
That is the true beginning of our end.

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