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307. U-preterite (1. c. vII. 54) will perhaps have to be acknowledged: riadu S. C. 31, 12 from ríadaim I go; fuacru Hy. 5, 9 she announced, belonging to focair (fo-od-gair) indicat. Cf. Old Gaulish ewpov, ieuru, fecit, allied to Old Irish íúrad factum est.

308. T-future (1. c. vII. 28). Established examples are: atbert dicam, bertait they will carry off Sc. M. 4; and with obvious adaptation to the reduplicated future (§ 277): mértait they will remain (L. U. 36a, 6) beside mérait, gébtait capient (L. U. 56, 26) beside gébait, taitnébtait they will seem (L. U. 36a, 6). In the same way with adaptation to the B-future (§ 282) césfaitit they will suffer, and betit they will be (Beitr. vII. 35).

Gabtait they take Fled Bricrend 15 is noteworthy in the narration after the present atafregat they rise, cf. § 309.

309. Preterite in -ta (1. c. VII. 27) seems to be established in sénta benedixit with the gloss i. bennachais i. ro sénastar Hy. 5, 38; dobretha dedit T. E. 5, F. B. 38; alta educavit CC. 3 Eg. beside alt. To this class also belongs bentaiseom he beat L. U. p. 127a, 4, pl. 3 bentatar ibid. p. 64a, 32, beside benais.

310. The forms designated aorist by Ebel (Gram. Celt." p. 447) and by Stokes (1. c. VII. 7) may partly be so considered from an Indo-germanic point of view, but in Irish as far as they have a conjunctive sense, are allied to the reduplicated future, except that they are wanting in the syllable of reduplication:

ni ria ne vendat, pl. 3 ni riat with conjunctive flexion, whilst as-ririu impendam contrary to the ordinary rule forms 3 sg. as-riri (§ 278), perf. as-rir dedit, pres. as-renim, érnim;

ni cria ne emat, pres. crenim, perf. § 298;

forms belonging to dofuibnim (do-fo-) succido, etirdibnim (etir-di), compounds from benim caedo: fut. sg. 3 dorodba succidat, pl. 3 co eter-dam-dibet-sa ut me interficiant Ml. 44o, fut. sec. sg. 3 co dufobath ut (omnem. . spem) incideret Ml. 35, oldaas itir-n-da-di-bed than that he should kill them Ml. 45°;

pass. fut. sg. 3 co dufobither ut succidatur, co itirdibither ut perimatur;

forms belonging to the perfect bebe mortuus est (§ 303), fut. sec. sg. 3 nom-baad that one might die Ml. 23a, pl. 3 nom-batis that they might die.

311. Certain forms belonging to the present do-gníu with a sense in part conjunctive-future, in part preterite are not yet made clear in every respect. They contain the particle ro between the preposition and the verbal form and this is so closely united with the latter, that the g of the same has disappeared before the n, according to the general law as to internal sound: sg. 1 sechichruth dondrón quomodocunque id fecero, 2 act dorronai modo feceris; sec. sg. 3 duronad fecisset. Of these forms the 1 sg. dorón probably stands for a prehistoric do-ro-gn-(o).

In the preterite all the following occur side by side:

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Cf. the preterite passive § 327. The forms (a) dorignius and (c) dorónsa (for do-rónus-sa) are probably not essentially distinct, whereas dorigeni calls to mind the future formed with reduplication dogén faciam.


312. The passive has special forms for the third person only. As to the formation of the remaining persons see § 329. Paradigms of the present form: I berim I bear, II carim I love III lécim I leave.

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313. For ir, -thir, -tir are also found -air, -thair, -tair: dlegair I debetur, derbthair III adprobatur. The suppression of the thematic vowel before the termination is not used, especially when the suppression would lead to too great an accumulation of consonants: fo-éitsider III subauditur; du-fui-bniter I succiduntur (pres. act. benim); ar na tomnathar II ne putetur (pres. dep. do-moiniur); canitar I canuntor.


The form in -ar of the I conj. seems also to occur as 3 sg. of the conjoined flexion: nom berar, ferar, but e.g. tiagar eatur (without preceding particle) is imperative. The conjunctive form is clearly distinguished from the indicative form by do-gníu III facio and bíu III sum: 3 sg. ind. dognither fit, i m-bither in quo quis est, conj. ma dugnether si fit, cia bethir though one is (cf. § 264).

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315. Paradigms: berim I bear, do-biur I give:

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316. The verbs which are set forth § 275 of course form this future, e.g. eter-scértar separabuntur, pres. etar-scarim II; 3 sg. géntir, dogéntar fiet, pres. gníim, dogníu facio; dofuisémthar procreabitur, pres. do-fuisim I generat (for do-fo-es-sim); furaithmenter dignus memoria ducetur (? ducitur Ml. 17), pres. dep. for-aith-minedar III memorat.

317. Reduplicated futures without contraction of redupli- ̧ cation and radical syllable into one syllable with é (§ 276) are rare: asrirther reddetur, pres. as-renim; focichertar ponetur, pres. fo-cheirt, -cheird ponit.

With dorega, ragaid ibit is the passive doragthar, rigthir, ragthair ibitur. Cf. co dufobither § 310.


318. Most verbs of the II and III conjugation have this form in the passive as in the active. Paradigms: carim II I love, lécim III I leave.

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319. For -fidir are also found: -faidir, -fithir and (especially after a double consonant) -ebthir, -ibthir; for -fider are also found: faider, -fedar (-bedar), fither, and (especially after a double consonant) -abthar, -ebthar, -ibther: gairmebtair vocabuntur from gairmim voco; ailebthair educabitur from alim educo; ni for-brisbedar non obruetur Ml. 51o.

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321. The verbs mentioned in § 287 for the S-future active have this passive form, e.g.:

duindnastar tribuetur, pres. do-ind-naich I tribuit;
adnastar sepelietur, adnacul sepelire;

doformastar, tormastar augebitur, pres. tormaig I auget; ad-riastar (§ 21) alligabitur, pres. ad-riug I alligo; for-diassatar opprimentur, pres. for-dengat I opprimunt; co n-dárbastar ut demonstretur, pres. du-ad-bat I demonstrat;

du-n-diastae Gloss on deduci permissus sit Ml. 45°; accastar, du-ecastar cernetur, pres. ad-chíu, déccu III cerno.

322. The flexion of the S-future recalls in the active the indicative present of the I. conjugation. Likewise in the passive, for in the 3 sg. forms in -ar are found beside those in -tar: dufiastar (Ml. 27o) and co dufessar (Ml. 32o) ut vindicetur, pres. do-fich I ulciscitur; co festar ut sciatur, and dia fessar si sciatur, perf. fitir scit (§ 351); adfessar nuntiabitur, pres. ad-fíadaim; coni messar ut nihil estimetur Ml. 42, fut. dep. miastir judicabit, pres. midiur judico; do-thíasar eatur, pres. do-thiagaim.

323. Forms with reduplication also have been proved to exist: rirastar ligabitur in cotan-rirastar-ni obligemur (§ 331), pres. con-riug I; folilasta would be borne, pres. fo-loing I sustinet; atat-chigestar videris (§ 331), pres. ad-chiu video; fortut brágit bibsatar L.U. p. 125, pres. bongaim I break?

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324. The characteristic of the preterite passive is t which is either joined immediately to the root or to the present stem. Paradigm: dobiur I I give, carim II I love, lécim III I leave.

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