Page images

26 ALPINE.-Tyndall's (J.) Mountaineering | 39 AMIEL's (Henri-Frédéric) Journal Intime,

in 1861, a vacation tour, two illustrations, FIRST EDITION, cr. 8vo, cloth, scarce, 6s


27 ALPINE.-Abraham's (G. D.) Mountain Adventures at Home and Abroad, 26 illustrations, 8vo, cloth, review stamp on title, 3s 1910 28 AMERICA.-Foster's (Nich.) Brieffe Relation of the Horrid Rebellion acted in the Island Barbados in the West Indies, acted by the Walronds and their Abettors, 1650, sm. 8vo, sewn, pp. 112, 3s

1650, reprinted N.D. 29 AMERICA.-The TRIAL of JOHN PETER ZENGER, of New York, Printer, who was tried and acquitted for printing and publishing a libel against the government, with the pleadings and arguments on both sides, 8vo, new polished calf extra, gilt edges, FINE COPY, RARE, £2 15s

Printed for P. Brown, 1752 30 AMERICA.-Greene (Nath.) An Examination of some Statements concerning Maj.





translated, with an introduction and notes, by Mrs. Humphry Ward, portrait, cr. 8vo, cloth, 2s 6d AMUSEMENS DE SPA, or the gallantries of the spaw in Germany, the nature of the springs, with their singular virtues and uses, the reasons (besides that of drinking the waters) why they are frequented by people of the first quality, the diversions and amusements of the place, many secret histories and adventures of the principal persons resorting to it, &c., folding plates, 1737 2 vols, 12mo, half morocco, 5s 6d ANARCHISTS (The): their Faith and their Record, including sidelights on the royal and other personages who have been assassinated, by E. A. Vizetelly, six portraits, 8vo, cloth, blind stamp on title, 5s (pub. 10s 6d net) 1911 42 ANDERSEN's (Hans Christian) Sand-Hills of Jutland, translated by Mrs. Bushby, cr. 1860 8vo, cloth, 3s ANGLING.-[Davy's (Sir H.)] Salmonia, or days of fly-fishing, plates and woodcuts, 1832 12mo, calf, 2s 6d ANGLING.-The Angler's Souvenir, by P. Fisher and others, illustrations by Beckwith and Topham, 12mo, cloth, nice copy,




Gen. Greene in the Ninth Volume of Bancroft's History of the United States, by G. W. Greene, Svo, wrappers, pp. 86, 2s 6d Boston (U.S.), 1866 31 AMERICA.-P ** (M. de) Recherches Philosophiques sur les Américains, ou Memoires, intéressants pour servir á l'histoire de l'Espece Humaine, avec une dissertation sur l'Amérique et les Américians par Don Pernety, 3 vols, 12mo, calf, bindings. rubbed, 4s 6d Berlin, 1770 32 AMERICA. Stowe's (Mrs. H. Beecher) Uncle Tom's Cabin, or negro life in the slave states of America, illustrated, 8vo, cloth, early edition, 3s 6d 33 AMERICA.-Saxe's (J. G.) Poems, portrait, cr. 8vo, cloth, 2s 6d Boston (U.S.), 1868 34 AMERICA.-Nichols's (Dr. T. L.) Forty Years of American Life, cr. 8vo, cloth, with A.L.s. from the Author inserted, 2s 6d 1874 48

1852 46

35 AMERICA.-Robinson's (Phil) Sinners and Saints: a tour across the States and round them, with three months among the Mormons, cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s 1883

36 AMERICA.-Mitchell's (D. G.) American Lands and Letters, portraits, illustrations and facsimiles, 8vo, cloth, 2s 6d

1899 37 AMERICA.-Stoddard's (R. H.) Recollections, Personal and Literary, edited by R. Hitchcock, with introduction by E. C. Stedman, portraits and illustrations, cr. 8vo, cloth, with a few MS. notes in pencil on margins, 2s 6d New York, 1903 New York in 1835. My first literary acquaintances: Hawthorne, Thackeray, Whittier, &c.

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Presentation copy, with autograph inscription, "With the Author's respectful and grateful acknowledgments to His Excellency, M. Van De Weyer." ANGLING.-Cliffe's (J. H.) Notes and Recollections of an Angler: rambles in Wales, 12mo, cloth, nice copy, 2s 6d 1860 ANGLING.-Moffat's (A. S.) Secrets of Angling, FIRST EDITION, illustrated, cr. 8vo, cloth, nice copy, 2s 6d Edinburgh, 1865 ANGLING. Stoddart's (T. T.) Angling Songs, with a memoir by Anna M. Stoddart, portrait, cr. 8vo, cloth, 2s 6d

Edinburgh, 1889 ANGLING.-Songs and Selections from the Album of the Edinburgh Angling Club, founded 1847, ENLARGED EDITION, edited by J. Smith, front., vignette title and pretty vignettes, 8vo, cloth, nice copy, scarce, 8s 6d


50 ANTHOLOGY.-Palgrave (F. T., Editor) The Treasury of Sacred Song, selected from the English lyrical poetry of four centuries, with notes, cr. 8vo, half vellum, UNCUT, 3s Oxford, 1889 ANTHOLOGY.-The Edinburgh Book of Scottish Verse, 1300-1900, selected and edited by W. Macneile Dixon, thk. cr. 8vo, cloth, nice clean copy, 5s 6d 1910 ARCTIC.-Gordon's (W. J.) Round about the North Pole, illustrated by E. Whymper, 8vo, buckram, 4s 1907


53 ANTONINUS (Marcus) Conversations with | 66 Himself; his Life, by M. Dacier, and the mythological picture of Cebes the Theban, &c., translated into English by Jeremy Collier, portrait by Vander Gucht, 8vo, original calf, FINE COPY, 4s 6d


54 ARGENS's (Marquis d') Man a Machine, | 67 translated from the French, 8vo, unbound, UNCUT, scarce, 3s

1749 55 ARLINGTON's (Henry Bennet, Earl of) Letters to Sir W. Temple, from July, 1665, to Sept., 1670, printed from the originals and never before published, edited by Thos. Bebington, portrait, 8vo, original calf, FINE COPY, 6s 6d 1701 56 ARNOLD's (Matthew) Essays in Criticism, FIRST EDITION, 12mo, cloth, covers slightly soiled, 3s 1865 Irish Essays, and others, FIRST EDITION, cr. 8vo, cloth, 5s 6d




Last Essays on Church and Religion, FIRST EDITION, cr. 8vo, cloth, 4s 6d 1877 57* ART.—Book of American Figure Painters, preface by M. G. van Rensselaer, 35 photogravure plates after T. W. Dewing, G. Gaul, F. C. Jones, W. H. Low, Carl Marr, Douglas Volk, A. Harrison, F. D. Millet, and others, large folio, cloth extra, £1 1s J. C. Nimmo, 1886 Contains verses by Austin Dobson, R. W. Emerson, Bret Harte, Byron, Keats, and others. 58 ART.-The Artist's Assistant, or school of science, forming a practical introduction to the polite arts in painting, engraving, colouring, with directions for enamelling, gilding, &c., and a selection of miscellaneous secrets, plates, 8vo, half calf, 3s 6d Birmingham, 1801 59 ART.-Werner's Nomenclature of Colours, with additions, arranged so as to render it highly useful to the arts and sciences, with examples selected from well-known objects, by P. Syme, flower-painter, 13 plates, containing 108 examples of colours, cr. 8vo, half calf, 3s Edinburgh, 1814 60 ASHE's (T.) Poems, 12mo, wrappers, 3s Privately printed, Ipswich [1871] Poems, COMPLETE EDITION, 8vo, 1886


cloth, 2s 6d 62 AUBREY's (J.) Miscellanies; to which is added Hydriotaphia, or urn burial, by Sir T. Browne, portrait and view of Lower Eastern-Pierse, 12mo, cloth, UNCUT, 2s 1890 63 AUSTEN (Jane) Memoir of, by J. E. Austen Leigh, SECOND EDITION; to which is added Lady Susan, and fragments of two other unfinished tales by Miss Austen, cr. 8vo, cloth, nice copy, 4s 6d


64 AUSTEN (Jane) Memoir of, by her nephew, J. E. Austen Leigh, with "Lady Susan," a novel, and fragments of two other unfinished tales, by Miss Austen, portrait, cr. 8vo, cloth, EVERSLEY SERIES, nice copy, 2s 6d 1906 65 AUSTRALASIA.-O'Hara's (J. B.) Songs of the South, SECOND SERIES; the Wild White Man, and other poems, FIRST EDITION, cr. 8vo, buckram, 3s




AUSTRALASIA.-Beale's (Thos., Surgeon)
Observations on the Natural History of the
Sperm Whale, with an account of the rise
and progress of the fishery, woodcuts, 8vo,
straight-grained morocco extra, pp. 60,
scarce, 5s

AUSTRALASIA.-Paterson's (A. B.) Rio
Grande's Last Race, and other verses,
FIRST EDITION, cr. 8vo, buckram, 3s

Sydney, 1903 AUSTRALIA.-Parker's (K. L.) The Euahlayı Tribe a study of aboriginal life in Australia, introduction by A. Lang, plates, 8vo, cloth, as new, 4s 6d 1905 AUSTRALIA, described by F. Fox, illustrations by Percy F. S. Spence, printed in colours, sq. 8vo, cloth, 6s (pub. £1) Black, 1910 70 AUSTRALASIA.-Safroni-Middleton's (A.) A Vagabond's Philosophy in various Moods, including Part II., Songs of the South Sea, portrait, cr. 8vo, cloth, nice copy, with 1914 A.L.s. from the Author inserted, 3s AUTOGRAPHIC MIRROR: autographic


letters and sketches of illustrious and distinguished men of past and present times, hundreds of facsimiles, COMPLETE SET, 4 vols (2 folio and 2 4to), original cloth, £1 15s


72 AUTOGRAPHS (Talk about), by G. Birbeck Hill, portraits, illustrations and facsimiles, 8vo, cloth, 4s 6d



1896 72* AUTOGRAPHE (L') Souverains, prelats, hommes politiques, savants, compositeurs, acteurs et actrices, poetes, auteurs, &c., numerous illustrations and facsimiles, 2 vols, wrappers, in 2 portfolios, oblong folio, half bound, 10s 6d Paris, 1864-65 BACON's (Sir Francis) Essays or Councils, Civil and Moral, with a table of the colours of good and evil; to this edition is added The Character of Q. Elizabeth, 8vo, old calf, 5s 6d BACON's (Sir Francis) Of the Advancement and Proficience of Learning, or the partitions of sciences, IX. bookes, interpreted by Gilbert Wats, folio, original calf, rebacked, the portrait and engraved title slightly defective, £1 10s BACON-SHAKESPERE QUESTION (The), by Mrs. C. Stopes, 8vo, cloth, 2s BACON.-Cunningham's (G. C.) Bacon's Secret disclosed in Contemporary Books, three portraits and plate, cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s 1911



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81 BALLADS.-Parry (J. D., Editor) The Le- | 97 BERNARDI (Major John) A Short History gendary Cabinet, a collection of British Ballads, ancient and modern, with notes, front., 8vo, bds., 3s 6d


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86 BARING-GOULD's (S.) Noémi: a story of rock-dwellers, illustrated, FIRST EDITION, cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s 1895 87 BAXTER PRINT.-Humboldt's (A. Von) Views of Nature, translated from the German by E. C. Otté and H. G. Bohn, front. "Chimborazo," printed in colours by Baxter's patent oil-color printing (fine impression) and facsimile of the Author's handwriting, cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s 6d 1850 87* BEAUMONT's (Joseph) Psyche, or love's mystery, a poem, displaying the intercourse betwixt Christ and the Soul, the second edition, enlarged, folio, calf, no portrait, 5s Cambridge, 1702 88 BEDDOES's (T. L.) Brides' Tragedy, FIRST EDITION, 8vo, sewn, edges cut, soiled copy, 10s 6d 1822 89 Poems, with a memoir, sm. 8vo, cloth, 10s 6d W. Pickering, 1851 90 BEDE's (Cuthbert) Little Mr. Bouncer and his friend, Verdant Green, illustrations by the Author, FIRST EDITION, cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s J. Blackwood & Co., N.D. 91 BEDE's (Cuthbert) Love's Provocations, illustrated, FIRST EDITION, 12mo, pictorial wrappers, 2s 6d 92 BEDE's (Cuthbert) Photographic Pleasures, popularly portrayed with pen and pencil, 70 plates by the Author, 8vo, original cloth, loose in cover, 2s 6d Hotten, 1859 93 BEDE's (Cuthbert) Photographic Pleasures, popularly portrayed with pen and pencil, illustrated, 12mo, bds., 2s 94 BEGLEY's (W.) Breviarium Anagrammaticum: the Latin hymns of the breviary and other famous Latin hymns of the early Church turned into metrical anagrams, with the lives of many famous Saints similarly treated, collected from very rare books and MSS., &c., sm. 4to, buckram, 3s 6d (pub. 10s 6d) 95 BEHMEN (Jacob) The Epistles of, very usefull and necessary for those that read his writings, and are very full of excellent and plaine instructions how to attaine to the Life of Christ, sm. 4to, calf neat, stained copy, title-page mended, scarce, 12s 1649




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of the Life of, written by Himself in Newgate, where he has been for near 33 years a prisoner of state, fine portrait, scarce and curious, 8vo, calf, good copy, 7s 6d 1729

With the bookplate of Francis Longe.

BETHAM's (Sir Wm.) The Gael and Cymbri, or an inquiry into the origin and history of the Irish Scoti Britons and Gauls, and of the Caledonians, Picts, Welsh, Cornish and Bretons, 8vo, cloth, loose in covers, scarce, 8s 6d Dublin, 1834 BEVERLEY's (Tho.) The Great Soul of Man, or the soul in its likeness to God: its nature, operations and everlasting state discoursed, sm. 8vo, sheep, 3s 1676 BEZAE (Theodore) POEMATA VARIA (including the Emblemata), FIRST EDITION, numerons woodcut illustrations, roy. 8vo, half brown levant morocco, bound by De 1597 Coverley, FINE COPY, scarce, £1 Is BIBLIOTHECA MANUSCRIPTA LANSDOWNIANA: catalogue of the entire collection of manuscripts, on paper and vellum, of Wm., Marquis of Lansdowne, the Burleigh and Shelburne State Papers, 2 vols in one, 8vo, bds., UNCUT, 5s 6d 1807 MS. note on fly-leaf, "To Dr. Mackie, M.D., from John Wilmot, 1807, who, when the MSS. were about to be sold by auction in 1306, was ... the means of ultimately obtaining them for the public," &c. 102 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Ferguson's (John) Some Aspects of Bibliography, 8vo, cloth, 3s Edinburgh, 1900 103 BINYON's (Laurence) Porphyrion, and other poems, FIRST EDITION, cr. 8vo, cloth,





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The Death of Adam, and other poems, FIRST EDITION, cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s 1904

England, and other poems, FIRST 1909 EDITION, cr. 8vo, cloth, 2s 6d BLAAUW's (W. H.) The Baron's War, including the battles of Lewes and Evesham, illuminated title, plates and woodcuts, sm. 4to, cloth, binding soiled, 3s

Lewes, printed by Baxter & Son, 1844 107 BLACKMORE's (R. D.) Christowell, a Dartmoor tale, FIRST EDITION, 3 vols, cr. 8vo, cloth, ex-library copy, 6s 6d 1882 108 BLACKMORE's (R. D.) Fringilla, or tales in verse, illustrated by W. H. Bradley, printed in red and black, 8vo, bds., nice copy, 3s 6d


109 BLADES's (Wm.) Enemies of Books, plates, second edition, 8vo, parchment wrappers, 3s 1880 110 BLADES's (Wm.) The Enemies of Books, illustrated, third edition, 8vo, nice copy, parchment wrappers, 3s


110* BLAKE.-Blair's (R.) The Grave, poem, portrait of Blake and 12 etchings by L. Schiavonetti from the original designs of Wm. Blake, 4to, half morocco, binding broken, £1 18s T. Bensley, 1808 111 BLAKE.-Ellis's (E. J.) The Real Blake: a portrait biography, illustrated, 8vo, cloth, 8s 6d 1907

112 BLAKE (Wm.) Etchings from his Works, | 125 by Wm. Bell Scott, with descriptive text, ten plates on India paper, folio bds., 10s 6d 1878 112* BLAKE.-Malkin's (Benj. Heath) A Father's Memoirs of his child [T. W. Malkin], front. designed by Blake, folding map and two facsimiles, 8vo, calf, binding defective, 10s 6d

[ocr errors]

1806 The above work contains an interesting account of Wm. Blake, pp. xviii-xl. 113 BLAKE's (Wm.) Songs of Innocence and of Experience (with a Preface by J. J. Garth Wilkinson), cr. 8vo, cloth, some margins written on, 10s 6d

1839 The first edition, printed in ordinary type, scarce. 114 BLUNT.-The Seven Golden Odes of Pagan Arabia, known also as the Moallakat, translated from the Arabic by Lady Anne Blunt, done into English verse by W. S. Blunt, sm. 4to, bds., 8s 6d

Chiswick Press, 1903 115 BOOKBINDING (The Art of), by Joseph Zaehnsdorf, illustrated, 8vo, cloth, binding loose, 58 6d 1880 116 BOOKPLATE.-The Faith and Practice of a Church of England Man, 18mo, calf, with scarce old bookplate of Jacob Houblon, 2s 6d 1688

117 BOOK LOVER'S LIBRARY.-Rees's (J. R.) Pleasures of a Book-worm, 1886Rees's (J. R.) Diversions of a Book-worm, 1886-Wheatley's (H. B.) The Dedication of Books, 1887-Underhill's (G. F.) Literary Epochs, 1887-Rees's (J. R.) The Brotherhood of Letters, 1889-Hazlitt's (W. C.) Studies of Jocular Literature, 1890 -Blades's (Wm.) Books in Chains, and other bibliographical papers, front., 1892-7 vols, 12mo, cloth, FIRST ISSUES, 2s each vol

118 BOOKS.-A Guide-book to Books, edited by E. B. Sargant and B. Whishaw, roy. 8vo, cloth, 2s 6d 1891

119 BOOKS.-Fields's (Mrs. James T.) A Shelf of Old Books, portraits and illustrations, 8vo, cloth, 3s


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BOWLES (John) Collection of Pamphlets by-viz., Reflections on the Political State of Society at the commencement of 1800 -Reflections on the Political and Moral State of Society at the close of the XVIII. Century, with supplement to June, 1801Observations on the Correspondence between Mr. Adam and Mr. Bowles-The Existing Law respecting the right of Retailing Spirituous Liquors, 1817Reasons for the Establishment of Savings Banks, 1817, and others-14 in 2 vols, 8vo, half calf, mostly presentation copies from the Author, scarce collection, 6s 6d 1800-17 126 BRADSHAW (Henry) Memoir of, by G. W. Prothero, portrait, 8vo, cl., 4s 6d 1888 127 BRAMHALL's (Dr. John, Bishop of Derry) The Church of England defended against the Imputations cast upon her in those two points of succession of Bishops and Schisme, &c., thk. sm. 8vo, original calf, FINE COPY, 3s Printed at the Hague, published at London, 1659 128 BRATHWAITE's (Richard) NATURE'S EMBASSIE, OR THE WILDE-MANS MEASURES [with the Shepheards Tales, Omphale and Odes], FIRST EDITION, VERY RARE, 8vo, calf extra, some side notes and headlines cut into and wants separate title to the Shepheards Tales, £2 15s



Printed for Richard Whitaker, 1621 BRATHWAITE (Richard) TIME'S CURTAINE DRAWNE, or the Anatomie of Vanitie, with other choice poems, entituled, "Health from Helicon," ORIGINAL EDITION, some headlines and side margins cut into, otherwise good, cr. 8vo, modern calf extra, gilt edges, VERY RARE, £4 10s

J. Dawson for John Bellamie, 1621 BRATHWAIT's (R.) ESSAIES VPON THE FIVE SENSES, revived by a new supplement ; with a pithy one upon detraction, THE SECOND EDITION, revised and enlarged by the Author, with the scarce front. engraved by Marshall, 12mo, panelled calf extra, FINE COPY, RARE, £2 15s 1635 131 BRATHWAITE (R.) An Epitome of all the Lives of the Kings of France, from Pharamond the First to the now Christian King Lewis the Thirteenth, with a relation of the famous battailes of the two Kings of England, who were the first victorious Princes that conquered France, translated out of the French coppy by R. B., Esq., front., 12mo, blue levant morocco extra, gilt edges, A VERY FINE COPY, EXTREMELY RARE, £5 5s

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