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follicles of negroes (Bull. et Mém. Soc. d'Anth., Paris, 1904, p. 124), and have obtained interesting results. The follicle forms at least half a spiral and is not flattened; the distribution of hair on the scalp is uniform, but all the hairs of the same spiral tuft have the intradermic portion of their curves orientated in nearly the same direction, and it is apparently this uniformity of the neighbouring follicles that determines the formation of spiral tufts; a semicircular oblique crest ridge of fibrous tissue constricts the upper portion of the hair bulb, and thus causes the flattening of the hair and its spiral twist.

Mr. E. H. C. Walsh, in an illustrated note on stone implements found in the Darjeeling district (Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, lxxiii. p. 21), states that all the implements he found were polished celts," with the exception of a dumb-bell shaped hammer head. The general belief of the people is that these axe-heads are thunderbolts which have fallen from heaven; they are chiefly found with the medicine men, who use them as charms in their incantations to drive out or cure disease, and also on account of their reputed medicinal properties when mixed with water; on several specimens the scraping or rubbing on stones to obtain medicine is very noticeable. Numerous references to other papers dealing with the subject are given. On p. 27 of the same Journal P. O. Bodding describes some shoulder-headed and other forms of stone implements in the Santal Pargans; it is not yet clear who were the makers of these distinctive implements-possibly they were Mon-Kmer and Munda peoples. The Journal also contains some interesting folklore.

Some time ago M. Verneau directed attention to some skulls from Palæolithic interments at Mentone with a remarkable negroid aspect, and M. Hervé has noted two somewhat similar Neolithic skulls from Brittany. Prof. Manouvrier points out in the Bull. et Mém. Soc. d'Anth., Paris (1904, p. 119), that all these "negroid" characters occur in European or other non-African skulls, but they are very rarely found in conjunction. All the skulls of this type are female; in following out this hint Dr. Manouvrier discusses the "negroid" characters, and comes to the conclusion that in a dolichocephalic population in which the prognathism of the men is so marked, a corresponding degree of prognathism in the women, combined with other characters that are characteristic of female skulls, would give a negroid appearance without any need to conclude that there was a negro element in the population. The same author describes (p. 67) a remarkable trepanned Neolithic skull, and (p. 101) some senile Neolithic skulls.


As the result of a long and careful comparative study of the skeletal variations of the foot in primates and in the races of man, Th. Volkov (Bull. et Mém. Soc. d'Anth., Paris, 1903, 1904) arrives at the following conclusions:The skeleton of the foot of the prosimians bears many traces of the primitive type of foot of the ancient mammals, and presents many intermediate forms between this type and that of the foot of monkeys. The skeleton of the foot of the lower primates appears to be the result of adaptation to arboreal life of ancestors whose foot resembled that of existing rodents. The skeleton of the foot of anthropoids represents the extreme of this adaptation, but at the same time (among the hylobates and partly in the gorilla) the beginning of adaptation to standing and to bipedal progression. The skeleton of the foot in the lower races of man presents as a whole, and for each bone in particular, evident and numerous traces of adaptations characteristic of climbers antecedent to the assumption of the erect attitude and bipedal progression. The ethnical characters range from the oblique and flat foot to the straight and arched foot. Consequently the arch of the foot represents the most essential character from an anthropological point of view. The index of curvature, that is to say, the relation between the height and length of the foot, or especially the tarso-metatarsian length, should be considered as a very important anthropometric datum. The skeleton of the foot of the new-born infant reproduces primitive and transitory forms in the development of the human foot in general, and thus its study possesses a very great anthropological importance.


CAMBRIDGE. The following is the speech delivered by the Public Orator, Dr. Sandys, on Thursday last, in presenting Dr. E. B. Tylor, F.R.S., professor of anthropology in the University of Oxford, for the degree of Doctor in Science honoris causa :

Adest vir et propter aetatis dignitatem et propter studia in rerum originibus primis exquirendis praeclare posita inter primos merito numerandus, quem iamdudum admirati, nunc demum honore diu debito decoramus. Abhinc annos quinque et quadraginta consuetudines Mexicanas antiquas diligenter exploravit. Deinde de prisco hominum cultu, opere in maximo et doctrinae variae plenissimo, plus quam semel disputavit. Illo vero in opere, animarum praesertim in regno perlustrando aliorum antecursor constitutus, successoribus omnibus facem splendidam praetulit. Denique de anthropologia universa egregie disseruit, hominum ipsorum studium hominibus imprimis proprium esse iure optimo arbitratus. Nemo fortasse magis merito liberalitatem illam Terentianam prae se ferre potest :

"homo sum, humani nil a me alienum puto."



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The proposals forwarded by the Studies Syndicate have been rejected by the Senate by, roughly speaking, three to two. The poll taken was the largest on record, and on the Grace affecting Greek the "non-placets were 1559 and the placets 1052. The result is extremely disappointing to all those who wish see Cambridge take its rank as a leading university in the Empire. There is, however, a strong consensus of opinion that the matter should not be allowed to rest where it is. Perhaps a consultation between the two opposing bodies might lead to some plan acceptable to the more moderate members of both parties.

The Vice-Chancellor announces that he has appointed Colonel Sir Frank Younghusband, K.C.I.E., to the office of reader on Sir Thomas Rede's foundation for the present year.

Mr. E. H. Hankin, Fellow of St. John's College, and analyst and bacteriologist to the North-West Provinces and Oudh, has been approved by the general board of studies for the degree of Doctor in Science.

MR. H. O. ARNOLD-FORSTER, M.P., Secretary of State for War, has consented to give away the prizes to the students at the Woolwich Polytechnic on April 1.

THE Huxley lecture of the University of Birmingham will be delivered by Prof. E. B. Poulton, F.R.S., in the large lecture theatre of the Midland Institute, on Thursday, March 23.

IN the Engineering and Mining Journal, Mr. G. S. Raymer gives an illustrated description of the Simpkins laboratory at Harvard. It is designed for the study of continuous ore-dressing operations on a considerable scale, the plant consisting of a 5-stamp battery and additional apparatus of the most recent type.

THE formal opening of the new building of the École polytechnique of Montreal, in affiliation with Laval University, took place on January 28. This school was founded in 1874 to give French-Canadian youths an opportunity of obtaining a training in practical science. Its sphere has been limited, but with the new building and improved equipment better results are anticipated.

MR. CHARLES H. HACKLEY, of Muskegon, Mich., has made, we learn from Science, a bequest of 50,000l. to the Hackley Manual Training School of Muskegon, which, added to 72,000l. already given by Mr. Hackley, makes the school's total endowment 122,000l. Mount Holyoke College will receive, we learn from the same source, 34,400l. as the residuary legatee of the late Mr. Edmund K. Turner.

IN an article entitled "The Lesson of Coopers Hill," the Indian Daily Telegraph of February 1 institutes a comparison between the methods of government in the cases of Coopers Hill and the City and Guilds of London technical colleges. The success of the latter is traced to adaptation in them of the methods followed in the great German polytechnics which is shown by their senates or college boards

responsible for their educational systems. The article proceeds to direct attention to the Thomason Civil Engineering College at Rurki in connection with a proposal at a recent meeting of the Allahabad University to abolish the faculty of engineering, and favours the introduction in the college at Rurki of the method of government which has assured the success of the colleges of the City and Guilds.

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THE Berlin correspondent of the Times states that in the course of a debate on the estimates for the Ministry of Education in the Prussian Chamber on March 2, an official of that Ministry, Geheimrath Reinhardt, gave some interesting information with regard to the success of the so-called reform schools,' " in which the study of the classics is begun at the age of twelve, and Greek not until the age of fourteen. One great advantage of this system is that the decision to assign a pupil to the modern (Realschule) or to the classical school (Gymnasium) can be postponed to a stage when his abilities and tastes can be better estimated. Geheimrath Reinhardt stated that the system of this" reform school had hitherto been adopted at three classical Gymnasia, and the result was that of 123 pupils in the highest form who presented themselves for the leaving examination only four failed to pass, and of these four three succeeded six months later. Experience had shown that as a result of beginning Latin and Greek at a later age than was customary, the interest of the pupils in their work was rendered keener, and their diligence was certainly in no wise inferior to that of the pupils of the ordinary Gymnasia.

THE fourth annual report of the executive committee of the Carnegie Trust states that sums amounting to 38, 114l. have been claimed and handed over to the four Scottish universities during the year. The grants for library purposes and for provisional assistance in teaching, amounting in all to 6400l., have been fully paid. The grants for buildings and permanent equipment available for 1904, including a balance of 12,6351. unexpended in 1903, amount to 33,0351. Of these, the sum of 20,1461. has been claimed. Claims for grants towards teaching endowments amount for the year to 11,5681. These include contributions to the foundation of two chairs-that of history in the University of Aberdeen, and that of geology in the University of Glasgow. The scheme of endowment of post-graduate study and research has now entered upon its second year. The total expenditure for 1903-4 under the scheme was 33861. The estimated outlay for the current academic year is 51771. Applications for fellowships, scholarships, and grants for 1905-6 must be lodged on or before May 1 with the secretary to the trust, from whom application forms and regulations can be obtained. In the research laboratory of the Royal College of Physicians, the purchase of which was announced in the previous annual report, the superintendent reports that the past year has been one of steady and satisfactory work in all departments. Thirty-five workers have held places in the laboratory, and have been engaged in forty-seven in vestigations.

THE twenty-seventh annual general meeting of the Institute of Chemistry was held on March 1. In the course of an address Mr. David Howard, the president, referred to the steady growth of the institute, saying that he thought there was still a wide field for those possessing the highest chemical knowledge and skill, and that those who had to call in the aid of such knowledge and skill were becoming more and more alive to the importance of employing only the properly trained and competent. He emphasised the importance of requiring all candidates to produce evidence of a high standard of general education. The professional chemist should be a professional man as well as a chemist, and must, therefore, possess that general culture which is essential if he is to deal with his work in a professional spirit. Referring to the position of the institute in connection with the Sale of Food and Drugs Acts, he mentioned that 94 per cent. of the public analytical appointments were held by fellows of the institute. The president alluded to the action of the Board of Agriculture in encouraging provincial technical and agricultural colleges to undertake professional chemical work gratuitously, or at purely nominal fees. In the endeavour to help dairy farmers, the board has induced the colleges, which are maintained by grants for technical education, for the benefit of a particular class, to compete with professional chemists, particularly those re

tained by the agricultural associations, at the expense of the general public. The president held that the colleges need the grants for the promotion of the education of farmers in the science and practice of agriculture, without diverting them to other purposes. It is for them to instruct the farmers in agricultural chemistry.


Royal Society, February 2.-"The Theoryiof Photographic Processes on the Chemical Dynamics of Development." By S. E. Sheppard and C. E. K. Mees.

If a photographic plate be exposed to light and developed, the transparency to light of the silver de posited is related to the mass thereof by the equation D= -log1T, where D (termed the density) is proportional to the mass of silver per unit area. This relation has been confirmed with great care for densities varying from a to 3.5, and for the plates and developer used a density of 1.00 corresponded to 0.01031 gram of silver per 100 sq. cn This quantity is termed P, the "photometric constant of the deposit.

A study of the relation of the density to the time of development resulted as follows:

(a) The silver deposited increases rapidly at first, then more slowly, and finally tends to a limit.

(b) This limit depends only on the exposure.

(c) The velocity depends on the concentration of the reducer.

(d) A soluble bromide reduces the velocity, but the "slowing off" with time is not so rapid.

A theoretical investigation of development based on the theory of reaction-velocities in heterogeneous systems led under certain conditions to the equation dD'dt = x(Doo - DI, W Do is the limiting density, D that at the time t. On integration this leads to the expression

1/t log Doo/D∞ - D=«; (Doo-D) is then the reacting surface.

κ was experimentally shown to be constant. Further, as K is theoretically A/8 a, where A is a diffusion-constant, & the diffusion path, and a the concentration of the reducer, the velocity should be proportional to this, which was experimentally found.

The addition of alkaline bromides gradually alters the course of the reaction, introducing an induction period, but for the "maximum" velocity Xlog Br=a constant.

The value of depends greatly on the physical condition of the plate, diminishing with keeping, probably from lowered diffusivity.

An important deduction from the development formula is that the ratio of the densities due to two exposures is constant and independent of the time of development, which was confirmed.

For a series of increasing exposures for a certain range Hurter and Driffield showed that D=y(log E i), where s development-constant.

Hence as y is proportional to D, and as

1t log Doo/D∞ − D=к,

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Chemical Society, February 15.-Prof. W. A. Tilden, F.R.S., president, in the chair.-Nitrogen halogen derivatives of the aliphatic diamines: F. D. Chattaway. The compounds ethylenetetrachlorodiamine, ethylenetetrabromodiamine, and other similar bodies derived from diamines or their diacyl derivatives were described. The nitration of substituted azophenols: J. T. Hewitt and V. H. Mitchell. The authors have systematically studied the action of dilute nitric acid and of a mixture of concentrated nitric and sulphuric acids on the three nitrobenzeneazophenols.-The estimation of saccharin : C. Proctor. The process described by E. Emmet Reid for the estimation of saccharin has been tested and found to be convenient and trustworthy. The paper also described a simple volumetric process by means of which the combined percentage of o-benzoicsulphinide and p-sulphamidobenzoic acid in commercial saccharin can be determined. The analysis of samples of milk referred to the Government Laboratory in connection with the Sale of Food and Drugs Acts : T. E. Thorpe. This paper contained the results of an inquiry into the changes which occur in the "souring" of milk, and especially as to the effects of these on the usual analytical constants of milk.-The condensation of anilinodiacetic esters in presence of sodium ethoxide: A. T. de Mouilpied.—The basic properties of oxygen at low temperatures; additive compounds of the halogens with organic substances containing oxygen: D. McIntosh. continuation of previous work on the combination of organic compounds containing oxygen with the halogen hydrides to form definite compounds.-Organic derivatives of silicon: F. S. Kipping. The preparation and reactions of a number of these compounds were described. For the purpose of systematic nomenclature these compounds are regarded as derivatives of silicane, SiH,, or of silicol, SiH,.OH.-Photographic radiation of some mercury compounds: R. de J. F. Struthers and J. E. Marsh. The mercury compound HgC,N,,2(NH.NH.C,H,) was found to act on a photographic plate through paper and aluminium foil, and slightly through sheet zinc. Phenylhydrazine and a number of mercury salts were also found to exert a similar action.


Royal Microscopical Society, February 15.-Dr. Dukinfield H. Scott, F.R.S., president, in the chair.-The Finlayson comparascope": Mr. Finlayson. The arrangement exhibited provides a means of examining two slides simu!taneously.-An optical bench for microscope illumination, microphotography, micro-projection, lantern projection, &c., and a large photomicrographic and enlarging camera, both bench and camera being on rigid iron tables provided with castors and fixing pedestals: C. Beck.-Practical micrometallography: J. E. Stead, F.R.S. Mr. Stead described the machinery by means of which metals may be cut and polished rapidly, and explained the various operations of cutting, grinding, and polishing. Many specimens shown by means of the epidiascope exhibited clearly the details of the surface, and especially the coloration. The beautiful colours produced by the heating process, by which some portions became oxidized more quickly than others, were very striking, especially in the case of a specimen of a polished section of a meteorite, which almost equalled in brilliancy and colour that well-known microscopic object the wing of Morpho menelaus.

Physical Society, February 24.-Prof. J. H. Poynting, F.R.S., president, in the chair.-On the curvature method of teaching geometrical optics: Dr. C. V. Drysdale. The paper has been undertaken with the two-fold object of giving a systematic exposition of the method of teaching elementary optics which the author has found most suitable, and of giving an introduction to a subsequent paper on the treatment of aberrations by curvature methods.-Dr. Meisling's colour-patch apparatus: R. J. Sowter. The apparatus is simple in its principle and construction, and is specially adapted for testing colour-blindness.-A method of illustrating the laws of the simple pendulum: J. Schofield. A pendulum is fitted at its lower end with a narrow horizontal framework carrying vertical transverse wires. During the oscillations of the pendulum these wires are caused to cut a jet of mercury, and time signals are sent to the recording mechanism of a chronograph. The distances between the wires are known, and together with the timemeasures they yield a displacement-time curve of the motion. From this the kinematical curves and equations of the

moving system may be deduced by the usual methods. In the actual apparatus a tuning-fork arrangement with an accuracy of about 1/200 of a second is used as the chronograph, and the results obtained from the pendulum are accurate to about three per cent. The principle has also been applied to torsion pendulums.-String models of optical systems: J. Schofield. In these models the lenses and prisms are made of celluloid, so that the paths of rays through them can be shown.


Academy of Sciences, February 27.-M. Troost in the chair. The precautions necessary in the mode of execution of certain researches requiring high precision: M. Loewy. A lengthened study as to the cause of some systematic errors in the circle of a meridian instrument, wrongly attributed to flexure of the circles, showed that these effects were due to bad definition of the images of the lines, and could be remedied by increasing the definition of the reading microscopes and improving the lighting. In the determination of the constant of aberration, and of refraction, by means of a double mirror cut out of one block of glass, a deformation of the image was observed which rendered accurate readings difficult. The form to be given to the two reflecting surfaces to get regular stellar images has been worked out. On the observation of the partial eclipse of the moon of February 19: M. Puiseux. The twelve photographs taken are discussed in detail, and in some respects are not in agreement with descriptions given before 1866. Recent observations render improbable any new changes in the moon's crust.-On an application of the iris diaphragm in astronomy: M. Salet. An iris diaphragm, introduced into the plane of the micrometer wires of an eyepiece, has the effect of suppressing diffused light, and thus facilitating observations on faint objects.-Families of Lamy with plane orthogonal trajectories: G. Carrus.-On algebraic surfaces: Federigo Enriques.-On functions with an infinity of variables Maurice Fréchet.-On some theorems of Riemann: P. Fatou. The theory of the limiting trajectory of an aeroplane Marcel Brillouin.-On the intensity of photographic impressions produced by feeble illuminations: C. Gutton. It is shown experimentally that in a photographic negative the contrasts are exaggerated in the faintly illuminated regions and attenuated in the more strongly lighted parts. On a positive, on the contrary, the differences of lighting are faithfully reproduced.-On the kathode rays emitted by the anode: E. Rogovsky.—The surface tension of a dielectric in the electric field: Ch. Fortin. In an electric field of 20,000 volts per centimetre, normal to the surface, the relative variation of the surface tension of the petroleum, if it exists, is less than 1/450th. If the variation of the surface tension with the strength of the field be regarded as negligible, the arrangement of apparatus described serves as a new method of measuring the specific inductive capacity of the liquid.-On the spectra of the fluorides of the alkaline earths in the electric arc: Ch. Fabry. On the ionisation due to the radium emanation: William Duane. On the purification of gadolina and on the atomic weight of gadolinium: G. Urbain. The method of purification adopted was the fractional crystallisation of the double nitrate of gadolinium and nickel from nitric acid of density 1.3. The purity of the product was established by the constancy of the ratio between the crystallised sulphate and the oxide, and the mean atomic weight is given as 157.23 (O=16). The spark spectrum of this product is being specially studied by Sir William Crookes, and the are spectrum by Dr. Eberhard, who will publish their results shortly.-On some osmionitrites and on a nitrite of osmium: L. Wintrebert.-A special constituent obtained in the tempering of an aluminium bronze: Pierre Breuil. On B-decahydronaphthol and the octahydride of naphthalene : Henri Leroux. B-naphthol, reduced by means of the Sabatier and Senderens reaction, gives rise to several substances, from which the decahydride was separated in the pure state. That it is an alcohol was clearly shown by the preparation of the acetate and the phenylurethane, and also by its dehydration to naphthalene octahydride by potassium bisulphate.--On the glycol of anethol: E. Varenne and L. Godefroy.-The characters of the polygastric muscles: J. Chaine. -On the salivary, cephalic and metathoracic glands of some Hemiptera: L. Bordas.-The

phagocytic resorption of the reproductive elements in the seminal vesicles of Lumbricus herculeus: Louis Brasil.On the practical importance of the determination of the arterial pressure to avoid accidents in anæsthesia: L. Hallion. Remarks on a recent note of M. Tissot, and directing attention to a paper published by the author and M. Duplay in 1900 on the same subject.-The influence of the radium emanation on the toxic power of snake poison: C. Phisalix. Cobra poison, which is distinguished by resistance to destruction by heat, is readily destroyed by the radium radiations. On the other hand, the poisons from the salamander and toad are unaffected by the emanation.The application of the vowel siren to the study of deafness : M. Marage. Each kind of deafness gives a special curve with this instrument, the form of which is characteristic of the seat of the lesion.-The glandular atrophic action of the X-rays Foveau de Courmelles. The ovaries, the breasts, and the lymphatic ganglions can be atrophied under the action of the X-rays.-On the application of thermometry to water supply: E. A. Martel. The coal formation in the Balkans: L. De Launay.-On the uniformity of composition of the Amana meteorites: G. D. Hinrichs.




ROYAL SOCIETY, at 4.30.-The Rate of Transmission of the Guatemala Earthquake of April 19, 1902: R. D. Oldham.-Ionic Sizes in Relation to the Conductivity of Electrolytes: W. R. Bousfield-Explosions of Mixtures of Coal Gas and Air in a Closed Vessel: L. Bairstow and A. D. Alexander.-On some Continuous Observations on the Rate of Dissipation of Electric Charges in the Open Air: C. Coleridge Farr. ROYAL INSTITUTION, at 5.-Recent Astronomical Progress: Prof. H. H. Turner, F.R.S.

INSTITUTION OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS, at 8.-Report on Experiments carried out at the National Physical Laboratory: On the Effect of Heat on the Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Dielectrics, and on the Temperature Distribution in the Interior of Field Coils: Dr. R. T. Glazebrook, F.R.S.-On Temperature Curves and the Rating of Electrical Machinery: R. Goldschmidt.

MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, at 5.30.-On the Weddle Quartic Surface: Mr. H. Bateman-On the Projective Relations between Two Planes: Prof. M. J. M. Hill, Dr. L. N. G. Filon and Mr. H. W. Chapman.-On the Theory of Perpetuants: Mr. P. W. Wood.


ROYAL INSTITUTION, at 9.-The Structure of the Atom: Prof. J. J. Thomson, F.R.S.

ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, at 5.-Theory of the Motion of the Moon. Part IV. Prof. E. W. Brown -The Great Nebula of Eridani: Dr. Max Wolf.-Observations of Uranus and Saturn: C. J. Merfield.-Ob. servations of Uranus at Windsor, New South Wales: John Tebbutt.The Spectroheliograph of the Solar Physics Observatory: W. J. S. Lockyer.-Nebular Photography; a Suggestion: W. S. Franks.-The Late Leonids of November, 1904: Rev. S. J. Johnson.-Magnetic Disturbances and their Association with Sun-spots; a Reply: E. W. Maunder.-Promised Papers: On the Large Sun-spot of 1905, January 29-February 11, and the Contemporaneous Magnetic Disturbances, observed at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich (communicated by the Astronomer-Royal).-Notes on the Siderostat and Coelostat: H. C.


MALACOLOGICAL SOCIETY, at 8.-On a Dibranchiate Cephalopod from the Eocene of Arabia: G. C. Crick.-Note on the Horizon and Locality of the Type Specimen of Pleuronautilus pulcher: G. C. Crick.-New Marine Mollusca from the Collection of the late Admiral Keppel: G. B. Sowerby. On the Occurrence of Internal Septa in Glyptostoma newberryanum: G. K. Gude.-Note on a Dart found in the Body Cavity of Helix aspersa: R. G. Barnes.

INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS, at 8.-The Purification of Sewage : F. G. Helsby.-The Purification of Sewage by Hydrolysis and Oxidation F. O. Kirby.

PHYSICAL SOCIETY, at 8.-On the Stresses in the Earth's Crust before and after the Sinking of a Bore-hole: Dr. C. Chree, F. R.S.-On the Lateral Vibration of Bars of Uniform and Varying Sectional Area: J. Morrow.On Direct Reading Resistance-Thermometers, with an Appendix on Composite Thermocouples: A. Campbell.

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ROYAL INSTITUTION, at 5.-Some Recent Biometric Studies: Prof. K. Pearson, F.R.S.

INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS, at 8.-Shipbuilding for the Navy: Lord Brassey, K.C. B.

AERONAUTICAL SOCIETY, at 8.-Some Recent Experiments in Aerodynamics P. Y. Alexander.-The Shape of Navigable Balloons: Eric Stuart Bruce.-Automatic Stability: E. C. Hawkins.-Note on an Aluminium Kite: Alan H. Burgoyne.

ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE, at 8.15.-Manners and Customs of the Melanesians; Lantern Illustrations: Rev. W. H. Edgell.


CHEMICAL SOCIETY, at 5.30.-The Velocity of Oxime Formation in Certain Ketones: A. W. Stewart.-Catechin and Acacatechin; Supplementary Note: A. G. Perkin.-The Action of Ethyl Dibromopropanetetracartoxylate on the Disodium Compound of Ethyl Propanetetracarboxylate; a Correction: W. H. Perkin, jun.-On Glutaconic Acid and the Coeversion of Glutaric Acid into Trimethylenedicarboxylic Acid G. Tatre". sall. - The Ultra-violet Absorption Spectra of Certain Enol-keto Taute merides: E. C. C. Baly and C. H. Desch.-Esterification Constants of Substituted Acrylic Acids: J. J. Sudborough and D J. Roberts a-Chlorocinnamic Acids: J. J. Sudborough and T. C. James.-Di-or b substituted Benzoic Acids. Part VI. Conversion of Methyl into thy: Esters: J. J. Sudborough and T. H. Davies.-Simple Method for the Estimation of Acetyl Groups: J. J. Sudborough and W. Thomas Gynocardin, a New Cyanogenetic Glucoside: F. B. Power and F. H. Lees. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY, at 8.

ROYAL MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY, at 8.-A Review of Work done by Metallographers: J. E. Stead, F. R.S.

ROYAL METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY, at 7.30.-On the Growth of Instru mental Meteorology: R. Bentley.

MINERALOGICAL SOCIETY, at 8.--On Some New Mineral Localities in Cornwall and Devon: A. E. I. M. Russe!l.-On a Crystal of Phenakite from East Africa: L. J. Spencer.-(1) Notes on Various Minerals from the Binnenthal, Switzerland. (2) A New Oxychloride of Copper fruen Sierra Gorda, Chili: G. T. Prior and G. F. Herbert Smith.


ROYAL SOCIETY, at 4.30.-Probabie Papers: A Preliminary Note upor the Question of the Nutrition of the Early Embryo: E. Emrys Roberts Seventh N te -On Reciprocal Innervation of Antagonistic Muscles. Prof. C. S. Sherrington, F.R.S.-On the Absence or Marked Diminsten of Free Hydrochloric Acid in the Gastric Contents, in Malignant Disease of Organs other than the Stomach: Prof. B Moore, with W. Alexander R. E. Kelly, and H. E. Roaf.-On the Heterogenetic Origin of certam Ciliated Infusoria from the Eggs of a Rotifer: Dr. H. C. Bastian,

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Jupiter's Seventh Satellite

The Government Observatory at Victoria
Observations of Saturn's Satellites
Bright Meteors

The Magnetic Survey of the United States. (

The Nest of the Fighting Fish. (Illustrated.)
Some Recent Work of the U.S. Geological Survey
in the Western States. (Illustrated.) By G. W. L
Anthropological Notes

University and Educational Intelligence
Societies and Academies

Diary of Societies

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HIGH FREQUENCY APPARATUS of my newest models.

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