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central axis of uric acid, whilst, in addition, the ureides of these acids, namely, barbituric acid, dialuric acid, and alloxan, are converted by the ferment quantitatively into urea and carbon dioxide. Moreover, just as in the case of the sugars only the hexoses are capable of undergoing fermentation, the bacillus of uric acid is indifferent to acids containing fewer or more than three carbon atoms.

THE Psychological Bulletin (vol. ii., No. 1) for January contains a notice of the meeting of the north central section of the American Psychological Association which was held at Chicago on November 26, under the presidency of Prof. W. D. Scott, of the North-western University. The following papers were read :—Is subjective idealism a necessary point of view for psychology? by Mr. Stephen S. Colvin; the genesis of meaning, by Mr. I. E. Miller; relation of sensation and revived mental processes, by Messrs. T. H. Haines and J. C. Williams; the vehicle of cognition, by Mr. B. H. Bode; psychological method, by Mr. C. A. Blanchard; an Iowa case of complete congenital cataracts cured after twenty-two years, by Mr. James Burt Miner; the relations of psychology to logic, by Miss Harriet S. Penfield; the functional theory in psychology and the concept of transcendence, by Mr. J. H. Farley; the psychology of linguistic development in the individual, by Mr. M. V. O'Shea; is the beauty of art a higher type than that of nature? by Mr. George Rebec; the reality and the symbol in education, by Miss Julia H. Gulliver; and a motor theory of rhythm, by Mr. R. H. Stretton

THE Walter Scott Publishing Company will shortly issue a translation of "Science and Hypothesis," by Prof. Poincaré. Prof. J. Larmor, Sec.R.S., has written a preface to this edition of Prof. Poincaré's work.

A COPY of the report of the librarian of the U.S. Congress for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1903, has been received from Washington. The report runs to 600 pp., and includes elaborate details concerning every department of the library's activities. A select list of recent purchases during 1901-1903 constitutes part ii. of the volume, and a third section is devoted to a report on copyright legislation.

MR. JOHN A. BERGSTROM, of Indiana, writing in the Psychological Bulletin, describes a spring suspension for laboratory motors used for driving colour mixing or other experimental apparatus, with the object of reducing the noise and vibration produced by motors resting on a fixed base.

THE third English edition of Prof. Mendeléeff's "Principles of Chemistry" has been published in two volumes by Messrs. Longmans, Green and Co. The new volumes are a translation from the seventh

Russian edition by Mr. George Kamensky, edited by Mr. Thomas H. Pope. There are three appendices to the work. The first of these is the Royal Institution lecture delivered by Prof. Mendeléeff on May 31, 1889, entitled An Attempt to apply to Chemistry one of the Principles of Newton's Natural Philosophy "; the second, on the Periodic Law of the Chemical Elements," is Prof. Mendeléeff's 1899 Faraday lecture to the Chemical Society; the last is entitled "An Attempt towards a Chemical Conception of the Ether," and its contents were described in an article which appeared in NATURE on November 17, 1904 (vol. Ixxi., No. 1829). The work is one of the classics of chemical science, and the new edition will be widely welcomed

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ORBIT OF COMET 1904 e (BORRELLY).—From the observations made at Königsberg on December 31 and at Paris on January 11, M. Fayet has made an investigation of the probable orbit of Borrelly's comet (1904 e). In the first place three different sets of parabolic elements were computed, but, although the arc traversed by the comet whilst under observation was very small, and the results obtained were therefore not very trustworthy, the non-agreement of the parabolic elements with the observational results was too great to be admitted. M. Fayet therefore computed a set of elements on the assumption that the orbit was elliptical, and these were much more satisfactory, indicating a short period of about six years.

The following set of elliptic elements was finally adopted as giving a fairly satisfactory agreement between the observed and computed positions :

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These results give a value for μ of 423"-915, and therefore indicate that the comet is of the short-period type, making one revolution in its orbit in about eight years (Comptes rendus, No. 4, 1905).

OBSERVATIONS OF THE LEONID SHOWER OF 1904.-In a note published in No. 3989 of the Astronomische Nachrichten, Mr. Denning gives a few details of his observations

of the late Leonid shower at Bristol.

During a watch of about one and a half hours between 13h. 30m. and 15h. 45m. on November 14, 55 meteors, of which 33 were Leonids, were seen, and Mr. Denning estimated that, at that time, the latter were appearing at the rate of about 25 per hour, for one observer, from a radiant situated at R.A. =151°, decl. = +23°. No increase

in the horary rate was apparent at 16h., and as the fog became denser the observations were discontinued.

Two of the Leonids seen were as bright as Jupiter, whilst several others were as bright as, or brighter than, first magnitude stars. One of these flashed out in the north-west at 14h. 38m., traversed the path 315° +57° to 318°+50°, and left a short streak which lasted for about 30 seconds.

A few slow, yellow meteors from a radiant in Aries at 43°+21°, and some swift streaking meteors from a radiant in Leo Minor at 144°+37°, were also seen.

SPECTRA OF CYGNI, a CANIS MINORIS AND LEONIS.— In part vii. vol. cxiii. of the Sitzungsberichte der Kais. Akad. der Wissenschaften, Herren E. Haschek and K. Kostersitz publish the results of the reductions of the spectra of Cygni, Procyon and Leonis. After discussing in detail the methods of measurement and identification employed in the reduction, and the general and specific characteristics of each spectrum studied, the authors give a table of the wave-lengths and intensities of the lines for each star. The coincidences of each line with lines in the arc and spark spectra of terrestrial elements, as determined by Exner and Haschek, are also given, and in the last column of each table the "probable origins of many of the lines are set down. Amongst the latter may be noted the rarer elements Yb, Pr, Sa, Nd, La, Pt, Wo, Gd, Eu, &c. About 140 lines between A 4250 and λ 4534, 190 lines between A 4126 and A 4550, and about 270 lines between A 4215 and λ 4702 are given in the spectra of y Cygni, a Canis Minoris and Leonis respectively.

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SYSTEMATIC SURVEY OF DOUBLE STARS.-No. 99, vol. xvi., of the Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific is devoted to an address on double stars read before the International Congress of Arts and Sciences at St. Louis by Prof. R. G. Aitken.

After discussing the work already performed in this field, Prof. Aitken described a systematical survey undertaken by Prof. Hussey and himself. All stars down to the ninth magnitude as given in the Bonn Durchmusterung placed on the observing list, and the sky from the North Pole to -22° declination was equally divided for observation between the two observers.


The programme arranged for the observation of each star on the list on at least one good night, and all double stars discovered with a separation of 5" or less were to be measured on at least two nights and catalogued. On September 10, Prof. Hussey had discovered 1035 and Prof. Aitken more than 875 new pairs. Seventy-three per cent. of these are separated by 2" or less, and 142 are very close pairs in which the separation does not exceed o" 25. Of similar pairs to the latter the previously published catalogues do not contain 100.

Prof. Aitken has examined, during this research, more than 12,000 stars, and finds that the doubles discovered form about 3 per cent. of this total. Including those previously discovered, the ratio of double stars, with distances of less than 5", to the whole of the stars down to the ninth magnitude is apparently 1: 18 to 1: 20. This ratio is not, however, the same for all parts of the sky, for whilst in some regions observed double stars are very scarce, in others the ratio increases to about 1: 8. Other details concerning the survey, its prosecution and the reasons for carrying it out are given in Prof. Aitken's interesting paper.

REPORT OF THE YALE OBSERVATORY, 1900-4.-Dr. Elkin's reports to the board of managers of the Yale University Observatory for the years 1900-4, inclusive, occupy eight pages, and briefly describe the large amount of work performed at the observatory during that period.

Heliometer observations are the chief feature of the work and special attention has been paid to the determination of the parallaxes of stars having large proper motions. Practically all the stars in the northern hemisphere having known motions of o".5, or more, have now been observed at Yale. A second triangulation of the Pleiades and determinations of the parallax of Arcturus have also been made. Another feature of the work is the photography of meteor trails, and numerous trails of meteors from the principal showers have been obtained.

PRIZE SUBJECTS OF THE BATAVIAN SOCIETY OF EXPERIMENTAL PHILOSOPHY. AT a recent general meeting of the Batavian Society of Experimental Philosophy of Rotterdam the following subjects were proposed for competition. The gold medal of the society, of the weight of thirty ducats, or its value, will be awarded for the best answer to one or other of the suggested questions. Answers may be written in the Dutch, French, English, German, or Latin languages, in another handwriting than that of the competitor, and must reach the secretary, Dr. G. T. W. Bremer, at Rotterdam not later than February 1, 1906.

Chemistry. An experimental investigation of the atomic weight of an element which has not yet been satisfactorily fixed; a research on the causes of departure from Ostwald's dilution law; measurements of the osmotic pressure in solutions at concentrations corresponding with deviations from the simple gas laws; a study of the origin and physiological significance of the green pigment in the body of green articulated animals; experiments elucidating the formation and transformations of the sap in indiarubber plants; a re-investigation of the variations from the laws of electrolytic dissociation observed by Kahlenberg in 1901; an explanation of the thallioquinic test for quinine.

Physics. An investigation of the electrical properties of some metallic alloys; of the variation with temperature of the specific heat of mercury; of the specific heat of sulphur and phosphorus in their various allotropic forms; of the indices of refraction of substances showing particularly in the case of the lower organisms. anomalous dispersion; of the cause of phosphorescence,

Biology. A description of the life-history and properties of one or several species of moulds, ferments, or bacteria which are of industrial importance; the action of sulphur and of copper salts on plant parasites, and of mineral salts on the development of fungi; the role of micro-organisms in the formation of humus in the soil. Physiology. An investigation of the permeability of red blood corpuscles to the ions of NaCl, NaNO,, Na,50,; and of the localisation of functions in the cerebellum.

Geology. An exposition of the theory of the origin of the Netherlands; a critical investigation of the volcanoes of the East Indian Archipelago. Civil Engineering.-Statistical investigations of the Dutch polders "; or an investigation of one of the principal rivers of Holland.

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THE PIC DU MIDI OBSERVATORY. IN a recent number of La Nature, M. L. Rudaux gave an interesting account of the present condition and operations of this important mountain station. France is well provided with high level stations, and the observations from seven of them are published daily in the Bulletin International of the French Meteorological Office. account of the very favourable position of the Pic du Midi station, and of the almost insuperable difficulties experi enced by its original founder, General de Nansouty, was given, in considerable detail, by M. R. Radau, in his useful little work on "Mountain Observatories (Paris, 1876), and has been summarised by Mr. A. L. Rotch in the American Meteorological Journal. The summit, which has an elevation of 2877 metres (the observatory being 17 metres lower), is situated on the outskirts of the Pyrenees. in lat. 42° 56' N., and long. 2° 12' W. of Paris, and affords one of the finest views in Europe. Towards the north an immense plain stretches as far as the eye can see, and to the north-west, on very clear days, the blue waters of the Atlantic are visible, at a distance of 160 km. It lies directly in the path of the great atmospheric disturbances which traverse the Bay of Biscay, while the summit mostly enjoys a clear and uminous atmosphere, being some 200 metres above the level at which thunderstorm clouds usually gather. These advantages early attracted the attention of astronomers and scientific men; M. F. de Plantade died in 1741 while observing at the ridge which has since taken

his name.

The project of a permanent meteorological station was first mooted in 1869, and provisional observations were com

menced by General de Nansouty and his coadjutors in 1873, at the foot of the Pic, about 2300 metres above the sea, and were continued under great hardships, and at considerable personal expense for about eight years. The present station was established in 1880, by public and private subscriptions. The accompanying illustration gives a general view of the station as it now exists. On the left the thermometer screen may be distinguished near the erection on which the anemometer and actinometer are placed; at the other end of the terrace is the equatorial building, and the apparatus for celestial photography. The magnetic instruments are placed in vaults underneath the terrace. The meteorological observations are regularly published in the annals of the Central Meteorological Office; useful predictions have been given to the inhabitants of the plains of impending thunderstorms, and of probable floods owing to the sudden melting of the snow on the mountains. Amongst the miscellaneous observations undertaken under the able direction of M. Marchand, we may specially mention those relating to the zodiacal light, to solar phenomena, and the


persons have attended the various local lectures provided, while 1000 students entered for the courses offered by agricultural colleges. The expenditure of the counties is given in detail, and presents some curious anomalies; thus the London County Council assigned to agricultural education 7421., while the authorities of one of the most fertile divisions of Lincolnshire, in which agriculture is practically the only industry, voted 651. for the purpose! Again, East Sussex, with a total income from "Residue Grant" of 77731., spent 61161. in grants to agricultural colleges or schools, while West Sussex, with an income of 45031., gave nothing for collegiate instruction, and was satisfied with an expenditure of 2751. upon horticulture and poultry keeping. Conditions vary from county to county, but differences in the needs of the agriculturist do not explain the widely different educational policy of the local authorities. Under the new committees, it is to be hoped that the unsystematic and spasmodic efforts that have been too common in the past may disappear, and though it is probable that in the

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connection of the latter with magnetic disturbances. His observations in this direction have shown that whenever a terrestrial magnetic disturbance occurs, spots or faculæ exist on the central meridian of the sun. Important spectroscopic results have also been obtained respecting the atmospheres of Venus and Mars.


AN important new feature of the annual report on the distribution of grants for agricultural education and research is a return giving the character of the instruction in agriculture provided by the county councils of England and Wales. The return shows that most counties are now spending considerable sums on agricultural education-altogether 88,8931. in 1902-3, and to this sum 9200l. was added by the Board of Agriculture in the form of grants to collegiate centres. It is estimated that some 22,000,

immediate future less money will be spent on agricultural education, it is likely to be expended to greater advantage. The Board of Agriculture's report should be studied by all members of county education committees who are interested in agricultural education.


A piece of work which has just been completed in the library of the U.S. Department of Agriculture has greatly enhanced the value of the leading Continental agricultural journals for English-speaking students. Complete card catalogues of Annales de la Science agronomique," "Landwithschaftliche Jahrbücher," and "Die landwithschaftlichen Versuchs-stationen " have been prepared. Each index card gives author's name, title of article, and a brief outline of the scope of the article. The catalogues may be purchased in two series, either "author entry sets, permitting papers to be indexed under the authors' names, or "complete" sets, furnishing two or more cards for each paper, which may then be indexed under the author's name, and also under the subject or subjects to

which the article relates. The cost of the three sets of catalogues in the latter and more useful form is about 12l. The sets now issued bring the indexing down to 1903, but the work will be continued, and supplementary sets will be printed from time to time. Students who do not desire references to all branches of agricultural science may obtain sets of cards dealing with special subjects, such as soils, plant diseases, or forestry. Particulars of the eighteen subject-groups under which the cards are classified are given in Bulletin No. 9, issued by the Catalogue Division of the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

In the fourth report on the Woburn fruit farm, the Duke of Bedford and Mr. Spencer Pickering, F.R.S., discuss the results of several years' experiments in the manuring of fruit crops. In an introduction the soil of the fruit station is described, and chemical and mechanical analyses are given; the report then describes experiments on strawberries, gooseberries, currants, raspberries, and apples. For various reasons the experiments on currants and raspberries were unsatisfactory, but trustworthy data were obtained in the work on the other crops. It was found that 12 tons of farmyard manure per acre increased the strawberry crop by 12 per cent. to 15 per cent., and that the size and quality of the fruit were greatly improved. A mixed artificial manure supplying about the same quantities of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, potash and magnesia as the dung similarly increased the yield, but did not improve the quality. Farmyard manure much increased the gooseberry crop, but the artificial mixture failed to do so, and it is explained that the increase in the former case was probably due to the greater quantity of moisture retained by the dunged soil. Nitrate of soda applied in summer was found to benefit apples in certain seasons, but with this exception no kind of manure had any marked effect on the apple crop.



BIRMINGHAM.-Mr. Chamberlain, the Chancellor of the University, presided at the annual meeting of the Court of Governors held on February 6. Speaking after the adoption of the annual report, Mr. Chamberlain said that when the governors of Mason College met some five or six years ago and came to the decision that the time had come to give Birmingham its own university, it was thought that the least sum of money which would justify them in applying for a charter was 100,000l. But very shortly afterwards they found that there was a great opportunity, not only for themselves, but for other great provincial cities, to create a series of universities which in the first place would bring home to all the population the advantages of the highest education, and in the second place, would specialise this highest education with some more definite idea of its application to science than hitherto had been found to be possible. The moment they decided on a departure of that kind they found that it meant something quite different from what they had previously supposed. New buildings had to be specially devised, a very large and expensive equipment had to be provided, and new chairs had to be created; altogether a completely new ideal had to be developed. And then they put their demand-a demand which, indeed, they did not strictly limit themselves to, but they thought it would probably be sufficient for the present generation-they put their demand at the expenditure of one million of money. They had received at once nearly half that sum, largely from Birmingham. And he might say in passing that the liberality of the local contribution was a ground for the claim which they made for some further State support. "It is something," he said, "" that we have found that the Government are becoming alive to our needs and to our deserts, and that they have been able to double the sum previously given for the university education. But we may bear in mind at the same time that the present Chancellor of the Exchequer has promised to double it again in his next Budget, and, therefore, I anticipate that from that source we shall receive a very considerable addition. I do not at all accept it as in any way a satisfaction of our demands, because it is my conviction that public opinion will soon insist upon larger sums being

devoted to this purpose. When I think that we are spending 13 millions a year at least on primary education I say the sum now given for the purpose of the highest education, the most profitable of all the investments we can make in that direction, is altogether inadequate."

CAMBRIDGE. The voting on the report of the Studies and Examinations Syndicate will take place on Friday, March 3. and on Saturday, March 4, on both days from 1-3 p.m. and from 5-7 p.m. No votes will be taken after 7 p.m. on Saturday, March 3.

In view of the discussion on the report the syndicate has issued the report in an amended form. The chief changes include as alternatives in the papers in classical languages (1) passages for translation from a selected book or books; (2) unprepared passages for translation, a vocabulary of unusual words being supplied, also the abolition of distinct grammar papers, although questions on syntax and accidence will be set in connection with the translation papers: further, one of the Synoptic Gospels is Greek, is now proposed as an alternative to one of the Synoptic Gospels, together with the Acts of the Apostles in English, and logic is included amongst the optional subjects in part iii. These proposals are embodied by the Council in five graces. It is on the second of these, which deals with the question of compulsory Greek, that attention will be centred.

LONDON.-Sir Michael Foster has consented to offer him. self for re-election to the next Parliament as member for the University of London. He seeks re-election as a representative of science and higher education; if re-elected he committee, with Sir Thomas Barlow as chairman, has will take his seat as a member of the Liberal Party. A been formed to promote his election. This committee comprises graduates belonging to different political parties who are supporting Sir M. Foster on the ground of his many public services and in the belief that his special knowledge will continue to prove of great value to the House of Commons.

OXFORD.-Mr. George Longstaff, New College, has presented 50l. to the Hope Department of Zoology, and has offered to provide an extra assistant in the department for the years 1905 and 1906.

A SHEFFIELD gentleman, who does not wish his identity to be disclosed, has, says the Sheffield Telegraph, intimated in connection with the Sheffield University movement that he is prepared to subscribe 10,000l. towards the endowment fund, provided four other sums of 10,000l. are contributed. As an alternative, he is willing to give 5,000l. provided nine similar donations are promised. either condition a sum of 50,000l. would be raised, and, roughly, this is the amount still required to complete the



Ar a public meeting held under the auspices of the University of Leeds on February 6th, Mr. Alfred Mosely, C.M.G., gave an address on "Some Lessons learned by the recent Mosely Commission of Educationists to the United States."

In the course of his remarks he said: Much remains in

England to be done so that she may be brought into line with the United States and Germany in the matter of education. In America the people realise that if the nation is to be made and saved it must be through the medium of education. The time has come for us to reconsider our position, and above all to realise that the Board schools and the primary schools are but the prelude to secondary education, which in the United States has made such satisfactory strides as it has also in Germany. The great difference in the education of the United States and that in our own country is the appreciation there of everybody, from the highest to the lowest, of the value of education. The Government has realised its obligations, and private citizens pour out their money like water. The University at Chicago, for instance, has been built up through the liberality of one man, who has given millions of pounds sterling. Why is there not the same spirit in England?

THE current number of the Quarterly Review contains an article entitled The Direction and Method of Education." The writer passes in review many of the official publications of the English Board of Education and the

Scotch Education Department, Prof. Sadler's report on secondary education in Liverpool, and other publications. Men of science would do well to note what is given as the sum and substance of official activity in education since the passing of the recent Education Act. The writer says, "If we were asked to describe in one word the whole tendency of English education as manifested at the present time, we should speak of a humanistic renaissance.' And again later," English education, we believe, is working round to the humanistic ideal." Literary studies are included in every satisfactory scheme of elementary and secondary education, and the man of science recognises fully the value of the humanities in the work of schools and colleges. But whatever "humanistic renaissance' there may be dawning upon the world of education, it is to be hoped that the danger of a return to the conditions of fifty years ago, when instruction in the methods of science was unknown in our schools, and no opportunity to become acquainted with natural objects was offered, will be borne in mind by all education committees and other authorities.

THE Hon. Maude Lawrence has been appointed to a newlyestablished post of Chief Woman Inspector under the Board of Education. Miss Lawrence will direct a staff of women inspectors of special qualifications and varied experience, who will assist the Board in dealing with many questions for the treatment of which they have hitherto been somewhat imperfectly equipped. Instruction in various domestic subjects, such as needlework, cookery, laundry work, household management, and hygiene, has for some time past been given under the regulations of the Board for schools of different grades. But the report of the InterDepartmental Committee on Physical Deterioration points to the need of a reform in the methods now commonly employed in the teaching of these subjects. It is considered that this instruction has been less effective than it should have been, because it has been too theoretical and has not been kept sufficiently in touch with the needs and habits of daily life. The new branch of the inspectorate will be employed to assist local authorities in providing, as part of their educational system, ample opportunities for girls of various ages to obtain a training for home life simple, practical, and adapted, where necessary, to the special c.rcumstances of each locality. There are also many questions of importance involving the national physique, as affected by the studies, the life, and the treatment of children, and especially of very young children, from day to day in elementary schools, which women inspectors are specially qualified to investigate and to advise upon.

THE Council of the Association of Technical Institutions has published its report of an inquiry, undertaken in May, 1904, as to the conditions of admission to evening classes in technical institutions and evening continuation schools throughout the country. The council considers that the returns and expert opinions recorded in this report justify the following conclusions:-(1) That it is undesirable to establish any general system of free admission to evening


continuation schools, or of free admission or admission at specially reduced fees to evening classes in technical institutions. (2) That it is unnecessary to grant entirely free admission, to evening classes in technical institutions, to any special class or body of students or workers engaged in skilled industries, such as apprentices or persons under twenty-one years of age. (3) That there is need for the establishment in all technical institutions of sufficient" free studentships" or scholarships to secure the admission of all qualified and deserving students who are unable, by reason of their limited means, to pay the usual class fees without more sacrifice than should reasonably be expected of them. The plan to secure information adopted by the council was to issue a letter and form of inquiry to the education authorities and technical institutions throughout the United Kingdom asking for information as to the existence of the following conditions of admission to evening classes: (a) entirely free, (b) at less than normal fee, (c) by scholarships, (d) by arrangement with employers. Replies were received with reference to sixty evening continuation school areas and from eighty-three technical institutions. Of the technical institutions, fifty-five are not

in favour of free admission, and one only in favour of it. The remaining institutions gave no definite answer. Thirty-eight education committees are against free admission to evening continuation schools, two are in favour of it, sixteen expressed no opinion, and four suggest scholarships.



Royal Society, November 24, 1904.-"The Flow of Water through Pipes.-Experiments on Stream-line Motion and the Measurement of Critical Velocity," By Dr. H. T. Barnes and Dr. E. G. Coker. Communicated by Prof. Osborne Reynolds, F.R.S.

In a brief note published in the Physical Review (vol. xii. P. 372, 1901), the authors described a thermal method of observing the change from stream-line to eddy motion for water flowing through pipes of different diameters.

The impossibility of heating a column of water uniformly throughout while flowing in stream-line motion has been previously observed. It was shown that, when water is heated electrically while flowing through a tube of two or three millimetres diameter by a central wire conductor, the heat is carried off by the rapidly moving stream, which forms a cloak of hot water around the wire, and leaves the walls of the tube almost entirely unheated.

The change from stream-line to eddy motion can be very clearly observed in a tube heated on the outside, since the temperature of the emerging stream immediately increases when the flow rises above the critical point. The point of change is very sharp, and the disappearance of the streamlines instantaneous.

It is clear from a study of the work of Osborne Reynolds that the change from stream-line to eddy motion may take place within a wide range of velocities. Critical velocity is measured in two ways: either by observing the velocity at which the stream-lines break up into eddies, or by obtaining the velocity at which the eddies from initially disturbed water do not become smoothed out into streamlines in a long uniform pipe. The first change may be at any velocity within certain limits depending on the initial steadiness of the inflowing water, while in the second, the change can take place at only one velocity.

Osborne Reynolds's experiments were carried out by the method of colour bands in a long rectangular tank. By using a very much larger tank under a high head of water the authors were able to obtain a higher degree of steadiness than was obtained in the comparatively small tank used by Reynolds. A large number of experiments were obtained, an account of which forms the main part of the present paper.

Briefly, the result of the work may be summarised as follows:

(1) The attainment of exceedingly high velocities of stream-line flow for certain sizes of pipes fed by perfectly quiet water under a high head.

(2) The re-formation of stream-lines in certain cases after eddies had formed, with a subsequent breaking up of the stream-lines at a very much higher velocity.

(3) A small divergence from the law of the change in viscosity with temperature for the upper-limit of stream

line flow.

(4) A verification of the viscosity temperature law for the lower-limit of stream-line flow by separate methods.



January 19." Further Histological Studies Localisation of Cerebral Function.-The Brains of Felis, Canis, and Sus compared with that of Homo." By Dr. A. W. Campbell. Communicated by Prof. Sherrington, F.R.S.

This addendum to a work on cerebral localisation, presented by the same author to the Royal Society in November, 1903, aims at elucidating certain obscure functional analogies and structural homologies pertaining to the brain.

The points emphasised are as follows:-Giant cells characterise the cortex of the lower mammalian cruciate zone, and this represents the motor area, as defined by Profs. Sherrington and Grünbaum in the anthropoid ape,

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