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the indolent and inert, and who rejoicing in all that can benefit mankind, are ever in the van of improvement, bringing knowledge and science to the doors of their neighbours, and spreading their blessed influences through the vales and wastes of the land. The small, peaceful, agricultural town of Alnwick has had the advantage for many years of the residence of an individual among its inhabitants, whose delight has ever been in making known discovery and diffusing information, and by means of his printing-press causing knowledge to run to and fro, and be increased. The works we have placed at the commencement of these remarks are some among numerous attestations of their truthfulness. They are valuable and useful expositions. The "Ready Reckoner" shows the value of goods of any weight or measure from one fourth to fifty thousand, at the various prices from one farthing to one pound; contains tables of weights and measures, interest, commission, discount; the respective value of the coins of the various countries of the world; also those of more ancient times, Roman, Grecian, and Jewish, a perpetual Calendar, Time table, and various useful memoranda. The "Universal Measurer," designed for the use of Builders, Farmers, Surveyors, Mechanics, Cattle dealers, contains accurate tables of Lineal, Square and Solid measure, Land Measure, and new tables for finding the weight of Cattle by measurement. Both works are stereotyped, printed and published by the respected individual whose name they bear.

Hymns in Prose, for Children. By Mrs Barbauld. pp. 36. Alnwick, W. Davison.

A MORE noble, pure and holy gift was never bestowed upon childhood than this collection of Hymns. Many a young heart has responded to the soul-elevating sentiments they breathe, many a passage in after life has been cheered and hallowed by the remembrance of these songs of the bygone spring time of existence. In all our families copies should be found, in all our Sunday Schools should it form a standard work. There have been many editions published, some we are grieved to say mutilated of the fair proportions of the original, by the omission of several hymns. They spoke of reverencing human nature; and there are creeds and churches which not only do not reverence but which disparage and despise it, and to fit the work in any measure for a Calvinistic land, this purgation was, it is presumed, deemed requisite. The edition we now notice is accurate and excellent. It is printed in good type, and is

embellished by a considerable number of wood-cuts; but nevertheless the price is very moderate, much more so then many editions far less attractive. The original preface of the accomplished Authoress is wisely prefixed. It states the object she had in view in the composition of the work :

"The pecular design of this publication is to impress devotional feelings as early as possible on the infant mind; fully convinced, as the Author is, that they cannot be impressed too soon, and that a child, to feel the full force of the idea of God, ought never to remember the time when he had no such idea; to impress them, by connecting religion with a variety of sensible objects, with all that he sees, all he hears, all that affects his young mind with wonder or delight; and thus by deep, strong, and permanent associations, to lay the best foundation for practical devotion in future life. For he who has been early accustomed to see the Creator in the visible appearances of all around him, to feel His continual presence, and lean upon His daily protection, though his religious ideas may be mixed with many improprieties, which his correcter reason will refine away, has made large advances towards that habitual piety without which Religion can scarcely regulate the conduct, and will never warm the heart."

The Variations in the Church Established by Law, as traced in her past history and present condition, shewing the diversities of faith compatible with the writings of her Prelates and Clergy. pp. 85. London, Ward

and Co.


WHAT is the usual plea advanced in favour of a Church established, patronized, and endowed by the State? Is it not that it presents a legal buttress against error in religion, that it shuts out heresy and schism? What are the Acts of Uniformity by which such a Church is commonly bolstered up? Are they not devised “to prevent diversities of faith ?" What is the avowed purpose of requiring from its ministers " feigned assent and consent" to thirty-nine Articles, but to ensure that Uniformity? If therefore instead of Uniformity there be nonconformity, if " unfeigned assent and consent" to thirty-nine Articles, Homilies and Common Prayer Book be "impossible," and "latitude in subscription" be "absolutely unavoidable," if designed to "prevent diversities of faith" it generates and allows them, if in lieu of excluding heresy and schism they flourish rank within her pale, if the professed bulwark against error be breached, and error sits ensconced in Episcopal state withal, where is its worth, its vitality, or power for good? It is weighed in the balances of its own pretensions and found wanting. It mocks its pride of place by its own untruthfulness. It may be a creature, a thrall of the state, the ready agency of political corruption and mis

rule, but lacking the accomplishment of its avowed objects it should be discarded, and its millions applied to other and more rightful uses.

That such is the condition of the Church of England, the Author of this interesting publication has incontestibly shown. No weathercock on steeple has been more variable than the Church it crowned. From Roman Popery to Calvinism, and from Calvinism to Laudism, and from Laudism to Sabellianism, and from Sabellianism to Paleyism, and from Paleyism to Evangelicalism, and thence to Puseyism, and all occurrent, and it may be, with thousand modifications, additions and subtractions, coincident in a Church established "to prevent diversities of faith," presents a strange and Babel discord. The trumpet giveth forth an uncertain sound. The Oracle utters diverse and contradictory counsels. Confusion of tongues there is, yet all professing to be moved by the same Holy Spirit!

The Author cites indisputable authority in attestation of his various averments. His witnesses are the unchallenged writings of the Clergy and Prelates of the Church established by Law. They show "variations" of opinions the most extraordinary and flagrant as emanating from professed "Uniformity of faith," reminding us strongly for our consolation and hope in the future, of the words of that Saviour who declared "My kingdom is not of this world," "Call no man your Father upon the earth, for One is your Father, even God, and all ye are brethren," "Call no man your Master upon earth, for one is your Master even Christ:"—"A kingdom divided against itself cannot stand."

The self-sacrificing zeal of our pious Forefathers, and the Duty of Unitarians to be faithful to the trust they have bequeathed. A discourse by Edmund Kell, M.A. pp. 24. London, John Mardon; Thomas Millard.

THIS is the earnest and heartfelt tribute of a faithful Christian Minister to the labours, character, and memory of a venerable father in Israel, who also, in his day and generation, was "faithful found among the faithless." It was occasioned by the decease, in a good old age, of the Rev. W. Hughes of Widcombe, and was preached in the Chapel at Newport, in the Isle of Wight, by the excellent and indefatigable Pastor of the Congregation. In the "Christian Pilot," of February, pp. 42-43, we recorded the death of Mr. Hughes, and gave a passage from this funeral discourse. We are glad the whole sermon has been published. It is


richly deserving of perusal. It treats of a great theme, and it is ably discussed. Honour is rightly and deservedly given to those who have stood in the breach between truth and error, battling valiantly for Christian purity. Controversy is judiciously pointed out as one essential agency in the evolvement and dissemination of truth, whilst the moral and religious ends, to which it and every human instrumentality should tend, are enforced with clearness and efficiency.

"The self-sacrificing zeal of our pious Forefathers" deserves to be pondered by all members of our Churches. People, no less than Pastors, may learn good and righteous lessons in the study. "To the trust they have bequeathed" the present generation should strive to prove faithful. Those stood in the van, these should not be laggards; the forefathers braved obloquy, peril, and persecution in behalf of God and of Christian truth, the descendants should scorn conformity to worldly fashion, and think little of the comparatively trifling obstacles which hedge their profession of conscientious religious convictions. The ancestors did their duty nobly, generously, disinterestedly, by truth, and us, in bequeathing structures in which our worship might be offered to the Father of spirits; those now enjoying their bounty should see to it, that they deal as righteously by those who are to come after them, by the erection of Houses of Worship more corresponding to the greater freedom they possess, better calculated to call attention to their Christian faith, and enduring monuments to posterity of their "self-sacrificing zeal."


JUNE, in happy seasons, is a fine month. The hedges are now in full green, the hawthorn blossoms, in the North, scent the air during the early part of this month. The oak spreads its amber leaves, the ash, the maple, beech, and sycamore their pleasing vestures, and the dark firs are enlivened by the fresh green of their young shoots. The horse-chestnut now presents a gorgeous appearance with abundant pyramids of flowers; but our select Botanical list is necessarily so long this month that we must not dilate here.

The birds now hatch their eggs, and the young ones make their appearance. It is excusable perhaps to take a few eggs out of the nests of some of the more destructive birds, to prevent their too rapid increase, but scarcely any one can walk the fields or woods this month, without having his feelings tortured, by observing the wanton pain which is inflicted by boys in robbing birds of their young

broods, and practising upon the latter the rudest cruelties. It is the sacred duty of parents to endeavour to infuse correct principles and feelings into the minds of their children on this subject, and to point out to them the barbarity and wickedness of outraging Nature in her sweet seasons and lovely solitudes, by the infliction of agonies on the dear creatures of God, that fill the woodlands and the fields with melody and joy, and form part of that vast and glorious arrangement by which a gracious God in condescension to man, and in order to win him to goodness, makes

"all nature

Beauty to his eye or music to his ear."

The rural occupation of Hay Harvest begins, and that of Sheepshearing ends this month. Fishermen are seen ranging up the banks of rivers and streams. Most fresh water fish are now in season and will bite eagerly. Fly fishing, for trout especially, is generally good, and the angler's rambles become now a source of pleasure and even joy to him if he have a heart in unison with nature. As he wanders in his vocation, the birds "sing sweet on ilka spray," the flowers perfume the air, the vicinity of the well loved streams is refreshing to him, and if he has a listening mind, he may hear the voice of Nature's God whispering to him out of the scene, "My Son, give me thine heart."

Amongst the flies used by the angler, one of the most interesting in its perfect state is the Ephemera Vulgata, which in the North appears about the 4th, and continues in succession nearly a fortnight. It emerges from the water where it passes its aurelia state about six o'clock in the evening and dies about eleven o'clock the same night. The angler's flies this month are as follow, viz: from the 1st to the 24th, the green drake and stone fly; from the 12th to the 24th, the gray drake and the owl fly, late at night; a purple hackle a gold twist hackle, a flesh fly, the peacock fly, or brown gnat, the ant fly, grasshopper and black gnat.

In fine seasons the full luxuriance of Summer flowers is now displayed in the Gardens; a few however of the truly solstitial plants have not yet opened. Roses are now, if the season be genial, in their prime. This great ornament of our gardens has often furnished inspiration to the poets.

G. B.


The figures at the end of names of Trees and Plants signify the number of Months' duration.

CLASS II.-Order 1. Cercœa Lutetiana, Common Enchanter's Night Shade, moist shady places, 7. Veronica Beccabunga, Brook Lime, ditches, 8. Penguicula Lusitanica, Pale Butterwort, bogs near the sea, 7. Utricularia Vulgaris, Great Bladderwort, ditches and stagnant pools, 7. Salvia Verbenaca, Wild English Clary, in stony places, 10.

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