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the following day. When I was about to call on him at the hospital, I met Mr. Sandford, who told me that P. M. had had a bad night; that he had been delirious, and that I had better postpone my visit. I called on him on the 11th; and he died the same night, as stated. His career as a Christian had been short, but not without marked evidence that the Holy Ghost had commenced in him a good work. He was permitted to confess a good profession before many witnesses, whilst in prison, and afterwards. He died at the age of about 18 years. The Lord has removed him

from the evil to come.

Enquirers under instruction.

I have now three sons of Abraham under instruction: Rabbi Jacob Joseph, from this place, 34 years of age; Solomon Löb, of the sect of the Chasidim, from Safet; and Rabbi Elijah Shufami. Three very interesting characters. I consider it, indeed, a high privilege to be permitted to speak to them of the Saviour of their souls. As they are all three almost of the same age, and understand the Hebrew language, I can take them together at the same time, to read with them; and I feel, whilst reading with them the oracles of God, that the spirit of the Lord is moving amongst us. O, for more faith in the promises of God!" All Israel shall be saved."

The Bazaar.-Visit to the Jewish quarter.

There is at Jerusalem a bazaar, or market, covered in, consisting of upwards of 500 shops; here all the necessaries of life are sold. The butcher exposes his meat, the green-grocer his vegetables; the shoe-maker, the carpenter, the

goldsmith, the coppersmith, the blacksmith, the petty merchant, are all busy under the covered bazaar. Most likely that place had not been cleaned for centuries; the aspect, therefore, was anything but inviting. The present Pasha gave orders for the market-place to be cleaned, for the arches to be white-washed, and the doors of each shop painted. I was struck with the change when I entered the place again; now it is clean and cheerful. There are about 12 Jews who occupy shops in that place. To them I went no the 19th of October, spoke to them, and left tracts with some of them. I met a rabbi, who, I know, is struggling against conviction; I asked him, "how long will you withstand the truth?"

When I went, on the 22nd, into the Jewish quarter, I had opportunity to speak to many Jews. There was a Jew from Trieste, with whom I entered into conversation. He was a Talmudist, and would hear of nothing but of that book; he maintained, that according to the Talmud, God had invited all nations to accept the law, but when they heard what was written in it, they would not. The Jews, however, received it with great joy, and therefore God considered them as his favourites. I reminded him of another passage in the Talmud, where it is stated that God lifted up mount Sinai above the camp of the Israelites, and said to them, If you will accept the law, well,-if not, I will throw this mountain on you, and kill you all;" so that there would be little merit in accepting it in this manner. But you see, said I, how the Talmud contradicts itself, neither the one nor the other statement is true. I invited him to read the Scriptures, and search and see whether the Mes


siah had not already come; and if this were the case, how necessary for him, as well as other Israelites, to believe in him. He and many others promised to call on me.


Visits from Jews.

I have been visited, during October, by 13 Jews, to each of them I pointed out the way of salvation through Christ Jesus our Lord. It is not in every instance the desire to hear the Gospel that brings them under my roof. Thus, one called to beg of me a book on Geography, because some Jews had arrived from Egypt who had been in Abyssinia, where they said they had found a large country inhabited only by Jews, who had their own king and their own government; he wished to see if anything of that kingdom were mentioned in books on geography. gave him the wished for book, but told him of a heavenly country, spoke to him of the kingdom of Christ, and pointed out to him the entrance through the blood of the Messiah. Another Jew called on me, because he had some things for sale; I asked him whether he took as much care of his soul as he seemed to take of his body. He told me, then, a long and doleful history, how that he had been a rich man in Prussia, but had lost all by oppression, and had fled to the holy city to obtain rest for his troubled soul. I directed him to Christ, where he would find rest. Again, another called, who had lately arrived from Wilna, a dentist; he begged me to recommend him to my friends. Whatever cause brings them to me, matters little; they hear the gospel of salvation.


THE following narrative of a young Jewess, at the above-named place, will interest our readers. Let her have an interest in their prayers. The trials of the young inquirer, illustrated in the case of this daughter of Israel, are such as many are called to endure. They have often to forsake father, mother, and kindred, in order to become disciples of Christ.

Mr. Moritz, the Society's missionary in Sweden, writes :

Miss Fanny Lehmann, a young lady of fifteen years of age, whose father is one of the richest Jews here, concerning whom I reported in my letter of March 31st, that she had been ill-treated by her parents for her attachment to the Saviour, called on me, on Tuesday the 9th instant, and told me that she wished to become a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ; but her parents had illtreated her on that account, and forced her to go to Dr. Heinemann, in order to be instructed in the Jewish religion, and confirmed by him. She felt, however, such pangs of conscience for it, especially as his instruction was quite opposed to the truth as it is in Christ, that she was quite miserable, and desired me to inform her what to do.

I examined her strictly as to the motives which prompted her to become a Christian, as her Biblical knowledge of Christianity was yet very imperfect; and after I was satisfied that she really had been enlightened, by the Holy Spirit, to see her lost state by nature, and that she could only be saved by the Lord Jesus Christ,— I told her that I could only advise her, when she

in the afternoon had to go to Dr. Heinemann for instruction, to tell him that her heart and conscience prompted her to become a Christian, and that she never would remain in the Jewish religion; if these be the true sentiments of her heart. I also advised her to go home to her parents, and make known to them in humility, but with frankness, her faith in the Saviour, and her heart's desire to become a Christian. I told her that if they hindered her, she must obey God before even her parents, for both the Old and New Testaments enjoin this, and no man has a right to place himself between God and our soul, as every man must give an account of himself to the judge of all the earth. I begged her to pray for peace from the Saviour to strengthen her to make this confession, and promised her that I would assist her with my prayers, that she may remain constant and firm after she had made this confession; and exhorted her, in case her parents did treat her ill on account of it, to bear it with patience and resignation, remembering what the Saviour had suffered for her. I said that in case her parents should cast her out of the house for her steadfastness and attachment to Christ, I trusted, I should be able to find some friends for her, who will protect and assist her. But it would be well for her own soul, and an evidence of her sincerity, both to me and my few Christian 'friends, if she, by this, proves the reality of her faith; and she might, by this means, encourage two or three other young Jewesses, who are in the same predicament, also to step forward and make a confession of the Saviour.

She then left me, grateful for what I had told her, and with the resolution to follow my advice.

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