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Body, nor the Laws by which they act, what they are doing, nor which of them prevails to interpofe by Force among them.. Such must frequently thwart and oppofe the Course they naturally take to cure us, weaken, or bind the Hands of thole who are affifting us; and ftrengthen or arm thofe who are deftroying us.

The Circulation of the Blood, though it admit of ocular Demonftration, was not discovered till very lately. And tho' the first who thought of it was one of the greateft in the Faculty, he was fcarce able to fupport himfelf under the base Treatment he received from his Contemporaries, for attempting that noble Dif covery. Therefore as one who is not of the Faculty, and attempts a Thing of this Nature, must expect to be much worfe treated, and will not be fo able to defend himself by Opinion, Circumftances, or any other fort of Evidence, unless he can prove it by ocular Demonftration (which I hope I fhall have Opportunity to do) and even then have no Advantage by it; 'tis the fafeft Way either to publish it without discovering the Author, which is very difficult to be done, or leave it behind one, thofe Parts which concern the Agents, which circulate the Blood, to the Judgment of those who understand


what Laws Nature hath given Fluids to act by; and the Obfervations which are foreign to that Affair, or the Opinions I have given upon them, to every Man's own Experience,


Harvey, who as hinted above, was not only fure that the Caufe of the Circu-. lation of the Blood was not in the Heart; but is for the fame Agent with our Author, concludes in a Matter not altogether unlike Mr. Hutchinfon, therefore we have thought it not much amifs to cite the Paffage. Exercitat. Anatom. 3tia, pag. 159. "In this Manner I opine, that the innate "Heat (or Blood) as it is the common "Inftrument of all Operations in us, fo is "it the chief Efficient of the Pulfation of "the Arteries, I don't confidently affert this, only propofe it as an Hypothefis, "and would be glad to know what any of the Learned have against it, but with"out Scurrilities, reproaching Language,

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or contumely, and whoever undertakes it "thus, will undertake a Work moft accep “table to me.” See what he means by his innate Heat, in his Treatife De Generat. Animal. Exercitat. LXXI. So here he fays the Blood alone is the innate Heat, or the first created animal Heat.



AN Effay to difcover the Agents which move the Fluids in the Bodies of Animals, more particularly in Man, hydroftatically. Page I Some Pofitions about the Motions of Bodies in Fluids.




The Things necessary to keep thefe Fluids in Motion. The Qualities of the feveral forts of Matter put into the Stomach, and of the Juices fecreted into it out of the Blood. The Corpufcles of fuch different forts of Bodies and Fluids mixed in the Stomach and Guts, will diffolve the Bodies in them, raife Steam, &c. proved by the Effects fuch Mixtures have out of the Stomach. A Definition of Steam, and an Account of


its various Qualities, Abilities, &c. 42 The Agents affigned, which circulate the Blood, fecrete the Juices, perfpire and refpire the Halitus, Sweat, &c. with Reafons for affigning them, confirmed


by Obfervations, Reflections and Deductions.

48 The following Obfervations and Deductions, induce me to believe, that those two Agents are of that Force, which is necellary to circulate the Blood, and that thofe Agents employ their Force to perform that Operation.

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The Contrivance of the Frame, and Dif pofition of the Parts of our Bodies, fitted for fuch Motion by thofe Agents. 70 Voluntary Motion, though not directed, yet perform'd by the fame Agents. 87 Some Thoughts about the Manner of Senfation. The Sides of the greater Tubes, as Guts, Arteries, Veins, &c. compofed of leffer Tubes, their Difpofitions, and Ufes. 98 A Defcription of the Ducts, &c. for fecreting, and the Glands for collecting and difcharging Juices out of the Blood. The Contrivance and Ufes of the Bags, Valves, and Stops of the Stomach, the feveral Parts of the Guts, &c. the Time when, and Manner how those Bags and Tubes are extended or contracted, their Valves opened or fhut, and how they difcharge the Excrements downward, all involuntarily.




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