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carried away by the impetuosity of his own imagination, like Hogarth's madman, who fancied himself a king, he has only attained the summit of his ambition in a dream. But we wish not to speak harshly; “habenda justitia summa ratio est."

Pulmonary consumption is occasioned by the deposition of tubercles in the lungs, and these are at first small grey semi-transparent bodies of variable size and consistence, which, in the progress of the disease, enlarge, become yellowish and opaque, coalesce, soften, and frequently form excavations in the substance of the organ. Now, it is obvious, that when such tubercles are formed, the only medicine that can act as a restorative, must either cause their absorption, or arrest their further progress; and all who pretend to cure consumption, without proceeding on sound pathological principles, act empirically, and, like Swift's Apothecary, pour bodies of which they know little, into bodies of which they know less. But when a being who is near and dear to us is seen drooping on the brink of the grave, without a single ray of hope left to cheer the sinking heart, nothing is more natural than to lend an ear of credulity to tales of marvellous cures wrought by "men of cunning device," and to have recourse, in the hour of affliction, to their charms and potions. But if we will have recourse to nostrums, let us at least be sure that we are in the hands of men who have studied the subject; and thus when Mr John Murray here presents us with a treatise on Pulmonary Consumption but tells us, at the same time, that he has never been "initiated into the practice of medicine,” the truth of which statement is sufficiently clear, from the perusal of his book, would it not be madness to listen to one who thus openly announces his own ignorance? "We do not consider," says Mr John Murray, "consumption, strictly speaking, hereditary; that is to say, however susceptible the system may be to the action of those external agents that eventually give rise to that train of symptoms which ultimately merge in confirmed phthisis; still phthisis is not an integrant part of the native constitution; ' to grow with its growth, and strengthen with its strength.'


deed! We beg to inform Mr John Murray, that the lungs of the very youngest children-nay, those of the fœtus, have been found studded with tubercles, in which cases, we apprehend that phthisis must have formed "an integrant part of the native constitution." Nay, if the learned author will consult the records of the Children's Hospital in Paris, he will find that pulmonary consumption is an extremely common disease among the very youngest children of the working classes. But our limits will not allow us to discuss this subject so fully as we could wish, and we proceed to the next chapter, wherein we find our amateur in medical science reviewing the various remedies which have been recommended by different practitioners in this disease; all of which he modestly insinuates are utterly useless, and quotes, as a proof of the inconsistency of medical practitioners, the following passage from the work of a very eminent physician :---" In ulterior stages, a more generous diet, and even some wine, may be allowed. These, instead of increasing the fever, will often check both." Any reasonable man, nay, the merest tyro that ever officiated at a dispensary, will see that this is a good, and even, from experience, an approved, practice. But Mr John Murray throws himself into an agony of critical enthusiasm, and exclaims---" Tell us, ye who best can tell, can this be compatible with bleeding, blisterings, and setous ?" Yes, Mr John Murray, it is compatible with the soundest principles of pathology. In the early stages of consumption, sinall bleedings will subdue the inflammatory state of the system, and arrest the progress of tubercular deposition; in the latter stages, when the progress of the disease has subdued the patient's strength, generous diet, and even a little wine, may be given with the happiest results.


discovery"—it was "the immediate deduction, ab initio,
from the soundest principles of legitimate science." The
charm, which, to consumptive patients, is to prove a sort
of aurum potabile, is chlorine, commonly known as the
"bleaching gas." Nysten and Fetréart have shown by
their experiments, that the smallest quantity of this gas
cannot be inhaled without exciting violent irritation and
inflammatiou ; but during the ascendency of chemical pa-
thology, water impregnated with it was recommended in
some diseases. Mr Braithwate recommends it strongly
in scarlatina, and Willan, in cynanche maligna.
it is singular, that while Mr John Murray is in the act
of writing a book to prove the efficacy of chlorine in cu-
ring pulmonary consumption, he does not produce the de-
tails of a single case in which it has had a good effect. His
"little volume was not intended to be a display of cases"
nay, those which he might have adduced as having come
under his own immediate treatment, "would be liable to
objection ;" and, moreover, he adds, that he has an “in-
superable delicacy in requesting details of cases from me-
dical gentlemen," so that the testimony in favour of this
great discovery, which is to benefit the human race when
Mr John Murray is quietly sleeping in the churchyard,
is not detailed; there is not a shadow of evidence brought
forward to show what its effects are in pulmonary con-
sumption. It is even doubtful, with regard to the few
cases referred to, and which seem to have occurred in the
practice of the author's friends, whether these were cases
of phthisis at all—and it is not on such slender evidence
that medical men will be warranted in hurrying consump-
tive patients into an atmosphere of chlorine, as live dogs
are cruelly plunged in the Grotto del Cane. Dr Cottereau
of Paris, and Sir Charles Scudamore, have been experi-
menting on the effects of chlorine in pulmonary consump.
tion, and we shall rejoice much if it prove at all benefi-
cial ;-but with respect to curing this disease---that is to
say, renovating a partly disorganized lung---we are afraid
that it is physically impossible to devise any measure that
can have so desirable an effect.

A Dictionary of the Military Science; containing an Explanation of the Principal Terms used in Mathematics, Artillery, and Fortification; and comprising the substance of the latest Regulations on Courts Martial, Pay, Pensions, Allowances, &c.; a Comparative Table of Ancient and Modern Geography; Achievements of the British Army; with an Address to Gentlemen entering the Army. By E. S. N. Campbell, Lieut. 22d Regiment. 8vo. Pp. 284. London. Baldwin and Cradock. 1830.

THIS work is a valuable vade mecum for the young officer; and it will likewise prove a valuable addition to the library of the civilian. The art of war has now arrived at a stage of perfection and completeness, that renders a technical language indispensable in discussing its principles, or describing its operations. In every gazette and history, its terms are necessarily of continual occurrence, and render such a dictionary as the present of the greatest use to the unmilitary reader. The author, although a young officer, has been thoroughly educated at the Royal Military College at Sandhurst, and has had several years' practical experience as adjutant and deputy judge-advo cate to the reserve of the 15th regiment. He has also enjoyed, while engaged in compiling his work, the advice and assistance of several able and experienced officers. In expressing our approbation of the work, therefore, which we do most unhesitatingly, we do not ask the reader to rely upon our judgment alone. The facts which we have stated regarding its composition, entitle it to a presumption in its favour. We cannot take leave of this subject, without expressing our delight at the almost daily But what is the specific discovered by Mr John Mur-rise of the British army in moral worth and intelligence ; ray? He informs us that "accident had no part in the a rise which has not been confined to the officers, but has

spread through the ranks. Our army has never been de- (By the way, this is not the only instance in which the ficient in bravery, but there are persons still alive, who laws of nature generally understood to obtaiu în the other remember the officer of the old school either dissipated quarters of the globe, seem to be reversed in that extraor and thoughtless, or a plodding martinet. The stirring dinary continent it is there that we find quadrupeds scenes of the last half-century, and the establishment of who walk with their tails, and others who have assumed military colleges, have inspired into their successors more the bill, hitherto understood to be the exclusive property active energy, a more manly and intellectual character, of the feathered creation.) The propriety of all these and an emulation to excel in their profession, and in the measures is duly and carefully a 'demonstrated; the quanvarious arts and sciences which tend to perfect and illus tity and expense of food and clothing calculated; the trate it. Some little books, too, which have been pub-time required for the completion of the undertaking as lished of late years, show a growing spirit of intelligence certained: all with the most laudable precision, for the among the privates and non-commissioned officers. A captain is, like worthy Michael Cassio, gratifying piece of news which has lately reached us, confirms the fact. The privates and non-commissioned officers of the 42d regiment, at, present stationed at Gibraltar, have established, under the auspices of their officers, a library, supported by their own contributions, and managed exclusively by themselves. It must contain, by this time, about a thousand volumes. According to a letter which we have seen, a marked improvement has taken place since its establishment, in the habits of many of the subscribers. We trust that the example of the

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* A great arithmetician," domnd radioid a Nay, the rewards which shall be bestowed upon the travellers, if successful, are stated. They are to be “after the plan of those for a north-west passage and north-polar discovery," What these are, we are left to infer from the proposal which immediately follows, that every member of the expedition shall receive so many acres of the lands discovered. We were not previously aware that Captain Parry and his


gallant band, "who smote the Invincibles on Egypt's ice-bergs and receive so many acres of the

shore," will speedily be followed. Our soldiers are true Britons in their attachment to their country, and in cool, reflective bravery ;—why should they not be Britons also in intelligence and moral character? We trust that the foolish prejudice, that any dissipated rascal máy do for a soldier, at once degrading to an honourable, and inducing unfriendly feelings towards a necessary, profession, is rapidly dying away. The honour and the safety of our country are inseparable from the character of her armies.

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The Friend of Australia; or, a Plan for Exploring the In-
terior, and for carrying on a Survey of the whole Con-
tinent of Australia. By a Retired Officer of the Hon.
East India Company's Service. Illustrated with a
map of Australia, and five Plates. One volume, 8vo.
Pp. 428. London. Hurst, Chance, and Co. 1830.
THIS is the
e most extraordinary work we have encoun-
tered for a long time. It is an arithmetical romance, a
mathematical poem,-a- we do not know what to call
it. In its form, it is a piece of stern and severe calcula.
tion; in its results, it is a wild dream of the imagination.

to the Pole.

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might encounter in their way

*J*395, 1309 A

But our ingenious author does not rest contented with
barely making discoveries he suggests means for turning
them to account.
t. We need not add, that his talents for
legislation are quite equal to
those he é has
displayed in his
scheme for exploring unknown lands. One feature of
his plan of colonisation has particularly struck us, as show-
ing a deep insight into human nature and that is, the
arrangement for preserving the morals of the army, by
rigidly prohibiting any intercourse between them and the
'the spirit of the whole work,

There is someth in
akin to some favourite projects of the

the same power


captive of St Helena of mathematical demonstration—the conceptio when the discus.

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same Ossianic mistress agic circle. We have felt not

sion passes beyond


He has served in the Company's army: most probably
little curiosity respecting the author's personal identity.
he is one of their Subahdars, or native officers. He
tells us, indeed, in one place,-
The author has been
converted from Heathenism since his return from India."
He is, however,
Donald Bean Lean,
kind of Christian n after all." At least, he


but a queer



It indicates in the author a fervid and passionate tempera- seems (p.dim.) to mix up the Jog

ment, united to a fancy which admits or retains no im-
pressions but mathematical figures or algebraic relations.
The materials are
are homely—commonplace: meni, cattle,
food, clothes.The combinations are shadowy and ideal
or the
dream's musings of
fever. This language sivours of paradox, but
should seek In vain
in to characterise
adi zm awob radio dos qui

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lis reason for believing in existence of a large river in Australia, shows that he is ét quite e emancipated from his native superstitions. "I feel the strongest conviction, a kind of second sight or presentiment, that a river of the first magnitude will be found in Australia There is somethingmysterions about his history. A native of India-partial to its climate, (for he tells us in

to recommend to the one placed or jailed healthy in the world;


exploring the Tifterior of

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it is the most

to the

worst enemy)

'plan which we'
one of thundering magnificence. It is simply
be placed under the com- to me nothing can

this: One handref the navy. They shall consist of an

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Engfald, I Would "Cherishing tenderly

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of leseren of its names;|

pleasing than Indian name;") esteeming the Indian the nobler race, suggests the he introduction of a law foto Australia, whites, plebeians, shall be prohibited boats, long poles, provisions, seven to to kill the game reserved for the amusement of the Thaiths, s, thirty-one "Hoes, the aristocracy) still' he has a as chosen to end his days in This can only be accounted for by the mortis

shall be prove opphants and camels as England.

and fourteen ponies, or

are equivalent to the above-named

shall be armed with long muskét of burdenThey cations to which the loss of caste must have exposed bith

is something Thexpressibly touching in the idea Methvenerable martyr to conviction, looking back with back with tender mela melancholy to the land of his youth. There is an Oriental grandeur even in the name of his residence Siberian Wilds, near Blackstone Edge." Jobs buds et bas

coats of mail, and in India. shall have oil-skin cloaks to keep out the wet. As they advance from the east of the island towards the west, they shall leave behind depots, so as to as to keep up the communication with the point whence they commence their march. They shall set out at the commencement of the rainy season, because it is only daring the dry seaSon the rivers 3 of Australia" overflow their banks.

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The Child's Own Book. Illustrated with nearly 300 En gravings by Eminent Artists, 12mo, Pp. 360. Lon dong Alfred Miller. Edinburgh: Henry Constable. 18807858 odz enɔdio bun,→

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HOWEVER startling and incredible the statement may appear, we once were a child; and we still remember the ineffable delight afforded us by the perusal of fairy tales, printed on coarse whitey-grey paper, garnished with wooden cuts, folded into a book of square form, (a finy quarto,) and covered on the back with a paper gorgeously embossed with green, purple, and gold. There was Mother Bunch and all her wondrous retinue; Riquet with the Tuft Beauty and the Beast; The Invisible Prince; She, the lovely one, out of whose mouth there | issued with every word a rose or a pearl. Then, again, to descend from our nursery mythology, there was bold Robin Hood, Crusoe, and Goody Two Shoes. A sect of fanatics, worse than any Inquisition, have entered these invaluable books on their list of proscribed works; they have been excluded from the nursery, as if measles and chincough lurked beneath their covers—and the consequence is, that our children have become stupid, peevish irats, and boys of nine years of age have begun to wear eravats The minds of the poor darlings were crammed with the most indigestible food; many hundreds of them caught the green-sickness, from being allowed to read of nothing but flowers and fruits in their seasons; sons greater numbers were rendered bilions for life, by being forced to take premature doses of morality. At last Miller arose a name destined to immortal love and reference in the the nursery---and, despite of the caterwauling of maiden aunts, Sunday-evening-school-teachet hoc genus

The old, familiar stor restored to their due supremacy

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It would have done any one's heart good, who had a heart to do good to, had he seen the jumping, and chuckling, and crowing among the unbreeched academicians, when this goodly little volume was handed into their sanctum, in order to obtain their imprimatur. It is of the true orthodox form--a cube of three inches. The paper and printing are excellent; the three hundred cuts are above all praise. We are credibly informed the "Juvenile Society for the Diffusion of Knowledge” in this city, (a debating society, which admits no member who has passed his eleventh year) have it in contemplation to give a dinner to Messrs Miller and Constable, and present them with the diploma honorary members, as a mark of gratitude these gentlemen, for their assiduous promotion of Juvenile literature, hoe od osi I @portlerique 97.3su eid mot

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Ho bril a visi alten, ni banol ad iw shotborgun terit oft_t བག་ མ་ ༈ 』བ་ The Journal of à Naturalist. Third Edition. London. ale ellet od 101 John Murray, 1830-ibal to 9718 blow denied used seat sus ei si tads only so TAF Journal of a Naturalist has been already favour ably received by the public, and its success is chief) wing to its being one of those works which facilitate the acquisition of scientific knowledge, Such guides are now in general request; and the most talented men in country are busy reducing into popular forms the principles of science, which have hitherto been accessible only to the recluse devotee of knowledge. How far the interests of science may be affected by this kind of levelling system" we shall not pause now to enquire; but surely there can be no reason why demonstrable truths should not be stated to society at large in the simplest and most intelligible p ble manner. nner, The Journal of a Naturalist presents with a clear account of the he most interesting and beautiful phenomena, of nature We cordially recommend it to the attention of our readers, if, indeed, the fact that this is already its third edition, be not recommendation enough.

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Hints on the Planting and General Treatment of Hardy
Evergreens, in the Climate of Scotland. By William
McNab, 8vo. Pp. 40. Edinburgh. Thomas Clark.

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MR M'NAB is an assiduous observer, a cautious and clear-headed thinker. His work contains much truly novel information, delivered with that difdence which always accompanies true merit. It is just such a book as a practical gardener ought to write: it is redolent of the open air. We do not merely read of sunshine and of moist weather in Mr M'Nab's 'pages: we positively feel their presence. We hope that his remarks may be attended to by our landed proprietors, and that the cultivation of evergreens may increase. There is not a bétter cover for game than your laurel; and we know no more beautiful and appropriate ornament to a dwellinghouse than luxuriant clumps of evergreens.

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Brighton!? A Comic Sketch. Illustrated by seven En-
gravings on Wood, after Designs by Robert Cruikshank.
London. William Kidd. 1830.
90 1516 191blo- 11() bol
PUBLICATIONS ↑ of this kind are becoming as frequent
as fashionable novels. { The sketch itself is much like
other sketches of the kind, well enough. The woodcuts
are respectable. The cul-de-lumpe, representing an imp
learning its A, B, C, and smoking a pipe in quiet expec
tation of the gentleman who gallops head foremost over a
precipice towards it, is a good idea.


Ridentem dicere verum
voyel Quid vetat?—HOR. wait buy-

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April 20th, 1790,

Six o'clock, A. M.-Sprung nimbly from my bed, and threw open my shutters. It was a beautiful morning; sun up birds singing flowers blooming-dew glittering. Hurried on my clothes. Took my rod in my hand; threw my fishing-basket over my shoulder, and soon found myself on the banks of the Recollected it was my twentieth birthday,;-laughed to neighbouring stream. think I was so old-determined to correct all former faults, and begin a new life; walked home with the conviction that I should one day be the greatest man in existence deprudine spy to synieur 3481 302 Nine o'clock.Made dreadful havoc at the breakfasttable, sent rolls, eggs, ham, jelly, tea, and coffee, chasing each other down my throat;dad said he was glad to see me so hungry; to my mother about out granny whispered something h, blue eyes, and beautiful complexion talked of Ellen Tracey;dad looked glum; mother frowned; and granny said she was a sly gipsynot worth a farthing thought granny an old bore, Eleven o'clock. Called on Dick Oliver; rode out together never saw Dick so merry met Ellen Tracey; both bowed;our eyes met; never thought her more beautifultold Dick I was determined to marry her, whether dad consented or not; Dick said I was right thought Di Dick a sensible fellow- -knew him to be my staunch friend. to 129d 15 Ibi-9708p sát 6.3 15 620 ps 978 Two o o'clock ck Returned home; found the Honourable Miss Aubrey in the drawing-room-mother and granny in a great fuss was sorry I had come in wished to retreat-stumbled over Miss Aubrey's Japdog dog, yelped. Miss Aubrey screamed mother shrieked granny scolded;wished either them or myself at the devil tried to turn it off with a joke;failed, for nobody laughed; never felt so foolish, or looked so sheepish ;-Miss Aubrey rose to go;-carried



Eleven o'clock.-Laid my hand on some old manuscripts found among them a part of my journal, written man years ago ;—read that which was dated April 20th, 1790 wondered how I could ever have given way to so muc

her lapdog down stairs, and handed both into the carriage. (Mem. Never to call any dog of mine Pompey.) Three o'clock.-Lectured by pa, ma, and granny; Miss Aubrey's charms, personal, moveable, and heritable, drummed into my ears;-protested that I could see no-levity and frivolity as it convicted me of;-thought o thing agreeable about her ;-was told by the whole trio, in grand chorus, that she was worth six thousand a-year; -thought six thousand a-year more than any married man could have occasion for.

Five o'clock.-Dined with my uncle in town ;-a large party, mostly old people,-all upwards of forty ;-not a single topic broached in which I took the slightest interest;-sat at the bottom of the table beside my uncle; -carved every dish for him ;-never saw people eat so voraciously;-had not a moment to swallow a morsel myself;-cut too thick a slice of mutton for an elderly gentleman who sat above me ;-he sent away his plate, and requested me to give him a thinner ;—blushed from shame and vexation, but sent him his mutton, and abun- | dance of gravy;—was asked by my uncle to drink wine; -in filling my glass, gave the elderly gentleman's plate a touch with my elbow ;-plate fell, and deposited its contents-mutton, potatoes, and gravy-in the elderly gentleman's lap ;-thought I should have died, but put on a methodist face, and begged a thousand pardons ;-after dinner, drank a dozen bumpers of my uncle's claret, and then left him and his old cronies to make the best they could of the remainder of the evening.

Eight o'clock.-Went to the theatre;-knew that Ellen Tracey was there with her aunt ;-got into their box ;— Ellen made room for me to sit beside her ;-felt myself in the third heavens ;-would not have exchanged places with the king had he been in the house ;-saw Miss Aubrey in an opposite box;-thought she looked angry ;— did not care;-Ellen looked pleased. The play was " Venice Preserved;"- -saw tears in Ellen's eyes;-thought what rapture I should have felt had I been allowed to kiss them away;-led Ellen and her aunt to the carriage ;— was asked to go home and sup with them ;-scarcely took time to answer, but leapt after them into the carriage like a flying Mercury;-never was in such spirits;—was afraid lest they should think me tipsy;-thought Ellen's hair more tastefully dressed than I had ever seen it ;— how beautifully her light auburn ringlets danced over her dark blue eyes!-sat with them till her aunt gave me a pretty broad hint that it was time to be gone.

Tw.lve o'clock.- An enchanting night; the moon travelling through a cloudless sky ;-composed half a sonnet as I walked homewards ;-passed Dick Oliver's ;—saw a light in his room ;--thought I would call in, and tell him of the pleasure I had been enjoying ;-knew that Dick was my best friend ;-found him sitting over a tumbler of negus ;—was prevailed upon to take some also ;-repeated my half sonnet ;-Dick laughed, but I knew that he was no judge of poetry ;-left him at two in the morning-went home;-got into bed ;-fell asleep, and dreamed of Ellen Tracey.

April 20th, 1830.

my father, and mother, and grandmother, whom I ha long since laid in the dust. Placing my elbow on th table, leaning my head upon my hand, and involuntaril closing my eyes, my past life presented itself to me as long and troubled dream. A melancholy sensation o loneliness stole over me; I felt that the heyday of yout and youthful enjoyment was gone for ever, when 66 Simply but to be,

To live, to breathe, is purest ecstasy."

One o'clock.-Ordered the gig to the door;-wrappe myself up in my great-coat, and set off on my morning ride ;-horse rather fiery ;-determined to sell him, and get another ;-met Mr and Mrs Oliver ;—took no notic of either, but felt my heart beat irregularly for some mi nutes ;-found myself in an excellent mood for misan thropy. When a man becomes the dupe of his own erro neous opinions and false judgments, he very often dege nerates into a misanthropist, eager to revenge upon his fellow-men those misfortunes which he imagines they and not his own foolishness, have brought upon him. Bu it is surely hard to be deceived by him whom you considered your best friend, and to be jilted by her upon whom all your affections had been irrevocably placed. Thought of my grandmother;-recollected that I had often treated her advice with too little deference ;-wished that she were still alive, that I might have told her how exactly we agreed in our opinion of Ellen Tracey,I mean of Mrs Oliver.

Three o'clock.-Visited the family burying-place ;stood beside the tombs of my father, my mother, my grandmother, and my only sister;-did not shed any tears, but earnestly prayed that I might soon lie beside them ;-felt as if all my previous existence had been a blank, destitute of thought and action ;-reflected that the only sincere, disinterested friends I had ever known, had gone down into the grave, and that I was left a solitary wanderer, without a tie to bind me to the world;— ruminated on the deceitfulness of youthful love, and youthful hope, and youthful friendship;-felt at last something like tears trickling down my cheeks.

Five o'clock.-Dined with a newly-married couple ;there was a large, merry party, but the bride and her young husband seemed to be more than merry,—they looked perfectly happy ;-they had known and loved each other from childhood;-almost envied them;-could not help recollecting, just for a moment, what Ellen Tracey once was ;thought the young people very boisterous in their mirth ;

could not bear their lond peais of laughter ;-sought for refuge among several old ladies;-found that they were all watching, with delight, the merriment of their children or grandchildren;-sighed deeply, and contrived to get away unobserved; need not say contrived, for few knew that I was in the room, and none missed me when i departed.

Eheu! fugaces, Posthume! Posthume! labuntur anni.-HOR. Eight o'clock, A. M.-Was awakened from a comfortable Eight o'clock.-Went by myself to the theatre, which nap by the horrid rumbling of a detested dust-cart ;— has always been with me a very favourite place of amuseheard at the same time the horse neigh immediately under ment ;-Lady Howard (formerly the Honourable Miss my window, and the dustman ring his bell with the most Aubrey) happened to be in the box into which I went consummate violence and cold-blooded impertinence ;— ——was received politely, I may even say cordially, by herfelt inclined to load a pair of pistols, and shoot both the self and her husband. Lady Howard must at one time man and his horse through the head; was convinced that have been a decided beauty;-she is, even now, a fine, I should not get the better of the shock for a whole week. | graceful-looking woman. Saw Dick Oliver and EllenTen o'clock.—Sat down to breakfast ;—eat nothing; | Mr and Mrs Oliver, I mean—iu an opposite box ;—did the bread was sour, the eggs rotten, the tea too weak, not think they looked happy ;-felt half angry at myself coffee too strong;-started when I recollected that it was but could not help pitying Ellen ;—did not like the playmy sixtieth birthday;-went to the mirror;-thought it was Venice Preserved." Probably the acting was not there was something wrong about it, for most of my hair good, yet Miss Kemble played Belvidera ;-observed that appeared grey, and innumerable wrinkles were visible on- the ladies never think of shedding tears in a theatre nowmy face and forehead. a days. Did not stay to see the afterpiece.

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They hover round thy lattice,

Like bees o'er honey flowers,

To wile her forth again, who there Hath watch'd for me long hours.

But Fancy-the unkind one!—
Cares nothing for my will-
I bid her bring me joy, and she
Returns with sadness still.

For thy summer look of gladness,
In maiden mildness worn,
She gives the melancholy smile
Of one long used to mourn.

And when I'd fain be near thee
Where oft in bliss we met,

She leads me where I press'd thy cheek
With tears of parting wet.

The world that is around me,
Or that which is within,
Contains no gem of happiness
For such as I to win.

I know it, and I feel it now,-
O! would that I had known
And felt it thus, before I call'd
Thy loving heart my own!

What were all that I have borne,

Or yet may bear, to me,

Had the storm that smote me in its wrath,
Left thy young blossom free?

I dreamt I'd come again, Ellen,
With riches, power, and fame-



In the stillness of eve, when the sun is declining
O'er the bonny bright hills, gleaming red in the north,
When the leaves of the forest all golden are shining,

And odours are breathed from the dew-laden earth ;-~ When the stream of the valley is crimson'd with light, And the foam of its falls, lost in fragments of white, Gleams like stars shooting down through the darkness of night

I waft thee my blessing,

In distance confessing

How the spell of thy beauty descends on me here;
One wish, though 'tis vain,

Haunts my bosom and brain,

And whispers," Sweet Lady! Oh, would she were near!"

When I wander alone in the stillness of even,

When the birds rest their wings in their leaf-cover'd' shades,

And the Queen of the night, as she rises in heaven,

Floods with silver the mountains and fawn-peopled glades:

When the low winds are hush'd, and disturb not a flower, And the glow-worm's pale lamp is alight in its bower, Like a maiden's, to guide her true knight to her tower—. I fancy we meet

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Hearing echo reply—

"Hence, dreamer, away! for thy love is not here!" Then I fly to the pillow, where slumber forsakes me, And mine eyelids close not till the dawning of light, When a tumult of dream in its frenzy o'ertakes me,

And I rise unrefresh'd from the shadows of night; Then I think of the hours which thy presence hath blest, And, as sunlight glows bright on a river's dark breast, Do I woo thee to mine, where, my life-chosen guest, Thy smiles ever move me,

To bless thee, and love thee,

So, believe, in thy absence, to me thou art dear;
One wish, though 'tis vain,
Throbs my bosom and brain-

It is " My beloved! Oh, would she were here!"


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