139 SERMONS AND DISCOURSES. OCTAVO. ............. ........... ........ .......... 2737 Abbot's (Dr. Charles) Parochial Divinity, half-bound, russia, 3s. 6d....... 1807 2738 Abernethy's, on various subjects, 4 vols. sewed, 8s.......... 1748 2739 Adams's (W.) Fifteen, before the University of Oxford, neat, 2s. 2740 (John) on the Existence of the Deity, the Immortality of the Soul, the Authenticity of the Bible, and other important subjects, boards (published at 7s. 6d.), 2s. 6d.................. 1805 2741 Aitken's (W.) Ten on important subjects, bound, 1s. 6d. ....... ..... 1815 Edinb. 1767 2742 Alison's (Archibald), on particular occasions, boards, 4s. 1815 2743 2 vols. complete, half-calf, 12s....... 1814 2744 2 vols. complete, neat, 12s...... 1814 2745 Allen's (Joshua) Twenty-six, on the most important subjects of the Christian Religion, neat, 3s. 1751 2746 Allwood's (Dr. Philip) Warburtonian Lectures, on the Prophecies relating to the Christian Church, 2 vols. new half-calf, 9s. 2747 Andrews's (J.) on the most important subjects, boards, 2s. 6d. 1815 2748 Appleton's (James) Pious Lectures, explanatory of the Principles, Obligations, and Resources of the Catholic Religion, translated from La Doctrine Chrétienne par Lhomond, boards, 2s. 6d. 1794 2749 Apthorp's (Dr.) on Prophecy, Warburtonian Lectures, 2 vols. bound, 5s. 1786 2750 2 vols. neat, gilt, 7s. 1786 2751 Arthur's (Edward) on various subjects, boards, Is. 6d...... 1783 2752 Aspinall's (James) Doctrinal and Practical, a third series, boards (published at 8s.), 4s. ........ ... 1826 2753 Ashton's (Dr. T.) on several occasions, portrait, half-bound, 2s. -portrait, neat, 3s... 1770 2754 Atkins's (H.) on the King's Proclamation for the encouragement of Piety and Virtue, and on the Necessity, Nature, and Evidences of Revelation, new boards (published at 10s. 6d.), 38........ 1823 2755 Atkinson's (Christopher) on the most interesting and important subjects, half-bound, neat, 28. 2756 1782 (H. A.) Doctrinal and Practical, new boards (published at 12s.), 2s. 6d. 1822 2757 Austin's (Gilbert) on practical subjects, boards, Is...... 1795 2758 Bagot's (Dr. Lewis) on the Prophecies, at the Warburtonian Lecture, calf, neat, 4s. Oxf. 1780 2759 Balfour's (Dr. Robert) on interesting subjects, portrait, boards, 2s. 6d... 2761 .... 1819 2760 Balguy's (John) Twenty on various subjects, neat, 2s....... 1750 Twenty-one, neat, 2s. 6d. 1749 (Archdeacon) Nine on various subjects, and Seven 2762 2763 Charges, boards, 3s.... .... 1817 on various subjects, half-bound, neat, 1785 2764 Baylie (John) on the Apostles' Creed (published at 5s.), 3s. 1827 2765 Bell's (Dr. James) before the University of Glasgow, boards, 28....... 1790 .... 1822 2766 Benson's (C.) Hulsean Lectures for 1820, boards, 7s. 2767 Bentley's Eight at the Boyle Lecture, and three on various subjects, neat, 4s. ...... 1751 1815 1712 1723 1735 2768 Berriman's (Dr. W.) Forty, Christian Doctrines and Duties explained and recommended, 2 vols. bound, 68. ............................ 2769 Beveridge's (Bishop), selected and abridged by the Rev. J. Dakins, 2 vols. boards (published at 17.), 9s. 2770 Four, on public occasions, bound, 18. 2771 Billingsley's (John) against Popery, neat, 2s. 2772 Bingham's (Dr. Geo.) with Dissertations, Essays, and Memoir of his Life by Peregrine Bingham, 2 vols. calf, 8s. ......... 1804 2773 Blackall's (Bishop) upon our Saviour's Sermon on the Mount, 8 vols. LARGE PAPER, neat, 17. 16s. ........ ...... .... 1717 2774 Blair's (Hugh) Sermons, complete in one volume, new boards, 2778 5 vols. boards, 14s....... ..... 1824 1781 2775 2776 Blundel's (Thomas) on various subjects, boards, 2s... 1806 2777 Bourn's (Samuel) on the Principles and Evidences of Natural Religion, and the Christian Revelation, 2 vols. neat, 3s... 1760 and on the Parables of onr Saviour, 4 vols. neat, 9s......... 1768 Twenty, on the most serious and practical subjects, neat, 2s. 1755 2780 Bowden's (Joseph) for the Use of Families, with Prayers, boards (published at 9s.), 3s. 6d. ..... 1816 2790 Bradbury's (Thomas) Twenty-eight, concerning Offences, Revilings, and a Confession of the Faith, preached at Pinner's Hall, neat, 3s............. 2791 Brailsford's (J.) Thirteen on various subjects, boards, 1s. 6d. 2792 Brichan's (Dr. David) boards (published at 8s.), 3s. 1807 2793 Bromley (R. A.) on the Consideration of our Latter End, large paper, bound, 2s....... 1771 2794 Brown's (Dr. J.) on various subjects, half-bound, 2s. ... 1764 2795 Buchanan's (Dr. Claudius) Eight, viz. the Star in the East, Jubilee Sermons, the Light of the World, the Three Eras of Light, and the Healing Waters of Bethesda, boards, 3s... 1812 2796 Bulkley's (Charles) on various subjects, boards, 1s. 6d.-bound, 28. ...... .... 1752 2797 Bulkley's (Charles) on Public Occasions, neat, 2s. 6d...... 1761 2798 Bull's (Bishop) Important Points of Primitive Christianity maintained and defended, 3 vols. neat, 12s... ........ ... 1713 2799 Bundy's (Dr. R.) on several occasions, and Lectures on the Church Catechism, 3 vols. calf, neat, 12s. .... ... 2800 Burnett's (Bishop) Four to the Clergy on the Truth of the Christian Religion, &c. neat, 2s. 6d......... 1694 2801 Butcher's (Edmund), with suitable Hymns, 2 vols. calf, 9s. 1798 2802 Butler's (Bishop) Fifteen, at the Rolls' Chapel, fine copy, neat, 4s....... 1736 2803 Calamy's (Dr. Benjamin) upon several occasions, neat, 2s. 6d. 2 vols. calf, gilt, 7s. .... 1704 ........Edinb. 1780 ......ib. 1780 2804 Carr's (George) 2 vols. neat, 6s. 2805 2806 Catcott's (A. S.) fine copy, neat, scarce, 6s..........Bristol, 1752 2807 Chalmers's (Dr.) on the Application of Christianity to the Commercial and Ordinary Affairs of Life, boards (published at 8s.), 4s. 6d........... 1820 on the Christian Revelation, viewed in Connection with the Modern Astronomy, boards (published at 8s.), 4s. 6d.... 2809 2810 Churchill's (Charles), bound, 2s.-neat, gilt, 2s. 6d... 2811 Clagett's (Dr. W.) complete in 4 vols. neat, 12s......... Thirty-three, 2 vols. neat, 6s.. 2812 2813 .... 1817 .... 1765 1704 1720 Eleven, and Paraphrase and Notes upon the first eight chapters of St. John, neat, ls. 6d. 1693 2814 Clapham's (Samuel), selected and abridged for the Use of Families, 3 vols. bound, scarce, 1l. 4s.................... 2815 ..... 1803 vols. ii and iii, boards (pub1813 2816 CLARKE'S (DR. SAMUEL) 10 vols. complete, fine copy, portrait, lished at 17. 6s.), 10s. 6d...................... neat, 21. 2s... 2817 31. 3s.), 11. 18s....... 2818 1732 7 vols. complete, boards (published at 1820 Seventeen on several occasions, neat, 3s. 1724 2819 (Matthew) upon several occasions, with Life by D. Neal, portrait, neat, 2s............. 1727 2820 Clement's (Benjamin) on several subjects and occasions, 2 vols. new half-calf, 5s. Wolverh. 2821 Cockman's (Dr. T.) Select Theological, 2 vols. portrait, neat, 4s. 1750 2822 Cole's (B. T. H.) Sixteen on Practical and Doctrinal Subjects, boards (published at 8s.), 3s. 6d. ..... 1824 2823 Collier's (Jeremy) upon practical subjects, portrait, neat, 1s. 6d. 2824 Cotes's (Digby) Fifteen on several occasions, neat, 2s. Oxf. 1721 2825 Cowper's (Dean) Eight on the Great Festivals, neat, 1s. 6d. 2826 Cruso's (Timothy) Twenty-four at Pinner's Hall, portrait, neat, scarce, 4s. 2827 Cunningham's (J. W.) 2 vols. (published at 17. 1s.), 10s. 6d. 1699 1822-24 1816 2828 Darnell's (Dr. W. N.) boards, 3s. ...... 2829 Daubeny's (Charles) on various subjects, 2 vols. boards, 7s. 1802 2830 Davies's (President) on important subjects, 4 vols. new boards, canvass backs (published at 17. 16s.), 18s. .... 1824 4 vols. new in calf, neat, 11. 8s........... 2831 2832 2s. 6d...... ...... 1824 (W.) on religious and moral subjects, half-calf, neat, ...... .... 1775 .... 1818 1754 2833 De Coetlogon's Portraiture of the Christian Penitent, upon Ps. li, 2 vols. 12mo. boards, 6s......... 2834 Dickinson's (Robert) on several subjects and occasions, boards, 2s. 6d........... 2835 Discourses delivered in the College of New Jersey, with notes and illustrations, a History of the College, and Biographical Notices of Professors Dickenson, Burr, Edwards, Davies, and Finley, by Dr. Green, boards, 5s...... 1822 2836 Disney's (Dr.) vols. iii and iv, 2 vols. boards, 5s............ 1816 2837 Doddridge's (Dr.) on special subjects, published separately, collected in one vol. neat, 4s. 6d......... 1736, &c. leading Heads of Twenty-seven Sermons, new boards (published at 5s.), 2s...... .... 1824 2838 2839 Dorman's (W.) Twelve, upon practical subjects, bound, ls. 6d. 2840 Douglas's (N. of Dundee) Britain's Guilt, Danger, and Duty, boards, 1s. 6d. ... ..... 1795 2841 Draper's (H.) Lectures on the Church Catechism, calf, 3s. 6d. 1799 2842 Drysdale's (Dr.) with Life by Dalzell, 2 vols. calf, 7s. Edinb. 1793 1765 1730 1783 1755 2843 Duchal's (Dr.) 3 vols. calf, neat, 8s. 2847 Enfield's (Dr.) on the Progress of Christian Knowledge, Godwin's on Religious Zeal, and Holland's on the Christian Preacher, boards, 1s. 6d. 1780 2848 on practical subjects, with Life by Dr. Aiken, 3 vols. boards, 6s....... 1799 2849 Erskine's (Ebenezer and Ralph) on various important subjects, with preface by Bradbury, 3 vols. fine copy, neat, 18s. 1763 2850 Evans's (John) practical, concerning the Christian Temper, 2851 Fanch's (James) Ten, practical, bound, ls. 6d.................. 2852 Farquhar's on various subjects, corrected by Dr. Campbell and Dr. Gerard, boards, 3s. 6d. ............. 1792 ........ 1801 2853 Fawcett's (Joseph) at the Sunday Evening Lecture, Old Jewry, 2 vols. boards, 7s. 2854 Fell and Hunter's Lectures on the Evidences of Christianity, boards, 2s.-half-bound, 2s. 6d.-calf gilt, 3s. 6d.......................... 1798 2855 Fiddes's (R.) practical, on several subjects, 2 vols. neat, 3s. 1714 2856 Fleetwood's (Bishop) Relative Duties, neat, 1s. 6d.......... 1732 2857 Foster's (Dr. James) on various subjects, 4 vols. bound, 8s. 4 vols. fine copy, ... 1745 2858 2859 neat, 9s.... 1732 1806 on all the principal branches of Natural Religion and Social Virtue, 2 vols. neat, 5s................... 1754 2860 Fuller's (Andrew) Expository Discourses on the Book of Genesis, 2 vols. boards, 7s.. 2861 Gibbons's (Thomas) on various subjects, neat, 4s............ 1762 2862 Gilpin's (W.) to a Country Congregation, with a few Hints for Sermons, 4 vols. calf, neat, ll. 4s. 2863 2864 1800 practical, boards (published at 10s. 6d.) 3s. 6d. half-bound, neat, 4s. ..... 1817 1817 1810 2865 Gisborne's (Thomas) 2 vols. boards, 7s......... 2866 2 vols. fine copy, calf, neat, 10s...... 1804 2867 Glasse's (Dr.) Lectures on the Holy Festivals, neat, 6s. 1797 2868 Gordon's (Rev. Sir Adam) Fifty-two Lectures on the Church Catechism, 3 vols. new boards (published at 17, 11s. 6d.), 78. 2869 Homilies of the Church rendered in a modern style, 2 vols. half-bound, 5s....... ..... 1817 2870 Gray's (Robert) on various subjects illustrative of the Evidence, Influence, and Doctrines of Christianity, neat, 3s. 6d...... 1793 2871 Gregory's (Dr. G.) with Thoughts on the Composition and Delivery of a Sermon, calf, 4s................................ 1789 ...... 2872 Green's (Samuel) on various important subjects, boards, 2s. 1786 2873 Grove's (Henry) on various subjects, and Tracts, 4 vols. neat, 10s...... 2874 Hardie's (Dr. T. S.) boards (published at 10s.), 3s, Hawick, 1740 1754 2875 Hartley's (Thomas) on various subjects, neat, 3s............ 1755 2876 Harvest's (George) boards, 1s.-neat, 18. 6d. 2877 Harwood's (Uriel) from eminent. Divines, vol. ii, boards (published at 10s. 6d.), 2s. 1813 2878 Hawker's (Dr.) on the Divinity and Operations of the Holy Ghost, boards, 2s. 6d........... 2879 Hawkins's (W.) on Scripture Mysteries, at the BAMPTON Lecture, half-bound, neat, 3s. 2880 (Henry and Letitia Matilda) Sermonets, 2881 Hazlitt's (W.) for the Use of Families, 1s......... |