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9671 Boyle's Lecture Sermons, vol. 2, sewed, 7s.

9672 Bridge's History and Antiquities of Northamptonshire, vol. 1, 7s.

1791 9673 Calvini Opera, vol. 1, continens Comment. in Pentateuchum, vellum, 8s..... ..... Geneva, 1573 vol. 2, continens Comment. in Samuel. etc. 5s. ib. 1617 vol. 7, continens Tractatus Theologicus, vellum, 7s. ib. 1617



9676 Erasmus on the New Testament, vol. 1, black letter, wants title, otherwise large and clean, 10s. 6d.

..... 1765

9677 Erskine's (Ralph) Works, vol. 2, neat, 15s......... 9678 Fox's Book of Martyrs, vol. 2, imperfect at the beginning,

4s. 6d.

9679 Froissart Chroniques, vols. 1 and 2, in one vol. black letter, fine copy, 16s......... ....Paris, Petit, 1530

9680 Hall's Chronicle, black letter, vol. 2, imperfect, 75. 9681 Hesychii Lexicon, Alberti, vol. 2, sewed, 14s......Lugd. B. 1766 9682 Holinshed's Chronicle, vol. 2, containing Ireland and Scotland, black letter, best edition, sewed, gilt edges, slightly wormed but clean, with all the title pages, 15s..


edition, 8s.


vol. 2, imperfect, black letter, an earlier

9684 Leslie's Works, vol. 1, neat, 10s. 6d.........


9685 Lutheri Opera, vol. 5, best edition, vellum, fine copy, 17. Is. Witteb. 1554



9686 Morant's History and Antiquities of Essex, vol. 1, containing the
Hundreds of Beacontree, Leyton, Wansted, Waltham, Woodford,
Chingford, &c. &c. sewed, plates, 12s...........
9687 Patrick's (Bishop) Commentary, vol. 1 and 2, neat, 16s.... 1738
9688 Poli Synopsis, EDITIO OPTIMA, à Leusden, vol. 2, vellum, 10s.
Ultrajecti, 1684
9689 Polwhele's History of Devonshire, vol. 2, boards, 12s....... 1793
9690 Sloane's Jamaica, vol. 2, very fine copy, 21. 2s....................... 1725
9691 Speed's Great Britain, plates, imperfect, 6s.
9692 Stephani Thesaurus Græcæ Linguæ, edidit Valpy (each part pub-
lished at 1. 1s.) vol. 1, part 1, 2 copies, 3s. 6d. each; vol. 1,
part 2, 3 copies, 3s. 6d. each; vol. 1, part 3, 3 copies, 3s. 6d.
each; vol. 1, part 4, 3s. 6d; vol. 1, part 5, 2 copies, 3s. 6d.
each; vol. 1, part 6, 2 copies, 3s. 6d. each; vol. 1, part 7,
3s. 6d.; part 10 (i. e. No. 13), 4s.; part 11, (i. e. No. 14),
4s. 6d.; part 13) i. e. No. 17), 5s.; part 14 (i. e. No. 18), 5s. ;
part 15 (i. e. No. 19), 5s.; part 16 (i. e. No. 20), 5s. ; part 18
(i. e. No. 22), 5s.; part 30 (i. e. No. 35), 7s.; part 32 (1. c.
"No. 37), 95.—Labbæi Glossaria, part 1, 2 copies; part 2, and
part 5, 5s. each.”


9693 Tillotson's Works, vols. 1 and 3, wants the first volume, published after his Grace's decease, 14s.



9694 Aikin's General Biography, vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, boards, 5s. each,


vol. 5 (wants title), sewed, 4s.






9695 Archæologia, vol. 12, half-bound, 12s.
9696 - vol. 13, sewed, 12s.....
vol. 18, part 2, 9s.......................
9698 Bacon's Works, vol. 3, boards, 6s.
9700 Betham's Baronetage, vols, 1, 2, and 4, 6s. each.............................. 1802
9701 Birch's Memoirs of Queen Elizabeth, vol. 1, boards, 7s. 1754
9702 Blackwell's Court of Augustus, vol. 2, boards, 4s............ 1750
9703 Bloomfield's History of Norfolk, large paper, boards, 14s. 1805
9704 Brand's Popular Antiquities, vol. 1, brown calf, 9s........ 1813
9705 Bruce's Travels, vol. 2, boards, 8s.........................



vol. 3, 3 copies, boards, 6s. each.
vol. 5, boards, 9s.



9708 Burney's History of Music, vols. 1 and 2, sewed, scarce, 18s.


9709 Caryl on Job, chapters 22 to 26, bound, 3s. 6d...........

9710 9711

chapters 32 to 34, bound, 5s.

5 last chapters, bound, scarce, 6s.


9712 Clarke's (Dr. E. D.) Travels, vol. 1, plates, boards, 18s... 1811 9713 Collinson's History of Somersetshire, vol. 3, no plates, 5s. 9714 Cook's (Captain) Voyage, in 2 vols. vol. 1, plates, calf, 14s. 1777 9715 Coxe's History of the House of Austria, in 3 vols. vols. 2 and 3, boards, 16s........



9716 Davila's History of the Civil Wars of France, by Farneworth, vol. 2, bound, 78.......... 1758 9717 De Rossi Variæ Lectiones Veteris Testamenti, vol. 2, sewed, 6s. Parma, 1785 9718 Doddridge's Family Expositor, vols. 5 and 6, calf, 12s...... 1756 9719 Don Quixote, in the original Spanish, in 2 vols. vol. 2, 4s. Barcelona, 1704


9720 translated by Dr. Smollett, vol. 1, fine impressions of the plates, unbound, 15s. 9721 Douay Bible, from Psalms to end of Old Testament, 4s.

[ocr errors]

Douay, 1710

9722 Encyclopedia Britannica, 4th edition, vol. 11, part 1, 5s. 9723 Supplement, vol. 2, part 2, 5s. 9724 Encyclopedia Metropolitana, part 1, 4s. 9725 Forster's Journey from Bengal, vol. 1, 2 copies, 2s. 6d. each. 9726 Gilchrist's Dictionary, English and Hindostanee, vol. 1, sewed,


Calcutta, 1786

9728 Gladwin's Gulistan of Sady, vol. 5, imperfect, 3s. 9729 Grose's Military Antiquities, 2 vols. imperfect. 9730 Henry's (Matthew) Miscellaneous Writings, LARGE PAPER, in 3 parts, part 3, boards, 8s.

9731 Linnean Society Transactions, vol. 3, half-bound, 5s.. ...... 1797 9732 Livius, in usum Delphini, vol. 2, calf, 7s............... Paris, 1679 9733 Locke's Works in 4 vols. vol. 2, 3, and 4, half-bound (title page of vol. 2 wanting) 14s.




1777 1796

9734 Lucretius à Wakefield, vol. 1, boards, 6s. 9736 Lyttleton's (Lord) History of Henry II, vol 2, and Supplement, calf, 4s. each....


9737 Macknight's Epistles, vols. 3 and 4, new in calf, scarce, 1. 16s. 1795 9738 Magna Britannia, vol. 4, containing Nottinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Rutlandshire, Shropshire, and Somersetshire, maps, &c. calf, 6s. 1728 9739 Maurice's Ancient History of Hindostan, vol. 1, boards, 5s.



1795 9740 Modern History of Hindostan, vol. 1, part 1, half-bd. 1802 9741 9742 Newtoni (Isaaci) Opera, edidit Horsley, vols. 1, 3, and 4, bds. 18s. each..

[blocks in formation]

9743 Nicholson's Journal of Natural Philosophy and Chemistry, vols. 1 and 3, 3s. each.

9744 Pallas's Travels through the Southern Provinces of Russia, vol. 1,

bds. 6s.

9745 Pennant's Aretie Zoology, vol. 1, calf, 5s..........
Tour in Wales, vol. 1, calf, 98...........

[blocks in formation]

9747 Roscoe's Life of Leo X, in 4 vols. wants vol. 3, 3 vols. bds, 17. 6s. 1805 9748 Stedman's American War, vol. 2, calf gilt, 3s, 6d........................ 1794 9749 Stewart's Works of Sallust, vol. 1, bds. 58...... ........... .. 1806 9750 Sully's Memoirs, vol. 2, bound, 4s........ 1761 9751 in French, vols. 1 and 2, bound, 6s...... 1747 9752 Swinburne's Travels in the Two Sicilies, vol. 2, plates, bds. 5s. 1785

......-• 1718

9753 Tournefort's Voyages in the Levant, vol. 2, 3s.. 9754 Transactions of the Philosophical Society, 1779, parts 1 and 2, sewed, 10s. 6d.

9755 9756

1779, part 2, 4s. 6d. - 1800, 2 parts, 10s.

9757 Transactions of the Irish Academy in 1787, half-bound, 4s. 9758 Vocabolario Academica della Crusca, vols. 1, 5, and 7, sewed, 128......... Verona, 1804


9759 Abernethy's Sermons on the Attributes, vol. 2, neat, Is. 6d. 1742 9760 Adolphus's History of England, vols. 1 and 2, boards, 5s... 1810 9761 Ancient Universal History, vols. 13, 17, 20, 2s, each....... 1760 9762 vols. 15 and 17, neat, 2s. each. 1780 9763 Apthorp (Dr.) on Prophecy, vol. 1, boards, 2s......................................... 1786 9764 Aristophanes Brunckii, vol. 1, boards, 1s. 6d......... Oron, 1810 9765 Aristotle, by Twining, vol. 1, boards, 2s................. 1812 9766 Asiatic Researches, vol. 5, calf, 2s.; vol. 7, boards, 2s.... 1799 9767 Atterbury's (Bishop) Sermons, vol. 2, 2s.... 2$.......... (Lewis) Sermons, vol. 1, neat, Is........


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9769 Bath Letters and Papers on Agriculture, &c. vols. 1, 3, 4, 6, 7,

13, boards, Is. 6d. each.


9770 Bates's Works, by Farmer, vol. 1, boards, 3s. 6d............ 1815 9771 Baxter's (Richard) Works, vol. 5, boards, 3s. 6d. 9772 Beaumont and Fletcher's Works, vol. 8, neat, 2s............................. 9773 Beauties of England, by Goadby, vol. 2, plates, 2s. 6d...... 1776 9974 Beloe's Anecdotes of Literature and Scarce Books, vols. 2 and 4,

boards, 2s. each.

9775 Bennett's Christian Oratory, 2 vols., vol. I wants sheets T and 1811

9776 9777

2 A,


##4 2. vol. 2, boards, Is. 6d......... 1811 vol. 2, bound, 1s. 6d......... 1735

9778 Berkeley's (Bishop) Minute Philosopher, vol. 2, neat, ls. 6d.

1732 9779 vol. 1, boards, 2s. 6d.... 1821 9780 Bingham's Antiquities of the Christian Church, vols. 1 and 3, 2s. each.

9781 Beveridge's (Bishop) Sermons, vol. 1 and 2, 1s. 6d. each; vol. 10, 3s.


9782 Private Thoughts, vol. 1, 1s. 6d...... 1712 9782*Bible, Hebrew, Vanderhoogt's beautiful edition, vol. 2, boards, uncut, 78............ ..........Amst. 1705 9783 Bolingbroke's Philosophical Works, in 5 vols. wants vol. 5, bound, 5s................. 1754 9784 Boston's Body of Divinity, vols. 1 and 2, sewed, 4s. Edinb. 1773 9785 Boswell's Life of Johnson in 3 vols. wants vol. 2, 2 vols. calf, 4s.

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.... 1706 1722

9786 Bragge on the Miracles, vol. 1, bound, 2s...................... 9787 on the Parables, vol. 1, 2s. 6d. 9788 Buchanan's History of Scotland, vol. 2, neat, 2s. 9789 Buffon's Natural History of Birds, in 9 vols., vols. 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, boards, 3s. each........... 1792 9790 Bull's (Bishop) Sermons, vols. 1 and 3, bound, 6s........... 1711 9791 LARGE PAPER, vols. 2 and 3, 9s.;


1711 Oxf. 1779

vol. 3, 3s. 6d.............. 9792 Burgess's Pentalogia, vol. 2, bound, 2s...... 9793 Burnett's Theory of the Earth, vol. 2, neat, Is. 6d......... 1719 9794 Butler's Lives of the Saints, vol. 1, boards, 3*....................... 9795 (Samuel) Remains, vol. 1, neat, 3s...... 9796 Calamy's Ejected Ministers, vol. 2, neat, 3s. 6d.... 9797 Callimachus, notis Variorum et Grævii, vol. 1, neat, 5s.




..... 1713


9798 Campbell's Ecclesiastical History, vol. 2, boards, 2s. 6d... 1800 9799 Carte's Original Letters, vol. 2, bound, 2s........... 1739 9800 Censura Litteraria, vols. 1 and 2, calf, neat, 5s. 6d....... 1805 9801 Charlesworth's Sermons, vol. I and 3, boards, 38. 6d...... 1788 9802 Ciceronis Orationes, Grævii, vol. 3, part i, vellum, 5s...... 1699 vol. 2, part ii, 3s....... 1696 ..Elzevir, 1676 Opera, Ernesti, vol. 3, uncut, 3s. 6d... Bipont. 1787 Opera, vol. 1, russia, extra, 6s................................... Oxon. 1810 9807 Clarendon's History of the Rebellion, vol. 2, part 2, vol. 3, parts 1 and 2, 3 vols. uniform, neat, 6s...........




Epistolæ, vol. 2, 3s. 6d......

[blocks in formation]

part 2, LARGE PAPER, with portraits, 4s. 6d. each......... 1731 vol. I, part 2, vol. 2, part 1, and vol. 2, part 2, royal, neat, 2s. 6d. each.............. 1707 6 vols. with the portraits, fine

impressions, wants vol. 1, 5 vols, neat, 17. bls. 6d................. 1720

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