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"But I can, though, and quite distinctly," interrupted Harry; "what does the ship import?"

"It imports to you much,” replied the fortune-teller; "for you are able to distinguish the figure. There is great confusion on her deck: she has just returned from an interrupted and disastrous voyage: there has been a foul deed done on board-it is murder!"

Harry shuddered as she uttered the dreadful word. "There is a gallows on that hill," said she, pointing with her finger to what indeed looked like that contrivance to stretch human beings upon. Judith continued"Ha! I should know that form! it is an Indian's! it is-it is he!"

Judith dropped the cup, and the pieces jingled on the floor. Another groan, as of one in a disturbed sleep, succeeded. The young men jumped to their feet in an instant, and rushed together to a neighbouring closet. Judith sprang after them-but it was too late to prevent discovery. They dragged forth the half-inanimate body of Quibby, who had escaped from the ship by dropping silently into the water, and swimming ashore. The liquor he had found in the closet proved too potent for his faculties; and it was he who had groaned in the stupor of his maudlin sleep.

"Harm him not !" exclaimed Judith; "but depart, and leave him with me."

"It may not be as you command," said Thomas; "he goes with us."

"Go hence, young men,--but take not him,--nor venture upon the seas with him, as you value your lives. If you despise my warning, beware of the consequences! The fate of Jonah, without his deliverance, shall be the lot of one of you, among the first brood of whales that you encounter; and as for the other-I would, at least, that I might avert the fate of the other for the prisoner you hold must suffer for the deed! Let Quibby go free, and all may yet be well. I beg the boon of you; for, persecuted as he is by those

in power, he is the only person who of late has been kind to me."

"Away!-witch!" exclaimed Thomas, " it is folly to heed you longer; and, but for the passing of an idle hour, we had not provoked you to such silly speech as you have contrived, though but for a minute, to deceive us withal! We part not with Quibby, neither: he has escaped from the vessel, we know—his wet jacket testifies to the fact; and we should be wanting in duty, as well to our captain as to the magistrates of the town, were we not to restore him to the ship."

"Fools that ye are!" said Judith, "to rush upon your fate! Go, then," continued she, as they departed, closely guarding the runaway between them; " and may my malison be upon you-for you are doomed men !

'Mischance and sorrow go along with you!
Heart's discontent and sour affliction
Be playfellows to keep you company!

There's two of you;-the devil make a third--
And threefold vengeance tend upon your steps!'"

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Showers her rich colours with unsparing hand,
Where coral trees their graceful branches fling
O'er golden sand."

National Gazette.

WITH the rising sun the Leviathan tripped her anchor, and took her departure for the place of rendezvous at Walwich Bay. Before her sails were loosed, with extraordinary punctuality as to the time appointed, two boats reached the ship, containing the shore-going part of the crew, of whom we have spoken, accompanied by the captain, who had gone ashore with a determination to be prompt in supplying the place of any man who should unnecessarily linger beyond his hour. He was not a little surprised to find Quibby among the rest; for as yet he had not been missed from the ship. The sulky Indian was duly delivered over by his captors, and compelled to aid in pulling himself back to the Leviathan. The manner of finding him was honestly detailed to the captain by the young men; and every word and circumstance of the fortune-teller's prophecy minutely recapitulated. Good-natured and careless of speech as Coleman was generally,-inspiring life and activity in his crew by his own cheerfulness, he could not resist the solemn impressions that stole over him, upon hearing the circumstances of the interview with Judith recounted.

Taking the cue from the captain, who was unusually taciturn for the hour, the sailors rowed off to the ship in silence; and not a word, except occasionally a slight command from the coxswains, was breathed by the crews. The misty advance of the dawn, and the deep, blood-red, refracted sun, struggling through the thick atmosphere at his rising, were in unison with the chill silence of the oarsmen, which was broken only by the long and measured stroke of the oars, that gave back a melancholy sound, much like the cheerless ticking of a clock in the still hour of midnight. A few sea-gulls hovered over the boats, screaming, at times, loudly and unpleasantly. The scene was painful to all; but nothing occurred to interrupt its awkwardness, until the boats touched the side of the ship, when the men, glad to escape from the unnatural coventry to which they had subjected themselves, scrambled eagerly up to the deck.


"This is any thing but a merry parting," whispered one. 'Long faces are the fashion with all hands!" "It's a bad omen!" said another.

"There must be a Jonah aboard!" exclaimed a third. "True! that infernal Indian is here!" responded a fourth.

The lynx-eyed captain saw his men gathering into small groups about the deck, and conversing in mysterious whispers. The scene at the fortune-teller's was rehearsing among them, with variations and additions, as he judged by the sober faces of the men. An hour's conversation upon such mysterious subjects, at a time like the present, he knew would be fatal to the voyage: for some of the men, unwilling to abide the witch's augury, were already hinting that they would fain return to the shore. There was a movement made by several towards the quarter-deck; and Coleman thought he could read that in their faces which betokened a determination to be liberated from their engagements. The superstitious belief of some seamen is, in fact,

their religion; and its promptings are matters of conscience. The most skilful tact, therefore, is required to counteract its baneful influence over the minds of a crew. The captain bethought himself of an expedient. His luggage was still in the boat alongside, and he hastily called two or three of the malecontents, in his wonted cheerful voice, to jump into the boat and pass up the articles lying in the stern-sheets; while, in the same breath, the mates were ordered to loose the sails and heave up the anchor. This had the desired effect; for the bustle that followed was in consonance with the sailors' notions of the spirit-stirring scene of getting under way. The cheering sound of "Ye-ho-heave-o !" was responded to by the men upon the forecastle, tugging lustily at the windlass; and the men upon the yards began to feel in their element once more, as they briskly executed the quick and peremptory orders of their officers. The captain still kept his eye upon the boat at the side, giving the disheartened men upon luggage duty no time for a moment's consideration.

"Bear a hand there, Jenkins, and pass up the can containing the morning's grog: be careful, man, and don't spill the kritter-unless it be down thy own throat: so!-all's safe !"

The serious face of Jenkins was lit up with a faint smile at the attempted joke of the captain, and he tugged the more earnestly at his work-passing up in succession all the nicknacks and small-stores that had come off in the boat. At last, packed away at the bottom of the stern-sheets, a curious box was discovered, that drew forth a silent chuckle from the men in the boat, as it was lifted up to the captain.

"Aha!" shouted Coleman, as he seized upon the circumstance to say something encouraging to his men, "be careful of that box, boys; there's fun and frolic packed up there; it's my favourite child-and he squalls terribly with bad usage: but a good nurse and delicate fingering delight him overmuch. Come up

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