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und elker (die Form elkers ist genitivisches Adverbium, wie ags. elles, afrs. elles, ellis, engl. else, vergl. Grimm 3, p. 61. 89. 92 c. 187 2c.), f. Richth. p. 703, a, an. elligar (f. Gloss. zur Nialssaga), endlich ags. älcor (3. B. leg. Aethelb. 48) mit der Nebenform ellicor (ellor scheint mehr dem altf. ellior, Schmeller p. 27, b, zu entsprechen). Mehr s. bei Graff 1, p. 236. Schmeller, bair. Wörterb. Bd. 3, p. 48. Diefenbach, goth. Wörterb. 1, p. 37.

S. 24.

Wir wenden uns zu den Bildungen mit lic, welchen A. Substantive zu Grunde liegen, und wir geben zuerst eine Uebersicht von Beispielen aus dem Ags., nachher aus dem Englischen und schließen daran eine Anzahl von Bemerkungen, zu welchen diese Vers zeichnisse, welche übrigens nur einen Theil der wirklich vorhandenen Beispiele bieten sollen, Veranlassung geben. Aus dem Ags. erwähnen wir:

äfenlîc, vespertinus, Ps. 140, 2 (ahd. âbantlîch, nhd. abendlich zu vergl.). andgitlîc, 1) intelligens, 2) clarus, verständig und verständlich. âelîk, legalis, aht. êlîh, nhd. ehelich. ârlic, honorabilis, Cod. Ex. 133, 29, ahd. êrlih, Graff 1, p. 444, nhd. ehrlich, alts. êrlik Ps. 71, 14, afrs. êrlîk, ehrbar, Richth. p. 713, a, med. êrlik, Detm. I, p. 17, 25, Brem. Gqu. p. 113, 25 (angesehen, geehrt); ib. p. 81, 2. 143, 20 (ehrenvoll, ehrenhaft); p. 87, 1. 67, 2. 110, 2. Michelsen 31, 7. 28, 18 (verehrungswürdig); holl. eerlyk, dän. aerlig, schw. ärlig. behôflîc, necessarius. bisceoplîk, episcopalis, bischöflich, engl. bishoply. bismërlic, bis morlic, unpleasant, turpis. bôclic, relating to books. brôdhorlic, fraternus, nhd. brüderlich, engl. brotherly. bro clic, aeger, miser. brydlîc, bridal, nuptialis, afrs. breidelike adv., Richth. p. 667, a, nhd. bräutlich. câserlic, imperialis, ahd. kaisarlîch, Graff 4, p. 527, afrf. kaiserlik, Richth. p. 861, b, nbb. kaiserlich. ceorlic, rusticus; freeborn, engl. churly. cildlic, infantilis, puerilis, engl. childly. cnih tlîc, puerilis, engl. knightly. cynelîc, regalis, cf. engl. kingly. Aelfred Beda p. 20, 15, Leo. cyriclic, ecclesiasticus. cystlic, manificus, nhd. köstlich, engl. costly. cräftlic, artificialis, alts, craftlicô adv., Hêl. 81, 9, afrs. kreftlik,

Richth. p. 879. cristlic, christianus, nhd. christlich, afrs. kerstenlic, Richth. p. 866, a. cvenlic, reginalis, B. 3877, engl. queenly. daedlic, activus, nh, thätlich. däglic, quotidianus, diurnus, nhd. täglich, engl. daily. dägré dlîc, matutinus (über das Primitiv s. Grimm Mythol. p. 709). deófollic, deóflic, diabolicus, Edg. Conf. 29. p. 355, n. 1. dyorlic, deorlic, belluinus. deadlic, mortalis, an. dandlegr, afrs. dadlic, dadelik, Richth. p. 679, a. dômlîc, 1) judicialis, 2) magnificus, beauteous, beautiful, powerfull; A. 1268. Cod. Ex. 228, 28. 229, 8. dreamlîc, harmonicus, Ps. 103, 35 (dreám, m. Jubel, Melodie, Musif, Harmonie). drihtenlic, dominicus, Cod. Ex. 310, 35; cf. drihtlîc. dwollic, haereticus, irrig (cf. Subst. gedwola). ealdorlic, principalis. earfodhlic (f. Gr. 2, 568), difficilis, Egb. Conf. c. 2. p. 345. Cod. Ex. 292, 29, alts. arbidlico. adv. Hêl. 106, 8. easterlic, paschalis. egelîc, êgeslîc, terribilis (s. Anmg. 5). ellenlic, potens. engellic, angelicus. eorlic, nobilis. eordhlic, terrestris, terrenus, Cod. Ex. 117, 29. 108, 5. 25, 25, engl. earthly. facenlic, dolosus. fäderlic, paternus, El. 432. Elfr. Gr. 5, engl. fatherly. feondlîc, hostilis (adv. Cod. Ex. 249, 27). feldlic, agrestris. fënlîc, sumpfig, Weight, Biogr. Britt. Litt. 1. p. 249, 18. flodlic, fluvialis. flaesclic, carnalis, ahd. fleisclic, Graff 3, p. 776, afrs. flaesklik, Richth. p. 745, b. folclic, was dem Volke gehört, volflich. freolic (s. Anmerkg. 6). freondlic, amicus, benignus, engl. friendly, afrs. adv. freondlike, Richth. 767, b. frîdlîc, pacificus. frymdhelic, primitivus. frymlic, id. anfänglich. gaestlic, gastlic, spiritualis, z. B. Cod. Ex. 111, 14. 290, 31. 44, 7. 139, 32. 3, 26. A. 1628, agf. gêstlic, Hêl. 39, 24., afrf. iestlik, gastelik, Richth. 847, a, med. gheystlik, Detm. I, p. 418, 29, nhd. geistlich, engl. ghostly, ghastly. gafollic, tributo sive fisco pertinens. gebeorglic, securus, tutus, Aelfr. Dial. p. 9, 30 (Leo). gecyndlic, 1) naturalis. 2) genitalis, z. B. lîm membrum virile, L. Aethb. 64, engl. kindly (s. nachher). gecnyrdlic, cneordlic, studiosus, z. B. Rel. Ant. 1, 10. gefeálic, laetus, Cod. Ex. 141, 17. gemäclic, conjugalis. gedwy morlic, phantasticus. gelim plic, opportunus, Leo p. 23,


gemyndelic, memorabilis. gemunglic, nuptialis.

Egb. Conf. p. 361. fennt nur das adv.). 127, 21. godlic,

geleaflic, credibilis. geogudhlic, juvenilis, engl. youthly. gerynelic, mysticus. gerynlice sodhfästniss, arcana justitia, gesceáplic, aptus, engl. shapely (Bosw. gielplîc, arrogans, superbus, Cod. Ex. divinus, isl. gudlegr, afrs. godlik, Richth. 780, b, alts. godlic, divinus, f. Schmeller Gloss. p. 47, a, engl. godly. godspellic, evangelicus. gry relic, horrendus, z. B. hleodhor, A. 1551. gydenlic (adv.), vestalis. heafodlic, capitalis, gylt, Egb. Conf. 2. p. 345. 346. heallic, aulicus, pallatinus. hear mlic, noxius, damnosus. hellic, hellelic, infernus. heofonlic, coelestis, El. 739. hlâf A. 389. gäst El. 1145. candel Cod. Ex. 179, 20, loma 180, 24, hleothor p. 181, 22. mid heofonlicum fultume, coelesto auxilio, Wright p. 249, 17, engl. heavenly. hetelic, odiosus, nbb. hässlich, alts. hetilic, Hêl. 128, 24. 132, 1. herelic, militaris. hiwlic, 1) figurativus, formosus. 2) relating to a family, matronalis. ideslic, weiblich (fehlt bei Bosw.). hirdelic, pastoralis. hyhtlic, hihtlic, jucundus, sublimis, Cod. Ex. 352, 1. 374, 20. A. 104. hrâlic, funebris (belonging to a funeral, mournful), afrs. hrelic, Richth. p. 828, a. leâhterlic (adv.), vitiosus. hreóvlic, reóvlic, ruefull, sorrowfull, mengl. rewelich. lenctenlic, vernalis. leólic, leonis instar. leodhlic, poeticus, giddung. Leo p. 23, 10. lichamlic, corporeus, s. Bosw. s. v. luflic, gratus, amabilis, alts. lioflic, lioblic, leoblic, Schmell. p. 71, b.(von lufu, amor; nicht zu verwechseln mit leoflic), engl. lovely. lustlic, laetus; glad, joyful. afrs. lustelik, luftbar, angenehm. Richth. p. 913, b. ôfostlic (von ôfost. B. 510), celer, Beow. 6254. pleóhlic, pleólic, periculosus, Aelf. praef. in Gen. p. 15, Leo. plihtlic, id., Aelfr. dial. p. 9, 30, Leo. regnlic, pluvialis, Elfr. Gr. 9, 28. regollic, regularis. rodorlic, aethereus, coelestis, Leo p. 23, 20. sacerdlic, sacerdotalis. saelic, marinus, nauticus; ofer saelice daelas, Leo p. 10, 34; on saelicre ydhe, Leo p. 25, 24. scarolic, artificial, mechanical (bei Bosw. nur adv.), gomen Cod. Ex. 298, 9. sceamlic, shameful, impurus, turpis. sciplic, navalis. sceondlic, turpis, iniquus, afrs. skondlik, schändlich, schmachvoll, entehrend, Richth. p. 1032, b. lâclic, sacrificalis. lâhlic, legalis, altengl. la

welich. liflic, vivus, engl. lively. manlic, virilis, engl. manly. mägdenlic, virgineus, engl. maidenly. middaneardlic, middan geardlîc, mundanus. mihtlic, possibilis. moderlic, maternus, engl. motherly. môdlice, audacter (bei Bosw. und Rorpe Anall. s. v. nur adv.), afrs. modlik, Richth. p. 932, a. mônelic, lunaris. morgenlic, matutinus, tid, Leo p. 25, 34. munu clic, monasticus, abb. munihlîh. mynsterlic, monasterialis. mynelic (von myne m. intentio. Beow. 337. 5141. Cädm. 111, 25), memorable, Cod. Ex. 318, 25. nihtlic, nocturnus, engl. nightly. stowlic, localis; nama, Elfr. gr. 5. sumorlic, aestivus. synlîc, nefarius (adv. Cod. Ex. p. 90, 26). tallic, culpabilis, reprehensione dignus. teónlîc, contumeliosus, Cod. Ex. 226, 17 (harmful). tîdlic, temporalis. tûnlic, belonging to a town or village. uhtlîc, matutinus, antelucanus. udhwitelic, philosophicus. waepenlic, virilis. wâlîc, tristis, luctuosus. weordhlîc, dignus, honorandus, celebris. Cod. Ex. 243, 11. 6, 12, alts. adv. werthlico, digne, reverenter, Schmeller p. 129, 6. werlic, virilis, masculinus, Egb. Conf. 15, p. 350. wiglic, bellicosus. wîflic, muliebris, femineus, engl. wifely. wilddeorlic, ferae similis, ferinus. willic (bei Bosw. nur adv.), voluntarius, altengl. willy. winterlic, hiemalis, brumalis, engl. winterly. wîhlîc, vino similis, vinosus. wîslic, sapiens, prudens. wôplic, flebilis, causing, weeping, doleful, Elf. gr. 9, 28. woruldlic, mundanus, saecularis, Cod. Ex. 126, 20, afrf. werlik, Richth. p. 1141, b. wraldlîc, ib. p. 1160, b, engl. worldly. wrätlic, mirus, mirabilis, A. 93. 630. 1201. 740. 712. Beow. 1175, 2977. 4341. 4672. Cädm. 196, 27. Cod. Ex. 219, 14. 356, 9. 357, 12; s. Grimm zu Andr. und Elene. p. 99. wudulîc, silvestris, woody, Elfr. Gr. p. 9, 18. ed. Somn. wuldorlic, gloriosus, admirabilis, Cod. Ex. 62, 33. wundorlîc, mirabilis, mirus, Cod. Ex. 56, 25. 223, 14. 365, 18. Aelf. Praef. in Gen. p. 17, 35 Leo. Cod. Ex. 399, 16. 400, 15. wynlic, joyful, Cod. Ex. 82, 30. 85, 8. 194, 9. wyllic, wëllic, fontanus. the arflîc, 1) pauperi similis. 2) necessarius. theawlic, figurativus, customlike, fashionable. thegenlic, fortis, virilis. theo wetlic, servilis. threálîc, severus, calamitosus, El. 427. thrydhlic, fortis B. 5734.

thrymlic, magnificus, fortis, Beow. v. 2492. raedlic, consultus, afrs. redelik, nho. räthlich, Richth. p. 986, b.

$. 25.

Von Substantiven abgeleitet sind im heutigen Englisch unter anderen folgende Adjectiva auf ly: aldermanly, bishoply, beggarly, bodily (altengl. adv. corporaliter, Prompt. Parv. p. 41, b), beastly (altengl. bestly, belonging to a beast, Halliw. p. 168, b), beestely, bestly, bestialis, Prompt. Parv. p. 33, b), cowardly, clouterly (altengl. clumsy, awkward, Halliw. p. 257, b), costly (Dial. Halliw. 272, b; adv. costive), clerkly (adv. clericaliter, Prompt. Parv. p. 81, b), courtly, churly, childly (childish, Halliw. 246, b), dizzardly (foolish, stupid, Halliw. 307, b), doctorly, deathly, dogly, earthly (Halliw. 337, b; erdyly, ib. 338, a, erthely, terrene; erthly or of erthe made, terrenus, terrestris, Prompt. Parv. 143, a, 3. 3), featherly, fellowly (adv. felowly, socialiter, sodaliter, Prompt. Parv. 154, a), friendly (adv. amicabiliter, freendly, Prompt. Parv. 187, a), fleshly (adv. carnaliter, Prompt. Parv. 166, b, 1. fleshly or fulle of flessche (adj.), carnosus, carnulentus, ib. 166, b, 2. 3), fatherly, ghastly, ghostly (gostly, fadyr, Rel. Ant. II, p. 94, 43. 95, 29. gostely adv. spiritualiter, Prompt. Parv. 205, a, 2. goostliche, spiritually, Halliw. 410, b). godly, giantly, heavenly (hevenely adv. celitus; adj. celicus, celestis, Prompt. Parv. 239, a, 2 c., heovenliche thochtes, Rel. Ant. II, p. 2, 6), homely (hoomly, familiaris, domesticus, Prompt. Parv. 244, b; s. Way z. St. p. 244 etc. not. 5. homely adv. familiarly, Halliw, 456, b), kingly, knightly (knightle, active, skilful (im Nordengl.), Halliw. 498, a), lively (s. u. §. 39), lordly (dominativus, Prompt. Parv. 312, b. lubberly (s. Anm. 7), leisurely (layserly, Halliw. 509, b), lawyerly, lovely (lovely or semely, decens, Prompt. Parv. 314, b. Rel. Ant. II, p. 255; adj. lovely or able to be lovyd, amabilis, diligibilis, Prompt. Parv. 314, a), loobily, monkly, motherly, maidenly, masterly, mannerly (manerly, correctly, politely adv. Halliw. 540, a. Rel. Ant. II, p. 223, 36). manly, (1. human, 2. manfully, Halliw. 540, b), neighbourly, nightly, or

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