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officer then laid upon all the men a his reply. a his reply. "And, indeed, I'm glad strict injunction to be silent concerning you've minded me on it; for more'n the events of the preceding night and once I have wished myself well clare' that morning's discovery. Their duty, that same precious packet, that's been of course, was to obey without asking a burnin' my pocket, as one might say. wherefore; "and," added Ben Sparling, These seven or eight weeks I've 'ad it "'twould jest sarve me right, darned stowed away 'ere," and he dived his old fool as I am, for prating like this hands into a deep inner breast-pocket. to you if I was to be paid off, after my "I would 'ave rid myself of it long six an' twenty year on sea and land, ago-for I've sometimes thought as it with a screw o' tobaccy or tharabouts." may get me into trouble if 'twas knowI repeated, with all possible earnest- ed I 'ad it-and p'raps I couldn't do ness, the assurance I had already given better, as I think you're a sort o' chap him, of my perfect good faith, and I a fellow may trust-p'raps I couldn't think succeeded in quelling his appre- do better'n give it to you-allus rememhensions. Of the dead man's compan- berin', ows'ever, your promise to 'old ion, he said, nothing more was ever your gab till you gets leave." heard, and already the occurrences of "By all means," said I, "let's have that eventful night were beginning to fade from their remembrance, under the extinguishing influence of enforced silence.


"Stay a bit," added he, "there's another condition-that you delivers, at the fust hopportunity, the letter I confess I was sceptical as to the you'll find in it; which most likely, authenticity of Ben's narrative. The though I can only make out some of it, cotters at the other end of the bay, he the poor fellow above there," with a told me, had but a vague suspicion jerk of his thumb in the direction of that something unusual had occurred in the grave, "would be glad should the neighborhood, and one or two con- reach them as he intended it for." fessed to having heard shots through Rough old salt that he was, Ben failed their sleep; but the whole transaction to hide a touch of feeling which this had passed too quickly to attract any reflection infused into his words. I of them from their cabins, and they ob- felt that he inwardly honored the man tained no information concerning it who had battled so bravely for life, and from those who were its only witnesses. that if no other requiem had consecratThe presence of that isolated, nameless grave was some corroboration of the story, but still far from conclusive, and I mentally cast about for some means of testing its truth. A good idea!

ed his grave, a brave man's end was hallowed at least by the sympathizing admiration of one honest heart. Having extricated it with some difficulty, Ben handed me the pocket-book, wrapped in a piece of oiled skin; and as it was now getting late, and the relief might be expected shortly from the station, I shook my old friend warmly Aye, aye; there you've it," was by the hand, and once more assuring

"But the pocket-book?" I said. "You told me you found a pocket-book beside the dead man. What has become of it?"



Hawthorn Cottage,

town, Co. Limerick," and as the envelope was not closed I opened the letter, and read as follows::

You may be sure I lost no time in executing my commission of delivering

him that he might depend upon me packet carefully away in my portemanimplicitly, I hurried away to my lodg-teau. During the few remaining days ing in Ballyshingle. Upon examining of my stay at Ballyshingle I paid the pocket-book I found its contents several visits to the patriot's grave, were of a miscellaneous nature, but and endeavored, as far as possible, to the most interesting was certainly the render it more worthy of the dead. letter old Sparling had spoken of. It was enclosed in an envelope, bearing the superscription, "Mrs. E. the letter. Business led me, immediately after the termination of my holiday, to that part of Limerick to which it was addressed. I had some difficulty in finding poor L's friends, for they had changed their abode, but I MY DEAR MOTHER,-At last we have embarked upon that enterprise them-mother and daughter-kindly, was ultimately successful. I found which has long been the dearest object respectable people-worthy, in short, of my hopes, and the proudest purpose of him whose untimely end it was of my ambition. What may be the my sad errand to announce to issue, Heaven only knows. But our them. It was a heartrending scene, cause, at least, is just and honorable, and too sacred for description. He had even should we fail, we will have the evidently been all their hope, and satisfaction of knowing that we struck his fate was the ruin of all their a blow for the dear old land. I write earthly aspirations. A few commonthis in the faint hope that, should any place words of condolence were all I disaster befall us-which Heaven avert! could utter. My promise of secrecy -some one who has experienced as I to Ben obliged me to keep even from have, the tender and trustful love of a them the melancholy satisfaction of good mother and a noble-hearted dar-knowing how their lost one had died, ling sister, may forward it to you, as and where his ashes lay. More than assurance that you need not blush, however much you grieve, for the fate whole story; but I kept my word, and once I felt strongly tempted to tell the of, dear mother, your affectionate son. merely informed them that a friend, into whose hands the latter had accidently fallen, had entrusted it to me for delivery. And then, unable longer to endure the sight of distress which I could not alleviate, I hurried away.


Poor fellow! His half-expressed fears had found a sad realization. He had returned to the "dear old land" only to find a tomb, and now he slept in the rocky bosom of the land he loved, unwept by kindred-mourned A week had not elasped since the only by the "sad sea wave" which event last recorded when, having been had borne him to his doom! With a called thither by professional duties, I feeling almost of reverence I restored was returning per the night mail train the letter to its cover, and put the from Waterford. More than half the


distance to the Junction had been ac-week before-been the reluctant bearer complished, when the train was moved of dismal tidings! While he spoke, to a siding for the purpose of shunting the warmth of the compartment induced him to loosen the muffler about his Drowsiness was beginning to steal neck, and, as he changed his position upon me, when, as I gazed vacantly for a moment, my attention was arrested towards the far end of the compartment, by a dark seam across his left cheek, a face suddenly appeared outside of the now for the first time disclosed to view. window, peering cautiously into the Naturally my thoughts reverted to old carriage. For a minute it seemed to Ben's story of the fight at Ballyshingle, scan me as I lay stretched upon the and as naturally I remembered that, seat, wrapped in my rug; then the face according to his narrative, one of the was withdrawn, and, in a moment after, men who had failed to return to the the door stealthily opened, and the boat had been seriously wounded in owner of the face silently entered. His the face by his cutlass, and had then dress was rough, and seemed a com- fled no one knew whither. My strange promise between that of a sailor and of companion observed me start when he a soldier, with a dash of civilian through mentioned Mrs. L's name, and, it, while about his throat was wrapped a large muffler which partially concealed one side of his face.

seemingly uneasy under the steady gaze with which I regarded him, hastily replaced the muffler which had fallen He was drenched from head to foot, from his face. We both sat silent for and, when he had closed the door gent- a moment, puzzled how to proceed, but ly behind him, removed his cap and an idea just struck me then, which wrung the rain from it with his large suggested a means of solving any doubt bony fingers. Thoughts of robbery as to the identity of my new acquaintand violence shot across my mind, and ance. Striving to appear self-possessed, I was rising in some alarm when my I said I had known some persons of visotor begged of me-in tones which that name in the county-in fact had were certainly not those of a villain-recently visited them, and thought I not to disturb myself, nor be under the least apprehension. Half assured, I did not rise above a sitting posture, but continued to watch closely the movements of the stranger. After one or two commonplace remarks, the stranger told me he was on his way to the County Limerick, and needed some one to assist him in finding a family "And the letter-it contained a who resided there, but whose address he had lost. I inquired who they were. Judge of my astonishment when he mentioned the names of the very mother There was no longer room for doubt. and daughter to whom I had-not .a He must be the companion-in-arms of

could give him their address. As I
spoke, I drew from my breast-pocket
the memorandum-book of poor L
It was now the stranger's turn to start.

"That book," he said hoarsely. "How came you by it?"

"It was given me by a friend," I replied, "not long since, when

letter," he exclaimed with spasmodic eagerness. "Speak, speak, for Heaven's sake-where is the letter?”

poor L

L—, whose mother and sister | its object. In that aim he was supported were now plunged in deepest grief at by the generous sympathy of his mother their dear one's loss. I told the stranger and sister, who, he added, were chiefly that the letter had been duly delivered, dependent upon him since his father's in accordance with the wish of the poor death. The rest I already knew. His fellow who had written it. With a deep account of the fight on the strand difgroan my companion sunk against the fered from that given by Ben, only as partition, as if overcome by some terri- to its results. He admitted his own ble announcement. After an interval party had suffered severely, but he also of utter prostration he recovered, and I assured me that more than one of the then assured him of my deep concern coastguards had fallen—a circumstance for his distress, and my anxiety, if it which probably went far to account were in my power, to act his friend. He for the anxiety of the officer to keep the said he thought I was sincere, and-occurrence from being generally known. even though it virtually placed his life For three weeks after the occurrence, in my hands-he felt constrained to con- the serious condition of his own wounds fide in me. How shall I describe the had obliged L to take advantage of new, heart-sickening surprise, mingled the humble but generous hospitality of with remorse, which fell upon me when a poor family who resided not far from I learned that he who now addressed the bay, and then he set out in search me was R — L— himself! The of his poor mother and sister. Fearpocket-book was his, and so was the ing arrest, in the then unsettled state letter I had delivered. He supposed of the country, he could only venture that they must have fallen from his out by night. He had endured much pocket in the darkness when he bent fatigue and privation, and had several over his dying companion on the wild times narrowly escaped falling into the crags of Ballyshingle; and now his hands of the patrols; but his anxiety dear mother and sister were mourning to reach home without delay was his him as dead—perhaps had already sunk chief concern. under the weight of their supposed be- The rest of my story is soon told. reavement! I could but assure him of We found the widow and her daughter my deep sorrow for the misery I had sadly bowed down, no doubt, but the unwittingly occasioned, and my readi- restoration of him whose loss they were ness to make the only atonement possi- lamenting, soon healed their grief; and ble, by conducting him at once to the I had the satisfaction of seeing complace where I left his mourning rela- plete happiness reestablished in a tives. The remainder of our journey home to which I had, only a week was occupied by a comparison of notes concerning the affair at Ballyshingle, and L's proceedings since then. He told me he had been six years in America, and had entered heart and soul into the perilous enterprise which had the freedom of his dear Ireland for

before, been the messenger of the keenest sorrow. The family soon emigrated to America, and I have an invitation to join them there, of which I may some day avail myself.

I have since visited Ballyshingle, to find it picturesque and peaceful as


ever; but poor Ben was no longer place. Otherwise it was unchanged, there he had died, I was told, the and still the bold Atlantic wave and winter following my first holiday visit wild sea-breeze sighed in concert a -and with him had departed, for me lament for him who slept in THE SEAat least, half the attraction of the SIDE GRAVE.


It is encouraging to note the con- good, in so far as they have publicly tinued success of the Temperance exposed the inutility of such spasmodic movement which, in its latest phase, has antics, and demonstrated that the unoutstripped any previous efforts in the ruly appetites of men are not to be same direction. The task of protect- ordered and restrained by merely ing society from the evils of intemper- sensational agitation. Archbishop Purance has been undertaken with an cell recently spoke some plain words energy and earnestness that promises on this subject, and excited the impoto accomplish more permanent results tent wrath of that class of self-elected than have been heretofore obtained reformers, whose mission in this world. from mere temporary agitations in seems to be the falsifying and distorting behalf of the cause. A union of effort of every principle they assume to adand a system of organization, until now vocate. wanting among Temperance leaders, have been nearly perfected; and, what is better still, these leaders have taken a firm stand against the violent fanaticism so often and so mischievously identified with their cause. The fallacious reasoning that would denounce as a crime the proper use of a thing, proper in itself, because there were some who abused its use, has been distinctly repudiated, and the claims of the Temperance movement to the support of all right-thinking men have been placed upon an intelligent basis. The peculiar tactics of the women- and ceases to drink intoxicating bevercrusaders have accomplished some ages at all-he has won a triumph over

But while it is well that this wholesale denunciation of the temperate use of liquor should be confuted as erroneous and heretical doctrine, there is reason to fear that the true grounds upon which the cause of Total Abstinence rests may be ignored or only half understood. For the wretched victim of intemperance there are the grace of God, prayer, and the sacraments, to release him from the influence of his base appetite; but if to these he adds the shunning of the occasions of sin-that is, if he entirely deserts the bar-room,

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