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Besides, he

and when the salon of Madame de Lastange again opened, Ernest presented himself the very first evening.

French novelist would tell us that he bear to meet with them. had met his destiny. At all events, wished to continue his studies, which he considered himself fortunate to have would suffer by interruption. But he fallen in with so charming a person, did not now devote himself to his books who joined to great beauty and accom- with half the zest with which he had beplishment a taste for his favorite sub-gun. His thoughts were far away in jects of thought and talk. that country region, wherever it was, Ernest and Louise met continually, where Louise resided, and he thought and each day they renewed their in- the summer never would end. To distimacy. They talked together, they tract his attention, he varied his reading, danced together, and before the end of added novels, poetry, and history to his three months the young man scarcely scientific books; and thus, with many missed an evening at the house of a yawn, and many a longing, and Madame de Lastange, where she re- many a weary hour, the time passed, sided when in town. People at last began to insinuate to the old lady that the friendship of the young people was rather warmer than should properly Louise de Redonte was there, more exist between a student in medicine lovely than ever, and she welcomed the and a rich heiress. A few days after young man, as he eagerly advanced to this Ernest missed Mademoiselle Louise greet her, with a smile which filled him de Redonte from the evenings of Ma- with rapture. Madame de Lastange dame de Lastange, who, without the looked on in some alarm. Louise was least change in her manner towards in mourning-she had lost her uncle. him, informed him that she was gone nearly six months, and she was rich in to the country to her uncle, where, in- the extreme. She was surrounded at deed, she spent the greater part of the once by a perfect host of suitors, but year. She was a kind-hearted woman, she gave encouragement to none. and by this separation simply wished Ernest still continued her favorite comto spare both the pain which she panion, to the great annoyance of the thought must ensue if their affections mass of young men about town, who became engaged. Ernest felt very would have been delighted to have dull the charm of the soirées was given her their name, and to have spent gone. He did not cease to go, how- her hundred thousand francs of annual ever, because it was probable that he income. Still no one looked upon the might again see her there, but his visits intimacy of Louise and Ernest as anybecame less frequent, and thus the thing likely to end seriously. The season ended.

crowds of suitors who filled the salons During the long summer months that of Madame de Lastange supposed that ensued Ernest continued the study of the young lady was a clever person, his profession. He wrote to his mother and showed a preference for the conthat he should not come that year to versation of the medical student—an the country, because his disgust at his individual she could not marry-simneighbors was so great he could not ply that she might look round un

observed and unsuspected and choose p for herself.

"My dear Louise," said her friend one day to her, "how much longer do you mean to keep the men in suspense? There are more than a dozen dying for love".

"Of my château and cash," replied Louise, laughing; "but I am quite sure I shall see them all as rosy as ever next season."

"Do you not, then, mean to select your future husband before you again bury yourself in your gloomy castle?" said Madame de Lastange in an alarmed


"My dear madame, I am rich, I am young, I have time and independence. I shall not choose a husband until I have found a lover whose affection is real, and whom I myself can like.”

Madame de Lastange mentioned several of her suitors with high praise, but Louise shook her head and found fault with all.

"I have no patience with you," cried the good lady. "You encourage that young student so much, that you have no time to judge of the merits of others. I have a great mind to close my door against him."

"My dear Madame de Lastange," replied Louise, gravely, "if you cease to receive my protégé, you will make my evenings very dull. I shall run to the country a month sooner."

"Where do you intend settling on the completion of your studies?" said Louise one evening.

"In Paris, or some other large town," replied Ernest.

"In town! I thought you preferred country life," continued she, as if somewhat disappointed.

"I did once, but I have changed my mind. I originally intended devoting myself to agriculture; but now I have a profession, I prefer living in cities." "But why?"

"In the first place, to live in the country, I should require a wife; but I despair of finding one suited to me," replied Ernest, unaffectedly.

"But what kind of a wife would you like?" asked Louise, looking at him curiously.

"May I tell you?" said he timidly, looking up at her like a child looking at his mother when asking a favor. Of course he was allowed to speak his mind; and, need we add? there was in almost no time a thorough mutual understanding.

Next evening it was generally known that Ernest Delavigne and Louise de Redonte were affianced, to the great consternation of all fortune-hunters, and the great joy of all those who sympathized with truthful feeling and sincere affection. But the salons of Madame de Lastange were no longer crowded; the host of interested suitors vanished.

"Do you know," said Louise one evening, as they were talking of the future," that I mean to make a regular patriarch of you? I have determined to introduce among all my farmers and

Madame de Lastange sighed, and turned away, but she studiously avoided. letting Ernest notice her annoyance; still, when the friends were together, she looked annoyed, and almost began to agree with those who supposed Louise to have some secret object in their neighbors the latest improvements, encouraging the medical student. and to give them the benefit of all the

agricultural discoveries of England and it even more heartily than usual, and France."

"It is useless making such attempts," replied Ernest, gravely, "you will but lose your temper and your time."

"Monsieur! Why you are as bad as the Fool of Laboudie."

went away. It was early, just before midnight; and as the other guests were about to depart, the bonne of Madame de Lastange gave a letter to Louise, who alone, in a little boudoir where she had retired, at once opened and read

"Hah?" said Ernest, turning very it :pale.

"Why," continued the merry girl, without noticing his uneasiness, "you must know that my castle is close to Laboudie."

"Oh!" replied Ernest.

"I write not in anger, but in deep sorrow. I love you too much to expose you to a life of misery. You have expressed too much contempt for persons of my character not to be very unhappy when you know me better. You will doubtless find, however, one worthy of you. I shall seek, after that severe but just lesson which I have

that your love is impossible. Remember
me kindly, if it be only because I have
sufficient sense left to save you in time
from everlasting unhappiness.
night, at eleven, I start for home."


Well, I

"Well, there came from a neighboring town, some two years back, a young man belonging to our place, who had studied agriculture, and who desir- just received, to win your esteem, now ed, it appears, to reform the neighborhood. Instead of introducing the change himself, however, he tried to persuade others to do so; told the ignorant farmers of what they might do, but did not attempt to demonstrate his theories. "What have I done?" cried Louise. People naturally enough laughed at his "Poor Ernest! how generous, how lectures his disquisitions especially; noble, now good! Poor fellow! how as I am told he had land himself, and those thoughtless, bitter words must never thought of trying the sensible have gone to his heart! I must stop experiment of showing his neighbors by him. But, no: he is gone. practice the advantages he believed, but must wait until to-morrow. did not know, to exist. Such well-meaning men are worse than useless; they stand more in the way of progress than the most obstinate devotee of antiquity; they are mere sentimental and not prac- Meanwhile Ernest, whose mind had tical reformers. But why so gloomy, been enlarged and elevated by more Ernest? Surely I have not offend- extended studies, went away on his ed you? I see you are a little un-road home, subdued, dejected, and yet well. Good-night. Go home to bed, not wholly cast down. He saw disand tell your old concierge to make tinctly the truth of all that Louise had you some tisane. It will soon be my said; he perceived where his owu office to take care of monsieur when errors lay, and determined to profit by he thinks proper to be ill." the lesson. He arrived at home after

What a

night he will pass travelling! How cruel he must think me!" And away she hurried to bed, as if by so doing the morrow would come sooner.

Ernest took her proffered hand, shook a long journey, calm, serious, and full

of strong conviction of his own former | had listened to the other's words with pride, which made his present humility deep interest. "Oh, it's nothing: a couple of nails and a screw are all that's wanted."

all the more pleasing.

His mother was

delighted to see him; and when he declared his intention of devoting

Half an hour later the defect was

himself in future to the farm, she was remedied, and the two eat breakfast

The old man said that, if

doubly pleased. He took up his former together. quarters, and then, after a day's rest, Ernest would now open his lectures, started for a long walk to recruit his they would be well attended of an evenbody, somewhat enervated by study ing; and, if confined to descriptions reand town life. He followed the high ferring to things the farmers began to road which led to the Château de understand, would continue so. The Plouvières, along which were several young man replied that he would make small farms, and one or two very exten- himself acquainted with what had been sive ones. He walked along, his eyes done, and would deliver his first lecture fixed on the ground, in deep medita- on the following Tuesday. Next day, tion, until he was suddenly aroused by Ernest visited the model-farm of the a loud voice. Château de Plouvières. He found a "Hollo there! Monsieur Ernest, I considerable tract of land under cultivawant to speak with you," said the very tion. The farmers and their families old farmer whom he had first made an felt and saw the great benefits which attempt upon nearly two years before. lay within their grasp, and, as their pa"What is it?" replied young Dela-trons gave them facilities for paying for vigne, raising his head a little haughti- all new implements by instalments, ly; "what can you have to say to the few refused to avail themselves of the opFool of Laboudie?" portunity. On fête days and holidays "Sir," cried the other, as they ap- the whole neighborhood came to the proached each other, "I beg your model-farm, to amuse themselves by pardon, and we all beg your par- looking around; and a change, he said, don. But do you not see we did not was already perceptible. One house, understand your fine talk? and we which had been burnt down close by, could not believe what we didn't had been rebuilt upon new principles see. But then Mademoiselle Louise, with regard to comfort and cleanliness, our guardian-angel, had just finished her and all were anxious to follow the model-farm, and there she had all the example. improvements of which you told us. Well, when we saw that they were better ways than we knew of, you see we agreed to try, and I've bought a new plough here it is—and it's a little out of order, and it's just to ask your advice about mending it that I called you." "With pleasure," said Ernest, who went away filled with admiration at the

Ernest was more than ever convinced of the wisdom of the practical course adopted by the Count de Plouvières and Louise de Redonte. He saw clearly that if we would induce men to believe in our precepts, we must practise them ourselves; and that one example is worth a hundred expositions. He

"Mademoiselle la Comtesse," said Madame Delavigne respectfully. "Ernest!" replied she, holding out her hand.

nobility of character, the sound sense But one person lingered behind, and and wisdom of the young reformer, and stood within the barn when all had left with his heart doubly imbued with love it save Ernest and his mother. They for the beautiful girl. He prepared had reached the door before they his lecture in his mind during the made the discovery. whole three days which intervened, and, when the hour came, entered the barn amid loud applause. The place was full. The whole neighborhood, male and female, was there. Everybody understood that the object of Ernest Delavigne had been good; and all blamed themselves for not comprehending him, though in reality the fault was with him, who had not understood the right way to proceed.

"Louise!" exclaimed he, for he saw in the smile which accompanied the offer of her hand that she was unchanged.

"And so monsieur runs away, and I must run after him!" said Louise, taking his arm. "What think you, madame," she continued: "your son a month ago asked me to marry him; I consented, and a week ago he ran away, declaring he would not have me. Am I not very good to come and fetch him?"

He began. In eloquent words, with deep and strong feeling, he drew a picture of Laboudie before and after the return of Louise from England; he compared in a humorous way the different line pursued by the young lady and the Fool of Laboudie; he acknowledged her means to be greater, but also allowed that he might have made his own land the model-farm by industriously devoting himself to the very course of improvement which he recommended; he called down the blessings of heaven on the lovely patroness of the locality, hardly able punished for retailing." to restrain tears as he spoke, and then opened with his subject. He used mother, simple and plain language; he spoke this?"?

"Louise! Louise!" cried Ernest passionately; "I did not think you could marry the Fool of Laboudie."

"My dear friend, my speech of the other evening only shows how wrong people are to judge from appearances. I had only heard a description of you under that name from an old servant, whose gossip I have been sufficiently

"But, my son," cried the amazed He used mother, "what is the meaning of all

of things which all began to understand, "My dear madame, that we are to and was listened to with deep interest be married, according to the previous and respectful attention. When he agreement, to-morrow three weeks, sat down the barn almost seemed about said Louise, taking her hand; “and to fall, so violently did they shake it that my husband is about to complete with their bravos and clapping of hands. the work which I have so imperfectly But it was late, and most had a long begun." way to go; so the assemblage dispersed after receiving gratefully the promise of a continuation that day week.

The whole affair was the most offhand thing imaginable. The marriage of these two clever people-each clever

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