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254. Haller, G. E. von. Dubia ex Caroli Linnaei Fundamentis
botanicis hausta tradere pergit simulque . . . J. G. Zimmer-
gratulatur. 24 pp. sq. O. Goettingae, 1751.
254. Haller, G. E. von. Nuper proposita dubia contra ill.
Carolum Linnaeum illustraturus . . . adgratulatur.
15 pp.
sq. O. Goettingae, 1752.†

254. Haller, G. E. von. Dubiorum contra sectionem septi-
mam Fundamentorum ill. Linnaei manipulus primus et se-
cundus. [Programmata gratulatoria.] 2 pts. (19+15 pp.)
sq. O. Goettingae, 1753.†

254. Kerner [von Marilaun], A[nton, Ritter]. Gute und schlechte Arten. (Oesterr. Bot. Zeitschr. XV. 6-8, 35–38, 137145, 192-195, 250-256, 348-352, 374-378; XVI. 51-57, 7176; 119-124. 1865–66.) — Reprinted: 60 pp. O. Innsbruck, 1866.

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Kirchner, E. O. O. Die botanischen Schriften des Theophrastus.. 274. Plinius Secundus Cajus (23–79). Historiae naturalis libri XXXVII. To the list of commentaries add: Brosig, Max. Die Botanik des ältern Plinius. 1883.

274. Ibn Beithar. (1197-1248.) Elenchus materia... 1833. - After line 11 add as a note:

For commentary see: SICKENBERGER, Ernest. Les plantes égyptiennes d'Ibn el-Beithar. 1890.

b. Works of authors after 1400

275. Ortus sanitatis... [148. ?] Line 1 of col. 2 read: [Folium 2a, sign. aij:] [o]Mnipotētis eterniq3 dei: toti? nature creatoris opa mirabilia .. [360] ff. ́il. F. n. p., [148. ?]† - Ortus sanitatis. . . [Folium 2a, sign. aij:] [o]Mnipotētis eterniq; dei: totius nature creatoris opera mirabilia. 360 ff. il. F. n. p., [149. ?]† - Line 3 of col. 2 read: Venetiis, [1511].

277. Figulus, Carolus. Dialogus, qui inscribitur botanomethodus sive herbarum methodus. 1540.-Line 2 read: [44] pp. Coloniae, 1540.


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278. Fuchs, Leonhard. Lines De historia stirpium . . . 1542. Line 12 read: 851+[11] pp. 278. Gesner, Conrad. Tabulae collectionum in genere, & particulatim per XII. menses, in usum pharmacopolarum conscriptae. (In KYBER, David. Lexicon rei herbarise trilingue pp. 467-548. 1553.) 279. Amatus Lusitanus. In Dioscoridis Anazarbei De materia medica . . . 1553. - Line 6 read: In Dioscoridis Anazarbei De medica materia libros quinque enarrationes eruditissimæ. Accesserunt huic operi præter correctiones lemmatum, etiam adnotationes R. Constantini, necnon simplicium picturæ ex Leonhardo Fuchsio, Jacobo Dalechampio, atque aliis. [74]+807+[2] pp. 8 pl. il. D. Lugduni, 1558. 282. [Dalechamps, Jacques.] Historia generalis plantarum 1586-87. Line 21 read: 2 vol. iÏ. F'.

257. Adanson, [Michel]. Famille des plantes. 1763.
2-5 read: Familles naturelles des plantes de Michel Adanson.
Deuxième édition préparée par l'auteur, publiée sur ses
manuscrits par MM. Alexandre Adanson et J. Payer; pré-
cédée d'une notice biographique par Alexandre Adanson et
suivie d'une histoire des familles naturelles des plantes telles
qu'elles sont aujourd'hui par J. Payer. Vol. I. pt. 1. Com-
prenant l'histoire de la botanique et le plan des familles
naturelles des plantes. Ed. 2. 5+[3]+300 pp. 1 pl. Q.
Paris, 1847.
258. Linné, Carl von. Systema vegetabilium . . . 1774.
Line 16 add:- Systema vegetabilium secundum classes,
ordines et genera a clar. Willdenowio partim, partimque a
summa plantarum desumpta adiecta appendice plantarum
officinalium cum characteribus et differentiis specificis &c.
Curante Josue Scannagatta. [2]+230+[24]+123 pp. 0.
Bononiae, 1805.

258. [Linné, Carl von.] The families of plants with their natural characters, according to the number, figure, situation, and proportion of all parts of fructification. Translated from the last edition (as published by Dr. Reichard) of the Genera plantarum and of the Mantissae plantarum of the elder Linneus; and from the Supplementum plantarum of the younger Linneus, with all the new families of plants from Thunberg and L'Heritier. To which is prefix'd an accented catalogue of the names of plants, with the adjectives apply'd to them, and other botanic terms By a botanical society at Lichfield. 2 vol. ([2]+80+ [4]+840 pp.) O. Lichfield,



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Reprinted: 46 pp. 2

270. Kerner [von Marilaun], Anton. Novae plantarum species

Tiroliae. 1870. Line 4 add:

pl. O. t-p-c. Innsbruck, 1870.


a. Classic and early botanic writers

271. Theophrastos Eresios. (371-286 B. C.) Theophrasti de historia . . . 1483. Line 6-8 read: Theophrasti de historia plantarum libri VIIII. et decimi principium, de causis, sive generatione plantarum libri VI. Theodoro Gaza interprete. [26]+264 pp. F. [colophon:] Basileae, 1534. - [Another issue.] [26]+264 pp. F. [colophon:] Basileae, 1550.

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1670.† Line 8

285. Parkinson, John. Paradisi in sole Paradisus terrestris
1629. Line 8 read: [8]+612+[16] pp. il. F. Lon-
don, 1656.
286. Histoire des plantes de l'Europe.
read: il. S. Lyon, 1689.
287. Franck von Frankenau, Georg. Lexicon vegetabilium
usualium. . . 1672. · Line 24 read: [12]+640 pp. Line
35 read: 712+136 pp.

287. Triumfetti, G. B. Observationes de ortu ac vegetatione
plantarum cum novarum stirpium historia iconibus illustra-
ta. [6]+106 pp. 17 pl. Q. Romae, 1685.
288. Camerarius, R. J. (praeses). De plantis vernis solenni
ventilationi exposita (Diss.) (Elias Camerarius.) 22
pp. sq. D. Tubingae, 1688.

291. Haller, G. E. von. Dubia quaedam ex cl. Linnaei Fun-
damentis hausta. 1750-53. -See his Epistola qua patri Al-
berto de Haller de natalibus gratulaturus . . . 1750, and the
three following entries under PRINCIPLES OF PLANT DESCRIP-
TION, p. 529.

291. [Deville, Nicolas.] Histoire des plantes de l'Europe, et
des plus usitées, qui viennent d'Asie, d'Afrique & d'Amérique
2 vol. (36+866+[80] pp.) il. S. Lyon, 1762.
292. Moldenhawer, J. J. P. Tentamen in Historiam plan-
1791. Line 2 read: 151+[1] pp. O. Ham-

burgi, 1791.

292. Kirchner, E. O. O. Die botanischen Schriften des Theo-
phrastus von Eresos. Vorarbeiten zu einer Untersuchung
über Anlage, Glaubwürdigkeit und Quellen derselben. [2]
pp.+pp. 451-539. O. [Leipzig, 1874.]—From: “ Jahrbü-
De Theo-
cher für classische Philologie, Suppl. VII.".
phrasti Eresii libris phytologicis. Particula prima. (Diss.)
[2]+51+[1] pp. O. Vratislaviae, [1874].
292. Brosig, Max. Die Botanik des älteren Plinius. (Nat.
hist. lib. XII.-XXVII.) 30 pp. sq. Q. [Graudenz, 1883.]
(Jahresbericht Kgl. evangel. Gymnasium zu Graudenz, XVII.
Programm XXXÍI.)



292. Arboretum floridum; oder, Ein Gemüths-erfrischende
Beschreibung der Bäumen; den Liebhabern der Göttlichen
Geschöpffen, und grossen Werken dess Herrn, zu Lust und
Nutzen, in Kupffer vorgestellt. [2]+107+[1] pp. 34 pl. S.
Augspurg, 1689.

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314. Little, William. The history of Warren; a mountain hamlet located among the White Hills. 592 pp. il. pl. O. Manchester, N. H., 1870.

Contains a list of trees (p. 529) and of plants (pp. 529-530). 315. [Flint, William F.] Catalogue [of the plants of Grafton county]. (In CHILD, Hamilton. Gazetteer of Grafton County, N. H., 1709-1886. 644 pp. il. por. pl. O. Syracuse, 1886. See pp. 20-31. 316. Kellerman, W. A. & Werner, W. C. plants. 1895. Line 2 read: [1895.] Ohio]. 2 pts. (290+700 pp.) il. pl. [Norwalk, 1893-95.] See pt. 2, pp. 56-406. survey of Ohio. Report, VII. 1893.).)

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g. Southeastern United States

Catalogue of Ohio (In [GEOLOGY of map. O. n. t-p. (Geological

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

del Chico, Real del Monte, Huasca y Barranca Honda. (In MEMORIA de los trabajos ejecutados por la Comisión científica de Pachuca dirigado por R. Almaraz... 358 pp.

12 pl. 2 maps. Q. Mexico, 1865. See pp. 193–260.) 332. Villagómez, I. O. Vegetacion espontánea. [1884.] - Line 5 add: - Reprinted: 23 pp. map. O. México, 1885. 333. Harshberger, J. W. A botanical excursion to Mexico. (Amer. Jour. Pharm. LXVIII. 588-592. 1896.)

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349. Graumüller, J. C. F. Diagnose der bekanntesten Pflanzengattungen. 1811. Line 2 read: 8+455 pp.



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349. Mouton-Fontenille, J. P. Tableaux de concordance des genres d'un Pinax [1814-15.] Line 1 read: MoutonFontenille de Laclotte, J. P. — Line 3 read: Paris & Lyon, [1814-15].

b. Scandinavia

352. Hartman, C. J. Handbok i Skandinaviens flora 1820. Line 2 (p. 353) add: - Ed. 8 rev. & enl. by Carl Hartman. [2]+108+518 pp. O. Stockholm, 1861. 355. Hartman, C. J. Svensk och Norsk excursions-flora . . 1846. - Line 4 add:- Ed. 3 rev. & enl. by Carl Hartman. 16+201 pp. S. Stockholm, 1860.

355. Berg, [Carl] von. Ueber die Vegetations-Verhältnisse in Skandinavien besonders in forstlicher Beziehung. (Tharand. Forstw. Jahrb. XI. 1–61, 1 pl. 1855.)


356. Hartman, Carl. Skandinaviska halföns. Read: Skandinaviska halföns fanerogamer och ormbunkar, ordnade efter C. J. Hartmans Flora, 8:de upplagan. [2]+48 pp. O. Stockholm, 1864.

c. Russia


359. Rzaczynski, Gabriel. Historia naturalis curiosa Poloniae Lines 3-4 read: [14]+456+[16] pp. sq. D. Sandomiriae, 1721. After line 6 add as a note:

Tract VII. Arboreta invisens. Sect. I. De silvis insignis vastitatis (pp. 185-188); Sect. II. De arboribus & fruticibus (pp. 189-210).

366. Wainio, E. A. Notes sur la flore de la Laponie finlan

daise. 90 pp. 0. Helsingfors, 1891.- From: Soc. Faun.

Flor. Fenn. Act. VIII. no. 4.


369. Bunge, A[lexander von]. Plantas Abichianas in itineribus per Caucasum regionesque transcaucasicas collectas enumeravit. 20 pp. (Acad. Sci. St. Pétersb. Mém. Sci. Math. Phys. ser. 6, VII. 581-598. 1859.) Reprinted: 20 pp. F. St. Petersburg, 1858.

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369. Trautvetter, E. R. von. Contributionem ad Floram Da1887.- Line 3 read: 1887.) Reprinted: gestaniae. 40 pp. O. Petropoli, 1886.

d. German Empire

370. Kleine Naturgeschichte der in Deutschland einheimischen Bäume . . . für Kinder. D. Dresden, 1811-12.† 372. Schwenckfelt, Caspar.

Stirpium & fossilium Silesiae catalogus, in quo praeter etymon, natales, tempus, natura & vires cum variis experimentis assignantur; cum indice remediorum. [38]+407 pp. sq. O. Lipsiae, 1600.

375. Mössler, J. C. Taschenbuch der Botanik zur Selbstbelehrung, welches die botanische Sprache, die Erläuterung des Linneischen Systems der 23 ersten Klassen und die dahin gehörigen wilden Gewächse Deutschlands enthält. 8+287 pp. 6 pl. D. Hamburg, 1805.

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383. Reinsch, H. Taschenbuch der Flora von Deutschland. [1854.] Line 2 add: Taschenbuch der Flora von Deutschland nach Linneischem Systeme und Koch'scher Pflanzenbestimmung zum Gebrauche für botanische Exkursionen bearbeitet. 4+299+ [1] pp. sq. S. Stuttgart, 1855. 383. Postel, Emil. Der Führer in die Pflanzenwelt. Hülfsbuch zur Auffindung und Bestimmung der wichtigsten in Deutschland wildwachsenden Pflanzen. O. Langensalza, 1856.† Ed. 4. 791 pp. il. 1 pl. O. Langensalza, 1866. — Ed. 5. 850 pp. 14 pl. O. Langensalza, 1871.†-Ed. 7. 866 pp. 744 il. O. Langensalza, 1876. 383. Weber, J. C. Die Alpenpflanzen Deutschlands und der Schweiz in colorirten Abbildungen nach der Natur . . . T. München, [pref. 1856]. — Ed. 2. 3 vol. 300 pl. T. München, [prep. 1867]. —Supplement. (Vol. IV.) 27+6 pp. pl. 301-401. T. München, 1868. — Die Alpenpflanzen . in 400 nach der Natur colorirten Abbildungen tisch geordnet mit Text von Dr. C. A. Krauz. Ed. 4. 4 vol. 400 pl. T. München, 1880.


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386. Lackowitz, Wilhelm. Flora von Berlin. 1868. 2 add: Ed. 2. 22+239 pp. T. Berlin, 1873. add: Ed. 3. 24+253 pp. T. Berlin, 1877. — 386. Seubert, Moritz. Excursionsflora für das südwestliche Deutschland. 1868. - Line 2 add: Excursionsflora für Süddeutschland. Ed. 2. 57+[1]+320 pp. S. Stuttgart,


[ocr errors]

Die Ed.

386. Frank, A. B. Pflanzen-Tabellen zur leichten . . . Be1869. stimmung der höheren Gewächse Line 8 add: - Ed. 6. 36+238 pp. il. D. Leipzig, 1892. 386. Neger, Johannes. Excursionsflora Deutschlands.. 1871. - Lines 1-2 read: Excursionsflora Deutschlands; analytische Tabellen zum möglichst leichten und sicheren Bestimmen aller in Deutschland, Deutsch-Oesterreich und der Schweiz wildwachsenden und häufiger cultivirten . . . Gefässpflanzen. 44+441 pp. S. Nürnberg, 1871. 386. Wünsche, Otto. Schulflora von Deutschland. Phanerogamen. 47+326+[1] pp. D. Leipzig, 1871. 2. 60+412 pp. D. Leipzig, 1877. Ed. 3. O. Leipzig, 1881. Ed. 4. 63+428 pp. O. Leipzig, 1884.† - Schulflora .. ein botanisches Uebungsbuch. Ed. 5 rev. 430 pp. D. Leipzig, 1888. Schulflora II. Teil. höheren Pflanzen. Ed. 6. 1892.† Die Pflanzen Deutschlands; eine Anleitung zu ihrer Bestimmung. Die höheren Pflanzen. Ed. 7. 24+ 559 pp. D. Leipzig, 1897. 387. Gies, Wilhelm. Flora für Schulen; zum Gebrauche beim botanischen Unterrichte in Deutschland und der Schweiz und zum Selbstbestimmen der Pflanzen. Ed. 3. 8+119 pp. O. Leipzig, 1873.†- Ed. 5 edited by Karl Weidenmüller. 7+[1]+165 pp. S. Berlin, 1896.

66+ Die

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388. Schlickum, O. Exkursionsflora für Deutschland; kurze Charakteristik der daselbst wildwachsenden und häufiger kultivierten Gefässpflanzen . . . 20+374 pp. 148 il. S. Leipzig, 1881.

388. Bohnstedt, Reinhold. Flora luccaviensis. 86 pp. S. Luckau, 1882. (Gymnasium zu Luckau. Beilage zum Programm.) Flora luccaviensis; Anleitung zur Bestimmung der in der nördlichen Niederlausiz wildwachsenden, verwilderten und häufig kultivierten Pflanzen. 16+138 pp.


Luckau, N.-L., 1889.

388. Eisenach, (Sanitätsrath). Flora des Kreises Rotenburg a/F., enthaltend eine systematische Uebersicht der bis jetzt in demselben beobachteten wildwachsenden und häufig cultivierten .. Pflanzen. 4+169+[1] pp. 0. t-p-c. [Rotenburg, 1885.] 388. Potonié, H[enry]. Mittel-Deutschland 343 il. - Line 4 add: il. O.

Berlin, 1887.

Illustrierte Flora von Nord- und 1885. Line 2 add: 4+420 pp. Ed. 3 enl. & rev. 8+511 pp. 425

388. Mejer, Ludwig. Schulbotanik für Hannover; Flora der in den Regierungsbezirken Hannover, Hildesheim, Lüneburg sowie in den angrenzenden Landesteilen . . . im Freien wachsenden Pflanzen . . . 55+[1]+187 pp. 26 il. D. Hannover, 1886.

389. Fiek, Emil. Excursions-Flora für Schlesien, enthaltend die Phanerogamen und Gefäss-Cryptogamen. 259 pp. D. Breslau, 1889.

389. Müller, [W.] & Pilling, [F. O.]. Deutsche Schulflora. 8 pp. 240 pl. O. Gera, [1894]. - Textbeilage; bearbeitet von Prof. Dr. F. O. Pilling. 7+[1]+264 pp. 0. Gera,

1894. 389. Fünfstück, M[oritz]. Botanischer Taschenatlas für Touristen und Pflanzenfreunde. 156 pp. 23 il. 128 pl. S. Stuttgart, 1894.† - Ed. 2 enl. & rev. 30+[1]+158 pp. 23 il. 128 (64) pl. S. Stuttgart, 1894. Ed. 3. 30+[1]+158 pp. 23 il. 128 (64) pl. S. Stuttgart, 1900.

Same illustrations and plates as in SIELAIN, R. Atlas de poche des plantes... 1894.

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399. Watson, H. C. The London catalogue of British plants
1844. Line 8 add: - Ed. 8.
O. London,
Ed. 8 by F. J. Hanbury.
39 pp.
0. London,
39 pp.
O. London,


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[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

Ed. 8 with corrections.

Ed. 9. 50 pp. O. London, 1895.


Ed. 8 of 1883 is a reprint of ed. 7, afterwards withdrawn. 400. Steele, W. E. Handbook of field botany Line 3 add: - Ed. 2. 29+249 pp. 1 pl. D. Dublin, 1851. 400. Balfour, J. H. Botany of the Bass. (In M'CRIE, Thomas & others. The Bass Rock; its civil and ecclesiastical history 8+[139]+436 pp. il. 7 pl. O. Edinburgh, 1848.)†

395. White, Gilbert. The natural history and antiquities of
Selborne . . . 1789. - Line 3 add:
The natural history
of Selborne. With additions by Sir William Jardine. New ed.
15+323 pp. pl. S. London, 1836.-The natural history
and antiquities of Selborne. New ed. with notes by E. T.
Bennett. 23+[1]+640 pp. il. O. London, 1837.-[An-
other ed.] 532 pp. London, 1875.† - [Another ed.] 2 vol.
il. 27 pl. London, 1876.† - [Another ed. by Thomas Bell.]
2 vol. pl. O. London, 1877.-The natural history of Sel-
borne arranged for young persons. New ed. 8+345 pp. il.
1 pl. map. D. London & New York, 1893. - [Another
ed.] 528 pp. London & New York, 1900.†

396. The botanist's calendar and pocket flora arranged ac-
cording to the Linnæan system, to which are added references
to the best figures of British plants. 2 vol. (6+[1]+396+
[91] pp.) S. London, 1797.
396. Shaw, S.
I.-II. pt. 1.
Catalogue of plants by S. DICKINSON (I. 97-115).

[ocr errors]

History and antiquities of Staffordshire. Vol.
F. London, 1798–1801.

396. Evans, John. A tour through part of North Wales in
1798, and at other times, principally undertaken with a
view to botanical researches . . . 416 pp. O. London,
1800.†― Ed. 2. O. London, 1802.†

396. Sampson, G. V. Memoir explanatory of chart and survey of county of Londonderry. London, 1814.†

Catalogue of plants (pp. 152–171).

397. Botanical sketches

1825. Line 1 read: Botanical sketches of the twenty-four classes in the Linnean system, with fifty specimens of English plants taken from nature; also an account of their place of growth, time of flowering and medicinal properties. With a glossary. 12+94 pp. 45 pl. D. London, 1825.


Intended as a sequel to "Botanical illustrations" 397. Turton, W[illiam] & Kingston, J. F. The natural history of the district; or, Lists of the . animals, vegetables, and minerals. (In CARRINGTON, N. T. & others. The Teignmouth, Dawlish, and Torquay guide. [3]+230 [240]+ [228] pp. 9 pl. map. O. Teignmouth, [1828?] See pt. II.)† 397. Lindley, John. A synopsis of the British flora. 1829. Line 4 add: - Ed. 3 enl. & rev. 8+382 pp. D. London, 1841. Ed. 3 enl. & rev. 8+382 pp. D. London, 1859.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]



397. Withering, William, jr.]. A systematic arrangement of
British plants. . . 1830. Line 4 add:- Ed. 2 [by W.
Macgillivray]. 401 pp. 10 pl. D. London, 1833.
5 add: - Ed. 4. 407 pp. 10 pl. D. London, 1837.
8 add: - Ed. 6. 437 PP.
D. London, 1845.
Ed. 7. 437 pp. 10 pl. D. London, 1848. - Line 14 add:
Ed. 9. pl. London, 1855.† — Ed. 10 rev. 476 pp. 16
pl. D. London, 1858.

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400. Johns, C. A. Flowers of the field. [1853.] Line 2 add:
- Ed. 3. 653 pp. London, [1855?].†-Ed. 18. 59+664 pp.
il. S. London, 1881. Line 3 add: - Ed. 26. 59+670
pp. il. D. London, 1889.†-Ed. 27. 59+670+96 pp. il.
D. London, 1893.

400. Croydon, E. Handbook for Torquay and its neighbour-
hood, with the natural history of the district.
7+293 pp.
S. London, 1854.)

Botany (pp. 270-280).

400. Pratt, Anne. The flowering plants. . . of Great Brit-
ain. [1855.] · Line 3 add: Flowering plants, grasses,
sedges and ferns of Great Britain. New ed. 4 vol. 319 pl.
London, 1899.†

400. Sadler, John. Narrative of a ramble among the wild
flowers on the Moffat Hills in August 1857 with a list of the
plants to be found in the district. 64 pp. D. Moffat, 1857.
400. Davies, William. Llandeilo-Vawr and its neighbour-
hood with botanical sketches.
175 pp. Llandeilo,


Catalogue of plants (pp. 153–164).

401. Stewart, W. North Devon handbook. [186.?]†
Botany by T. A. RAVENSHAW.

401. Stewart, R. The Torquay flora. 1860. Line 1 read:
Stewart, Robert. Handbook of the Torquay flora, compris-
ing the flowering plants growing in and around Torquay...
4+[1]+187 pp. S. Torquay, 1860.
401. Miller, Thomas.

Common wayside flowers.
Line 2 add:-[Another ed.] 185 pp. il. 2 pl. Q. London,
191 pp.
1863. [Another ed.]
2 pl. O. London,
1873. [Another ed.] 191 pp. il. 2 pl. O. London,


[ocr errors]

401. Lankester, Mrs. [Phebe]. Wild flowers worth notice . . 1861. Line 4 add:- [Another ed.] 138 pp. pl. London, 1881. [Another ed.] pl. London, 1896.†

401. C[oleman], W. H. Catalogue of the flowering plants and ferns of Leicestershire by W. H. C. pp. 62-77. O. [London, 1863.]† — From: “ White's Directory, 1863."

401. Jones, D. The tourist's and visitor's handbook and guide to Harlech, Barmouth . . . 158 pp. Barmouth, 1863.†

List of plants by T. SALWEY.

402. Hennedy, Roger. The Clydesdale flora . . 1865. Line 5 add: - Ed. 3. Glasgow, 1874.†-Line 8 add:- Ed. 4. 250 pp. 8 pl. Glasgow, 1878.f-Ed. 5. 32+277 pp. 8 (4) pl. S. Glasgow, 1891.

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[ocr errors]

402. Moore, David & More, A. G. Contributions towards a Cybele hibernica 1866. Line 3 add: - Ed. 2 founded on the papers of A. G. More, by N. Colgan and R. W. Scully. 96+538 pp. map. O. Dublin & London, 1898. For supplement see MORE, A. G. Recent additions to the flora of Ireland 1872.

402. Baker, J. G. & Tate, G. R. A new flora of Northumberland 1868. Line 5 add: Reprinted: 316 pp. 2 maps. O. [London, 1868.]

[ocr errors]

402. Clark, J. H. Flora of Monmouthshire. 44 pp. Usk, [1868?]. - From his "Sketches of Monmouthshire." 402. Hibberd, J. S. Field flowers. . . [1870.] — Line 3 add : New ed. 156 pp. 8 pl. London, 1895.† 402. Marston, Alfred. A guide to the ferns and many of the rarer plants growing round Ludlow... 45 pp. D. Ludlow, [1870].† — Ed. 2. 45+[5] pp. D. Ludlow, [1882]. † 402. Hayward, W. R. The botanist's pocket book 1872. Line 3 add: Ed. 2. 37+198 pp. S. London, 1877. Ed. 3. 37+198 pp. S. London, 1881. - Ed. 4. 37+209 pp. S. London, 1883. — Ed. 5. London, 1886.† Ed. 6. London, 1889.† — Ed. 7. 35+226+[1] pp. S. London, 1892.

402. Windsor, J. Flora cravoniensis . . . 1873. - Line 1 read: Windsor, John. Flora cravoniensis; or, A flora of the vicinity of Settle in Craven, Yorkshire; being a reprint, with additions and emendations, of papers published in "The phytologist" between the years 1855 and 1858 inclusive. 10+ 177 pp. D. Manchester, 1873.

402. Britten, James. A list of Suffolk plants. 7 pp. O. Sheffield, 1874.† From: " White's History . . . and directory

of Suffolk, 1874."

402. Mansel-Pleydell, J. C.

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Flora of Dorsetshire

1874. Line 4 add: Ed. 2. 38+ 345+25 pp. 2 maps. O. Dorchester, 1895.

402. Cusack, M. F. History of the city and county of Cork. Dublin & Cork, 1875.†

Flora by Mr. COTTER (pp. 467–479).

402. Knox, Alexander.

Dublin, 1875.†

Botany (pp. 691-710).

History of the county of Down.

403. Dale, C. W. The history of Glanville's Wootton in the county of Dorset, including its zoology and botany. 8+392 pp. 2 pl. D. London, 1878.

403. Davis, J. W. & Lees, F. A. West Yorkshire

Botany (pp. 337-387).

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-Line 5 add:-Ed. 2. 40+414+[1] pp. 21 pl. O. don, 1880.


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Catalogue of the rarer plants. WHITAKER. History of Craven. Ed. 3. Leeds, 1878.)† 403. Marshall, William. Botany of the Fenland. (In MILLER, S. H. & SKERTCHLY, S. B. J. The Fenland, past and il. 21 pl. map. O. present. 32+649 pp. Wisbech & London, 1878. See pp. 294-320.)† 403. Hulme, F. E. Familiar wild flowers Line 2 add: [Another ed.] Series I.-VI. 6 vol. D. London, [188.?-1900?]→→→

[blocks in formation]

403. M'Andrew, James. List of the flowering plants of Dumfriesshire and Kirkcudbrightshire. 52 pp. 0. Dumfries, 1882.†

403. Mathews, William. Flora of the Clent and Lickey Hills and neighbouring parts of the county of Worcester. 54 pp. D. Stourbridge, 1882.

403. Townsend, Frederick. Flora of Hampshire, including the Isle of Wight; or, A list of the flowering plants found in the county of Southampton, with localities of the less common species. 24+524 pp. 2 pl. map. D. London, 1883.

403. Tudor, J. R. The Orkneys and Shetland; their past and present state. With chapters on geology by B. N. Peach and J. Horne, and notes on the flora of the Orkneys by W. J. Fortescue, and notes on the flora of Shetland by P. White. 720 pp. O. London, 1883.† 403. Wood, H. A season among the wild flowers. 256 pp. London, 1883.†

403. Himing, F. W. & Brewer, G. S. Wild flowers of Barmouth. O. Barmouth, [1884].†

403. Grieve, Symington. Botany [of Scotland]. (In GROOME, F. H. Ordnance gazetteer of Scotland. 3 vol. O. Edinburgh, 1884-85. See III. apx. no. 8.)†

403. Pigott, B. A. F. Flowers and ferns of Cromer and its neighbourhood. 99+ [4] pp. sq. D. London, [1885]. Popular treatment.

403. Storrie, John. Flora of Cardiff; a descriptive list of the indigenous plants found in the district of the Cardiff naturalists' society, with a list of . . . species found on Cardiff ballast hills. 5+129 pp. O. Cardiff, 1886.

403. Galpin, F. W. An account of the flowering plants, ferns and allies of Harleston [in Norfolk] . . . 157 pp. 1 pl. 0. London, 1888.

404. Morris, J. W. Handbook to Bath prepared on the occasion of the visit of the British association, 1888 . . . 5+262 pp. 2 maps. O. Bath, 1888.† Botany by W. C. WHEATCROFT.

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Hampstead Hill; its structure, materials 100 pp. il. O. London, 1889.† The flora... by H. T. WHARTON.

404. Turnbull, Robert. Index of British plants according to the London catalogue (8th edition) including the synonyms used by the principal authors, an alphabetical list of English names, also references to the illustrations of Syme's English botany and Bentham's British flora. [2]+98 pp. O. London, 1889.

404. James, Ivor. Handbook for Cardiff and district, prepared for the use of the British association. [5]+244 pp.

2 pl. O. Cardiff, 1891.†

Botany of the district by T. H. THOMAS (pp. 200-207). 404. Gordon, W. J. Our country's flowers and how to know them; being a complete guide to the flowers and ferns of Britain.. With an introduction by G. Henslow 5+154 pp. il. 33 pl. D. London, [1891]. — [Another issue.] 22d thousand. 5+[1]+154 pp. il. 33 pl. D. London, n. d. 404. Elliot, G. F. Scott-. Flora of Dumfriesshire and Dumfries district... 2 pts. O. London, 1891–92.†

404. Lees, F. A. Botany and outline flora of Lincolnshire. 29 pp. 0. Sheffield, 1892.† - From: "White's History, gazetteer and directory of the county." 404. Witchell, C. A. & Strugnell, W. B. Fauna and flora of Gloucestershire. 24+302 pp. 8 pl. O. Stroud, 1892. The flora of Gloucestershire (pp. 262-301, 4 pl.). 404. Clarke, W. A. First records of British flowering plants. (Jour. Bot. XXX. 19-XXXIV. 507. 1892-96.) - First records reprinted with additions and corrections with a note on nomenclature. 103 pp. O. London, 1897.† - Ed. 2. 16+ 194 pp. D. London, 1900.

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404. Dunn, S. T. Flora of southwest Surrey, including Leatherhead, Dorking, Guildford, Godalming, Farnham and Haslemere. 15+106 pp. D. London, 1893. 404. Fielding, C. H. Memories of Malling and its valley, with a fauna and flora of Kent. 291 pp. O. West Malling, 1893.†

404. Fisher, Harry. A summary of the flora of Notts. (In CARR, J. W. A contribution to the geology and natural history of Nottinghamshire. [6]+90+[6] pp. O. Nottingham, 1893.)†

Issued for the 1893 meeting of the British association. 404. Roberts, Arkew & Woodall, Edward. guide to Wales. 1893.†

Botany (pp. 43-53).

The gossiping

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