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Jesus Christ

often heard you say. lives up in heaven, that happy place where God lives, and where

the angels live, and where good people go when they die.

Mamma. Yes: Jesus Christ lives up in heaven now: but he once lived down upon earth. Many hundred years ago God sent an angel to a poor woman named Mary, to tell her that He would give her a son, and that his name should be Jesus, for he would save people from their sins. Mary was glad when she heard this, and Joseph, her husband, was glad also. They thought how kind it was of

God to send His only Son into this sinful world, to become first a little baby, and then, as you will hear by and by, to die upon the

cross to save sinners.

tell me

D. Will you tell

about it, Mamma ?


Mamma. When Jesus Christ was born, Mary and Joseph were on a journey a long way from their own home; and as there was no room for them in the inn, they had to go and sleep in a stable among the cows and horses.

There was no soft cradle for Mary to put her dear little baby in when she had hushed him to sleep; so where do you think she laid him?

D. I do not know, Mamma; will you tell me?

Mamma. She wrapped him in flannel, and laid him amongst some hay which was put for the cows in a manger in the stable. The hay made a warm little bed, and there the dear baby slept very sweetly.

About this time, some shepherds were taking care of their flocks by night, guarding them from wolves and beasts of prey: God sent an angel to these shepherds to tell them that Jesus Christ was born. There was a great light shining round about the angel, so that the shepherds were afraid.

D. What did the angel say to the shepherds, Mamma?

Mamma. He said, "Fear not; for behold I bring you glad

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